Chapter 2

Tell Me Your Wish

           A week has passed since the ‘extraordinary dream’ in his last day in Egypt (Minseok insists to call it like that because he believed he was half-asleep right then), and finally he could sleep in peace after freeing himself from six-days full of Jongdae’s whining and Yixing’s countless calls when he was in Egypt.


          Today is last day of the week, which means day-off work for almost people in Seoul, but not for Minseok. He’s sitting on the soft-grey carpeted floor, his back leaning against the sofa behind him and his stare never leaves from his laptop screen. A lot of paper scattered everywhere, accompanied by several empty coffee cans lying on floor. Minseok just about to drink his sixth coffee can before thick fog once again appears from nowhere, causing Minseok spurts his coffee to his shirt and coughs helplessly (again).


          “Ew, that’s gross”, someone’s voice –which is strangely familiar- makes Minseok flinches, “and could you stop coughing everytime I appear in front of you, Master?” the full first sentence Luhan mouths in a week to Minseok, who staring back at him with jaw agape.


          “I-I-Uh, Lu-Luhan? W-what are you doing here?”, the chestnut-haired man splutters, too confused to say anything properly when he sees the genie is already standing across the table.


          Rolling his eyes in annoyance,“Well, Master, it’s a pleasure to know that you’re still remember me.” Luhan walks around in his new owner’s house, studying new environment around him, followed by Minseok’s gaze.


          Minseok’s house – apartment, to be exact – is more than cozy and luxurious, one could tell from the first glance. Eventhough mostly decorated by minimalist colors like white, black, and grey, the apartment gives a homey feeling for the guest. Luhan passes 72-inch LED TV hanging comfortably on the wall before pulling the curtain open, showing him a perfect scenery of Seoul.


          Minseok, who’ still confused (like always), tilts his head hesitantly before answering, “Umm, thank you?”


          Luhan scoffs.


          “Were you ignoring your genie all this week?”, Luhan sits on the couch where Minseok leaning his back, this time his tone is more relaxed than the first time he reappears.


          “But I thought you wanna continue your sleep?”, Minseok frowns, his eyebrows are knitted together and Luhan has the hold the urge to touch those eyebrows.


          “Yeah, actually, but did you expect me seven days straight without not even once coming out from my lamp?”


          “Then why didn’t you come out by yourself?”


          (Tsk. Because Luhan is a high-noble genie (he addresses it by himself) and his (too high) pride wouldn’t let him to come out from his lamp unless his master calling out for him (THEY need him, so they have to beg –Luhan’s principal). But Minseok doesn’t need to know that)


          “Hmph. I just don’t”


          “By the way, I guess I haven’t told you my name? Just call me Minseok”, the genie finds himself fazed by the bright smile that emitted from Minseok’s cute lips, and oh no, Luhan is not whipped by his new owner. (soon).


          “I knew. Since the first time we met, I just knew it. Genie’s power, y’know,” Minseok’s mouth forms an ‘O’ and he nods slowly, then continuing his previous work on his computer.


          “What are you doing?”, Luhan asks curiously, his head leaning in slowly to the same level as Minseok’s.


          “Checking my company reports paper”, says Minseok shortly as he ruffles his hair, a habit that he always do when he’s in stress or confused.


          “You’re an archaeologist, arent’ you? Why are you doing these papers?” Luhan takes a sheet paper lying on the floor, trying to read it.


          Minseok shuffles a bit – Luhan’s breath tickles his nape.


          “I was an archaeologist,” the shorter man snorts, his lips pout adorably, “before my stupid older cousin, Kim Heechul, shamelessly ran away with his boyfriend, leaving all his task as the next heir of his father’s company, making his father, who happened to be my uncle, choosed me to replace his only son position”, Minseok finishes almost breathlessly.


          Luhan nods, giving him symphatetic look.


          Silence lingers in the air for a moment before Luhan decides to ask, “Where am I?  What year we’re in now?”


          The other man turns his head fully, facing Luhan, throwing him ‘are-you-serious-look’. The genie responds to this by pouting at Minseok, “Hey, I had been slept for long period of time-”, the shorter of the two sneers, “Don’t blame me if I already lost count of time.”


          When Minseok keeps sneering at him, Luhan couldn’t help himself to pinch his owner’s squishy cheeks.


          “Aww, it hurts!”


          “Sneering at me again and I’ll bully your cheeks again… and maybe your other cheeks”, Luhan smirks.


          Realizing Luhan’s words mean, Minseok flushes for an instant – turning his gaze from Luhan. “I was kidding, you sensitive genie! Are you in PMS, huh?”, he pouts.


          “What does PMS mean?”, Luhan asks him back, completely clueless about the meaning of PMS.


          “Nevermind, then”, the taller man scowls before tackling Minseok, who’s about to stand, to the carpeted floor and cackles when his action successfully making the his owner falls on his .


          “Yah! I don’t know that my genie loves to bully me!”


          My genie? Luhan likes that already.


          Luhan contemplates a bit, “Well, Let’s consider it as my new hobby.”


          “Shut up”, Minseok growls, throwing Luhan a cushion from the sofa, which easily dodges by him.


          “So, you haven’t answered my question, Minseok-ah”, Luhan chirps, clearly satisfied after bullying his new owner.


          “Hmph. Welcome to Seoul, South Korea, and we’re in 2013, where computer starts taking rule over the world-“






          “What is computer?”


          Minseok facepalms.






so sorry for the late update.

this is un-beta-ed (and never, maybe lol), so if you find any grammar and spelling mistakes, just tell me okay? ^^

thanks for reading guys!

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...suddenly feeling nervous -__-


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Chapter 3: The Most Adorable Genie Ever~ (-w-)
cuteeeeeeeeee update soon :3
Chapter 3: oh oh oh!
so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute
update again soon!
dibsfortwo #4
Chapter 2: This is so cute and refreshing!! Love Xiuhan. Pls update soon <3333
Scarlet_Legionnaire #5
Chapter 3: So much fluff in this chapter I'mma cry in my pool of tears ;~;
xiuhan went to ss5 today<333 kyaa x3
you wriye this so good thoo xD
me likeyyy<33'keep writting and fighting!!!
---its d-2 to minseok's BURTHDAYYYY
please make a special chapter for him;D;D /lewinkeu
Chapter 3: SO CUTEEEEEE.
nizzyool #8
Chapter 3: that boy in the picture--who is he? o.O
Chapter 3: THEY ARE SO FLUFFY!!!
Chapter 2: Sdfgakkadkwwiorlx. Cute. Cute. Cute. Cute. Cute.
Everytime I see xiuhan the word cute appear.
So does with . (If you know what I mean lol)
This is so
Mind-blowingly (is that even a word?)
extravagant job. Shall love you from nao on.