chance encounters

Chance Encounters are What Keep Us Going


Each move was executed perfectly, and each beat was hit sharp. Her dark locks cascaded down her shoulder, but once in a while flipped to cover her face due to the force of the movement. Aggression yet elegance; powerful yet ladylike. She opened to sing, voice like heaven's bells spilling out. 
Taeyeon stood in the audience, watching in awe as the girl on the stage in front of her belted out her high notes, hitting each one flawlessly, and ending with a dazzling, satisfied smile. The fans around her cheered - defeating screams - but of course she heard none of those, not when she was going back and forth between reality and the realm of flashbacks that resided in her head. 
The girl moved closer to her side of the audience, causing the fans to go into an uproar. She looked up as the girl came even closer, breath slightly hitching as she stopped right in front of her. The girl on stage looked down, unintentionally meeting her gaze for a moment. 
It was as if time stopped, when their eyes finally met. For Taeyeon, she could feel something spark inside her. She subconsciously held her breath, eyes slightly widening and lips falling apart form a little 'o'. She was getting dizzy, very dizzy. And she could see that the girl on stage was trying to control her own reactions, masking them by looking elsewhere, and yet the widening of eyes was too obvious to go unnoticed by the petite girl in the audience. 
As the girl on stage moved back to the centre for the ending pose, Taeyeon finally let out the breath she had been holding, and sighed, partially relieved. 
The sound of the piano had her snapping out of her reverie, focusing solely on the girl on stage who was now back at her side of the audience. When did she get there? Taeyeon had absolutely no idea. 
Taeyeon was again given a heart attack when the girl on stage looked at her, intentionally this time, and started to sing. Taeyeon gasped as soon as the lyrics left the singer's mouth. 
There are too many things I couldn't say
You never heard them but, 
I am not a person who just
loves anyone that is in front of me
Because, amidst all the people in this world,
I could only see you 
I am standing here looking only at you
I don't know what will happen after this love
Just like a little child always does
I want to hold you warmly at this moment
Even if I become a stranger to you
My heart will remember those memories
Even if, by any chance, there is a painful goodbye
Don't think about it today
Because, amidst all the people in this world,
I could only see you 
I am standing here looking only at you
I don't know what will happen after this love
Just like a little child always does
I want to hold you closer, more warmly at this moment
I am not alone now
Only you who came to me today from your place
Only you are my everything 
I don't know what will happen after this love
Just like a little child always does
I want to hold you closer, more warmly at this moment
More warmly
I want to hold you
The girl on stage held her gaze till the last note ended, before finally giving the screaming audience a small smile and looking down. Taeyeon could've sworn she saw a tear roll down the girl's pale cheeks, before she hastily wiped it away with her fingers. Half the audience were bawling their eyes out, and yet Taeyeon was frozen, not knowing how to react. Placing a hand against her chest, she tried to calm her racing heart, not being very successful in doing so. 
The MC announced that the performance had ended, and the girl had gone backstage for a short break, before the fansigning session would commence. The girl reappeared in a pale pink dress that ended near her knees, her dark hair pinned atop her head in an elegant bun. Stunning, Taeyeon thought. 
The fansign started and the fans immediately started queuing. It was all chaos at first but everyone eventually settled down to wait patiently for their turn. Taeyeon could still her heart pounding steadily as she closed her eyes and thought of what had just happened in the past hour. It was exhausting, really.
She was woken from her daydream by a blithe giggle from her left and she turned to find that it was her turn in the queue. Realizing she didn't bring any albums or posters with her since she didn't plan to attend the fanmeet, she gave the girl a sheepish smile, not knowing what to do. 
The dark haired girl silently stood up and wordlessly wrapped her arms around the shorter girl, embracing her in a tight hug. 
"Chance encounters are what keep us going." Taeyeon heard the girl whisper in her ear before she let go, ignoring the murmurs from the fans behind. 
The girl tore a piece of paper from her own notebook and quickly scribbled something, ending off with an elaborate autograph, and passed it to Taeyeon, staring as their hands touched for longer than they should have. 
I've missed you… 
I'm sorry for everything and… I hope you've found your happiness. 
Thank you so much for everything, I can't ever thank you enough. 
All the best in everything that you do.
I'll always love you…
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khuntoria1013 #1
Chapter 1: wait what? is this post snsd or AU? haha loving this btw, i wish you would continue!