I can


Jaejoong's Pov

i drove the car as fast as i can without turning back or even looking at her

my heart tighten. i dont know what im doing, i really dont know what to do

i went back to my house

"Your master" butler greeted

"Where's dad?" i asked

"his in the family room with your mom" he said

"thank you" i replied

i went to the family room quickly

"Son you look so pale" omma said

"Come sit here,let me get some medicine" she said i grabbed her before she could stand up

"Whats wrong son, what happend?" Dad asked

"I i dont know whats happening dad, i dont know what to do, i dont know what choice to choosed" i told him

"I cant understand" Dad asked

"Im comfused my self too dad, i never knew its going to happen to me" i continued

i cried infront of my parents because of fraustration

"Son get a hold of your self, " Dad yelled at me

"look at me son, tell me whats wrong" Dad asked

i tighted my hold to my Omma's hand

"im going to be a father" i said to Dad

i could tell they where upset , i could tell they where disappointed

My dad exhaled "how are you sure your the father?"

i was silent

"Son answer me" he said

"be..becaused she lost it to me" i replied

"Dad, im sorry" i told him

"I didnt know what i was doing i was stupid" i apologized

"Damn right your stupid" he yelled at me

"Damn Jae, your to young to be a father, " he explained

i looked at him

"Son, do you love this girl" he asked me

i was silent do i love her??

"Son, do you?' he asked again

"I do Dad, i do" i replied

"So what are you planning to do?" my Dad asked

"I dont know what to do, when she told me she was pregnant i just left her" i confessed

Then Boom i got smacked in the head

"Yah!! dont you have standard!! What kind of guy are,!!?? stupid!!" i heard a high pitch lady said

i know its not my mom, because she never yells like that

i  turned around and i saw my sister

"What!!, i feel sorry for that woman, Aishh Jae U..R.. S T U P I D" my sister said outloud

i looked at her and i looked at my dad for defense

my dad just looked away

"Can you please stop screaming" i asked my sister nicely

"Yah dont tell me to shut up" she shouted even louder

"I cant believe you left the woman whos caring your child, i feel sorry for that kid, you know why?" she asked me madly

i just look at her

"Because that kid has a stupid father,i just wish that kid doesnt get any of your traits" she said

i feel like crying right now, the only person im scared of is my sister because she a devil

"I just hope you will regret what you did, that girl will find someone better that you, i bet you. and when you want her back she wont

even look at you, she will walk away from you like what you did to her" my sister said.

No one can have Dara, shes having my baby, our baby, im the father no one else

"i got to go" i said

"Son where are you going" omma asked

"to stand up and be a father and a husband for my family" i said as i wink to my sister

and she just gave me a smile

"yah dont waist your time go already" she said

i ranned out of my house and got inside the car

i drove as fast as i can i felt like i was speed racing


i finally arrived infront of Dara's house

i sitted in the car for awhile planning what im going to say to her, gathering my courage.

i walked to there front door.

i looked at my watch and it was already 11 pm she must be asleep by now, i should come back tomorrow, but what if its to late,

noo i need to do this now

i rang the doorbell once

twice and i was about to press it again when the door suddenly opened

"Jaejoong-shii" Bom said

"Bom" i said

"what are you doing here?" she said angrily

she probably know already

"I want to talk to dara" i said

she looked at me

"WHat for after you walked away from her?" she asked

"i know what i did was wrong, thATS why im here to correct it, Bom i want to be agood father for my kid and maybe  a good husband for Dara" is aid

she gave a bright smile,

"Come in" she said

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MaritheZya #1
Chapter 19: Waahhhhh, jaedara FTW. Hope you could continue this story. I like it.
MaritheZya #2
Chapter 19: Waahhhhh, jaedara FTW. Hope you could continue this story. I like it.
Missnotsogirly24 #3
Chapter 19: Please continue this story..... Please update soon ^•^
bluefairy07 #4
Chapter 19: ohmygahhd it's a JaeDara fanfic !!!! kyaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh...i'm so happy authornim..thanks ;)

Jae and Dara my loves...please authornim update this please~~~~~~~don't abandon this please...

JaeDara FOREVER !!!!
Chapter 19: dara, jiyong erase erase erase.
a man gotta be a man.
he's not that.( peace to all daragons)
(just a super excited jaedara fan here)

jaejoong, imprint imprint imprint.
he's the man!
Chapter 1: i am so happy that this is jaedara. YYYYYeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssss
anna0315 #7
Chapter 19: i love this hope u continue to update it
Chapter 19: JAEDARA!!! Leo is the baby right? Omoo so cute♥#^_^#
Chapter 19: please update this please T_T
dakotasanify #10
Haven't read it yet but I love jaedara.. So I hope this story will be jaedara... Subscribed and on the process reading..