1; 아름

The Color of Water;


Out at sea on Christmas Eve isn’t where he wanted to be. The freezing weather kept him huddled in the corner of his boat as the strong winds and rocky ocean tossed the little boat from side to side. Carefully, he stood up and cranked back the fish net onto the bow of his boat. There were plenty of fish caught to last him a month before coming out to sea again. For the first time that day, he smiled. Reeling in his hooks and lines, Minseok roared the engine of the tiny boat to life and sailed his way back to shore. Unfortunately, the clouds were getting thicker and by the looks of it, a big storm was bound to hit. As quickly as his boat would allow, he made his way to the closest strip of land he could find and securely tied his boat against the empty dock.

Taking out his emergency bag and tent, he found a cozy spot not too far from the dock and made a campsite. He tripled checked to make sure each corner of his tent was pitched right and pulled out supplies from his bag; a sleeping bag, flashlight, small snacks, and an extra blanket. As the storm came rolling around, he huddled inside his sleeping bag, finishing the last bit of his crackers, shutting his eyes.

After a couple minutes, his eyes shot back open and he sat up, hearing an alluring voice melodically singing. Tiredly, he rubbed his eyes and grabbed his thick parka, crawling out his tent and following the sweet voice. The rain had subsided for the time being, causing the boy to thank no one in particular. As he followed the voice, it became more evident and clear. He couldn’t understand what the voice was singing, but he was positive it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard in his life.

Creeping over a branch, he spotted a single figure, sitting on the edge of a rock and running her fingers through her hair. Because it was getting darker, he could barely make out her features from the light illuminating from the bright moon. The rain seemed to have stopped and he took a step closer, pausing quickly as he stepped on a twig.

The figure gasped slightly and turned towards his direction before diving inside the water below her.

“Hey wait—“

She was gone before he could ask another question, but curiosity hit him as he was sure he saw something peculiar; a tailfin?

He let out a sigh as he sat where she once did. He observed the area around him, taking note of the beautiful scenery. Mindlessly, he began humming the familiar tune he had heard just a moment ago, running his fingers across the surface of the water.

He looked up at the moon as he did so, and closed his eyes, not noticing the eyesthat had resurfaced, watching him warily.

For the second time that day, he smiled. The song had calmed his bad mood and made him forget about his troubles. He stopped and let out a small chuckle, shifting his head down and taking his shoes off, dipping them into the water. He shifted them slowly back and forth, smiling to himself. How long had it been since he was truly content with where he was at, he wasn’t even sure of it.

He stopped humming all together and traced his eyes along the edges of the water before stopping, eyes locked on another pair of curious orbs. He tilted his head and smiled at them before taking his feet out of the water and stuffing them back inside his shoes. He sat crossed legged on the rock and placed his cheeks into his hands, eyes still locked on hers.

“Hi” he softly spoke, “I’m Minseok.” He gave her another smile and leaned back on his palms, waiting for a reply, but nothing.

“Aren’t you cold?” Still no response.

“What are you doing here? Are you alone?” By now, Minseok had figured he wasn’t getting an answer soon, but he did notice her swimming closer to him. Strange, he thought, how is she able to swim so gracefully?

He continued asking her questions about her name and who she was, but the only response he did get was the close proximity between them. She was now at the edge of the rock, looking at him curiously before cautiously pulling her hand from the water and timidly poking his cheek. She let out a gasp as she felt the soft skin against her cold hands and reached out to poke him again. She dived back inside the water as he let out a small laugh, afraid of the sounds coming from him.

“Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you.” As if she understood, her eyes appeared again.

“How can you hold your breath underwater for so long?” He asked, truly amazed. Instead of answering, she pulled her hand up and cradled it against his soft white cheek. The smile that came on her face caught Minseok in and trapped his eyes on hers. He found himself smiling back, and soon, her smile widened and her eyes were replaced by crescent moons.

Her other hand reached up and cupped his other cheek, and now she began pinching them lightly, pulling them apart slightly, and patting them gently.

“..Minseok” She said softly. He nodded and placed a hand over hers, repeating, “Minseok.”

She nodded and pulled her hand away, placing it over her chest, “Ahreum.”

“Ahreum..beautiful.” He whispered.

“Ahreum,” he said a bit louder, “what are you doing here?” She tilted her head, not understanding what he was saying, furrowing her eyebrows together as she tried to comprehend.

“Where do you live? Your home?” He looked around and lifted his arms as to ask where, pointing in their surroundings. As if she understood, she smiled and dived back into the water before resurfacing and spinning around.

“Here. Home. Home here.” She splashed the water around her playfully and sprinkled a few his way. He was confused for the moment until she did a flip and he noticed her tailfin.

“Oh, you’re a mermaid.” He smiled lightly before his eyes widened and rolled back, surrounding him in darkness.

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OMG I feel like I lost my touch--I have failed you all;;


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MonkeylovesFishy #1
Chapter 1: wait uhm ... where's chapter 2? o.o
Chapter 5: So, so beautiful <3 <3 <3 And the greatest ending ouo
Chapter 4: Wait...Are you calling Luhan overly handsome?? XD
And I giggled when I read 'With his short legs...' lolol XD
Omg ;; Really beautiful OAO <3 <3 Fighting author-nim! :D
Chapter 3: Omg this story is beautiful !!Uptade soon !fighting !