Darkest Hour.

How I Wish
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The sound of rain. The drizzling sound it makes when it hits your roof and somehow it's the most comfortable feelings when the coldness of the day hits you a long with the sound of the rain drops that continuously continue to drum. Such sound leaves you so cozy and sleepy even though you know you're suppose to be awake. Even though you know you're suppose to get up and work. It was a gloomy Friday morning, Hye Ryung was trying her hardest to get out of bed but she just couldn't. Her bed was holding on to her. *Ring ring*, her phone rang and lazily as she is she answered with a very soft sleepy voice. "Hello?", she said not seeing who it was. "Are you awake yet? I'm just checking on you. You have recording later", the voice that could make her sleep and sleep and sleep spoke to her. "Hmm?", she asked trying to stay awake but obviously Donghae was sure she wasn't able to get up. Therefore, "I'll be right over", he said before hanging up. Hye Ryung's phone dropped to the ground and she slowly fell asleep once more. Not long later, she could feel someone nudging her softly with a voice that sounded so calm and soothing. When her eyes opened, she saw Donghae and she could feel him caressing her face gently. "Wake up", he said smiling at her. "I can't. I just want to lay right here. It's like a dream", she said holding Donghae's hand by her cheek.

Donghae then leaned in and kissed her forehead as he fixed her hair; trying to get her to sit up at the same time. Just right after Hye Ryung sat up but still had her eyes closed, Donghae noticed the photo frame of him which caught his attention immediately. "Isn't... isn't that me?", Donghae asked pointing to the photo frame. This immediately got Hye Ryung to open her eyes widely and turned to the picture frame. Quickly, she pushed it down and didn't dare to look at Donghae. "Ya, wae?", Donghae asked after watching Hye Ryung's sudden actions. Hye Ryung shook her head with an embarrassed look on her face and sometimes, she even looked like she's going to cry out of embarrassment. "Waeyeo?", Donghae said nudging Hye Ryung cutely and after awhile, Hye Ryung turn to Donghae with a doubtful look and told him, "That has been there since 6 years ago", Hye Ryung said blushing She then immediately pulled her white blanket over her head and hid herself because she was feeling so embarrassed that she can't help to hide. Donghae laughed softly and climbed over her; laying down beside her before pulling the blanket away and tucked in with her while her eyes is closed. "I love that it's right here beside you when you're asleep", Donghae said gently as he use his fingers to caress Hye Ryung's cheeks which got her eyes to open.

Donghae finally got Hye Ryung up and drove in different cars as they made their way to SM building together. They even parked and entered the building from different places so that no one or fans would suspect that there's something going on between them. They wouldn't want people to know because if they do want to, it would be too fast and they wouldn't know what people will say about their relationship. Besides that, there will definitely be many some fans who would dislike the pairing between them. It was crucial for them and they didn't want to risk anything. Hye Ryung and Donghae walked pass each other as they needed to go opposite ways and as they were passing by, Hye Ryung suddenly fel

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nerdybunny1206 #1
Chapter 31: You made me cry so many times, I lost count TTwTT
Kyoya_kumo #2
Chapter 10: just to be sure... The last picture is from dream high? Because I swear that the guy in the pic is JB
Chapter 31: Why is the ending so sad?! I really hope you can make another donghae and oc fic with a happy ending! The story is great and i love it! Fighting authornim! :)
Chapter 23: Hello, I normally put meanings in brackets like I did above. For Juuihasibsio, it means 'Be careful' :)
Kpopfanficlovers0606 #5
Chapter 23: Hey what does Juuihasibsio mean?
Chapter 31: Hi!! A new reader here!! Thanks for the lovely fic but the end breaks my heart, but even thought the fic is amazing!!
Thanks for it and fighting with the next!! ^_^
MikaKelly #7
Chapter 31: Loved it, but what a sad ending. Maybe you could write another Donghae story with a happier ending.
DaeHae87 #8
Chapter 31: Omg .. so sad :'(