A Story That Might Be True

The Resentment


A silhouette of an old woman, became a shadow of a young lady as the angle of the candle turns right
The lady was carefully caressing and combing a young girl's hair, the young girl smiled and lied her head at her lap
the lady then smirked and began to sing a lullaby, 
the sunlight was so light that it already hurts her eyes
She realizes it was a dream, though she could always hear her mother sings that song
She closed the windows, not wanting to see the sunlight
it had been always dark inside their house
the candles were the only ones that could lighten then up to see
She wanted to go out, but she was locked up in her room again
As her eyes twinkled along the dark room, 
She tried to imagine to continue the dream, there was her and her mother, at every action she imagined was far from reality
The mother she is with had never sang her a lullaby
The mother she is with had never comb her hair
thus, her mother was near the word 'cruelty'
the mother in her imagination was still singing while combing her hair slowly
she then sing along as if they were together singing it at the mind
but then when the sudden agressive knock emerges, she turn around and sigh
before she could speak up, the door swung open revealing her mother with furrowed eyebrows
She then walk closer knowing just like any other day
She will guide her as she puts away evil spirits from a person to person who was a job by her mother, her kimono was always the same when it comes to the job
though she never realize it, her mother was always using her to put away them and sometimes
her body could be the instrument inside at the cruel spirit
"BOO!" One lady in the classroom scared them away as the girl with short hair gulped
wanting to continue her story
"C'mon! why do you always disturbed us?" one listener complained
"Because there is no such thing as cruel mothers and spirits, it's too impossible, it's just a waste of time" she snapped
the adviser walked by silently, all the students inside the classroom did not even notice her appearance
"Go back to your seats" but still the loud noise covered up her command
She then sighed as she heard the story continued
She always knew it


but never spoke up about it

A/N :

WAAAH......a weird teaser or maybe lame

But I wish someone reads it, it explained a bit about the antagonist

if you have questions about it, just pm me

and for the males, there's male position of an applier can have that is very important

so I need males .____. that's all!~

Arisa Out~!

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Please update as soon as you can!
please update soon! It's been a loong time~
fizz-peaze #3
finished with your review ^^
I have to agree with Jason.<br />
Snapping at kids that were assigned to work on an assignment where you havent even been in it DOES make you completely pathetic.
lol yeah it got cut...stupid connection XD<br />
sorry for the inconvenience everyone!
Wah! Need to read more!