Running, Hacking, e, Screaming

y, Kidnapped and Hitched

Hyunrae wasn't going to like this, Seulra thought to herself and tried to peel the thing out of her hair, only to realize that it cannot be taken out.

"," she said grimly.

"What the is it?" Hyunrae panicked.

"It's a..." Seulra paused, unwilling to uncover the truth to Hyunrae. Seulra couldn't. I mean, Seulra wanted to live. If she told Hyunrae what it was, there's no guarantee Seulra will be in the next chapter of this story.

"Aigoo, Hyunrae-ah," she smiled sheepishly, "It was absolutely nothing."

Hyunrae glared at Seulra , "Seulra , one of the most precious lessons I've learnt in life is that when a girl like you says it's nothing , it is usually a very big thing. So, what is it ?" Hyunrae taunted mockingly and crossed her arms.

"Promise me you won't get mad." Seulra whimpered.

"Nope, now tell me what it is."

"You're going to scold me!" Seulra pouted, "You'll be completely shock, Hyunrae. Just forget about it."

"Really now?" Hyunrae leaned in and clicked her tongue. "I've been chased by an old e, lost a great job, ran away from wild dogs and ing jumped into a trash can. I'm in for a shock? The only shock I will ever get is if you passed your spelling test, Seulra. All you ever do is sleep during the exam. Now go ahead and try me."

Seulra hesitated. "It's chewing gum."

Hyunrae's eyes literally fell out of their sockets. Her face cringed in disgust, "You mean chewed chewing gum ?" she asked , reacting as if she was having a heart attack. She pulled on her hair and started to jump around like a person on fire.

"You said you wouldn't be shocked!" Seulra yelled.

"Oh my God," Hyunrae's face turned pale and started to hit her chest continuously.

"Aigoo , aigoo , aigoo." Hyunrae collapsed to the floor, "My hair. My precious hair."

"Aish , Hyunrae ah !" Seulra sighed, "Please stop overreacting. You're reminding me of Donghwa."

"Leave me alone, Seulra." Hyunrae grunted, sobbing in a corner in the alley.

"Come on, it's not that bad," Seulra faked a smile, trying hard to make Hyunrae feel better.

"Do you even know how to get the gum out of somebody's hair?" Hyunrae turned to Seulra.

Seulra merely nodded, "Just cut your hair , Hyunrae ah."

"You dimwit!" Hyunrae slapped her forehead , "You know I have a fear of cutting my hair ! My brother cut my hair in my sleep remember? Aigoo," she sighed.

"Oh, yeah." Seulra rubbed her nape awkwardly. "We'll shave it then ?"

"Yah !!!" Hyunrae shouted.

"Oh come on! It's not like it's the end of the world, Hyunrae," Seulra tried to reason.

"It will be the end of your life if you keep coming up with these stupid ideas!" she yelled , a fire dwelling in her eyes.

"At least let me try and pull it out." Seulra parted Hyunrae's hair again.

"Don't touch me," Hyunrae grunted and fixed her clothes, straightening out the lapels of her shirt.

"It won't hurt -” Seulra started as she sank her fingers through Hyunrae's dark locks before she was interjected by Hyunrae.

"Girl, what part of 'don't touch me' don't you understand? Do you have a death wish?" Hyunrae went ballistic and swatted Seulra's hand.


"Finally, I got you to move." Seulra mumbled in relief and glanced over a stoic looking Hyunrae.

"Come on, smile , Hyunrae." Seulra suggested, elbowing Hyunrae.

"Stay away from me," she narrowed her eyes at Seulra. "You are bad luck, Seulra- ah."

As they walked down the walkway, it seemed as if the crowd of people in front of them started to part into two divisions, leading a free path for Hyunrae and Seulra ahead.

"That's odd," Seulra murmured, inching closer to Hyunrae. "Do you see it?" Seulra asked Hyunrae, afraid that she may be seeing things that aren't there.

"It's not supernatural, genius," she muttered and continued to walk. But Hyunrae couldn't help but find it strange too. Until she noticed the onlookers that passed them by cringed and covered their nose.

Then, a sudden realization hit her like a thousand ton of bricks had just been dumped on her.

"It's because we ing smell like garbage," Hyunrae sighed and tried her hardest to ignore the strange and rude expressions others were giving her.

"Goodness, this is so embarrassing," Seulra covered her face.

"I need a bath. Like now," Hyunrae cleared .

"I just want to eat," Seulra whined.

"You always want to 'just eat', Seulra," Hyunrae sneered.

But not long after that, Seulra finally laid eyes upon the small , almost beaten down cafe tucked away in the corner , hidden by two high rise buildings on the left and right.

"There it is!" Seulra exclaimed excitedly.

When she turned to look at Hyunrae, Seulra could see a smile had already grace the face of the elder one. "Aigoo, if only you could smile like that for 24/7." Seulra said dreamily.

"Seulra," the smile disappeared, "If I smiled like that 24/7 , I wouldn't be here. I would be in an asylum somewhere. People will think I'm crazy or something."

"But I smile 24/7 Hyunrae. I don't think I'm crazy." she giggled.

"You don't think you're crazy, but I do." Hyunrae whispered.

"Did you say something?" Seulra turned to look at Hyunrae.

“Huh ?" Hyunrae was genuinely shocked, "No, just talking to myself."

Seulra's smile disappeared, "Now I'm positive you're crazy."

Almost immediately, the two ran towards the small cafe and couldn't be any happier than this. "I am going to kill that diva!" Hyunrae hissed and burst through the twin glassed doors, momentarily flummoxed and overwhelmed with happiness and adrenaline and trembling with anger.


"What are you doing, Minkyung ah ?" Donghwa peered from over the counter. The girl smiled evilly. "None of your business. Go poke your nose in someone else's business."

Donghwa snickered and left to join Aerin by the cake display, admiring the slices of strawberry, blueberry, chocolate and toffee cakes. Jinae had made herself a plate of steak, medium rare, just how she liked it.

"Yum," Jinae smiled to herself and jumped into her food.

Until a strange laugh pierced through the jazz background.

"Was that you , Min ?" Jinae asked eyes widening as she cocked her head to find Minkyung staring intently at the laptop screen with a diabolical grin.

"I'm almost in!" Minkyung laughed, completely irrational and hysterical by now; and once again, she jabbed her fingers on the keyboard.

"Yah! Not too hard, Minkyung, or you'll break the damn thing." Jinae mumbled, cutting a piece of steak.


Minkyung who was previously laughing all by her lonesome in a corner, was completely shocked at Hyunrae as she burst through the doors. And because of this, Minkyung literally fell off her seat.

"Are you okay?" Hyunrae asked, panting heavily and gasped hard for air as she looked in Minkyung's direction.

"Couldn't have been better," Minkyung hissed.

Seulra jogged up the bricked walkway, humming a tune and burst through the doors with a gummy smile. "Somebody, go get me everything they serve on the menu! I'm starving!"

Aerin's and Donghwa's face brightened, "Guys !"

Jinae jabbed at her meat as she turned to see the two panting heavily and sweating terribly. Until, her nose picked up something pungent.

"You guys need a bath. Now."

"We know." Seulra mumbled and took a seat across Jinae , "Can I have some ? Please." she begged with a pout.

Jinae couldn't even be bothered. She raised an eyebrow, "You can't be starving , Seulra. You had your breakfast at 9 and it's only 2 o'clock now."

Seulra grumbled, "Aww , come on , Jinae ah."

"No is no."

Hyunrae exhaled noisily and walked over to where Minkyung was. She bent down to grab a can of soda when her eyes fell on the laptop screen. ‘That's my email address,’ Hyunrae thought, ‘My password , my name , my freaking profile. What the?

"Are you trying to ing hack me again, Minkyung?" she screamed as Minkyung shot up and ran around the counter.

"No! I was just..." she paused, racking her brain for the right words, "Um , updating your status for you!"

"Why you little -" Hyunrae yelled and jumped over the counter to chase after Minkyung.

Jinae and Seulra can't be bothered since they themselves were busy fighting over food. Meanwhile, Donghwa and Aerin were too absorbed in staring at the cake displays.

"I want that cake," Aerin pointed out to a square piece of chocolate mousse cake.

"But you already had two slices of cake, Aerin. The red velvet and the cheese cake remember?"

"But I want to taste that one." Aerin mumbled, completely oblivious to the little chase between Hyunrae and Minkyung , despite all the noise they made. A clank here, a thud there. A broken plate, two broken cups and an upside down table (Hyunrae's fault).

"If you keep eating our cakes, we'll be penniless," Donghwa sighed until his face was smacked against the cold glass display when Minkyung bumped into him.

"That is it! Come back here Minkyung ah!" he yelled.


"Sit," Hyunrae dragged both Minkyung and Donghwa over to the table by their ears and gestured for them to sit. Hyunrae walked over to the kitchen and pulled an ice pack out before returning to her seat. She pressed the blue pack against her forehead and sighed, "Can anybody explain to me what just happened?"

"Hyunrae- ah , are you feeling okay ?" Aerin quietly asked.

Hyunrae kept a straight face. "I'm feeling wonderful, Aerin. I lost an amazing job, lost a handsome pay, got chased by wild dogs around Seoul, got chased by a freaking e, hid in a smelly trash can and have chewing gum stuck in my hair. Yes, I'm feeling completely wonderful. Now, somebody explain."

"Look , I'm sorry," Donghwa mumbled , "But it was Seulra's fault !"

"What ?" Seulra's eyes widened. "I thought we were going to take the blame together?!"

"Hell no," Donghwa pressed his lips together, "I'm too fabulous to be skinned alive."

"Donghwa..." she whined.

"What?" he replied in the same tone as hers. "Do you want cheese with that whine ?"

"You're an idiot," she pouted and furrowed her eyebrows, slowly turning beet red.

"It takes one to know one," he chuckled. "Anyway," he started, completely unnerved, "What job were you applying for anyway ? You already have us."

"A babysitter. And the pay was freaking great. Greater than what I get here. And she was about to hire me. Until you two had to come and ruin it for me."

"A babysitter?" Donghwa sneered, "How can you babysit, Hyunrae- ah , when you haven't even gotten over your brother's incident."

"Her definition of babysit is sitting on the poor baby," Jinae added, earning a glare from Hyunrae.

"Oh thanks for reminding me and making my day worse," Hyunrae folded her arms when her eyes noticed Donghwa fumbling around his pocket nervously.

"Lose something?" Hyunrae queried, knitting her eyebrows in confusion.

"My house keys. What the heck? I'm positive I put it in here." He looked around anxiously. "What should I do?" he cupped his face dramatically and fell to the floor. "I'm too fabulous to have such a terrible day today. Aigoo..."

"Sometimes I wonder what Donghwa is doing here when he could be in a drama class somewhere, acting dramatically like this," Jinae bent down and tried to help him up.

"Omo! Maybe he misplaced it when he was running away from that old e!" Aerin made an eureka look and grinned goofily.

"Yes Aerin, we thought so too," Seulra mumbled and walked over to the cake display, wiping a viewing hole in the misted plane. "Ooh, chocolate chip cake!"

"Just tell me one thing, Seulra- ah," Hyunrae messaged her temples , "Were you drunk or maybe high on drugs when you came up with all of this stupid ideas ?"

"No," Seulra simply replied and continued to marvel at the cake display.

"That's right. That's because all my friends are just plain crazy," Hyunrae noted to herself and Minkyung laughed.

"Stop laughing, Minkyung. You sound retarded," Hyunrae playfully whacked her arm.

"I know you are, but what am I?" Minkyung stuck her tongue out.

"You brat!" Hyunrae roared and jumped out of the chair. Seeing the anger paint Hyunrae's face, Minkyung made a hasty retreat behind the counter , laughing.

These shows how close these six friends. Crazy, idiotic, playful, adventurous, curious and loving. Even though the others never fail to get on her nerves, Hyunrae can never seem to pack up and leave. It’s because she can't live with her crazy friends, but she surely can't live without them either.

Maybe, somewhere deep down in Hyunrae's heart, just maybe , she really, really loves them, because having to see them and survive them, Hyunrae had the pleasure of going crazy every day.

"Aish," Hyunrae ran her fingers through her hair, "They'll be the death of me someday."


The security guard pulled off his helmet and clutched it in his right hand as he pulled out a key from his left pocket.

The silver glimmered and dangled under the glare of sunlight.

"Aish, those brats," he muttered. "They left their keys. Oh well, I was just trying to help. What did they think I was doing? Chasing them around Seoul like some sort of e?" he shrugged and put his helmet back on.


“Running, hacking, e, screaming… Yeah, welcome to our daily lives,” Seulra sighed.


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durian2003 #1
Chapter 6: This was cute~ but... I wonder what this sungjae character will turn out in the future. Already hate his sheer existence in this fic, yet it questions me as to what his purpose might be here... oh well...

I look forward to your updates, guys!! ^^d keep it up!!
megabytes #2
Chapter 3: SUJU! <3

update soon!
alliebug128 #3
Chapter 2: im a little confused about who is who but im sure with more chapters i'll figure it all out~but i still love this story and i cant wait to read more!^^
durian2003 #4
You know what, now I see it... so, yea~~ ^^ I can't wait chingus~~ XD
durian2003 #5

*clears throat* btw, since it's a joint piece, why not you add aurorofantasy as an author? I'm sure it can happen. I only see your name at the top... is there something I should know about?? o.O?? Anyways, whatever it is.. I AM READING THIS BAYBEY~

OH!! And I'm the FIRST COMMENTOR!! XD YAY!! Okay... am gonna read now, Bye~~ ^^ *waves*