Like or Dislike?

I Change For You


Hi-yeum guys!~

Second update this week! Ahh~ So proud ^-^

Soo... unfortunately, no none of you got the subtle message :( It was probably too subtle ^^; My bad!

So, here's your next chance to figure out what it is! And REMEMBER, it's not Jongkey related ^^

And sorry guys, had to rate my story H because of language U_U So sad... But anyways, it's still Jongkey!♥

So... Enjoy!~♥ 

Chapter 4: Like or Dislike?

Jonghyun’s P.O.V:

I stood beside Kibum on the train still confused.

'What the hell am I even doing here? Why would I agree to going with this guy?' I continued complaining to myself as I stood there unable to deny that I was somewhat excited about going somewhere with him. But I couldn't explain why.

"Kibum, where are we going?" I asked finally breaking the silence between us.

He looked at me with a smile. "This restaurant that I really enjoy."

"Ahh... Really?"

"Mhmm, you're not going to back out are you?" He asked pouting.

"Well, I actually need to go home." I answered hoping he'd just let me go.

"What? But you need to come. Please? It wouldn't be a date if I go alone..."

My eyes widened. "A date?"

He smiled brightly. "Yeah. Come this is our stop." He grabbed my hand this time and pulled me out. "It's only a short walk from the station."

I nodded feeling speechless. 'I should leave, I should...' But somehow I was still following this guy to his destination.

As we entered the restaurant, the people working there all seemed to recognize Kibum and greeted him warmly as they led us to a big booth in the back.

"Good, we got here first. Lean forward," he said across from me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Just lean forward," he pulled me forward and quickly pulled off my glasses and touched up my hair.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I tried to grab my glasses but he kept them away, a small smile on his face.

"Wow, you're really good looking. Just my type." He said with a wink.

"Shut up," I felt my face reddening. "Do you like making people feel awkward?"

He laughed, "Sometimes. You're really innocent though. You don't look it, but they'll like that for sure."

"They?" I asked suspiciously.

He nodded, "Sun Hee and Mi Yeon. They'll be here soon."

I looked at him incredulously. "What? You just met me a couple of hours ago! Why would you bring me on a group date?"

"You seemed fine when it was just going to us two." he crossed his arms and looked at me with a smirk.

"I thought we were just hanging out." I barely got it out through my clenched teeth.

"Well we are! Just with some friends." 


We both turned at the sound of his name and saw two girls walking towards us laughing.

"I'm not staying." I got up and slid out of the booth and walked past the girls.


I turned back and looked at the girl that called me.

"Yeah?..." I asked hesitantly.

"It's me, Mi Yeon." she smiled brightly.

I looked at her blankly not recognizing her."I'm sorry... I don't..."

"We went to school together, before you got expelled." 

I stared at her for a moment trying to remember her when it suddenly dawned on me.
"Hah, oh no. You stay away from me." I backed up slowly shaking my head at her.

"You know her?" Kibum asked standing up now.

"No, she's just the leader of the girls that got me expelled!" I glared at her and turned around walking away.

"You can't go, we'll have fun together." She said grabbing my arm.

"Yeah really, stay Jonghyun." Kibum came and put an arm around me.

I glared at him for being so overly familiar with me especially after what he's done.

"Don't touch me." I shoved my arm away from Mi Yeon and then pulled away from Kibum's arm. "Look, you really think I'm going to like you after you got me expelled for something that could've been avoided? No, that's really not how it works. And you, I thought you were a decent guy and that we'd probably be friends but I was clearly wrong."

"Hey that's rude, I am a decent guy." He said walking towards me.

"You may be, but I don't see it. Sorry. See you." I walked away not wanting to deal with this anymore.

He didn't stop me either, which was a relief and a disappointment at the same time, once again, another mystery.

I walked into my house and thankfully no one was home since well, I'm pissed and don’t want anyone here.

I went straight to my room and threw myself on my bed when my phone rang.


"Jonghyun, you ok?" Onew Hyung sounded worried.

"What? Yeah I'm fine, maybe pissed off but what's new?" 

"Well Key called saying you walked off on a double date thing. I'm sorry; I should've known that that's why he wanted to go out with you today. He really is a good guy, he's just..." He trailed off with a sigh.

"Just what Hyung? An ? Really should've just punched him but he's your friend so I... Yeah..." I stayed quiet after that waiting for him to answer.

"Well... I'm sorry, really I am. I'll talk to him. Just uhh, relax, he really is nice. There's a reason I'm friends with him."

"Mm, I trust you Hyung but right now I'm not willing to hear it... Sorry."

"No, don't worry. Hey, I'll let you work on your assignments ok?"

"How'd you know about those?" I asked.

"Jun Hyung, called me when you didn't go with them."

"Ahh, I wish I had now."

He laughed; something that always seemed to relax me and it did now. I felt my anger slip away as we got in a conversation, and I still somehow managed to actually finished my assignments with an all-nighter.

I was almost late the next day and ran into the school 2 minutes before the bell rang.

"Jonghyun!"I waved at Yo Seob who was now towards me excited. He frowned as he approached me and touched my face. “Hey where are your glasses?”

Now it was my turn to frown. I had completely forgotten to take my glasses back after the fight with Kibum and had only realized it this morning. “Someone took them from me.”

“What? Who? Did you get bullied?” I laughed at Yo Seob’s innocence and shook my head.

“Nah; just forgot to get them back after they took them.” 

“Oh, well just get them back today. We have to go or we’ll be late for class.”

I nodded, “Ok.”

We began walking when I heard a voice from behind me.


I turned and smiled as Onew Hyung came running towards me and Yo Seob almost tripping.

“Hey.” I smiled as I held onto his arm making sure he was well-balanced.

“Hey.” He smiled brightly. “I got something for you.”


“Mhmm, here.” He handed me my glasses and a note to go with it.

“What’s this?” I said holding the note up.

He shrugged, “I don’t know. Just told me to give it to you with the glasses.”

“Oh, well thanks Hyung. I’ll see you later, don’t be late to class.”

He smiled and nodded, “I won’t, bye!” He turned in the other direction and began running towards his class.

I watched him until he disappeared until I couldn’t see him anymore and then directed my attention to the note in my hand.

“What’s that?” Yo Seob asked coming up behind me.

“No idea, I guess I’ll have to check it out.”

“Ok, but later.” The bell rang. “Man, we’re late!” We both started running to our class.

“So, did you read it?” Yo Seob was jumping up and down in his spot while I sat there confused.

“Read what?”

“The note, stupid. open it, I’m curious to see how Key reacted to someone actually talking back.”

“Don’t you guys always talk back to him?”

“Well yeah, but not to the extent that you did apparently.”

I had explained the whole thing that had happened to Yo Seob and he had seemed to understand despite my thoughts that they might get upset.

“He can be like that sometimes, really careless of others feelings and wants.” That’s what he had said, but I still didn’t understand how any of them put up with it.

“Read the note Jonghyun~ I want to see what he said.”

I sighed, “Fine, let me find it.” I started looking through my pockets to look for it after I had shoved it while running to class. I found and uncrumpled it.

‘Jonghyun Hyung, I’m sorry that I offended you yesterday, I am a decent guy, but I guess I make mistakes too. It just took a good scolding to realize it. Please accept my apologies. I understand that you probably don’t want to talk to me, so I gave your glasses to Jinki Hyung, sorry again.

- Key’

“Wow, Key apologized.”

“Is that wrong?” I asked still looking at the note.

“No, but… he never apologizes. You got through to him Jonghyun! Consider that a great accomplishment.” he patted my back and turned back to the front to pay attention to the lesson, leaving me in my thoughts.

At lunch everyone was there. We were all talking just like yesterday, but the only difference was that a certain person was missing.

I shouldn’t be bothered by it, but I am. That note seemed to diminish all the hate I had for the guy since yesterday. I sighed and placed my head on the table.

“Are you alright?” I looked up and smiled at Hyung who was looking at me concerned.

“Neh, just tired.” I answered.

“Ahh, I kept you on the phone too late yesterday, didn’t I?”

I shook my head, “Anio, I was just up doing all the assignments so I wouldn’t have to worry about them later in the week.”

“Ahh, should’ve only done a little and slept Jonghyun… What should I do with you?”

I laughed lightly, “Take me out for some ice cream.”

He pretended to consider it for a moment and then smiled. “Sure, it’s a date. After school?”

I smiled thinking about going out with him, it had been so long. “No problem.”

“Great!” The bell rang at that moment and we all stood up. “I’ll meet you at your locker.”

“Ok, bye Hyung.” I waved a final time to him before going to class with Yo Seob.

When we got to class we noticed everyone standing around talking excitedly. Our teacher wasn’t there today, so we would be dismissed from class.  Yo Seob and I told the teacher who was doing attendance our names and quickly ran out excited to leave.

Yo Seob insisted on going to Ki Kwang’s class to a bit for us getting dismissed. We stood by the door where Yo Seob waved his arms around to get Ki Kwang’s attention, when he finally turned he stuck his tongue out at Yo Seob before getting called on by the teacher to repeat something he clearly hadn’t heard. When he sat back down he glared at Yo Seob who waved a final time and ran away.

When the end of school came, Yo Seob dropped me off at my locker and ran off to find Doo Joon Hyung before Ki Kwang came. I opened my locker -only took me three tries this time- and grabbed all my things before Hyung came.

As I shut my locker I noticed him coming. Instead of standing there awkwardly, I walked towards him with a smile.

“Ready to go?” He asked.

I nodded, “Mhmm, let’s go.”

We left the school and walked towards the parking lot where Hyung had his car parked. We both quickly got in as we conversed the whole time.

“I can take you home so you can change out of uniform if you’d like, and you can drop off your things while you’re at it.”

“But what about you?”

“Hmm, we can pass by my house quickly, leave my car and then we’ll walk to the park to get ice cream, sound good?”

I nodded, “Perfect.”

As we passed the exit, I noticed a couple leaning against the wall kissing. I was about to look away when the boy pulled away with a smile. It was Kibum, and the girl was Mi Yeon. He looked as we passed by and I looked away, the anger from yesterday rising in me.

It was official now; I hate him.

Bwahahaha. Yeah, Hate and Love :)

Sorry! I bet some people are waiting for some romantical Jongkey stuff that I always seem to have in all my JongKey stories... But not this time! I'm sorry, I'm going to add a bit more problems for them :) It's high school after all ;)

Did anyone get the subtle hint now?! I hope so ^-^

So... comment if you did! And comment even if you didn't! xD

And suscribe if you read! xD

Kekeke~ Love you guys, thanks for all the comments ^^ Please stay with me through the JongKey adventure ^o^♥

Until my next rant, 


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Chapter 6: It's not really what I expected but......hope u update soon's ok thou the story....
mybananamilk #2
i'll be waiting. :D
Hmm, the role of key and jonghyun are kinda switched up, don't ya think? Great story though! Update soon :D
genie610 #4
i think switching back to jongkey would be for the best its sad when jong hates key or something like that...
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! guess what chen? i read it! and you know what else? i have found a flaw in the great grammatical human dictionary's writing! puahahaha XD *thunder&lighting* <br />
"as I tried my face quickly with paper towel" correct word is dried ^^<br />
hahah you were talking to me about updating~ update soon ;D luff yaa~ and i luff it btw ^^ ...i want Jinki again though xD
......I would like Jongkey back now.
Daebak!!!! <3
Wow I wasn't expecting that! This story just got a little more intense and I like it! Update as soon as you can Jenny :)
Don't die on us EVER again. Because I like this story.<br />
<br />
Anywho~ If this ends up being Jongyu, I will find you <3<br />
<br />
Update soon~~~
I knew it~!!!<br />
JongYu~ FTW!