Where are we going????

You make me want to fall in love~~with you again


Oh! They’re over there, I walked towards our table, I could see kikwang  was annoying yoseob, seobie just ignored him and stared at his phone, *I think his waiting for a call or text???* gosh kwangies~ so childish!!!

Doojoon just sat and quietly eating his lunch, WOOAH!! Man that’s unusual, and Dongwoon and Hyunseung well one is playing with his phone and the other just plainly sleeping Dreaming.


“Hey guys!” I greeted as I walked towards them


“Yo! Junnie~” they yelled


“Eh! Stop with the name!!!”  I shouted


“Aaaawww~ but its cutieee~ la “ Yoseob teased


“K,OK!!  Just call me what you want, I don’t care” I ignored, I took my seat next to dongwoon (him playing on his phone) I started thinking about that girl just then…….boy she’s just so……. BEAUTIFUL!!!


“YAH!! Hyung what are you thinking about, OMMO!!! YAH Hyunseung hyung, Junhyung hyung is smiling!!!! LOOK!!!” Dongwoon yelled, waving his long slinky hand in front of my face.


“AISHH~ DONGWOON SHUT UP! CAN’T YOU SEE I’M HAVING MY BEAUTY SLEEP!!! IF YOU WEREN’T DA MAKNAE I’LL BE KILLING YOU RIGHT KNOW!!!!” shouted Hyunseung, and yes he could get a little aggressive if he get waken up from his beauty sleep ~shheeeeeshh!!!~ such a girly girl!!


I got interrupted by hyunseung’s voice, I cleared my throat and just formed small smile at dongwoon, he was truly really scared, he was hiding behind my back after the shouting incident.


*sigh* poor maknae.


Doojoon finished his lunch *FINALLY* then he began to talk, everyone stopped what they were doing and gathered around the table.


“Hey guys! Did you see the new transfer chicks, they’re sooooo~ nerdy man” he LOLed, the others joined in with the laughter except me and Yoseob, he just stared at his phone not paying any attention to the others.


Then kwangie added “Yea!!! We’ve got this newie in our class too, she look so “NORMAL”  but I’ve got to admit she is cute, but so nerdy, hhahahahaha!!! I don’t know how could she see through her thick frames!!!” kwangie teased and began LOL-ing again, holding his stomach.


The convo, continued for about 5 minutes, then seobies phone rang.

He saw the name and a smile formed on his face, he immediately picked it up and walked a few metres away from our table. *Somethings wrong with seobie, I wonder who ciukd be calling him???*



Yoseob POv


I was waiting for umma to call, she said there is a special guest coming tonight, and she said it’s especially for me. I wonder who could they be????

Kiwang was annoying me with his food and his annoying voice, GOD!!! Would he please just SHUT UP ALREADY ABOUT HIS FREAK’N ABS!!!! so I successfully ignored him and waited patiently for umma to call.


Junhyung came but I also ignored him too, I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone today I was too curious in who is our guest today.

Doojoon hyung finished his lunch and started commenting about the newies from our class and in kikwangs class. YEA!! Which reminds me that nerd I mean girl in our class looks familiar, I remember I’ve seen her somewhere or she reminds me of someone, some friend I knew when I was young??? I just couldn't think of it…..


~noege kkok hago sipeun hanmadi~

~onjena We always singing just for you~


I saw ‘umma’ in the screen and immediately picked it up and walked a few metres away from the guys.


“Umma!! So what’s happening” I asked


“Oh! My darling, you must be curious and nervous right honey, heehee^^!!! It’s ok la don’t be nervous just come home as soon as you finish school, Ok?  They will be around 7-8pm, so remember come home quickly ok?” umma said


“Ne, umma I’ll come home right now, bye bye” I replied and hanged up


I ran to the guys and told them I need to leave early becoz of some things happening at home tonight, they gave me a “fun-er” face and just nodded (we were going to Hyunseungs  club with Hero, Aaron, Wuchun and Xiah tonight but since I have guest coming I couldn’t go ><) I waved goodbye and went straight home.







(Yoseob Home)



I got home and greet umma with a sweet kiss (I’m very close with my umma) I ran up stairs to my room and got ready for tonight. I went to the bathroom and took a long warm shower and refreshing myself from the tiring day at school. I got out and saw my tuxedo lying on my bed, a “is that necessary” face was formed on my face, but I shook it off and just ‘went with the flow’ I put my tuxedo on and went to the mirror to fix my hair.


^HAHAHA!!! Don’t I look y~ handsome~ and cute~^ I whispered in front of the mirror


“There! Nice and cool” I said when I finished with my hair I looked at my watch and it was nearly 7pm, I decided to stay in my room until umma call for me.



Yeena Pov


After the glasses incident with the playboy, I power walked home lowering my head down the whole way home.


I got home and saw my parents and my brother dressed very nicely and formally, * I wonder where they're going??* I walked pass omma and greeted her with a sweet kiss and hug.


“Darling, your back!! How was your first day of school??” she asked


“It was ok omma” I smiled


 “Where are you guys going??” I asked while walking to the kitchen grabbing a drink


“Well we’re going to an “old” friends place for a visit” she said emphasizing the “old” word


“And you darling are coming with us too, even Yunho (my Brother) is comings! Soooo~ hurry now!!! And go and take a bath and get change” she shooed me out of the kitchen and pushed me into the bathroom.


I didn’t even get to say no, I pouted and took a warm shower, after I came out and put on my light peach silky dress, which was down a few inch above my knee, it was poofy at the bottom of the dress.

I took my heels that matches with my dress out and placed them on my feet, I fixed my hair in front of the mirror and placed just soft make-up on. I stared at myself in the mirror, I see my thick nerdy glasses *should I take it off or leave it??* that question circles around my brain for almost 15 minutes….. but finally I decided to leave them on.



I walked down the stairs with my phone in my left hand, my brother was at the bottom waiting for me, and when he heard my heels ~ clocking ~ as I walking down, he lift his head up to face me.


“Yeena, why not take your glasses off???” Yunho oppa complained after seeing me in my “nerdy” glasses.


“I swear you look way better without the glasses!! Btw I warn you not to wear your glasses tonight since this night is especially planned for you” he sang, more like teasing as he walked towards the lounge room.


WHAT!!??? I thought, especially for me???? WHY?? WHAT???


“YAH!!! OPPA!! What are you talking about??” I asked running after him, searching for him around the house.


~20 minutes later~


“OK!! Everyone’s ready??” Appa called


“Yep!” we answered


“Then let’s go la~” Appa said


As I approached the door behind appa, he turned around facing me, he saw me and his eye widen.


“My sweety~ you look gorgeous!!! I know he’ll like you!!” Appa complimented and left, I smiled and started walking out as well, but then realise what appa said at the end of his sentence “he’ll like you??” was playing in my head. *What does that mean???* *they must be hiding something away from me*




wonder who will Yeena meet??

 and YESH~~~ Yunho from DBSK is her oppa!!!

hahahaha~~~ well i just feel like putting him in as an oppa,

dw for ppl u loves Yunho, he would be with anyone but his character is unpredictable~~~~

LOL its a bit obvious rite!!!!


stay tune~~~~

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cute haha nice~
Chapter 36: So...what happened to Yoseob and IU?
Did they have some Wing high reuion?
I wish I knew....
hielooo #3
cute ending! :D
yay~~!!<br />
finally they're together!!<br />
i feel bad for yoseb though...
Not bad, but I think you shouldn't mix Taiwanese and Kpop artistes together. It's abit weird. Just my opinion though:)
sweetdumpling #7
love the seating arrangement in eco!
I thought vicky like art!!<br />
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Hahahahahah!! Vicky can't stand legal because of da foto la~ <br />
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Hahahaaha <br />
Thanks for da comment
sweetdumpling #9
VIVY!! love your story!!! guess who am i? ;) btw why is vicky doing art? shouldn't i be doing legal
yeah fahrenheit, use to be my fav, but only 2 member is in it since mainly this story is abt beast :D<br />
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thankyou for liking my story!!