I Was Told There'd Be Cheesecake


      - 01/01/13

"We don't have cheesecake?!"

The friggin cake. 

"No, Ju. We don't. Sold out" my colleague looked at me weirdly. 

Oh so it's SOLD OUT. Heh.

"But she told me there will be a lot of cheesecake!"

Holy sweet chocolate lava cake.

He did not just point at me with that exlaiming face and that.. that... that pouting lips! Like... Like a child accusing the innocent creeper for stealing his candy! More like crushing his dream at this rate.

Now, almost all of our customers' attention snapped to me. 

ASDFGHJKL. My dignity!

I grabbed his hand and dragged him to my table, giving the "Sorry-this-brat-is-my-friend-and-he's-just-too-jobless" look to everyone.

"Hey watch it!"

I whipped my head to him when I realised I almost knocked him into the table. 

He pulled his hand and sat on the opposite seat of mine. Giving me this unreadable face. 

"Liar" he muttered.


"Hey, listen, I wasn't lying, there were a lot of cheesecakes, didn't you listen to her, sold out babe!"

"You have attitude problem"


"Then why did you become as shocked as I was when she said that there's none?"

Oh this smarty pant.

"Because I friggin saw 'em this afternoon and she said we don't have it, it's nonsense until she said it's sold out why don't you listen to her first?"

"Well you jumped in"



I sat on my seat, unknowingly huffed and made faces to him.

A low chuckle escaped.

"Say, perhaps you can make me one, like.. right now babe?"

By now, my awesome not so V jaw line hung down and might as well let a fly come in. Wait, no. Eww.

"You have some serious attitude problem boy"

I crossed my arms. Muttering curses under my breath as he leaned on the table, placing his elbow on it and propped his chin, that mischievous grin. Aish, it's not entirely his fault, it's entirely and obviously mine. Good lord, whatever I did in the past, please forgive me. But I still feel guilty.. Perhaps.. Oh this is one hella big deal.. Let's just let it slip this one. Perhaps my precious chocolate cake could make it for him, for now only.

I cleared my throat and--

God, please excuse me but.. Did he just hypnotized me or something because...

"Ahhh, I feel a tiny bit of relieved now"

He said, patting his lips area, making sure there's no smudges.


"You know this cake is so delicious but it's too sweet. Cavities"

He shook his head in disapprove, patting my left cheek as if telling a kid not to eat too much sweets.

"Anyways, thanks for lovely chocolate cake"

He clicked his tongue before getting up, turning his back on me.

"On a second thought..." 

Pursing his lips, he smirked and said..

"Happy new year"

Right after he said that people in cafe started cheering and bells jingled, I saw his mouth moving again but his voice was swallowed by the loud cheering of the others and just like that he walked out of the cafe.

"Lemme die"






Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps ♡
Supposed to post this on 1/1/13 ㅠㅠ 

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loveyoseoblove #1
really like this!!!
Chapter 2: 'Mentally the mud cake' AHAHAHA! XD
Chapter 1: BAHAHAHAHHAHHA omg what WAS this?! xD Lol cheesecake. I was totally dragged to this story when I saw the title. So much randomness lol I just, I can't even-
Chapter 1: UPDATE SOON!! I am enjoying this story! :3
liaalee #5
Chapter 1: HAHAHAHA CHEESECAKE, I love cheesecake :D
LMFAO XD randomness story I've seen in AFF :)