Forget Me Not (PART 1)

Forget Me Not


Words in Bold are character’s thoughts.


May 20th

-At the Café-


Yah Suho, are you okay?


Kim Junmyeon, who prefer being called Suho, broke off from his daydream as he turned to face his manager, Lee Sooman, who was holding a cup of beverage. I’m fine.He said brightly. Quickly picking a towel, Suho continued to wipe the coffee tables. Get a grip,Suho. You’ll lose your job if your mind is still wandering off, he scolded himself.


The elder man heaved a sigh, knowing full well that there’s something bothering the usual cheery guy. I hope it won’t affect his mood, he thought while continue sipping his coffee.



-In the dorms-


Meanwhile, in one of the dorms of Chung-Ang University, shuffles of papers could be heard from the inside.


Argh, these assignments are killing me!The 18-year-old girl, Choi Hyeji, complained. For hours, she tried to do some brainstorming but nothing came up. Feeling frustrated, she threw off the notes from her desk. Accidentally, one of her books flew towards her roommate, Hyori, who was asleep.


Apa!The girl groaned while rubbing her head which had been hit by the book, thus scolding the 18-year-old. Jiji, what’s wrong with you?!Rubbing her temple, she got up and faced Hyeji.


I’m sorry, Riri. I don’t know what’s got into me...Hyeji muttered incoherently. She immediately picked up the scattered notes and rearranged them back in order. Dragging her feet towards her bed, she plopped down on it.


Hyori just shook her head and quickly fall back to her sleep.


Hyeji stare off into the distance, not a hint of sleepiness anywhere in her inconsolable consciousness. Her mind drifted away to the events before.




“Aish! I’m gonna be late for school,” Hyeji took a quick breakfast and got out of her room. She ran as fast as her feet could carry her throughout the hallways. As soon as she stepped out from the building, she inwardly cursed Hyori for not waking her up early. She was busily fastening her wristwatch when a figure suddenly bumped onto her. Luckily, there’s a lamp post beside her so she quickly grabbed it.


“Oh, sorry, I’m really sorry,” The figure kept on bowing and saying sorry all over.


Hyeji had to keep the urge to laugh at his face. “Ani gwenchana. You can stand straight now,” She firmly said.


The guy slowly raised his head and that’s when their eyes met.


Hyeji felt like a bucket of ice cold water had been poured onto her. Those eyes...I’ve seen them before, she thought. Both of them stood still when a loud music boomed beside them, a CD store.


The guy was the first one to steer off from his reverie. “Ah, I’ll be going then. Once again, I’m sorry,” He flashed a guilty smile and broke off into a run into an alley.


Hyeji didn’t get to reply but she smiled, watching the man’s back as he turned into the alley. Glancing at her wristwatch, her eyes almost fall out of their sockets. It was 7:40am. She only got 5 more minutes until class started. With that realization, she dashed off on a way to her school.


-End Flashback-


“Why did he seem so familiar?” Hyeji whispered to herself. Not long after that, she fell asleep, dreaming of the young man.



May 21st

-In the dorms-

“Kyaaaaaaa~!” Hyeji stared at the calendar on the drawers. She was sure her eyes were playing tricks on her. May 21st Next to the numbers, there was a note saying, Test on Business Management. “Aish! How come I forget about it???!” She paced back and forth, wondering how she is going to make it. Maybe I should come up with an excuse saying that I had a fever. No, no. That’s not going to work. Every time her “evil” mind comes up with a better excuse, her “good” mind always debated with it.


“Jiji, it’s late already. Let’s go,” With a quick glance over the mirror to adjust her pink ribbon, Hyori stepped out and motioned Hyeji to come over.


Hyeji sighed, knowing that she HAD to go to school. So she slung her black backpack over her shoulders, thus joining Hyori to school.



-At the street-


The cold wind blew a breeze, ruffling Suho’s black hair. He drew his jacket closer around him and kept on walking on the stony path. He was on his way to his workplace, Golden Cafe, when his eyes caught hold of a kid running towards the playground. A sense of déjà vu suddenly surrounded him. Suho used to play there when he was little. He seems to be debating with his mind whether to stop for a while or not. A short walk won’t hurt, he told himself. And so, he took a stroll around the park. Birds were chirping, along with gentle breeziness. The atmosphere was clearly engulfed in peace and harmony. Suho brushed off strands of hair that falls on his forehead when he saw an old oak tree. Realizing it, he practically ran towards it. Kneeling down, he searched for something on the branch. And there it was. Best friends forever, CH & KJ. The words nearly faded but Suho can still make out the words. He smiled as memories of the past swirled in his mind.






Ten-year-old Suho grinned as he saw a little girl at the age of seven running towards him. “Jiji, you’re late,” He pouted.


The little girl ignored his action and quickly pulled him to the swings. “Oppa, let’s play these,” The girl smiled brightly which make it hard for Suho to resist.


“Okay, fine then,”


The girl squealed happily and both of them immediately sat on the swings. Not long after that, she slowed down, hopped off the swings and ran towards an oak tree not far from there. She beckoned for Suho to follow him.


“What is it this time?” Suho grunted. He jogged towards the girl who already kneeled beside the tree, with a sharp rock in her hand.


“Take at look this!” The girl said, pointing at the tree.


Suho glanced lazily at the tree. There was something being written there. He squinted his eyes and saw the words clearly. Best friends forever, CH & KJ. He looked at the girl and smiled.


“Oh, I also got these ones,” With that statement, she pulled out two silvery things of her pocket. She gave one to Suho. “Here oppa. Take care of it nae,”


Suho took a good look on it. It was a silver bracelet. There are also words engraved inside the bracelet. Hyeji & Suho. “Nae, I’ll take good care of it,” he said reassuringly. “Thanks, Jiji,”


-End Flashback-


Suho smiled at those memories. He touched the bracelet that clasped around his tiny wrist when he saw two figures walked by. Suho just watched them ignorantly. The girl with the black backpack was completely in a haze while her friend chatted happily. Eh! That’s the girl from yesterday, his eyes widened in realization. He continued to study her closely when the girl with the pink ribbon scolded her and practically dragged her away. He chuckled at the scene in front of him. As the two girls disappeared in the busy path, squeals could be heard nearby. Suho turned towards the sound and there were kids riding on a Ferris Wheels. Oh, I almost forgot about it. After all these years, they’re still working. After watching for quite some time, he decided that it is time to go to his workplace. With one last glance at the words sketched on the tree, he quickly got up, brushed off dirt from his pants and went hurriedly to Golden Café.



-At the University-


Hyeji tapped her foot impatiently. She glanced at her wristwatch. 3:15pm. 15 more minutes to go. Oh yipee, she thought sarcastically. Looking at the paper sprawled in front of her, she tried to come up with better answer. But all she could think of is...nothing. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Biting the end of her pencil, she continued to tap her foot for the time being.


“Okay class, stop writing. Please stay seated as I collect your papers,” The Business Management professor instructed.


Sighing with defeat, Hyeji packed her bags and wait for the professor to pick her papers. Once the papers had been collected, the class was dismissed. She got up from her seat and went out of the classroom. As soon as she stepped out, Hyeji heard her name being called.


“Jiji, over here!” Hyori was waving frantically beside her lockers.


Hyeji rolled her eyes, watching her friend acting like that was like watching an exciting kid begging for an ice-cream. Quickly, she pushed herself throughout the crowds that are now beginning to fill the hallways. As she reached the lockers, Hyori  immediately asked that ONE question that she so dreaded.


“How was the test?”


“Don’t remind me...I’ll flunk it for sure,” Feeling dejected, Hyeji slowly walked away, follow closely by Hyori. They both walked in silence out of the building.


“Don’t worry, Jiji. I know you won’t fail it. I have complete faith in you,” encouraged Hyori.


Hyeji didn’t give any sign of response. She continued her hazel, staring off into space when a hand grabbed her arms.


“Choi Hyeji! Cheer up. It’s not like it’s the end of the world. Listen, I know a good place that will surely boost your mood,” beamed Hyori, her eyes twinkling.


Hyeji didn’t have time to protest as she was literally being pulled down into an alley. They past some shops, restaurants, barber shop, the playground and also the Ferris Wheels. When they reached the next building, she was brought to a stop. Panting on her knees, she looked up to her friend and began to open when she was rudely interrupted by Hyori.


“Welcome to the Golden Café, Jiji,”



-At the Golden Café-


Suho was busily taking orders from the customers when suddenly the bell rang, signaling that there are customers entering the café. He didn’t react towards the sound as he wrote down the customer’s order. After taking orders, he went to the kitchen counter to give the list to the cooks. He can feel the heat in there and sweats began to form on his forehead.


“Suho hyung, there are two new customers at table 17. Can you please take their orders for me?  Thanks,” said one of his co-workers, Park Chanyeol, who was busy taking the leftover dishes to the sink.


“Sure!” With that, he wiped off his hand on the apron tied around his waist and got out of the kitchen. On his way to table 17, he grabbed some notepad and a pen. Reaching table 17 with his eyes looking down on the notepad, he began to ask their orders. That was when he heard a gasp coming from the customer on the right. He looked up and his eyes widen. It was the girl with the black backpack before.


“You?” both Suho and Hyeji said at the same time.


“Eh? You two know each other?” Hyori asked, looking from Hyeji to Suho. She was thoroughly confused as how Hyeji know this guy and didn’t tell her.


“’s not like that...” Hyeji tried to explained but failed to as she keeps on stuttering. Pabo, since when did I stutter? She silently cursed herself, unaware that Suho was watching her.


Suho was amused by her reaction. Seeing Hyeji struggling for words, he quickly volunteered to help. “We bumped into each other the other day,” he explained to Hyori as Hyeji stay still on the seat, unable to form words.


Five minutes later, Suho was off to the counter with their orders.



Wake up, Hyeji. Now is not the time to freeze up. Hyeji mentally slapped herself.


“Jiji~why didn’t you tell me about that guy? He’s quite the handsome one, don’t you think?” Hyori . After a few seconds waiting for Hyeji’s response, she promptly jumped to conclusion. “Ah, I know. You like him right?”


“EH?! What are you talking about? There’s no way I would’ve like him. I don’t even know him.” Hyeji tried to denied it. But why did he looked so familiar? That thought constantly nagging her.


“Yeah, right. As if I would believe that. If you don’t have feelings for him, why did you stammer?” Hyori demanded.


That was because you were right, but Hyeji brushed away the thought.


Not long after that, Suho arrived with their orders, thus saving Hyeji from Hyori’s questions. “There you go. Anything else you want?” he flashed a smile, unconsciously brushing off his front bangs.


At the same time Hyeji was sipping her beverage, and that sudden gesture from Suho startled her. That bracelet.



 “Oh, I also got these ones,” With that statement, Hyeji pulled out two silvery things of her pocket. She gave one to a boy of about 3 years older than her. “Here oppa. Take care of it nae,”


The boy took a good look on it. It was a silver bracelet. There are also words engraved inside the bracelet. Hyeji & Suho. “Nae, I’ll take good care of it,” he said reassuringly. “Thanks, Jiji,”


-End Flashback-


The cup suddenly slipped from Hyeji’s grasp and she didn’t even realize it. Not until Hyori nudged her and said, “Oh my God, Jiji!”


Hearing Hyori’s voice, Hyeji was brought back to the present. Watching the mess that she made, she bowed her head,”I’m so sorry!” and made a move to clean it.


But Suho stopped her from doing so. ”Gwenchana. I’ll clean it up,” he said reassuringly. With that, he picked up the shattered pieces and began to sweep the remnants. After finished sweeping, he went to the dustbin at the back of the café to throw the pieces.


“Riri, let’s go.” Hyeji pulled a $20 note and placed it on the table. Then, she asked a waiter for a paper and a pen. She had written something on the paper, thus asking the waiter to give it to Suho along with the $20 note. With that done, she dragged Hyori and went out of the café.


Hyori just looked at her weirdly. She knew it was pointless to ask questions when Hyeji was in this state.



Suho had just got inside the café and when he got to table 17, the girls were no longer there. A sudden tap on his shoulder made him turn around and there was Chanyeol with his toothy grin.


“They just left, hyung. And also, one of them asked me to give you these,” motioning for the slip and money in his grasp, he held them out at which Suho took it and read.


I’m sorry for the inconvenience. Here is a $20 note which I guess is enough to cover up for the beverages and the cup. Once again, I’m sorry. Sincerely, Hyeji. Suho dropped the paper. Hyeji? Could it be the same Hyeji? He touched the bracelet once again, wondering.


Chanyeol, on the other hand, try to take a peek at what was written on the paper when Suho quickly folded the note and placed it inside his pockets. “It’s okay hyung, I know you like her,” with a loud laugh and a wink, he sauntered back into the kitchen leaving Suho blinking, feeling dumbfounded.


 All day long, he just couldn’t get the girl’s image out of his head. He tried to find the comparison between the girl and also his childhood friend. Straight black hair, almost full black eyes, surrounded with little white orbs. No no no. It’s impossible. Jiji is not here in Korea, she’s in other country.




“Oppa, I’ll be going to the US. Daddy’s got a new job there, so he wants his family to be there with him.” said the girl known as Hyeji.


“I see...When are you coming back?” Suho asked nervously. He didn’t want to lose his only girl best friend.


“I’m not sure. But I’ll definitely come to your house first if I come back.” The girl smiled sweetly. “I’m gonna miss you, oppa.” She hugged him.


“I’m gonna miss you too, Jiji.” Suho hugged her back.


-End Flashback-


Shaking his head at the memories, he realized that the day was getting darker. What time is it? He looked down at his wristwatch and saw that it was nearly 6 pm. Oh yeah, my shift ended at 6. He untied the apron and put it in the kitchen for the cleaner to pick it up. “Guys, I’m going home now. See you all tomorrow~” Suho waved at his co-workers and went outside, on his way home.



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