Minwoo What?

He's not innocence

"I wonder why is he late. He never stay out late without calling before even after his change of attitude," Donghyun think aloud while biting his finger.

Obviously, the leader is worried about his maknae. Not only him, the whole members are sitting on the couch in the living room waiting for the arrival of the maknae. Hyunseong however is walking back and forth in front of the door. It's been 5 hours since they had arrive at the dorm and Minwoo didnt come back.

They had tried calling his phone but it seems the phone is dead. They even call the noona who was with Minwoo that day. She said she is positive Minwoo took the route to the dorm which will only took about 20 minutes walk.

Hearing the noona's answer, they could only wait for him. They all just stare into space deep in thought will Hyungseong continously pacing.

'I hope this feeling isn't true,' Ricky worried.

It had been hours that he had this weird feeling clutching his heart. He felt like he couldnt breath. His stomach twist and turn until he felt ike puking. Yes, he had a feeling that something really bad will happen.

Ricky hug the cushion tightly wanting the feeling to to be gone. Tears is threatening to fall because he really didn't like the feeling. He feels like suffocating silently.

Donghyun look around him to see the members. He saw Hyunseong pace back and forth in the front door. Then, stop for a while looking at the door before continue to pace.

Donghyun also saw Kwngmin and Youngmin stare into spaces. Their face is blank with no expressions. But between them, their hand are connected. Giving each other strength. Donghyun smile a little seeing the cute scene. Just a little before shifting his gaze onto the mirror prince.

Jeongmin is staring intensely at the picture of them that is hanging on the wall. Like he is making a spell for Minwoo to appear. If not for the situation, Donghyun would have already chuckle at his expression. Jeongmin's face is really serious unlike the goofy expression that he always had.

Lastly, Donghyun look at the kid who had live with them for these past few weeks. Sympathy engulf Donghyun. He pity Ricky when he saw the latter is clutching the cushion really tight and looks like he is trying to get out of his nightmare.

Donghyun really hope Minwoo would come back soon and nothing bad has happen. Suddenly, 'Boyfriend' ringtone is sound making them all jump. They tried to make out where does it coming from.

Realising it's Donghyun's, he pick up the phone eventhought the screen shows an unknown number.

"Hello?" Donghyun ask while others look agitately at Donghyun hoping it's Minwoo.

"Is this..." the guy on the other end paused.

Donghyun could hear on the guy shouts in the background, "Yah, what's his name?"

After a while, the guy are on the other end back.

"Is this Minwoo's father?" he ask again.

Donghyun is taken aback by his question.

'What does he mean by that?' he thought while peeking at the other guys who are already 100% focus on him.

"Who are you?" Donghyun calmly ask. Neither said yes nor no to the question.

"It doesn't matter who we are. You  want your son back, right? Come to the Building XYZ at 10.30am tomorrow and bring 2 billion dollar. Dont tell anyone or your son will pay the price."

With that, the guy hungs up without Donghyun could reply.

He looks at the members trying to think how would he break the news. The members kinda get the feeling that call is about Minwoo seeing Donghyun opening and closing his mouth but nothing comes out.

After several times trying, Donghyun gives up and sigh. Out of the blue, his phone buzz making him jump.

'Waa.." Donghyun clutch his heart that was about to pop out.

He open the message that he had just got. He eyes nearly pop out looking at the screen. His hand shakes so much that it frightens the others and also, the phone nearly drops.

Seeing Donghyun's state, Hyunseong ran from the door where he was standing and grab the phone to look at it.

"OH MY GOD," Hyunseong shrieked making the others gather around him to see it too.

They gasp simultaneously while Ricky burst into tears.

In the message it wrote, 'Dont forget your promise'. Together with it is a picture of Minwoo being tied up in a chair. His hair is in a mess. There's bruise on his face. What worst is his body is bare. Eventhough the picture is static, they could feel that Minwoo is shivering in cold.

Hyunseong pass the phone to Jeongmin who quickly exit the message because he couldnt have the courage to stare at the picture. Hyunseong on the otherhand shake Donghyun vigorously trying to snap him out. Donghyun blink a couple of times before he really aware of his surrounding again.

"Hyung, what happen?" Hyunseong ask slowly but Donghyun could sense his desperation.

Donghyun look around him and saw the others are looking at him waiting except for Ricky who is sobbing really hard. Youngmin sees Ricky and goes to comfort him.

Donghyun sigh. He told everyone to gather at the couch before telling them about the call. Youngmin and Kwangmin had to lead Ricky to the couch. After Donghyun had finish, it is dead silence. Then, someone open his mouth.

"Dont you think this could be a prank too?" Kwangmin ask and earns a smack from his twin.

"Well, I was thinking of that too," Donghyun stated while Kwangmin rub his sore spot, "But knowing Minwoo, no matter how evil he is, he wouldn't go this far."

Everyone agrees with Donghyun. Then, they starts to discuss plans on how to save Minwoo before it's too late. Plus, they wouldn't manage to find that much amount of money in just one night no matter how famous they are. Right?

In the meantime, back at the old building, a lone figure is sobbing hard on the chair. Waterfalls is created from his two sad eyes as his hands fails to wipe those tears away from falling.

"Hyung, help," he cried out eventhought he knows no one could hear him.

He feels really cold in the night with the night breeze hit his bare chest. The three hideous guys are nowhere to be found then. Using the chance, Minwoo did tried to escape but to no avail. In the end, Minwoo gives up and cries into his sleep.

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Chapter 24: Kyaa!! I really love this fanfic..
Chapter 24: Love the concept of the story keep up Author-hyung <3
Chapter 22: Minwoo is saved! Hurray! I love you author-nim~ xD

Milky, huh....Haha! I've got a feeling that I know who that person is...LOL! xD Familiar smile, huh? xD But I'm just going to wait first!

Update soon, okay?! I really love thisssss~~~~

p/s- I watched MuBank too! ^^
Chapter 20: URGH!! It's so annoying!! How could them..??? To our Minwoo..

/sob sob/

Poor maknae...Who are the bad guys anyway! Feels like killing them!! >0<
Chapter 15: Annyeong!! ^^

After 14 cute, enjoyable, funny and the most epic chapters in my life, I finally decided to comment, lol! xD

Your story is really awesome!! Finally! A story that doesn't involve awkward shipping between the members! xD

I like it how you put some realistic...things in this story, like how Key obviously favor Taemin more, and how Teen Top always bullies cutie Ricky though he's not the maknae. ((Not like they can bully Changjo anyway... xD))

Lolol! Gong Chanshik is evilll!!!!! xD

I love the part when you combined the groups, producing the chaotic situation ever!! Finally someone came to challenge Onew and his chickens!! xD

Currently reading about Minwoo~~~ I don't know their personality that well though...xD But I'm sad too when his personality changed! Minwoo-ah~~ It's okay to be nice too! ^^

I'm going to continue reading so...author-nim fighting!! ^^
jungjungjung #6
yea, me too. i love them. huhu.
inyourtshirt #8
love shinee & B1A4!!!!