Who is going out with who?

My Love Life (Real)

Few days later, Lizzy comes over to Gui Gui's house for fun..
Gui Gui and Lizzy were having a great time talking, taking pictures and watching t.v. Until Gui Gui and Lizzy had to clean the dishes :L
Gui Gui felt like today Gui Gui could trust Lizzy. Not like Gui Gui had never trusted Lizzy but, Gui Gui does trust Lizzy at times.
"Hey Lizzy.. I tell you this BUT you promise you can't ever tell anyone." Gui Gui was nervous if she could trusted Lizzy.
"Yeah, of course." Lizzy replied.
"Um.. Aaron used to like me. Don't tell anyone" Gui Gui smiled.
It had looked like Lizzy was quite upset. In Gui Gui's mind, Gui Gui was going on what has she done.
"REALLY?!" Lizzy smiled, Gui Gui couldn't tell if it was a fake smile or not.
"I think i know when, it was when he was called you adorable and all that." Lizzy said.
After washing the dishes Gui Gui and Lizzy went into Gui Gui's room.
"Hey.. Do you still like Aaron?" Gui Gui asked.
"Hmm.. yeahh.." Lizzy replied.
"Don't worry.. everything will be alright.. Maybe he still likes you!" Gui Gui forced a smiled.
"Maybe.. i don't know, Gui Gui" Lizzy looked down.
Suddenly Lizzy changed the subject to Gui Gui's problem.
"Hey.. Gui Gui are you okay? i should be asking you!" Lizzy asked giving a look.
That just brought Gui Gui to a shock on her face.
"Has she known i like.." Gui Gui thought.
"You know how your older sister has diabetes and your younger sister is young.. your the one who always have to do stuff, get things like last, be hurt and they just use you. My mum said i should look after you." Lizzy said.
Suddenly tears streaming down Gui Gui's face. Gui Gui had always worried about that problem. She always cried of being last care about to her family like she doesn't even exist in the family. She felt like leaving many times or suicid-ing, but just for her parents she wouldn't. Maybe no one in her family knows her very well and she can't really have the confidence to tell her parents how she felt at times. They didn't know Gui Gui would cry every night for them. Gui Gui remembered all that her tears wouldn't stop. Gui Gui was hurt.
"GUI GUI DON'T CRY!" Lizzy yelled.
The next day~
At recess (Remind: Anna and Lizzy aren't in the same class as Gui Gui, Gui Gui also has another bestfriend named Jiro. (YES JINA THIS IS DEDICATE TO YOU~ JIRO LOVER! Don't worry about me! i'll be alright, you know it!:))
Lizzy has exposed the secret of Aaron liking Gui Gui, but Gui Gui only told Lizzy not to tell anyone is not to hurt Anna. Gui Gui didn't want to hurt Anna and Gui Gui had never trusted Lizzy. Gui Gui felt like she couldn't trust Lizzy at times now.
"Ayy! You know Aaron used to like Gui Gui." Lizzy said loudly.
Gui Gui straightly look at Anna. Anna kinda looked upset.
"Ahh! What did i just do?" Gui Gui thought.
Gui Gui of course couldn't deny it, that's just lying or getting pissed at Lizzy. Lizzy is Gui Gui's cousin, she can't get pissed of course! Lizzy has been through many things she can't for the second reason.
The Night
On Msn
Anna: Hey, Gui Gui why didn't you tell me Aaron used to like you?
Gui Gui: hm.. i did..
Anna: Why didn't you tell me at the library?
Gui Gui: i did (Gui Gui lied)
Anna: No you didn't..
Anna: Really? No?
Gui Gui: Yes
Anna: No
Gui Gui: Yes You got bad memory.
Anna: you didn't
Gui Gui felt really bad after that "lie" Gui Gui had made.. but it was the best for her?(Was it..? Tell me D;)
Anna: Lets be single for life.
Gui Gui: i know right!
Anna: (:
Gui Gui: Good to be single.
Anna: Hey Gui Gui.. I'm sorry, I've been ditching you at school these days.
Gui Gui: You haven't D:
Lizzy: Yes i have.. I'm sorry Gui Gui.. I've just been so much trouble..
Gui Gui: Don't Worry i understand you.. I've notice you've been really down..
Few days later
On Msn
Anna: Hey, Gui Gui.. Aaron just asked me out
Gui Gui felt the heart broken-ness and felt shattering she felt like cry millions in side: Anna say yes..
Anna:But.. Lizzy..
Gui Gui: Say yes.. you got hurt infront of them.. isn't your turn to have your time?
Anna: But..
Gui Gui: GO!
Anna: Do you still like Aaron?
Gui Gui: No!! remember i told you.. (lies!)
Anna: But..
Gui Gui: Anna.. i don't want you hurt no more..
Anna: Gui Gui.. I'm going out with Aaron
Anna: Thanks
Next Chapter
"you know, Anna was not about to tell me?" someone said.
who was it?
break up?
sorry i've been really boring aren't i?

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awww I love it you got to update soooon!<3 i love what is happening right now! updateupdate!!! [:<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan
xiaogui23 #2
i love guilun so much....and i really love ur story bcoz its GUILUN!!!!!!!!!!!! pls update soon... ill b waiting....=)
I was so impressed that you can write a lot of guilun stories in a short time only ^__^
Alzina #4
thanks a lot for posting ur stories here!!!! i've been missing reading GuiLun!!! hehe!!<br />
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