I Was So Scared .. And Still Am

Horror Film


I pull my locker open as i grab the stuff needed for the next lesson . I was about to smash it close when it did by itself . I jump in fright and averted my gaze at the figure standing infront of me , smirking . For a second there , i thought my locker has a mind of its own . 
"Gosh , you gave me a heart attack ."
"Hey baby ~"
"Go away Ricky ."
I push him away making him stumble as i walk pass him , holding in my laugh . He shout my name countless times as i fasten my pace , ignoring him . I head to the cafeteria where my friends are already seated . 
"Where were you ?"
"Got blocked again .. By that --"
"Ricky ?"
I shrug as i snatch the packet of chips from my friends . So basically , we're the school queenkas . Me , ShinAh , HaRin , SungHee and NaNa . Yes , we . Why ? Maybe because of our looks , or our money .. Who knows ? 
But wait , we're so unlike those queenkas out there who flick their hair when hot guy passes by or command nerds and geeks to do our work . No . In fact , we're a whole lot better , we make friends . We're nice people ... Who actually owns a heart . I just hate it when people judge us okay , just because we hang out with guys and in groups doesn't mean we're a bunch of  ... s . But theres just some people , that doesn't understand . 
Anyways , we are a bunch of
friends . Aside from us , we're close with the Teen Top , the kingkas which consist of CAP , Chunji , L.Joe , Niel , ChangJo and .... Ricky . 
I know what you're thinking .. Do i have some issues with Ricky ? Yes . I do . We've been .. Friends eversince we're born . I'm serious , our mothers are best friends forever and thats how i met him . But everything about him is just wrong . Not that i hate him , i just find him so annoying . Like freaking annoying . Why ? Wherever i go , he'll always be there too . Whether coincidencely or purposely .. He'll always be there . He's almost like my stalker . 
"Hey yo ! Whats up ?"
I snap out of my thoughts and look up only to find Teen top . I smile as i scoot closer to my friends to leave some space for them to sit with us . Yeah , we're so close that we hang together quite often .
"Wanna catch some movie tonight ? I  heard theres this new horror show . Come on !"
"Sounds fun ! We have nothing up . Right girls ?"
Oh no . I'm screwed . No one actually knows my weakness point . Well , except Ricky since he's like my stalker .
"I-i don't think i'll be able to make it guys .."
I said looking down as soon as i felt all eyes on me . And here goes the bombards of question .
"Why not ?"
"Yeah ! You always make it !"
"Come on ! It won't be fun ."
I mentally slap myself . I'm dead . I look up at Ricky as he look at me and he mouth me 'you okay?' . I look away as i stand up from my seat .
"Sorry guys , maybe next time ? I'm going back to class ."
And with that , i turn around and walk away . I walk to the rooftop , where i can calm down and think straight . Unconciously , a tear slip off my eyes . I feel like a coward . A freaking coward . I may look tough but trust me . I'm not . I wish i was . 
I hate horror films . Why ? Because i've gone through much worse . When i was a kid , studying in kindergarten , i got bullied . There was one time when a group of kids whom i preffered to call them 'the little devils' tricked me and led me into a worn-old house .
Being the clueless , innocent kid that i was , i followed them and ended up being lock in there .. For a day . In the midnight , its just unforgettable . Wolf howling , sound of footsteps , woman crying and more . More scary things that you could have imagine off . Worst experience ever .
My thoughts were snap when the sound of a door click open . I turn around only to find Ricky walking towards me . I wipe away my tears as i straighten my uniform . He stand beside me as he pass me a tissue .
"Thanks .."
I whispered , loud enough for him to hear . Silence were filled in the room that we're in . I look at him , staring at the blank sky .
"Whats in your mind Ricky ?"
"Tell me the truth .."
"W-what ?"
"You rejected their offer because you're scared right ?"
"Scared because of ... That thing that happened to you before .. Right ?"
".. Yes . Yes Ricky .. I'm scared ."
A tear slip off my eyes as he pull me in for a tight warm embrace . I snuggle in his chest as he rub my back , telling me its gonna be okay . We stay in that position for some time when the bell starts to ring again , signalling break is over . We pull away .
"Thank you Ricky ."
"Remember , i'll always be there for you ."
"T-thanks .. So are you going to the movie ?"
"Hmm .. Nope !"
"Why ? You love horror movies !"
"I rather be with you ."
".. What are you saying ?"
"Lets .. Go somewhere after school . Not the cinema ."
"R-really ? You rather miss a favourite show and be with me ?"
"I don't want you to feel left out ."
"But wait .. A-are you asking me out ?"
I look at him as his face flush red . I giggle and hit his arms playfully . I like this side of him . Cute .
"Kinda . If you want to . I wont force you or anything but i--"
"Sure ... I'd love to ."
And with that , he's panic face is replace with a wide smile as he wrap his arms around my shoulders , making me laugh aloud . 
"So .. Does that makes us official ?"
"What official ?"
"That we're going out ?"
"Yeah .. WHAT ?! No , no .. We're just friends !"
"Nope ! You admit it a few seconds ago . You're mine now ! MINE ONLY ! "
"B-but .."
He runs away , dancing happily like a wild monkey . I laugh as i shook my head . Typical Ricky . Always gets what he want .
He may be annoying , irritating , dorky and all but a day without him .. Would feel like hell . Now i wonder how my life would be if i never met him . Would it be happier ?  Or would it feel empty ? I'd choose the second option . 
 I guess .. I'm falling for him . Ricky-ah , i'm starting to develop some feelings for you . I .. I love you .
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Chapter 1: aw that's so unfortunate because December is raining season.. Where did you go?
anyway this is so sweet and cute~~~ like Ricky
hey author-nim~ Malaysia? what did you like best about the country?
the food? hehe. sorry for asking. I just wanna know about your thoughts towards my country.
Chapter 1: Lmfaoooo I can picture all of this. he's so cute. "NO! YOU'RE MINE NOW! MINE!" Awh i can totally picture that and it's making me laugh X) he's so cute!!!!!
Orchrd_flower4 #4
Chapter 1: caaayyuuteee
You have a vacation in Malaysia...awesome..!^^
Chapter 1: Cute!!! hahah. How he called her his. Just so cute!!! XD
Omoooo .. Cute Ricky . Really suits his character . ㅋㅋㅋ
awesome :33!