4; 한상

The Color of Water;


“Because I love him.”
"Love?" He let out a scoff, crossing his arms above his chest, eyes fading to black.
"Loving someone who will only hurt you in the end is...it's just plain ignorance! Why are you turning your back on your friends and family for a mere human?! Do we mean anything to you anymore?" It was his turn to cry and he did just that. The salt water droplets fell from his eyes as he reached out for her hand. 
"Tell me, Ahreum. Who is more important? The human or your family?"
"Of course out family! Why are you doubting me? Because he's different? Because he makes me happy? Isn't that what you wanted, Luhan? To finally see me happy and now that I am you want to strip it off of me like some kind of animal?!"
Her voice softened as she pulled her hand out of his grip, diving into the depths of the water until she reached the other side of the lake. 
"I thought..out of everyone, you would understand."
"Ahreum, it's not that I don't understand! It's because he--"
"Just leave me alone, Luhan." As he opened his mouth to utter another word, his heart shattered seeing his only sister singing the oh so familiar tune, the happiness in the song now dreaded into one of despair and emptiness. 
Without another word, he dove into the deep blue, determination in his eyes as he swam towards the forbidden.
A light breeze ruffled his slightly longer hair as he sat at the edge of the dock, feet dangling in the water. The sun was beginning to set and thoughts of her flooded his mind. Yet wondering about her made his heart clench. It was for her own safety. He constantly repeated towards himself. Images flashed through his troubled mind, images of the scratches along her fin and skin.
He let out a dry laugh, tilting his head up to prevent the sting in his eyes from releasing his ache. How long had it been since he last saw her? The days were numbered, but he stopped keeping track.
One day I'll forget. One day.
That was his mantra.
One day he will go back to living the life he despised so much. Spending weeks and weeks out at sea, just to raise enough money to feed. He glowered at the thought, hating every moment of it. For once in his life he had been happy. He smiled more. He spoke more. And it was solely because of her.
Her voice that could win over a thousand Vikings, her laughter that would effect anyone within view, her sincerity towards anyone--why? Why did she have to be..different? 
It was time like these that he hated having feet and hated being human. 
Why did they have to be so different, yet still feel completely as one? 
It was like a twisted storyline of Romeo and Juliet and the only thing keeping them apart is 50,000 feet of unknown.
His thoughts became interrupted by a slight tugging on his feet. 
Instantly he tugged his feet out of the waters and stared into the deep, only to find two eyes prodding at him. 
The eyes blinked and darkened, glaring at the latter's own. 
"May I help you...?" His voice trailed when the eyes emerged out of the waters, only to be met by an over exaggeratedly handsome man.
"Go back." The voice muttered, staring into the others soul.
"Excuse me? Back? Where to?"
"Go back!" Slightly louder, terrifying the fisherman causing him to jump in place.
"Listen, I will take my leave whenever I please. This is a public dock and--"
"Ahreum." The other male whispered slightly smirking at the others reaction.
"Ah..Ahreum? Go back?--who are you?"
"That is not important! Go back before she kills herself, you filthy human!" 
"Kill herself--what do you--HEY WAIT--" The figure disappeared back into the waters and it was then did Minseok catch a glimpse of the tail fin that shined against the sunset waters. For a moment, he stayed in a daze until reality checked him back into place.
With his short legs and long strides, he untied his small boat, roaring the engine to life. Please be okay...
Not too far, the same pair of eyes released a sigh of relief, placing his hand over his chest.
"Thank you, Minseok." His lips curved into a small smile as he made his way out of the forbidden and back home.
She lay against the small pebbles where they spent their last night. She closed her eyes and felt his arms around her. She felt his fingers ghost along her tail fin and smiled. The smile vanished as she opened her eyes. 
The sky painted in reds and oranges and pinks of different shades would be awe-struck to many, but she only saw different shades of grey. 
Ah, this was bound to happen. The lost of all things colorful was the price to pay for a withering mermaid. 
The lower half of her fin began to grey as well an it was only a matter of time before she was engulfed by the shade. 
She closed her eyes once more, feeling his presence as she hummed their favorite song.
She broke into a sob, sitting up. Her hands clutched her hair as she screamed relentlessly into the night. 
"I'm scared, Minseok." She began hallucinating.
"I am terrified of this dark that sleeps in me." She broke into another sob, turning towards the ghostly image of him next to her.
"Until when will you return?"
She let out another cry of pain, looking down to see her blood seeping from her scales. She bit her lower lip as she traced them, now silently releasing her tears.
"I love you, Minseok." She began to close her eyes as the dark began clouding her vision. One more second and she would wither into the sea and in that second, a voice that seemed so distant to her, breathily answered, "I love you too, Ahreum."


A/N; I should really finish this story huh...yeaaah...I'm currently laptopless and I had to update from my phone and it's such a pain and ugh! I will buy a new charger soon! Lol


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OMG I feel like I lost my touch--I have failed you all;;


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MonkeylovesFishy #1
Chapter 1: wait uhm ... where's chapter 2? o.o
Chapter 5: So, so beautiful <3 <3 <3 And the greatest ending ouo
Chapter 4: Wait...Are you calling Luhan overly handsome?? XD
And I giggled when I read 'With his short legs...' lolol XD
Omg ;; Really beautiful OAO <3 <3 Fighting author-nim! :D
Chapter 3: Omg this story is beautiful !!Uptade soon !fighting !