Assigned Report

The Resentment


The Faculty was full of arguements due to the assigned report for the Mansion 
some were clueless to think of it as only for documentary purposes about history and such things 
while one was telling its a dangerous thing for the students to report it may have a secret the owner only must only know 
that person was Nakama Yukie, one of the teachers of Nirin High, she was as quiet as ever 
but then while the subject was on she kept arguing to let the nonsense stop but there were numbers of people to think of it as only a Documentary to take on and a discovery for the assigned students for it 
"Miss Nakama, we' understand what you said but it's only a documentary not like those silly horror stories, like the rumor at 1999 is nonsense" 
Mr.Tanaka laughed while organizing back the scattered files, Nakama then cleared still having her first thoughts about it 
"I will not make myself involved by it, I will skip that Assignment, Mr. Tanaka you might want to share it to assigned now the students in your mind through that nonsense report" she chuckled and get out from the cold room 
The Faculty members then laughed as if she was loose 
Mr.Tanaka had realized he forgot to go to his class about the assignment, he rushingly ran trying to show his childishnesss while entering the room, he could hear and see the students were indeed loud 
"Silence" he shouted and walked towards the tables while holding some folders 
"Today, I have assigned 8 students at an incredulous report for the week to be published at the whole campus at our Cultural Center" 
The students were listening whle making a move not to be pick for the report 
"It's about the Rumor at 1999 over a Mansion where 3 dead bodies are found and none of the whole country hae found out why" 
after hearing that, the students have prayed not to be pick trying to show that to turn it down but it did not stopped Mr.Tanaka's thoughts 
"and here are the lists of students I have chosen for the report and I wish they will successfully do it for our class" 
he smirked and opened a folder  
"Here it is, 
Hyun Ji Na 
Konno Tsugumi 
Kwon Seung Mi 
Takeshi Rui 
Park Kiryuu 
Jang Haebin 
Yoaka Yuriko, oh...I forgot your only all 7" 
there was tension in the air once the 7 students have heard their names, some of their faces show the smirks while some of them? uncertainty was shown. 

A/N :

All 7, Yuriko is not my character XD she's an actress she'll be one of you

anyways congrats to the chosen ones!!  also I'm including some people as minor characters

but they'll be out soon~

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Please update as soon as you can!
please update soon! It's been a loong time~
fizz-peaze #3
finished with your review ^^
I have to agree with Jason.<br />
Snapping at kids that were assigned to work on an assignment where you havent even been in it DOES make you completely pathetic.
lol yeah it got cut...stupid connection XD<br />
sorry for the inconvenience everyone!
Wah! Need to read more!