I'm Not Old!

y, Kidnapped and Hitched

The lady couldn't say a word. What was there to say? Is this some kind of sick joke? Or were they just plain crazy?

"I'm not leaving without you!" Donghwa pinned himself to Hyunrae and she went absolutely berserk, peeling him off of her like he was something disgusting.

", this is my final warning. Get off of me or I'll skin you alive!" she glowered.

"Uh," the interviewer started, "Are you guys long-lost lovers or ex lovers or....?" she looked on with curiosity.

"Hell NO!" both Donghwa and Hyunrae yelled in unison as Donghwa anchored himself onto Hyunrae's abdomen.

"I said let go!" Hyunrae howled and kicked Donghwa in the shin as he faltered to the floor.
"Ouch!" he hissed and curled in pain, "You're so dead !" Donghwa glared. Seulra shook her head and continued to keep an eye out for the old man but there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary.

The lady cleared once again and stood up, enraged. "If you want that job, young lady," she fixed her spectacles again, "I reckon you come back here at once and sign these papers."

Hyunrae panicked. Just as she started to stroll back to the lady, Donghwa hugged her ankle and made her slip.

"You told me to let go, so I did. And you fell!" he smirked.

"You jerk!" her face reddened as she made her way to Donghwa and placed her hands on Donghwa's neck; ready to strangle him.

", get off of me - I can't breathe!" Donghwa gasped breathlessly.

"I told you to let me go, you jerk !" Hyunrae slapped him.

"Never!" Donghwa replied dramatically and continued to pull a stubborn Hyunrae by her wrist, even as they were both busy writhing on the ground.

"Look mum," a six year old boy pointed at the bickering two, "It's forbidden love. Awww..."

Seulra face palmed her. "Why am I stuck with these two idiots?"

"I need this job , Donghwa !" Hyunrae countered his arms that were ready to pounce on her, "I need it."

Donghwa frowned, as pain sat in her eyes. Something tugged at his heart.

Donghwa let go of her, "But we need you right now, Hyunrae."

She stared long and hard into his eyes, unsure of what to do.

"Guys," Seulra urged, standing behind a tree and peeped around its bark. "He's here."

"Who?" Hyunrae looked up.

"The old hag."

Hyunrae inhaled a lungful of air and finally realized the intensity of the moment and yelled , "Why the hell is there an old man chasing you guys on a damn motorcycle ? Oh , so I was right ? He is a e?" Sheer shock washed over her face.

Donghwa sighed and turned Hyunrae to face, "Listen," he begged, "We have to run now, Hyunrae-ah. That guy wants to kill me! And I'm too ing fabulous to die now!" Donghwa puckered his lips.

Hyunrae stared blankly at him, still looking unconvinced. She shook her head, stumped over her next move. Save herself or save her friends?

"Why is he chasing you then?" she asked again.

"Because he's jealous I'm y ! Duh , why else ?" he raised an eyebrow and shook her shoulders , "That old retard wants to chop my head off. Do you want to waste time as I explain or save time and I'll explain while we run away from him?!" Donghwa was practically begging now.

"Okay, guys. Seriously! If you want to live, run now !" Seulra reiterated furiously as she leapt over the bushes and skedaddled down the sidewalk.

"Wait!" the security guard hollered as Seulra jumped over the bush.

Hyunrae slapped herself and groaned. "Fine, let's go. Now. Hurry up!" Hyunrae grumbled as she helped Donghwa up.

"Guys, I'm not going to repeat myself again. We have to leave now - Guys?!" she turned around and stared out into the open, void of Donghwa and Hyunrae.

"Guys?" she mumbled and looked around anxiously, as two people that resembled Hyunrae and Donghwa ran passed by.

"Yah! Guys, wait up!" she chased after the other two.

Donghwa glanced slightly, "Why should we? You left us!"

"Oh come on! I hate you, karma!" Seulra shrieked, rushing hastily down the uneven walkway and pushed other people aside.


"Stop staring, Aerin-ah. It's very rude to stare at people." Jinae stopped whistling and glanced over at her with an expressionless face. Aerin smiled sheepishly, "Heh," she went scarlet, "You saw me."

"It was pretty obvious, Aerin." Jinae raised her eyebrows and smiled small.

"I'm sorry. It's just that whistling looks kind of fun. But I can't do it." Aerin pouted and swung the grocery bags in her hands.

Jinae smiled.

"Jinae, why is it always us doing the grocery shopping?" Aerin whined wanly with a pout, "Why is it never Minkyung, or Donghwa, or Seulra, or Hyunrae?"

Jinae contemplated for a while, not breaking her gaze at the floor. Her instincts were telling her something. A gut-feeling but what was it?

"Jinae-ah?" Aerin poked Jinae's cheek, "Did you hear me?"

"Ah, yes. I heard you, Aerin." Jinae stifled a laugh, putting her hands behind her head, "Well, maybe for one, Minkyung is one very lazy bum ?"

Aerin chuckled. "That's right. Minkyung is almost always sleeping."

Jinae nodded in agreement. "And Donghwa is almost always never 'dressed appropriately' for grocery shopping. Hyunrae's temper is hell to deal with. Seulra on the other hand, well, she's like you in a way. You two can't differentiate between an onion and a tomato, for Pete's sake." Jinae rolled her eyes.

Aerin pouted, "I can!" she defended herself, "It's just that most of the times, I forget how they look like."

"Sure," Jinae nodded half-heartedly.

Aerin craned her neck and made a thinking face, "But they are our best friends, so it’s okay I guess." Aerin's face brightened.

"Well," Jinae tapped her chin, "We do love Minkyung for her hacking expertise. And we do need Donghwa's fashion sense. And Hyunrae's temper disciplines us. Seulra's craziness is great entertainment." Jinae shrugged.

Aerin smiled and acquiesced before stumbling over a rock. "Yah, you stupid piece of rock!" Aerin scolded, garnering Jinae's attention. Jinae stopped walking as Aerin continued to scold the rock. "You should watch where you're going, you nut head," she scolded again and gave the rock a strong kick.

"Aerin, it is just a rock," Jinae stared blankly at her. "A freaking rock," she said again, making dramatic gestures with her hands.

The rock flew in the air, and inevitably landed on a dog’s head. And he doesn't look to happy.

The dog barked and tried to charge at the two girls, only to be thrown back by his leash. The German shepherd barked savagely and ferociously at them, and tried to attack them again.

Aerin jerked and turned red when the dog barked again. "Stay away from it, Aerin ah." Jinae sated calmly and ran her svelte fingers through her jet black hair and continued to hum a tune as she walked away.
"Aerin?" Jinae realized she was walking alone and immediately stopped to turn around. Aerin was still there. Frozen, feet glued to the road. She just stared at the dog.

"Aerin," Jinae sounded annoyed. "Come on."

"Hold on, Jinae." she gestured with her hand.

"Aerin- ah, let's go," Jinae stretched a hand out and instructed composedly as she inched closer to an unresponsive Aerin.

"Mianhae , doggy- ah." Aerin mumbled and moved closer to the savage-looking dog.

"Aerin- ah," Jinae hedged calmly, still not a tinge of fear on her face, "Let's go."

"But unnie," her face broke into a huge gummy grin, "It's so adorable! I think it wants a hug from me."

Jinae's eyes widened, "No, Aerin ah , he does not want a hug from you. What it wants is to eat." she rolled her eyes sarcastically. Jinae observed the dog , "Look at it. He looks pretty diabolical."

Glossy, reddish eyes , intimidating face , sharp teeth. Literally a drooling monster. Long claws. Huge paws. Tall and moody. Oh yeah , it was pretty diabolical.

"It's cute to me." Aerin replied , unnerved , with a smile.

Jinae was stunned. Her jaw fell. And her normally calm demeanour dissipated. She closed her eyes, exhaled noisily and messages her temples, "Aerin , it does not want to hug you. Can we go now?"

Jinae's eyes calmly fluttered opened again, only to watch in slow motion as Aerin unhinged the dogs' leash.

Her jaw fell and she mentally sighed.

"What the are you doing?!" Jinae shrieked as the dog leapt towards them and started to chase the two down the alleyway.

"You better be damn thankful for being my best friend, Aerin- ah," Jinae muttered, "I swear to God if you weren’t, I would've killed you for being too dumb."

"Aww, thank you," Aerin replied, smiling weakly.

Jinae gave her a strange look. "What ? Why ?"

"Other people call me stupid. Which is incredibly mean." she mumbled meekly.

"So you mean, dumb isn't mean?" Jinae's eyebrows furrowed.

"Not really."

Jinae sighed and pulled on Aerin's arm, "Just run!"

Aerin sprinted closer to Jinae before locking her arms around Jinae's left arm, "I'm scared !" she shrilled.

"Let go of me, Aerin !" Jinae tried to pry Aerin's hands off of her.

When Jinae managed to get Aerin off, she immediately reached out to grab Aerin by her wrist and started to run for their lives. Jinae glanced over her shoulder only to see more dogs hot on their tails. "Damn it," Jinae cursed. They ran as quickly as they could to get away from a pack of wild dogs who's only intentions were to maul them to death and tear their flesh apart; until something had to just bump into them.

"Ah, great," Jinae mumbled as she fell on top of the pavement road with a loud thump. ", I hate gravity !"


The next thing they knew, the wind was knocked out of their lungs as they tumbled and toppled over each other like domino pieces.

"Get off of me," Hyunrae croaked, trying to shove Seulra off of her who in turn tried to squeeze her way out between Hyunrae and Jinae.

"Watch where you're going next time , damn it -" Donghwa started but was interjected by Aerin's shriek.

"Omo , it's you guys !"

Donghwa lifted his head to find Aerin towering over him with a huge grin. "Aerin-ah !" Donghwa exclaimed mirthfully. For once in his life he felt glad to see Aerin and not somebody else.

"Yay," Jinae rolled her eyes, "What a happy reunion. Now if you don't freaking mind, can you please get off of me?!"

Donghwa wiggled and pushed Aerin off of him, brushing the dirt on his shoulders. He gave his left a glance but saw no signs of the security guard. But he did hear some dogs barking loudly down the dark alleyway where Jinae and Aerin came from.

Donghwa then helped Jinae on her feet before pulling Seulra up from on top of an annoyed looking Hyunrae.
"Well , that was fast." Hyunrae muttered , giving her head a rub. "That ing hurts." she groaned and stretched herself.

"Well , having a foursome is not all that bad," Donghwa joked and smiled coyly.

"Oh yeah ? You wanna give it a try ?" Hyunrae threatened, brushing the dirt off of her jeans.

"It's okay. That can wait," he grinned.

Jinae wiped the small amount of blood that had dropped off from her nose. "Great. It's Hyunrae and the rest of the airheads," she covered her face with her hands in devastation and remembered about the pack of wild dogs that were hot on their tails.

"Damn, we have to go !" Jinae urged anxiously and tugged on Hyunrae's sleeve.

By now, the silver streak had zoomed from around the building and started to drive down the alley. Aerin dug her nails into Seulra's hand and looked at the soundly the roaring engine and asked innocently. "Why in the world is there an old man chasing you guys ?" she pointed.

Jinae's eyes narrowed, "What did you guys do this time? Annoyed some old man in the old folks home ?"

"Omo!" Aerin exclaimed excitedly, "Is he a e?"

"No he's not, Aerin- ah." Hyunrae replied, "I already asked these two idiots who he was. All they told me was that this man is an old hag and wants to chop Donghwa's head off.” A loud and gruff chuckle resonated down the alley. It was the security guard and he was getting closer.

"," Hyunrae and Jinae muttered in unison.

The loud barks of the pack of wild dogs started to get eerily closer, reverberating apprehensively in their ears.

"Ah!" Aerin wailed, "It's the old e !"

"And I think the dogs are here, too," Jinae looked around suspiciously and her face hardened at the sight of the security guard. In the vague background though, she swore she could see something. Jinae squinted. Dogs. , she cursed under her breath. More freaking dogs.

"You brought more dogs, damn it ! Great, just great," Jinae shrilled as Seulra grabbed Jinae and Aerin and sprinted away. "The e is getting close!"

"Ugh," the security guard groaned as he raced down the stretch of alleyway with a burst of speed, "Stop calling me a e and I am not old ! I just turned 30 this month." he retorted.


Next chappie is up^^ Did you enjoy it? Hehe~ Comments are loved! So, leave lots of them;D Stay tune for the next update alright~ Chiao^___^

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durian2003 #1
Chapter 6: This was cute~ but... I wonder what this sungjae character will turn out in the future. Already hate his sheer existence in this fic, yet it questions me as to what his purpose might be here... oh well...

I look forward to your updates, guys!! ^^d keep it up!!
megabytes #2
Chapter 3: SUJU! <3

update soon!
alliebug128 #3
Chapter 2: im a little confused about who is who but im sure with more chapters i'll figure it all out~but i still love this story and i cant wait to read more!^^
durian2003 #4
You know what, now I see it... so, yea~~ ^^ I can't wait chingus~~ XD
durian2003 #5

*clears throat* btw, since it's a joint piece, why not you add aurorofantasy as an author? I'm sure it can happen. I only see your name at the top... is there something I should know about?? o.O?? Anyways, whatever it is.. I AM READING THIS BAYBEY~

OH!! And I'm the FIRST COMMENTOR!! XD YAY!! Okay... am gonna read now, Bye~~ ^^ *waves*