
Learn to Love

Kill me... im sorry okay ill try updating more often ive been prcrastinating for pretty long OTL


As the bell rang for dismissal all Jaemin wanted to do was go home and rest. She let out a heavy sigh as she closed her locker. "Jaemin!" someone shouted from afar. Jaemin turned around to see Lay urgently running over to her. 

"Oh. Hi Yixing." Jaemin said. " I-is something wrong?" Jaemin questioned.

Lay shook his head. "Would you like to have dinner with us?" he asked while panting.



"Um. Well I was just about to go home and rest-" Jaemin was cut off.

"Aww come on Jaemin pleaaasse. It'll be a good way to get to know them better," he said with a pout.

Jaemin hesitated but soon agreed.

"Great! I'll pick you up at 5!" Lay said and skipped off.

I guess I can't rest now. Jaemin thought and walked off heading home to get ready for the dinner.


The doorbell to Jaemin's house rang and as she opened the door she was welcomed by Lay who was smiling bright as ever. "Ready?" Jaemin nodded and walked out the door with Lay by her side. Being the gentleman Lay is he opened the passenger side door motioning Jaemin to get in and once she was he closed the door and walked over to the driver's side. And soon drove off to their destination.


The moment Jaemin and Yixing arrived at the restraunt they were welcomed by a thin cloud of smoke and the sound of meat sizzling on grills along with the occasional sound of glass clinging. Once the smoke slowly drifted away from their sight they were welcome by a soft yellow light which lit up the small cozy hut like restraunt. "Jaemin! Hyung!" Suho shouted from the corner table waving at them. Lay and Jaemin walked over to them and took off their jackets. 

"Hey guys, we just ordered so the food will be coming soon." Baekhyun stated. 

"WE'RE EATING GOGI!!!" Sehun cheer, while Luhan rolled his eyes.

"That's why we're here. At a meat grill. To eat meat!" Luhan explained and Sehun just kept on smiling.


Minutes later a waiter arrived to their table with a plate of various meats for them to grill. They happily ate and socialized. Jaemin got to know the EXO boys pretty well. An hour went by and the spark of conversation still hasn't died, the night was still young. Two hours went by Xiumin was crying from laughter, Luhan and Sehun were gliding their fingers on the rim of the glass making Kris irritated. It was crazy. Because it was only 9 pm the boys decided to go to a noraebang. As they exited the restraunt leaving Suho to pay for the bill Jaemin's phone rang. 

"Hello?" Jaemin answered the phone met with heavy panting on the other line. While a puzzled look she looked at the her phone screen; Private Caller. 

"Hellloo?" She asked again.

The panting stopped.

"J..Jae.... Jaemin." The person whispered with a hoarse throat. Jaemin's eyes widened.









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Chapter 1: Yarharharhar