Christmas Eve

A Christmas Story


“Jonghyun!” Kibum called from upstairs. “They’re going to be here soon. Get the drinks ready.”


Jonghyun didn’t respond, mostly because he didn’t need to, and quickly descended the stairs strewn with garland and small lights. He secured a silver watch around his wrist and fixed his cuff around it. At the counter bisecting the kitchen and the living area, the man drew out several wine glasses and placed them in a row next to various wines he and Kibum got when they toured a vineyard in the Parisian countryside. He brushed a few specks of dust off the bottles as he did so (God knows they we not forgotten, simply saved for such an occasion.)


Kibum remained upstairs adding the finishing touches to his and Alice’s ensemble. She stood on a small stood they kept under the sink in case she wanted to get ready with her dad. He was styling his hair with various products to keep it in place the rest of the night and Alice was mimicking him, tossing her hair around and brushing it.


“Kibum, it’s almost seven thirty. When are you coming down?” he heard Jonghyun call from the foyer, glancing out into the driveway.


“Five minutes,” he responded. He gave his hair one last once over and began smoothing out his daughter’s hair out to put up in a ribbon.


“Go get your hair clip,” he said, motioning across the hall and she was off to her room to retrieve it. He placed it in her hair near the tie and smiled, smoothing out her red holiday dress.


“My baby,” he cooed.  Even if she wasn’t his biologically, he could see so much of himself in his little girl.


“Daddy I’m hungry,” she said. He picked her up and hurriedly walked downstairs.


“Appa is getting the snacks ready. He’ll have something for you.” He put her down and turned the stereo on to classical American Christmas music. The house was beautifully decorated: Kibum had spent weeks before snipping out magazine pictures and driving across town to get the right decorations he knew would be perfect. They even chopped down their own Christmas tree. Or Jonghyun did. The front door had an ornate wreath with bells that chimed each time it was opened and the fireplace had candles and one large bow. He was so busy lighting the fire below the mantel that he didn’t hear Jonghyun walk up behind him.


Key was slightly startled when Jonghyun enveloped him in a hug. He moved the other in the archway to the hall where the mistletoe hung. He pulled him close to him by means of Kibum’s jacket, and the younger placed his hands on his chest and straightened his tie and patted down his collar.


“They’re going to be here soon,” he repeated for probably the first hundred times that night; Jonghyun bit his lip in the way that made him look like he was seven. He looked around the room for their daughter who was still in the kitchen and pressed his lips sweetly to Kibum’s.


The doorbell sang and a voice called out, “I’ll get it!” but Jonghyun would not let the other from his grip without another kiss. Alice opened the door greeted, “Merry Christmas!” to the guests that soon filled the house.


Kibum and Jonghyun, or Key and John in front of non-Koreans, greeted each of his coworkers and introduced them to his family. Jonghyun stood next to Kibum and said hello to the people walking through the door. Kibum scurried around the house with various coats he accumulated from the visitors and placed them on Jonghyun’s desk in his office.



After dinner, Key and a few of his female coworkers began to clean the dishes and reorganize the kitchen.


“So,” Angela, Kibum’s new assistant, said, “how long have you been with John?”


Key silently laughed to himself. How long has it been? He’s 28 now, they met when they were teenagers-


“11 years now, I think,” he replied. Nothing could sustain the butterflies he felt in his stomach each time he thought of Jonghyun. “We met right before he turned 16, so I was 15.”


“How did you two meet?” she asked. Instead of giving her the whole story of having a secret relationship with his best friend for years in Korea and finally moving to America where they could get married and adopt their daughter, he put it simply.


“We were singers in the same company.”


“I didn’t know you sang, Key!” Jamie, another coworker, exclaimed. “Sing us something!” He felt his ears turn red; instead he shook his head and continued scrubbing the same spot on a dish repeatedly, regretting saying what he did.


“Come on, Kibum,” a voice called from the door frame. “Sing us something.” Jonghyun smiled cockily and walked over to the sink, putting his arm around Key’s waist. The younger flung a dish towel at the other’s shoulder and resumed cleaning.


“Key has a beautiful voice,” the older bragged matter-of-factly to the women.


“It’s in Korean,” he mumbled as an excuse, but jumped to attention when Jonghyun pinch his .


“Then they won’t know if you mess up.”


Jonghyun began singing his solo part in Romantic (Key was surprised he still remembered the words from that song; it was from their first album, wasn’t it?) so they could sing their duet after. The younger only stumbled over the words once or twice but he had Jonghyun to guide him. The love in his eyes threatened to spill over as he swooped in to kiss him.


They heard the front door slam shut and a familiar voice calling out, “Merry Christmas, everyone!” Alice immediately ran to the guest and screamed, “Onew oppa!” It was obvious Onew was Alice’s favorite, besides her parents of course.


“Yah!” he grunted when she jumped to him for a hug, almost pushing him to the ground. “How’s my little princess?” he said in Korean before showering her with kisses and tickles. She giggled uncontrollably before taking him through the house to find her dads.


“Appa! Daddy! Look who it is!” Kibum and Jonghyun excused themselves from the kitchen. Their jaws almost dropped when they saw who it was.


“Hyung!” Jonghyun called, pulling Onew into a bear hug. “You said your plane was delayed!”


“It was rescheduled,” he explained, pulling Key into an equally as rough hug. “Taemin and Minho won’t be here until tomorrow.”


The rest of the guests looked a bit confused in the living room from the rapid fire Korean conversation taking place in front of them. After smacking Onew for not telling him earlier, Kibum introduced their latest guest to the others.


“This is our old friend, Onew, everyone.” Out of habit Onew bowed and waved, and the people in the house introduced themselves.



They caught up over a glass or two of wine by the fire after Key’s coworkers left at midnight. Onew was the new MC for Music Bank and wrote lyrics for upcoming groups while Taemin was a dance instructor and Minho a professional soccer player. Needless to say, Onew didn’t change one bit: he was still drinking all their alcohol and tripping everywhere, just like in the dorms.


“Yah, so how is work, Jinki?” Jonghyun asked, bringing a bottle of soju from the fridge and three small shot glasses as well. Boys will be boys.


“I need a ing break.” Kibum hissed at Onew, motioning towards a sleeping Alice on Onew’s lap.


“Since when are you so clean? You have the dirtiest mouth of all of us,” the oldest joked, punching Key in the arm.


“Not in front of her,” he said defensively as if he had taken a blow. Jonghyun poured the shots and they each took one, making unattractive faces as it went down.


“God damn,” Jonghyun muttered. He could never drink well.


Kibum rolled his eyes and stood up. “It’s time for someone to go to bed,” he grumbled, carefully picking Alice up from Jinki’s lap as not to disturb her.


Jonghyun put his feet up on the coffee table and took another sip of wine. “Where are you staying?”


“I have a room in the city. I’ll be back tomorrow morning, so don’t open presents without me,” Jinki scolded. “I have a present for Alice I still have to wrap.” The other nodded as Kibum descended down the stairs.


“I better get going, if I want to get any sleep tonight,” Onew said, standing and brushing invisible dust off his pants.


“You’re leaving already?” Kibum asked, looking at Jonghyun with a confused expression. He nodded and pulled his boyfriend close.


“I’ll be back in the morning.” They opened the door for Onew and he walked down to his rent a car.


“Hwaiting,” Kibum called, fist in the air. Onew mimicked the gesture and disappeared behind the tinted windows.


Jonghyun looked at Key with that look in his eyes when the door closed. On the way up the stairs, he grabbed Kibum’s and earned a squeak from him, only he didn’t let go.


“I’ve been waiting all night to get you like this,” the oldest growled, pushing him on their bed. He nipped at his ear and felt Key arch into him, nails clawing at his back when the older grabbed his crotch.


“Someone hasn’t been nice this year,” Key mocked, pulling the other in for another harsh kiss.


“Well, I already have my present,” he said, taking his boyfriend’s belt off, running his hands down his thighs. “Every night.”


“You er.”


He sure proved Onew right.




this is how my dream christmas would go, minus the jongkey (sadly :[ ) merry christmas my lovelies! i hope everyone had a wonderful day with family and presents!! i know this is a short story but ive been busy and i just wanted to put something out for today. thanks for reading <3

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1: It was awesome!
Chapter 1: It was so lovely, congratulations ^-^
KingLru #3
Chapter 1: This was really well written, amazing! I loved it~!