Loving Ye (ke) Xing

Loving Ye (ke) Xing

(A/N: Haven't edit this yet. @__@ And I might not ever, lols../forever lazy bum. ^0^ @ Min, I hope you will enjoy this~!) 


The only star for me 

I waved goodbye to my boyfriend and turned off the T.V. I sighed as I was greeted by the harsh reality— Yixing wasn’t by my side. I shifted to the clock in the living room. 10:30 PM

Few more hours until 2013 It has been weeks since we had some alone time. And Yixing promised to spend at least the very last hours of 2012 with me.

I was never an attached girlfriend. And I never asked for much. I never wanted anything special on Valentines, White day, Christmas, or even on my birthday; truthfully, I don’t pay much attention to dates or holidays. All I wanted was few hours with him and that was enough. And it seems like he can’t even give me that... Sigh

My thoughts were cut short by the buzzing of my phone. *buzz buzz* Hey! Noona…can you like.. come to our dorm? >__

My eyebrow arched. Why is Chanyeol texting me at this time? But before I could even reply, my phone started blowing up with incoming messages.

*buzz* Sehun: Noona! IT’S LIKE A WAR ZONE HERE. Take your unicorn away!
*buzz* Luhan: Min! Come here now! Yixing’s stripping~~ *nudge*
*buzz* Suho: I am sorry, Min. I tried keeping the kids under control, but things kind of got out of hand when the alcohol kicked in. T__T I am so so sorry to have ruined your date with Yixing. But please come pick him up. He’s a little more than drunk. Eks. T^T Sorry, Min.
*buzz* Chanyeol: NOONA!! Why are you ignoring me?! NOONA!
*buzz* Sehun: Omg, noona. I am going crazy. Your unicorn is barfing rainbows everywhere. AND hyung is forcing me clean after him.
*buzz* Chanyeol: NOONA?! NOONA?! …. Noona?
*buzz* Sehun -continued-: Nope. Nope, I am not doing this peasant . You better come clean it.
*buzz* Chanyeol: Noona…? Are you dead…? 
*buzz* Luhan: Are you coming yet?~~ ^0^
*buzz* Chanyeol: Noona..T___T. If  you managed to read this, please come save us. Everyone is drunk and crazy. Baek’s howling like a dog, Kris is scream-singing his off, Yixing is barfing like no tomorrow. Kai is dead. Kyungsoo is in the kitchen scrubbing pots. Xiumin and Chen are trying to climb the Christmas tree. Tao.. Idek where Tao is. Omg, noona. Please come. PLEASE. I BEG YOU.


I read the messages over with a bit (no, a lot) of skepticism. So was Yixing barfing while stripping? What…?

I knew the boys and they never lost this much control – no matter how drunk they got. And plus, Chanyeol would be the last person I expect to have stayed sober. This must be sort of funny prank. But Suho wasn’t the type to fool around.

If this wasn’t a joke, then ughsss! I looked at the extravagant dinner I had prepared for us. My blood started to boil. Are you serious, Zhang Yixing? Why are you always breaking your promises! You stupid unicorn!! I grew angrier and angrier as I was reminded what happened two weeks ago.


Two weeks ago

“The person you are calling is currently unavailable; please leave a message after the beep.” I was shot to the voicemail for the umpteenth time.

Where are you Zhang Yixing?! Our flight is in half an hour!” I left him another message.

I had booked a flight back to San Francisco to visit my parents over the holidays. And Yixing agreed to tag along to finally “meet the parents.” I was quite anxious and thrilled about this whole vacation. I mean I can finally prove to my parents that the man I love was more than just a pretty idol! He was sweet, loving, and perfect. Just thinking of all the possible scenarios kept me up for nights.

However, such joy was killed when I was left waiting in the airport for hours. Yixing had reassured me he could make it the night before. His manager had given him a week of vacation before their comeback. He promised he will be there and we’ll fly back together.

I sat at the according gate and waited for him.

Two hours before our flight take off. No sign of Yixing.
One and a half hour Nope.
30 minutes I started panicking. Did something happen to him?! What if he got into an accident on his way here?
I curse all the Korean dramas for my rich imagination.

I called incessantly, but I was sent to his voicemail every time. Maybe he is just running late. I lingered around even after the flight had taken off. I waited the whole day like a brainless idiot...

After hours of being worried, angry, and disappointed, I decided to haul myself home. And that was when I discovered he was dragged to a photo shoot for their upcoming album jacket.  

Yixing didn’t know about the shoot until that morning. His manager had shown up at their dorm and herded the boys into the van. He couldn’t reach me because his airhead had forgotten to charge his phone. As a result, he had to ask Chanyeol to relay the message to me. But of course, that stupid crackhead left a message on my home phone.


I said I was fine the next day when he called, but a part of me was still upset. Who wouldn’t be? But of course, I couldn’t stay mad at my unicorn so I pushed it out of my head.

But this was unforgivable. Zhang Yixing, you screwed up twice in a month! Agrrr You will be dead meat once I see you. (However, I know once I see his face and his idiotic smile, everything will melt away and I will only be left with happiness.)


I sighed as I punched the code on the keypad. I inhaled deeply, mentally preparing myself for a long night. This was not how I imagined I will start 2013. I sighed and brought myself inside Exo’s dorm.

Pitch black. Aish… these boys. I cursed when I tripped over some shoe. I flicked the lights on and to my surprise (okay, not really, since I was skeptical), everything was neatly in its place.

No vomit, no beer cans, no boys. My head darted in all directions. No sign of Exo.

I walked into the living room to find a table of my favorite dishes. What is this? A gush of cold air brushed against me and my head shot over to the balcony. Aishhh, these boys always forget to close door. One day, a saesang fan will sneak in from there. I shook my head as I headed over.

A set of Christmas lights around the balcony railings came on when I grasped the door handle; the lights twinkled in a synchronized pattern. What the...

My eyes flitted around the room suspiciously. When I refocused my vision out the balcony, I saw a batch of white balloons flying up from over the ledge.

I squinted and noticed that they spell out, “Yixing <3 Min.”

My heart thumped. I rushed out to the balcony and peaked over the ledge, hoping to catch some figure on the ground level. To my disappointment, I didn’t see him.

Before I could pull out my phone to text him, my ears picked up a familiar sound. The sound of someone strumming a guitar.

I twirled around and there he was with a guitar in his arms. The very same one I picked out for his 20th birthday.
He paused his plucking and welcomed me with heartwarming smile.
He flashed his dimple and nervously bit on his lower lip. I wanted to pounce on him.
He tipped his head and gestured me to sit on the stool next him. I raised my eyebrow and shot him a “let’s see what you’re up to” face.

Once I settled down, my gaze returned to him. He took that as a sign to pick up where he left off.
I watched him as he struck the same tune; my stomach was cluttered with butterflies and my heart was thrashing against my chest.

He cleared his throat.

Your smile, it’s so sweet. (click*)
The words flowed out his mouth ever so smoothly.


I can’t resist the corner of your lips that’s rising.
I smiled- a smile so big that I felt my cheeks hurting.


I want to reach “forever” while holding your hand.
His voice filled with so much love and passion.

At times, I’d really miss you. A hurt expression flashed by. I’ll miss you smiling at me.

Therefore I wrote this melody He his lips. It’s you who allowed me to believe even more.

Do you know I love you so much baby?
I listened to every word and every beat. Tears swelled up in my eyes, but I felt as if I was the happiest girl alive.

At this moment, all I can see was Zhang Yixing. All I can hear was Zhang Yixing. He was the only star that was shining tonight. He was the only star in my eyes.

He ended with a shy cough and carefully placed the guitar on the ground.

Yixing ah. My eyes called out. And with a small step, he enclosed the space between us. He kneeled down before me and grabbed my hands. 

“Min ah,” He looked up and ours eyes locked again, “Min ah~ Min~ Min~” He sang, “I miss calling for you.” His rubbed the back of my hands against his cheeks, “I miss you.” He pecked my hand.

The tears escaped unwillingly. Zhang Yixing, how can you do this to me? Make me mad, then kill me with so much feels. I hate you.

“Don’t cry.” He hushed and brushed my cheek with his thumb, “I know I haven’t been the best boyfriend. I am sorry.” He gazed at me apologetically, “I am sorry for always breaking my promises and flaking on you. I am sorry that you have to stay up late just to wait for my calls. I am sorry for making you worry.”

His voice started cracking, “I know you are really upset about the vacation although you say you’re not. Why are you are always putting me first and hiding your pain?” He stood up, choking back his tears. “I really don’t deserve you.”

I jolted up to rebuke that statement but he continued, “But I am selfish. I can’t and I will never let you go…” He paused, “of course, unless you want me to.” He stepped closer and cupped my cheeks, “Min, I love you so much. You are one of the main reasons why I keep pushing through. And sometimes, I miss you so much that I can’t fall asleep even after hours of training. And my heart breaks whenever I hear the sound of disappointment in your voice.” He frowned, “I am never good with words, so I thought I should put everything in a song.” He bit his lips again. “But this doesn’t even make up for half of the things I don’t do right.”

I shook my head, “I hate you, Yixing. I hate you. Why are you so good at ruining my life?” I hit his chest playfully, “Honestly, yes. I get mad and disappointed whenever you ruin our plans. But once I see you, I turn into jello. My anger is nothing but longing. You see?” I wrapped my arms around his waist, “I love you and I will never let you go.”

I looked up at his face, “And if anything, I don’t deserve such a talented and sweet boyfriend.”

He frowned, “Don’t ever say that.” He leaned down and gave me a sweet peck on the lips. I smiled and nuzzled against the crook of his neck.

“Make up !!”
“Aww yeahh!”

Loud clattering erupted behind us, shattering the romantic scene.  

I turned around and was greeted by the members of Exo. I shot Yixing a “what are they doing back there” look.  Yixing, in turn, glared at the boys, “Yah! I thought I said you guys could go afterwards.” He hissed.

In the end, we had a big fest and counted down together (all thirteen of us). It wasn’t what I expected, but it was more than what I can ask for.


January 1st, 2013, 1:23 AM 

“You have to buy our upcoming album, okay?” Yixing demanded childishly as we stepped out the elevator.

“Wae?” I didn’t know why he asked since I always buy them to support him.


“It’s a surprise,” He happily swung our interlaced hands, “Just do it, okay?”

I stopped in front our apartment, “You’re not suppose to tell someone if you’re surprising them. Babo,” I turned the knob and walked in. The minute I did, my face was bombed with silly strings and a loud shriek popped my ears, “SURPRISE~~~~!!!”

My jaw dropped. (And I swore it hit the floor.)

“Surprise?” My parents muttered behind my sister.

I turned around to see Yixing smiling at me again, “Happy New Year’s, baby.”






:DDD Tell me you enjoyed it, please. LOL. I tried. :) Here's the english translation for Lay's song: click~ Thank you for reading! 


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Chapter 2: I spazzed so hard... UGH. YIXING FEELS!! ;AAAA;
Chapter 2: Cutee, sfjkfnsjdf. <33
Chapter 2: This is so cute! fdkjfdsjk! XD
minrawrs #4


lol and the texts part was so cuteeeee. i was legitly rolling on the floor laughing! lol chanyeol's was the best!! HAHAHA SOOOO FUNNNYYYY AND OMGGGGG YOU KNOWWWWWWW I HAVE A THING FOR WHEN A GUY SINGS AND UGHHHHH JUST KILL MEEEEEEEEE MY FEELS FOR YIXING JUST GREW TEN BAJILLION TIMES!!

Ow..but really my cheeks really do hurt. lol. CREYINGGGGGGGGGGG YIXING JUST COME HERE NAOOOOOOOOOOO
mAH Feels, mah feels, my yixing feels
Palliyah ((: This is so adorable!!
Can't wait for the next chapter!!