Forget Me Not (PART 2)

Forget Me Not

-Back at the Chung-Ang’s dorm-


Both Hyeji and Hyori  were doing their assignments for the weekend. Neither said a word after the incident before. Hyori  glanced at Hyeji from the corner of her eye, who was busy typing into her laptop furiously on the bed. But the next seconds, she began to erase them back. Hyori could not stand seeing her roommate like that any longer. Closing her own laptop, she turned to Hyeji.


“Jiji, what’s the matter? I knew there must be something else that you didn’t tell me.  And don’t you dare says that everything’s fine ‘cause I know it’s not.” She burst out.


Hyeji sighed. Knowing Hyori, she would not give up until she gets what she wanted. She too closed her own laptop and faced her. She opened but then closed it again, unable to speak out the words. Her head hung low, she began to said,”I don’t even know where to start Riri.”


“It’s okay. We’ve got all the time in the world. You can start from the beginning. I’m willing to listen,” encouraged Hyori.


Hyeji brought her head up and saw the concern filled her roommate’s face. Taking a deep breath, she began to spill everything from the beginning, about her childhood friend, how she had left to US thus leaving the guy behind, the bracelet that she had given him, up until she saw the bracelet around the waiter’s wrist. Hyori did not even interrupt her during the whole time. When Hyeji had finally completed telling her story, she felt that the weight on her shoulder has been lifted.


“But I don’t understand. Why didn’t you go to his house as you promised when you come back here 3 years ago?” Hyori scratched her head.


“I did. But when I got to his house, there’s another family living in there. They said that the house was already sold out to them months before.” Hyeji said sadly.


“They didn’t even tell you where the former family went?” Hyori’s eyes widened.


Hyeji just shook her head. She was so upset when she found out that Suho and his family had moved out. I thought that I’m not going to be able to see him again, but it seems that fate brought us together again. Without realizing it, she the bracelet that she wore.


Hyori’s eyes followed her movement. “Can I have a look at it, Jiji?”


“Sure,” Hyeji unclasped the bracelet and hand it to her. The bracelet shone beautifully under the light.


Hyori examined it carefully and when she looked at the inside of the bracelet, she saw the words. Hyeji & Suho. “It’s beautiful, Jiji.” Handing the bracelet back, she asked, “So, what are you going to do? Are you going to approach him or what?”


“I don’t know...oh wait! What date is it today, Riri?” Hyeji scrambled from her bed and went to the drawers.


“May 21st, why?” Riri said nonchalantly.


Grabbing her phone from the drawers, she flipped it open and began to search something. After a while, she smiled feeling satisfied. “I’m going to make a surprise for him, Riri.”


“Eh?” Hyori’s face was scrunched up in confusion.


And so, Hyeji tell her what she planned to do. For a few minutes, Hyori’s expression began to turn into an understanding mode. The whole night was filled with schemes and suggestions for the day tomorrow.



May 22nd

-Suho’s bedroom-


Careless, careless. Shoot anonymous, anonymous. Heartless, mindless. No one. Who care about me~


 Suho groggily woke up from the alarm sound and continue the song by mumbling the rest of it. He reached the top drawers beside him and grasped for his phone. Pushing the right button to stop the alarm, he got up from bed and went to do his morning routine.


-30 minutes later-


Covered with a simple white t-shirt with dark blue jeans, wristwatch in the left wrist and the silver bracelet in the right wrist, he took one last look at the mirror to check his reflection. Feeling satisfied, he went downstairs. He smiled as a soft melody was being played. Eomma must have the music player again. As soon as he arrived at the living room, he was shock to see his mother sitting in front of the piano, playing the tune. He was even more shocked when his mother began to sing a birthday song and that was when his eyes landed at the cake situated on the table. After the song ended, which seems like a few minutes, Suho’s mother stood and greeted his son.


“Happy Birthday, Suho. My son has grown up now. When are you going to introduce your future wife?” She teased.


“Eomma! Not again. I thought we’ve went through this already. You know that I don’t have a special person in mind,” Suho scowled at his mother. Except for Jiji.


Suho’s mother laughed seeing the reaction from her son. “Okay, before you go, have a bite of the cake first.” Picking a plate and a knife beside the table, she began to cut off a slice and hand it to Suho. “Oh yeah, your appa sent his birthday greetings to you too. He said he was sorry that he couldn’t stay longer this morning as he is having an important meeting this morning.”


“Arasseo. When appa got back here later, tell him that I’ll be expecting a huge birthday present when I come back from work nae,” Suho joked, while gobbling the cake.


His mother just nodded her head, knowing that Suho didn’t really mean it. “Anyway, I still don’t understand why you’re working in that place. It’s not like your appa wouldn’t want you to work at the company.”


Wiping the corner of his mouth, he said, ”I know. It’s just that I loved to work as a waiter. I won’t say it’s going to be soon but I promised that I’ll work at appa’s company when I’m ready, okay?” Suho convinced her.


“Alright then, if that’s what you want,” Smiling, she embraced him with warmth. “Now off you go. Or else you’re going to get scold by your manager.” She pushed him playfully towards the door.


“Nae, I’m going now!” Suho waved and stepped out, walking. The atmosphere was surprisingly calm. He closed his eyes and breathed in the fresh air. I’m turning a year older today. Eager to get to his work place, he quickened his pace. Golden Café, here I come!



-At the Golden Café-

-Manager’s Office-


Lee Sooman was busy reviewing some of the papers on his desk, regarding the Café’s profit. As he was jotting down some notes, there was a knock on the door.


“Come in.”


“Sir, there’s a girl wanting to see you. She said that it is an important matter,” one of his workers, Park Chanyeol said.


Putting aside the papers, he asked the girl to come in. A girl of about her teen years stood in front of him.


“Good morning! I’m Jung Hyori. Err, I’m sorry for bothering you at this early hour but I was hoping that you would hear me out, Sir.”


Frowning, Lee Sooman urged Hyori to continue. An hour later, he feels relaxed. “So you’re meaning to say that Suho’s childhood friend plan to celebrate his birthday with him later?” He asked to make sure.


“That’s right, Sir. And I really hope that you will let him off early today.” Hyori crossed her fingers, silently praying that the elder man in front of him would agree to it. She was always good at persuading people which is why Hyeji had asked her a favor for doing this.


“Okay, I’ll let him off early today. He is one of my hardworking workers, so I’m glad if this whole thing works out for him.” No wonder he’s been feeling a bit gloomy recently.


“Thank you, Sir. Well then, I’ll be going now.” Hyori bows down happily and practically went out of the office.



Suho look at his newly bought locket. The pendant is in a hexagonal shape where you can put pictures inside. Not long after he took off from home before, he stop by a gift shop and thought of buying a present for him himself. When he saw the locket, he bought it without second thought. Something about it attracts him. Few more seconds passed and it didn’t take long for him to reach his work place. Entering through the front door, he greeted everyone. “Good Mor-“ Suddenly, he was being interrupted by several cries and shouts of birthday greetings, the loudest from Chanyeol himself who was singing a birthday song with his deep husky voice. Feeling grateful, Suho thanked them all and went straight to Chanyeol with a big smile.


“Thanks bro. You shouldn’t have done that, stick to rap okay?” Suho , knowing that the tall guy has a passion for rap and intending to become a rapper one day.


“Ouch. That hurts, hyung.” Chanyeol clutched his chest with eyebrows creasing as if he was in pain to which Suho just ignored him, shaking his head while laughing.


The rest of the day went by as usual. Customers coming, taking their orders, pick up the leftovers, wiping the tables. Suho was too engrossed in his work that he didn’t realize his surroundings. Not until someone patted him on the back, did he look around. “Sir! What can I do for you?” he asked, stopping whatever he was doing.


“Nothing. Later, your shift ended at 8 pm, right? I just want to tell you that you can leave early today okay. And here’s a letter for you. A girl had asked me to give it to you. Not to worries, I can assure you that she’s a nice girl.” Lee Sooman passed the letter to him, who had a weird look on his face.


“Eh? From whom? Who’s the girl? And why do you let me off early?” There were many questions revolving in his mind but were left unanswered as Lee Sooman just shrugged and left. Suho looks at the letter in his hands. Curiosity got the better of him and he nearly ripped the letter, anxious to see what was being written.


Happy Birthday, oppa. I can’t believe how much you’ve grown. Err, I was hoping that you could come to the park situated nearby the Ferris Wheels later at 7pm. There’s something I want to show you. Sincerely, your long time friend. Folding the letter, he placed it inside the pocket of his jeans. Who is she? As far that I known, no one called me by that term except for Jiji. But that’s impossible! Jiji didn’t even know that I work here. Must be one of the girls from Junior High. He checked his watch. 5.45 pm. One more hour and I’m off.



Hyeji adjusted her dark brown velvet coat over her cream colored pants and brown boots. She observed her surroundings. Loving the view, she smiled to herself, feeling glad. Perfect. Everything was working according to plan. When Hyori told her of her success in convincing the manager this morning, she nearly jumped up from joy. She was busy dealing with things since this morning due to her determination to keep her plan to get to work. She looked down at her watch which now shows that it is 6.30 pm already. He might be here any minute now. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Slapping her forehead, she quickly dialed Hyori’s number and wait for her to pick up.







-At the Playground-

7 pm


Suho kicked the pebbles which were scattered on the ground. There he was, at the park, waiting. He didn’t like waiting, especially at this time of day. Luckily, there are lights from the lamp posts to illuminate the area. Few kicks later, he glanced around. He didn’t saw anyone. She states at the letter to come at 7 pm. Now, where is she? He was about to go back home when suddenly the lights in each lamp posts goes off. Suho stopped dead in his tracks. He hates being in the dark. He began to mutter something when suddenly, colorful bright lights were being shone through the playground, coming from the Ferris Wheels which slowly rotate itself. Eh? I thought that it would be closed during night time. What he didn’t expect was the very next thing. Fireworks erupted in front of his eyes. He was stunned at the spot. Gorgeous, he thought to himself. He felt mesmerized by the view that he didn’t hear the footsteps behind him.


“Happy Birthday, oppa!”


The sudden voice steered Suho’s gaze away from the fireworks and turned. His gaze met with a pair of black eyes, surrounded by tiny flecks of white orbs. Even though it is night time, he still can see her eyes clearly.


Hyeji stood in front of him, holding a cake. “I hope you like the view just now, oppa. Remember when you said that you want to have a birthday with a scene like this?”


Suho looked confused. Since when did I told her? I just met her few days ago and we hadn’t really talked that much. But all that thoughts seems to vanish as he saw something shiny clasped around her wrist. It’s the same as mine! His mind screamed at the thought. At the same time, something zoomed into his mind.




“You want to know something, Jiji? I wished that I can celebrate my birthday at a park surrounded by colorful bright lights, along with fireworks. And I want to celebrate it with you.”


“Don’t worry, oppa. One day, I’ll make it come true.”


-End Flashback-


Suho’s jaw dropped. “Jiji? Is that you?” He pinched his cheeks to make sure that he wasn’t dreaming.


Hyeji nodded her head. “Guess I did surprise you, nae oppa?” She grinned mischievously.


They continued to stare at each other when another voice yelled,” Yah! Enough with that already. It’s hard to control these Ferris Wheels, you know.”


That did startled them and Hyeji  turned to see Hyori glaring towards them, folding her arms.


“Just kidding. I just want to see how it’s going between you guys. Okay, I won’t disturb you guys anymore,” Giggling, Hyori went off to the direction she came from.


That girl. I’m going to strangled her. Trying her best to remain cool, she faced Suho. Hyeji hinted at the plate on her hands. “Aren’t you going to blow the candles?”


Suho’s face broke off into a grin. “Wouldn’t want to miss this chance,” he laughed out loudly.


They spent the night talking to each other, reminiscing about the pasts and playing like they were still in their kid’s age. All sorts of questions from both of them were answered as each tells the others about what actually happened for the past years.


Hours later, both Suho and Hyeji sat near the old oak tree which had their names engraved on it. They gaze out at the twinkling lights in the distance that soon met with the stars in the night horizon. As they did so, Suho linked their hands and smiled to himself. This is just the beginning of our destiny.


-The End-


A/N : I'm not sure what to do with the yeah .______.

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