Where Are You Christmas?

Where Are You Christmas?

    On a cold, snowy, Christmas Eve, twenty-six year old, Lee Sungmin was out Christmas shopping with two of his best friends/bandmates/Lee brothers, Lee Donghae and Lee Hyukjae (Eunhyuk).
“Guys,” Sungmin started, “Why do we need to buy presents if Santa’s just going to bring us a bunch of presents in the night?”
Donghae and Eunhyuk stared at Sungmin, “You still believe in Santa?”
The bunny boy nodded his head vigorously and gave a great big smile, “Of course I do!! He’s real! I know he is.”
The band mates burst out laughing.
“Come on Sungmin, Santa’s not real!” Donghae laughed.
Sungmin felt anger building up inside of him. He formed his lips into a pout, “Santa is real and I’m going to prove it!” With that, Sungmin stomped out of the store and into the town.
Sungmin began making his way back to Super Junior’s dorm. ‘I know Santa’s real. I will prove it to them and they will be sorry they ever doubted me!’ Sungmin thought.
Sungmin made his way down the street and eventually made it back to the dorms. He walked through the front door to find Kim Ryeowook and Kim Jong Woon decorating their Christmas tree.
“Hey Sungmin! What’s up?” Asked the younger of the two, Ryeowook.
Sungmin took a big sigh before speaking, “Do you guys believe in Santa?”
“Santa?” Jong Woon questioned, “I haven’t believed in him since I was a kid.”
“Same here.” Ryeowook asked a little confused, “Why do you ask? You don’t actually believe in him still... Do you Sungmin?”
Sungmin didn’t reply. Instead, he lowered his head and made his way into the kitchen. Inside the kitchen, he found his religious friend, Choi Siwon, reading what looks like the bible, and the father of the Suju family, Kim Young Woon, sitting at the table; enjoying a plate of cookies.
“Hi Min.” Young Woon greeted, “I see you, Donghae and Eunhyuk are back from shopping?”
“Actually no.” Sungmin replied, “Donghae and Eunhyuk are still shopping...”
“So why did you come back?” Siwon asked looking up from his bible.
Sungmin thought for a moment before replying, “Um... W-Well.. D-Do you guys believe in... S-Santa Claus?”
“Sungmin,” Siwon started, “There are many things I believe in, but Santa is not one of them.”
“Yeah Min, only little kids believe in Santa...” Young Woon added.
Small tears formed in Sungmin’s eyes and he decided to go to his room so that his friends wouldn’t see him cry on Christmas Eve. ‘I’m not a little kid, but I do believe in Santa...’ He thought to himself as he reached his room.
“Hey Minnie.” The maknae, Cho Kyuhyun, greeted.
Sungmin said nothing. Instead, he laid on his stomach on the bed, buried his head in his arms and cried.
“Min?” Kyuhyun asked as he sat next to the crying Sungmin, “What’s wrong?”
Sungmin sniffled and looked up, “Everyone says I’m a kid...”
“Because... Well, I still believe in Santa Claus...”
“He’s not real!!” Young Woon said as he walked past their room with a cup of hot chocolate.
The maknae sighed and stood up to close the door, then sat back down next to Sungmin, “Min, you’re not a kid for believing that...”
Upon hearing that, Sungmin sat up with a smile on his face, “D-Does that mean that... You believe in Santa too!?!?”
The maknae stared into the eyes of the bunny boy. Sungmin’s eyes were filled with hope, but Kyuhyun’s were filled with worry... Of course the maknae didn’t believe in Santa, but he didn’t want to upset the bunny boy even more...
Sungmin saw the look on Kyuhyun’s face and before the maknae could say anything, Sungmin sighed, “It’s okay. I know you don’t believe in him either... It was silly to think you did...” With that, Sungmin collected himself and walked out the bedroom door.
He walked into the living room, grabbed his coat from the rack and headed out the front door. Sungmin walked down the sidewalk. His hair, coat, jeans, and shoes, getting covered in snow.
Meanwhile, back at the dorm, the maknae was pacing around in his room. ‘I feel like a jerk.’ He thought to himself. Of course he’s the evil maknae, so he should feel good, right? For some reason, he doesn’t feel that great hurting his roommate. Kyuhyun sat on his bed and thought of a way to make the bunny boy feel better.
As the day went on, night time rolled in. Sungmin walked through the front door to find all the members were sitting in front of the television watching some really old Christmas movie. To be honest, Sungmin had been out all day and the boys of Super Junior had been worried about him.
“Sungmin!!!” Half of them shouted happily.
“You’re back!” Ryeowook said.
“We were worried something happened.” Young Woon added.
Inside, Sungmin was still a little sad that all his friends think he’s a kid, but he wasn’t going to let them see his sadness. Sungmin simply smiled before saying, “Oh, I was just out and about. I-I’m gonna go to b-bed...”
With that, the bunny boy walked into his bedroom and laid on his back on his bed. While he was out, walking around and such, he passed a bunch of decorated houses, some of which had Santa Claus things. He also saw a bunch of little children with happy smiles, heading home from the mall, where they probably met Santa. Without everyone believing in Santa, Christmas just didn’t feel right to Sungmin.
“Santa, if you really are real, please just give me a sign.” Sungmin said to himself. He grabbed his guitar from the side of his bed and started strumming a few notes before adding words:

Where are you Christmas?
Why can’t I find you?
Why have you gone away?

Where is the laughter,
You used to bring me.
Why can’t I hear music play?

My world is changing,
I’m rearranging,
Does that mean Christmas changes too?

Where are you Christmas?
Do you remember,
The one you used to know.

I’m not the same one,
See what the times done,
Is that why you have let me go?

Christmas is here, everywhere,
Christmas is here, if you care,
If there is love, in your heart and your mind,
You will feel like Christmas all the time-

Sungmin stopped strumming and singing, upon hearing footsteps outside the door. He set down his guitar, laid under the covers and closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep.
His roommate, Kyuhyun, walked in and saw the sleeping Sungmin. He quietly bid the other members a Merry Christmas Eve and a good night before quietly closing the door.
The maknae sat on his bed, across from Sungmin’s and stared at the bunny boy. ‘Poor Min, he probably cried himself to sleep thinking about what the members said...’ Kyuhyun thought to himself.
Kyuhyun sighed and laid down. He was barely closing his eyes to go to sleep, when he heard the ruffling of blankets, tiny footsteps and the door to his bedroom quietly open, then close. Kyuhyun sat up and looked over at Sungmin’s bed, but Sungmin was no longer laying in his bed.
The maknae quietly opened his bedroom door and peaked around it and into the living room. Sungmin was on his knees in front of the Christmas tree with his hands clasped together. Kyuhyun walked a little further and leaned against the wall.
“Santa,” Sungmin started, “I know you’re real. The other members just don’t believe in you! I wish for a sign, or anything, to prove to them that you really are real and that I’m not a kid! Please.”
Kyuhyun stared at the boy. He felt so bad, until a great idea popped into his mind. The maknae quietly slipped out the front door and walked down the street looking for any store that’s still open. When he finally found one, he walked inside...
Back at the dorm, Sungmin had set out a batch of cookies and some milk in hopes that Santa Claus really would come. The bunny boy made himself a cup of hot chocolate, wrapped himself in a blanket and sat on the couch next to the Christmas Tree. ‘I’m going to prove Santa’s real, even if it means staying up and waiting for him.’ Sungmin thought to himself.
But as the minutes past by, Sungmin started to get sleepy. He continued to wake himself up, but it just wasn’t working. He began to slowly close his eyes, but immediately opened them when the front door flung open. He flinched when the cold from outside hit him. He thought that the door opened from the wind and he was going to go close it, when a figure appeared in the doorway.
Sungmin’s smile grew a thousand miles wide when he saw the person. In a faint whisper, he said, “Santa Claus.”
And indeed, Sungmin’s words were... Somewhat true... Santa was standing in the doorway, the only difference was that this so called ‘Santa Claus’ was actually Cho Kyuhyun in a Santa suit... But we’ll just let Sungmin believe it’s the real Santa.
“Ho Ho Ho!” SantaKyu said.
Sungmin immediately ran toward ‘Santa’ and wrapped his arms around his stomach. “I knew you were real!”
SantaKyu smiled seeing Sungmin this happy, “Yup I’m real!”
“Sungmin?” Someone in the other room called. The person appeared in the living room. It was Young Woon. He looked around sleepily, “What’s going on?”
“It’s Santa!!” Sungmin said happily.
Young Woon looked closer at ‘Santa’, then looked at Sungmin, “Sungmin, that’s not-” He stopped mid-sentence when he saw Kyuhyun glaring at him. With that, Young Woon sighed, “I guess you’re right! He is real.”
Sungmin’s smile grew even bigger! The rest of the members came out to find SantaKyu, Sungmin, and Young Woon.
“Santa?” Everyone asked.
Young Woon and Kyuhyun gave everyone a look that said, ‘Play along.’ So they did. Everyone had smiles on their faces and kept saying stuff like, “You are real!” and “Sorry I didn’t believe you Sungmin.”
“Well, Santa’s very busy tonight, so why doesn’t everyone head back off to bed.” SantaKyu said.
All the members nodded and headed back off into their rooms, all except for Sungmin. SantaKyu stared at Sungmin questioningly. “Aren’t you going to bed?”
Sungmin shook his head, “I can’t.”
“And why is that?” SantaKyu asked.
“Santa’s here! I can’t just go to bed now!” Sungmin smiled.
SantaKyu chuckled, then set down a big red bag he was carrying. Kyuhyun had actually forgotten to do his Christmas shopping, so he took this as the perfect opportunity. Anyways, SantaKyu walked over to the couch and sat down. Sungmin followed him, but instead, sat on the floor, across from SantaKyu.
SantaKyu picked up a cookie and began eating it. Sungmin watched carefully and happily. He was so happy that he had finally proven everyone wrong.
“Santa,” Sungmin started, “I’m so happy that you came.”
SantaKyu stopped eating and gave Sungmin a small smile. It wasn’t his usual evil maknae smirk, this was an actual smile. He was happy that Sungmin was happy. SantaKyu patted his lap, telling Sungmin to come and sit. Sungmin stood up and happily sat on SantaKyu’s lap.
SantaKyu smiled, “So what is it that you wanted for Christmas?”
Sungmin gave a soft smile, “I got my Christmas wish. It was to finally see Santa!”
SantaKyu chuckled, “But there isn’t anything else you want?”
Sungmin thought for a moment before shyly smiling, “Well, there is one other thing...”
SantaKyu looked Sungmin in the eyes, “What is it?”
Sungmin looked at the floor shyly and mumbled something.
“What was that?” SantaKyu asked.
Sungmin looked up at SantaKyu with lustful eyes, “Kyuhyun.”
SantaKyu was shocked, “W-What?”
The bunny boy smiled, “If I could really have one other thing for Christmas, besides seeing, you, Santa... It would be Cho Kyuhyun.”
SantaKyu smile turned into a smirk, “Well, I can certainly try to get you him. But for now, I have to go give the children of the world their presents. So why don’t you head off to bed?”
Sungmin nodded, but instead of going to bed imeaditally, he waited for ‘Santa’ to leave. Once SantaKyu placed all the presents, under the tree, he left, and when was gone, Sungmin decided to take care of the cookies and milk on the table.
While Sungmin was taking care of the cookies and milk in the kitchen, Kyuhyun quietly snuck back inside the dorm. He snuck through the living room and into his and Sungmin’s shared room. He slipped off the Santa suit and shoved it under his bed. Kyuhyun quickly laid down in his bed and when Sungmin came into the room, he smiled to himself.
Sungmin sat on Kyuhyun’s bed, next to him, “Kyuhyun...” Sungmin poked him, “Kyuhyun!!”
Kyuhyun turned over and looked at Sungmin, then sat up, “What is it Min?”
“I saw Santa!!” Sungmin said happily.
“Oh did you?” Kyuhyun asked.
“You probably don’t believe me now, but wait til tomorrow when all the members agree! They saw him too Kyuhyun! He’s real!!” Sungmin exclaimed with happiness.
Kyuhyun smiled at the bunny boy and remembered back to what he told him- Err... ‘Santa’....

“If I could really have one other thing for Christmas, besides seeing, you, Santa... It would be Cho Kyuhyun.”


Kyuhyun smiled, “Well Min, let’s go to sleep, that way we can open our presents in the morning.”
Sungmin nodded, then climbed into his own bed and drifted off into a deep sleep. Kyuhyun stared at the ceiling conducting his plan for Christmas tomorrow...

“Kyuhyun!! Come on!! Get up!! It’s Christmas!!!!” A very happy Sungmin exclaimed, pouncing on a very tired Kyuhyun. Sungmin happily ran out the door yelling, “Guy’s get up!! It’s Christmas!!!”
All the members slowly got out of bed and dragged themselves to the living room. All except Sungmin, Donghae and Ryeowook... They of course can’t wait to open their presents. All the members gathered around the tree, handing each other presents and unwrapping them quickly, all those except Kyuhyun, who leaned against the wall and watched Sungmin’s bright smile light up the room.
“You did good Cho.” Siwon said patting Kyuhyun’s back, “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
Kyuhyun chuckled, “I didn’t think I did either.”
“Hey Kyuhyun, this one’s for you!!” Donghae shouted to the maknae.
“Hurry up or I’m gonna open it!” Eunhyuk added.
“Yah, you open my presents, I’ll kill you!” The evil maknae warned as he ran toward the tree.
Kyuhyun grabbed the gift from Donghae’s hands and sat next to Sungmin. He slowly unwrapped the gift to unveil a new Starcraft game.
“Woah...” He said quietly. He turned it over and saw a small sticky note on it. It read,

Dear Kyuhyun,
Merry Christmas. Thank you for showing Sungmin that I’m real.
Santa Claus

Kyuhyun stared at the note... ‘He’s real??’ He thought to himself.
“Who’s that one from?” Sungmin asked looking over Kyuhyun’s shoulder.
Kyuhyun ripped off the sticky note and looked at Sungmin, “Um... A-A friend... Not one of the members, just... A friend.”
Sungmin shrugged and unwrapped one of the other gifts he had gotten from one of the members. Kyuhyun looked at the Christmas Tree, then out the window at the sky and snowflakes, “You’re welcome.” He mouthed with a smile.
“Hey guys!” Eunhyuk shouted, “Mistletoe!!!” Eunhyuk held the mistletoe over Ryeowook and Yesung’s heads. Ryeowook blushed and looked away, Yesung slowly smiled, then gave a peck on Ryeowook’s cheek. Ryeowook blushed even more.
Eunhyuk ran around the house, trying to hold the mistletoe over everyone’s heads, but everyone kept running away. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and looked back at Sungmin, who was unwrapping another gift. Sungmin didn’t even notice that Eunhyuk was now holding the mistletoe over his and Kyuhyun’s heads. Kyuhyun looked up at the mistletoe, slightly shook his head, then smirked. He leaned forward and kissed Sungmin’s cheek. Sungmin turned bright red, then looked at Kyuhyun.
“K-Kyuhyun...” Sungmin stuttered.
Kyuhyun smirked, “Merry Christmas Min.” The maknae placed a kiss on the bunny boys lips and the room burst into a bunch of “Aw's”.
Sungmin dropped the gift he was holding and pounced on the maknae, making Kyuhyun land on his back, with Sungmin on top of him.
“Get a room you two...” Young Woon shouted from the kitchen.

The two turned bright red, then looked around the room. Donghae had snatched the mistletoe from Eunhyuk and held it above him. Donghae kissed Eunhyuk and the monkey blushed.

SIN’S!! SIN’S EVERYWHERE!!!!” Siwon yelled while running away from Eunhyuk, who now had the mistletoe again.

Meanwhile, their leader, Leeteuk got a couple of days away from the military to go visit family for Christmas. The door was already opened and he had been standing there watching the whole charade of the members being loud and crazy. Leeteuk stared wide eyed, ‘I-I’ll come back... Next year...’ He thought to himself as he back out of the doorway.

“Nuh uh,” Young Woon grabbed Leeteuk’s collar before he got away, “You’re mine this Christmas.”

Sungmin pulled his guitar from his room and began strumming and singing to all the members:


I feel you Chirstmas,

I know I found you,

You’d never fade away~


The joy of Christmas,

Stays here inside us,

Fills each and every heart with,



And so ends it all! All the members were happy. Their leader was home, they had all fallen in love and Sungmin had... Kinda proved that Santa is real... This Christmas was truly the best for everyone!


All except Siwon who was now in his room doing some ritual to keep all the sins away...






Merry Christmas Indeed Guys!! Haha I hope you all enjoyed this story!!! :DD ♥ Oh and here’s the song Sungmin sings(:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJg2osax324


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ayawani #1
Chapter 1: Kyumin so cute..X)
Sideeyeing Siwon..
ohmysuperjunior #2
Chapter 1: omg xD the last part had me cracking up xD lmao siwon doing rituals to keep all those sins away hahaha xD this whole story is just so sweeettt :') i love it <3
Chapter 1: Love love it kk soo cute
Chapter 1: this was bootiful.... i was wondering if i could share this story on a facebook page i manage? wait.... would it be a ? or a . there... i dont know... anyways, please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks yous -3-
Jin_Riri #5
Chapter 1: hahahahaha XD kekeke Siwon is still doing the ritual? LOL
Chapter 1: Thank you for this wonderful fic author! :))
heydaydreamer14 #7
Chapter 1: Sweet present from suju and authornim:))
Really cute & funny :D
Chapter 1: awwww that was sweet :)