
Walk with Me in Hell

Dear readers, I'm sorry to disappoint you but this is not an update orz Just a little announcement.

From now on, I will no longer be posting my fics at AFF. I'm still continuing these ongoing stories, but I'll be posting them at my writing journal here. My main reason is because it's far easier to control if I only have one fic journal. Since I edit and re-edit my fics pretty often even after I've posted them, having two fic journals is just too much of a hassle. Last weekend, I just noticed that there were 2 versions of "Ex Nihilo" because the last time did some re-editing, I did it for the one here but forgot to edit the one @ LJ :|


Anyway, that's my decision. If you're still interested in following my ongoing stories, there are a few options:


1) You can add me as a friend at AFF because every time I update my writing journal, I will post a link at my blog here. So when I update my blog, you'll automatically receive a notification :)


2) I will also post a link at my twitter here. It's locked, but you can follow me if you want ^^


3) Or you can just follow my writing journal at LJ if you have an LJ account lol


Feel free to unsubscribe to any of my fics here since they will no longer be updated. And last but not least, thank you for all your love and support to these children of my fancy. I hope we'll meet again and Viva WonKyu ♥


- Jus -



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singloong #1
Chapter 6: I'm in love with this story T___T
frenzygirl #2
Chapter 6: I spent the weekend reading every fic you've ever written for WK and now I'll follow you wherever you go :)
Somehow i find reading here on aff easier...but u just keep updating i'll get just to LJ soon enough...kekekee luving how siwon spoil him yet let him fight his own battle, knowingly teaching the younger about life. I really dont mind the age diff...cos in my head...still same same...kekekee XD

Update soon ^^
hippychick #4
Chapter 6: please tell me your LJ name :D
Chapter 6: Omg please accept my friend request omg omg omg brb making a LJ journal omg how to omg omg *pass out*
Chapter 6: I did everything so give me stories xDDD thanks for letting us know this ^^
Chapter 6: gonna friend you honey!! =))
hit0rigurashi #8
Chapter 6: Oh my God!!! I'm gonna follow you everywhere!!! Gonna do all options, whether it's 1-3 or 1-300!!!!
simrore #9
Chapter 6: I'm gonna miss you on here, but I'll follow your Twitter ^^! Can we also be friends on here too C:? I really wanna keep reading your stuff, you're one of my favorite AFF and WonKyu authors <3.