I Was Told There'd Be Cheesecake


Monday Morning

I heard it again, those thumping, knocking, grinding sounds. 

"What in the world-"

"Morning pretty" 

Groggily holding onto my pounding head, I sat up from what I just realized, a couch. Shoot, I-

"Overslept again?"

Grinning while battling with my heavy eyelids, I finally managed to sat down properly. Looking at my cousin, who was sitting on the ladder with a hammer on his left hand and a nail on the other.

"Better get ready or you'll be late" 

I snapped my gaze to the clock that was ticking loudly across the empty cafe, well other than the two of us and the sound of the gushing wind from the fan.


"Shoot" yes, another shoot.

I panicked and started to shove my stuffs into my bag. crappity crab, i don't give a damn about my assignment anymore, let them all cramped inside my bag than me not reaching my college. Let alone this is my last year on becoming a freshman, goodness, please don't let me screw up. How am I supposed to have a good sophomore year if all of my works as freshman this year are all craps.

I even barely pass my last test. Ugh.

"Would've been better if you woke me up earlier than nailing stupid picture of cat staring out of the window picture"

"Woman, trend"

I rolled my eyes and threw the apron, which I didn't bother taking off last night, onto the counter.

"I'm leaving, bye"

"What time will you be back?"

"Around 4pm!"

I shouted before slinging my bag onto my shoulder and hiked on my bike. Home, wash up, college. 

Was I daydreaming? Nah, maybe too occupied with thinking about college. Am I considered as stupid now because I just hit a person, with my bike, I hit him real hard on his back, more over, his hair is blonde. I am stupid or should be called blind. God. 

A groan brought me back to my sense as I hopped of my bike and rushed to the figure on the ground, helplessly trying to reach his aching back.

"Omo! I'm so sorry mister! I really am!"

Panicking doesn't look like a better solution, saying sorry and trying to pat the victim's back in attempt on soothing the pain away. Just to receive a glare from behind that black rimmed glasses, yes I can sense it or maybe some mental curses from him.



I followed his gaze and saw a cake box mashed and the cake splattered on the ground. Holy-

"Ohhhhh dear goodness! I'm terribly sorry! So so so sorry!"

Clasping my hands together, making a very sorry face and ugly sobbing..

"I'll make it up for you, really, you see around the corner there, a cafe, be there around... just... afternoon! Yeah, afternoon. There will be a lot of cheesecake, just name it, they'll give it to you and I'll be there too! I'll treat you! Okay sir? Be good and I'm so sorry about your back AND your cheesecake, K, bye!"

I am nowhere near believing what I just said. To think about it again, I am seriously stupid. Did I just talk to him like talking to a child that just slipped his ice cream to the ground? PLUS, think about it again and again, why would you eat cake in the early morning? 

I glanced to my watch and saw that it's already 8.24. 

I'm so going to lose weight with paddling harder with extra mouth exercise of throwing curses in the air. Heck. 

But he couldn't be possibly coming in the afternoon later right? Pfft. 





Enjoy your day everyone ♡


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loveyoseoblove #1
really like this!!!
Chapter 2: 'Mentally the mud cake' AHAHAHA! XD
Chapter 1: BAHAHAHAHHAHHA omg what WAS this?! xD Lol cheesecake. I was totally dragged to this story when I saw the title. So much randomness lol I just, I can't even-
Chapter 1: UPDATE SOON!! I am enjoying this story! :3
liaalee #5
Chapter 1: HAHAHAHA CHEESECAKE, I love cheesecake :D
LMFAO XD randomness story I've seen in AFF :)