The End

Eternal Love



          Changmin had no idea why he was here. It’s not his initial plan. He should be ignore her, not being close with her, and avoiding everything about her so he could easily erase his love for her but here he was, going to the food festival with Sooyoung. His plan was magically change because this girl beside her. Screw you girl! Why are you so hard to resist? And heck, since when did this small village had something like ‘Food Festival’?

         “Geez, this place is so crowded!” the tall boy protested.

         The two stopped in a small café nearby. Sooyoung was enjoying cotton candy while waiting for their order. It’s kinda funny when he remembered what she said about cotton candy few minutes ago.

          ‘Changminnie look! This cotton is just suddenly disappeared when entering my mouth, it’s awesome you should try this too!’

         He couldn’t but admit that he loves it when she called him ‘Changminnie’ it’s so melodious in his ears.



         “Can we just go home?” Changmin asked casually at her and she ignored it, pretend that she didn’t hear what he said.

         “Why are you keep avoiding me?” Sooyoung sudden burst made him almost coke his mochaccino.

          “I am not!”

         “Stop being obvious, I can sense it” Sooyoung smiled bitter, Changmin could feel his heart shattered like a pieces, again.

         “I’m not avoiding…it’s just…it’s just, you’ll never understand”

         Sooyoung sighed, “Let’s just forget it” Changmin nodded and started walking.

         “Just for one day…” she suddenly said, not moving one inch from her place was, Changmin stopped and turned back to her.

         “Just for one day, let’s just enjoying this day together. Don’t avoiding me like you always do, just for one day, will you?” A single teardrop fell down from her eyes. Changmin caressed her cheek gently with his thumb, erased her tear and smiled brightly at her.



         Changmin couldn’t remember when was the last time he’s so happy and full of laughter just like this day, thanks to Choi Sooyoung. As her wish, just for today, he’d forget all plans and intention to erase his love to her, and just being together with her, spending time together, just the two of them, let everything went naturally just for today, that’s what she said.

         The two’re now at the beach on the top of the sand, waited for the sunset to come. Changmin hugged her with one arm from the back and she leaned her head towards Changmin’s shoulder. So many things the did together today started from tried every single food in Food Festival, rent a bicycle, enjoyed the village’s view, trolling at each other, went to this beach,  played catch-me-if-you-can game, sprayed water at each other, saw few turtles and help them to reach the sea safety. It was fun. It was amazing.

         There’s a moment of silence between the two, but it’s wasn’t awkwardness like always, just peacefulness, joy, and happiness atmosphere.

          “Can I say something?” Sooyoung suddenly asked him, eyes still glued to the open sea.

         “About what?”


         “Then you better not”

         “I love you”

         “Your joke is  lame Choi”

         She then woke up from her position, looked at him in the eyes “I’m not joking Shim”

         “I love you Changmin”

         “You shouldn’t have to…” Their eyes locked together, there’s no way Changmin could escape. Sooyoung could sense a hint of sadness from his voice.


         “Cause there’s no way I’d love you back”

         “It’s okay for me”

         “You’re just hurting yourself” he said in such a low tone, full sincerity

         “Why do you care anyway? It’s not like you love me or anything” She raised her tone, but no anger inside of it. It was hurt, sorrowful, and sadness.

         Changmin hugged her so tight, the girl just smiled but didn’t hug him back, she’s not sobbing in his shoulder, just smiled. Sometimes just one smile can contain so many meanings, emotions, and those words you couldn’t tell.

         He parted the hug first. She took a deep breath and released it.

         “Can I have my first and last wish from you?” she suddenly said.

         “Why are talking like that?” Changmin looked at her in disbelief. How could she say something like that. It’s not like she’d leave forever, is it? Just the thought of it made Changmin shivered.                               

         “Don’t worry, I’m not gonna ask you to love me back”

         Changmin was still confused but he agreed anyway. It’s just one wish, even if she asked the whole world, he would give her the word.

         “Kiss me…for the last time” she whispered the last words inside his heart.

         Changmin leaned closer to her, closer enough until their forehead met. He could feel her cold breath, her familiar scent. She didn’t move one bit and closed her eyes, felt his lips against hers. It was not those typical passionate kiss in those romantic movies. It was brief, it was short but full of love, sincerity, and those hidden feelings towards each other which can’t be expressed through words. And for both of time, the world seemed to stop for a while.



         That day was amazing. They’re enjoyed each other company. It’s all like dream come true for Changmin. Everything he wished all, finally come true. After saying the ‘Good night, see you tomorrow, have a nice dream’ Sooyoung went to her ‘own’ room. Changmin already prepared one empty room for her. The room was not large and not small either, it was comfortable. But the feeling was different. The certain ‘cause there’s no way I’d love you back’ from Changmin’s lips was still fresh in her mind. She was alone in this room, no him here. No lullulaby, bedtime story or ‘Don’t be afraid of dark, loneliness, or any other else, cause my love will be shielding you, just believe in that’ that he used to say. The thought of it, make her heart sink once again. Sooyoung sat on the corner of the room. This never gonna work, she thought. She loved him, he loved her, she could feel it. And the thought that they couldn't be together make her frustated. All along, the reason why she live was because Shim Changmin, if they're not destined to love each other, not destined to be together, why would she live any longer?



        Changmin couldn't hold his tears, it kept falling down, blurred his vision. He felt his heart almost stop beat when he saw her there, on the cold floor in her new room, eyes closed, and unknown bottle beside her. He couldn't help but cried his heart out. And without bothering to read the letter she left in the desk, Changmin grabbed the bottle, after giving the last kiss on her pale and cold lips, he drank all the liquid inside. He held her hand tight, and whispered ' I love you ' to her before closed his eyes

“Hi Changmin it's me ^ ^ When you're reading this I hope to see those cute smiles of yours. Don't cry over me okay!  It's my own decision. I hope you don’t blame me just like when you blamed other girls when they ended hardly fell inlove with you. It’s not your fault, and It’s not our fault. It’s just maybe we’re not meant for each other from the first place. Hope we can met in a new place where we can be together, well if second chance do exist. Sincerely, Sooyoung. PS. Thanks for everything, I love you!"



         Changmin slowly opened his eyes and familiar view greeted him. It was a beautiful meadow, and he didn’t know why this place was so familiar to him. Was it another dream again? Changmin walked along the tall grass, this time he could hear sounds of waterfall behind.

         Suddenly he could see anything, but the dark, and he could feel soft hands against his face. He hold those hands and said, “Choi Sooyoung, I knew it’s you” he said with giggle. With that the girl released her hands that covering Changmin’s eyes. She pouted at him. “You’re no fun”

         He couldn’t hold the urge to pinch cheeks, so he did, only to get playful smack on his shoulder from her. He silently smiled seeing her action.

         “Let’s play!” she suddenly asked, ignored the fact that she was wearing a long white dress. He loved it, she looked so cute, beautiful, elegant, gorgeous with that dress. In fact he loves her, nomatter what she wore.


         Before he could ask more, he saw her runaway from him while sticking out her tongue, “Changminnie! Are you okay with the catch-me-if-you-can game?”

         He felt like he already did this before, somewhere, but nothing came from his mind.Changmin smirked and began to run after her.

         “Gotcha!” Changmin said happily and hugged the girl fom behind.

         "I got you now, don't ever think about running away from me, ever" he said, still hugging her from behind

         "Yah! Shim Changmin let go of me, now!" she tried to escape from him, but ofcourse, she failed

         "What should I do? I just miss Choi Sooyoung soooo much!"

         "Gosh! This guy..." Sooyoung rolled her eyes 

         Finally he released the hug, and Sooyoung could feel the fresh air again. Changmin looked at her lovingly.

         "Why are you looking at me like that?"

         "I don't know...maybe because I love you so much?" 

         "You silly! I already knew it all along"

         With that, he leaned closer to kiss her, and she happily responded it 




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the last part updated xD I hope this still can be count though, since I submite this at 22:56 [GMT +7] T.T so happy finally can finish my first Changsoo fic :D


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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Chapter 5: Uwaaaaa I love it so much ;_; *cries*
Chapter 5: OMG!! I completely love this from beginning to end. The ending was daebak! :)
ChangSoo is REAL~ *giggles*
Chapter 3: New reader here~ I love the plot! Update as soon as you can~!
biluvsoo #5
Chapter 3: wow this is amazing. I cant wait to read the next chap. can Changmin keep his promise? will Soo love him back? OMG just cant wait!!
fighting and good luc kto the contest
Hello ^_^ The deadline for the contest is in five days and I see that you still have not submitted your entry. Do you need more time to complete your story? If so, does one week or two weeks sound good enough for extension? Please feel free to message me ^_^

-Mayi from the Sage Fortress
rhockers #7
Chapter 1: i like it ^^ keep it up :D