Turn for the worst

The fight of the angels, demons, assasins

'Mika's POV: "You let them get away?" My father said his red burning eyes inches away from mine. "They are tougher then they seem." I said squinting to adjust in the pitch black cave. "Well as usual, your failed me again." I heard his heavy footsteops pace around. I hate being a assasin, no one seems to care what I think or feel. "Is it possible to stop being a assasain?" I blurted out. My dad faced me his red eyes burning into mine. "You are not leaving me, if you want to, you have to face me first." He snarled. I gluped and tried to see the outline of him in the dark. I have always just wanted to make my dad proud of me, and my friends to. No one accepts me because of my stupid demon blood because of my father. Anger bubbled in me and I felt myself automatically reach for my silver gun. My dad gave a half smile, his striaght silver hair falling in his face. "The queation is, will you really kill your father for a girl?" My dad asked hiding in the shadows still. Girl? Is he talking about Hiromi? "I just don't want to be asssasain. Who ever said anything about a girl?" I said gripping the cold metal with my hands. "I won't let you hurt anyone else anymore just because your ashamed of me." I said and I gritted my teeth. I was told by Jiro that Hiromi was a deadly person who needed to be stopped. "The question is Mika, can you do it?" My dad growled and he charged out of the dark like lightning. He hit me in the stomach so hard I fell backwards and crashed against the cold stone floor. No...He's ten time more stronger then me. "I....can." I lied struggling to stand up. All of those people I killed..for lies. I charged at my father and kicked off the stone wall to do a back flip. I pulled the trigger and I saw the bright light of the bullet and it landed perfectly in my dads arm. He yelled in pain and I landed perfectly beside him. He turned his red eyes on me and pain surged through my leg and he roared in anger and grabbed my arm. I  tried to jerk free but he threw me hard. I slammed hard against the cold stone wall. The bricks crumbled around me and I grunted in pain as I struggled to stand up. "Give up Mika." My dad said once more as he stood over me. "No." I choked out and I felt my blood trickle down my face. I looked down at my leg that had blood oozing from it. I got to get up or he's going to kill me..."You are a demon, you really think they are going to trust you?" He said standing closer to me. He bent down and grabbed the front of my ripped shirt and lifted me off the ground. "Who?" I said wincing as my leg hit his. "Them. Hiromi and Kazuko." He yelled and his sour breath hit my face. He slammed me down and the world seem to spin around me. "Leave, I never want to see you again or your dead." He said and I heard his heavy footsteps getting fainter and fainter. I pressed my hands against the wall that was barely standing beside me. I guess my weakness is my dad..I stood up weakly and I lifted my foot off the ground and pressed against the cold wall. I won't give up. Maybe I should ask Hiromi and Beat for help. I finally saw the bright moonlight pour across the road in front of the abondoned building. I felt more blood pour down my face. I wobbled down the road and I listened to it echo around me. I saw the white blurry visioin start to fade and my breathing got alot more heavier. People pased by me and shouldered me out of the way. Yeah thanks for the help... I snickered as they passed me but blackness started to go around me then I finally fell down with a huge bang. I heard muffled voices around me and I heard a very familiar voice. "We have to get him to our hide out!" Hiromi yelled. They don't have to help me, I got this. "Ok, let's go." Beat said softly. I grunted in pain.

           Hiromi's POV: I poked Mika's soft cheek. "Guys, is he breathing?" I asked my voice trembling with fear. Beat leaned over Mika who was unconcious. "He has a pulse." He replied putting his fingers against his wrist. "He looks like he got beat."' Kazuko said standing in the distance. "Do you remember how he almost killed you?" Feel Dog said walking out of the shadows. "So, he might forgive us if we help him." I said shaking him lightly. "Were wasting time by helping a bad 'guy." Beat said looking down at me. "Were going to be ok, I promise." I said crossing my heart. "Let's go." Kazuko said turning around. "Where are you going?" I yelled panic rising in me. They can't leave me alone with Mika! Beat sat down beside me and the moonlight shined on his blonde hair making it turn silver. "It's kind of creepy how the trees just surround us." I said looking at the trees that was surrounding us. "Yeah, your going to be ok. They just went to get some fire." Beat said laying down on the soft grass. "Thanks for everything." I said laying down beside him. I looked up at the bright dark sky. "No problem. You aren't hurt or anything are you?" Beat asked glancing over at me. "Nope." I said cheerfully. Mika fidgeted above me and he slowly opened his blue eyes. "He's awake." I said to Beat who layed on his stomach and rested his head on his arms. "Where....am I?" Mika choked out and looked around nervously. "It's ok, we weren't hurt you." I said scooting beside me. Mika raised his silver gun up to my head. "No, girls have cooties." He said making a disguisted face. I giggled and looked at Beat who raised a eyebrow at Mika. "Ok..." Beat said taking off his leather jacket. "Your hurt." I said craining to see Mika's leg. Dark red blood bleed through his torn jeans. "I'm fine." He said looking at the green springy grass. Beat handed me his leather jacket. He fixed his black muscle shirt and glanced at me. Wow...He has muscles. I forced myself to look away from Beat and concentrate on Mika. I pressed his leather jacket against the blood. "Where do you think your pressing?" Mika said his blue eyes stretching wide. Beat exploded into laughter. I slowly looked down and squealed and jerked away. "She's trying to me." Mika whined scooting away from me. "Wow, tell me about it." Beat said shaking his head at me. It was a accident! "What?!" I said to Beat my voice squeaking. "She was all up on me last night. She never realizes it but she cuddled with me." Beat said looking off into space. Mika sighed and shook his head at me. "Were back." Kazuko said her feet crunching over twigs. Her and Feel Dog was carrying heavy sticks and logs. "The psycho is alive." Feel Dog mumbled setting it all down. "Kazuko, help me." I said tugging on her pant leg. She smiled and fixed her short brown hair and sat beside me. "Stop aggervating her." She said my head. Beat and Mika chuckled. "I'm surprised you weren't cuddling with Beat again." Feel Dog said giving me a half smile. I felt my cheeks turn bright red and I buried my face in her shirt. "No girls cuddle with me." Mika said snickering at Beat. "You never know." Kazuko said glancing at me. I yawned and layed down on the cold grass. Mika scooted foreword until he was beside me. He layed his head on his arm. "Thanks Hiromi." He said his voice surprisingly soft. "No problem Mika." I said smiling. I felt my eyes droop and I rolled away from Mika and Kazuko smiled at me. "Were going to be ok, you just have to be confident." Kazuko said her voice growing fainter and fainter as she drifted off into sleep. I closed my eyes and felt my breathing slow. A moment later I opened my eyes and bright light was all around me. "Where am I?" I said and my voice echoed around me. "Hey sweet heart." A soft voice said from behind me. I jumped and turned around quickly. A lady with long blackish/ brownish hair in a white long dress smiled at me. I felt tears form in my eyes. "Hey mom." I said my voice cracking with emotion. "You are a very strong girl, you hear me? I know you can make it through this." She said her blue eyes filled with worry. "I know I can to mom." I said forcing a smile. At least I hope I can.. But where do we have to go? As if reading my mind, my mom chuckled. "You have to find Momo, she will help protect you and give you what you need." My mom said my head. "But...Where is she?" I asked and I felt lost in my mom's blue gaze. "I have a very special someone who will help you find her. Sadly, only angels can find her. I know you will all be ok." She said her voice starting to fade. I started to see through her and tears streamed down my face. "Mom!" I yelled but there was no answer. "Don't worry Hiromi, I will help you." A friendly voice say, but it sounded so far away. Where was this angle?

          Kazuko's POV: "Mom..." I jerked up quickly as I heard Hiromi talking in her sleep. "What's wrong with her?" Mika groaned covering his ears and closing his eyes. "Must be having a dream about her mom." I said before shaking her gently. Hiromi continued to talk in her sleep. "What?" She groaned and opened one blue eye. "Are you ok?" I asked quietly. "Yeah." She said as if she was dazed. Mika gave her a uneasy look but he scooted closer to her. "Are you sure?"  He said gently and he flipped his black bangs that were stained with blood. "Yeah, actually let's go for a walk." She said looking in the black woods that surrounded her. Something must be really wrong.. We all stared at each other confusedly. Hiromi stood up shakily without waiting for a reply. "Mika, can you stand?" Beat asked turning and looking at Mika who stared uneasily at his injured leg. "I'll try."  He said and he shakily stood up. We all walked deeper in the woods. "If you see a person in the woods, tell me." She said her voice barely a whisper. "Don't worry, we got you." Mika said holding up his silver gun. Beat stared at me questioningly. "What's really going on?" Feel Dog said picking up his pace to walk beside her. "It's nothing. I just want to see if anyone lives around here." She said even though her eyes shined with excitement. I picked up my pace and ducked under the twigs and walked beside her. "My mom told me something very helpful." She said glancing out of the corner of her eye at Beat and Mika who stood side by side and held up their weapons pertectively. "Did you hear that?" Mika yelled as I stepped on a twig. "Yeah." Beat said brushing a twig out of the way. Mika followed quickly but Beat let go of the branch and it hit Mika hard in the face. "Shh. Do you hear that?" Feel Dog said stopping dead. I stopped myself from bumping into him. We all stood there in complete silence. I could hear our soft breathing. "Yeah, growling." Hiromi said looking in the pitch black darkness behind the trees. Growling? The last thing we need is to run into a animal. I looked at Mika who was wide eyed with fear but he held his ground. The quiet growling got louder and I heard twigs snap closer by. Whatever it was....was huge. Hiromi clung onto my arm and I gulped nervously. A pair of green eyes glowed  in the shadows and the growling became more vicious. Mika went wide with fear and held up his gun and pulled the silver trigger without hesitation. The creature growled in rage and leaped out of the shadows. A huge wolf... The black wolf pinned Mika on the ground, knocking the gun out of his hand. Feel Dog picked up the shattered branch off the ground and slammed it hard against the wolf's head. It growled and turned around sharply and leaped on Feel Dog. It snarled in his face and Feel Dog screamed in fear. "Hey mutt." Beat yelled standing in front of Hiromi who was wide eyed with fear. "Run Hiromi!" Mika yelled picking up his gun again. I ran towards Hiromi and shoved her towards the trees. "What about Mika and the others?" She choked out as we started running away in the pitch black. "Their going to be ok." I forced myself to say calmly. I heard our heavy breathing and we stopped as the vicious growling and screaming died away. Hiromi layed her hands on her knees and gulped. "How come this all has to happen to me?" She screamed and tears formed in her blue eyes. I gave her a huge hug and I felt her tremble beside me. "It's going to be ok." I said so unbelivingly. We can't give up now. I heard footsteps get closer and closer. "Beat? Mika? Feel Dog?" Hiromi called out but the footsteps stopped. A low growl came from where the footsteps were. Hiromi turned to run but she screamed as she stumbled into water behind her. The huge black wolf walked towards us and it's green eyes seemed pleading. Why isn't it attacking us? I squealed as I felt the cold water form around my ankels. The wolf flattened it's ears as it met my eyes. "Help me!" Hiromi called and she was further out and she struggled to get her head above the water. I swam out further until I reached her. I lunged foreword and felt the huge dip and my feet didn't touch anything. Hiromi flapped her arms everywhere and I struggled to hold her up. "Why did you swim so far out?" I said my mouth getting filled with water. The wolf let out a tiny whine and paced back in front of the water. "I...can't swim..." Hiromi said coughing. My arms ached and I felt myself let her go. I tried to go above the surface but my body felt paralyzed. I sunk under the cold water and I shivered as it soaked into me. Blackness surrounded me and I closed my eyes. It's over.

           Beat's POV: I stumbled through the woods with Mika and Feel Dog close beside me. "Did the wolf leave?" Mika said his breathing heavier then before.
"Yeah. Do you think the girls are going to be ok?" I asked holding my side were the wolf scrathed me. "I hope so." Feel Dog said and he wiped the blood that trickled down his face. I hope they got away from the wolf in time. "Let's wash the blood off." Mika said wincing as he knelt down and stared in the dark water. Where would they have gone? I thought they kept running straight. I scooped up the freezing cold water and splashed it on my face and side. "Do you see that?" Feel Dog said pointing furhter out. I squinted to see where he was pointing. Huge bubbles formed further out. A moment later a person shot out of the water. Mika stood up quickly his blue eyes wide. "Hiromi...Kazuko..." He said so quietly. A boy with black straight hair and he was wearing all black. He had a tight hold on Hiromi and beside her was Kazuko. "Hey!" I called out to get the boys attention. The boy looked up quickly and flipped his black bangs. "Are they your friends?" The boy asked walking towards us. All of us nodded and the boy gently set them down. "Your lucky I went for a walk. I found them in the water." He said bending over Hiromi who was barely breathing. "She needs CPR." Mika said shoving us all aside. He bent down and leaned over Hiromi. "You know how to do CPR?" The boy said curiously. Mika gave him a dirty glare and he slowly bent down to Hiromi and pressed his lips against hers. He pressed on her chest and water poured out of . She slowly opened one blue eye and stared at Mika. He moved over and did the same to Kazuko.  Kazuko opened her green eyes and went wide eyed as she saw Mika. "You ert!" She screamed and lifted her wet hand and slapped his cheek. Mika touched his cheek but he looked at Hiromi. Is there is a reason he wanted to do that? The boy stood up and smiled. "I should be going." He said turning his back on us. "Wait, who are you?" Hiromoi said shakily. The boy stared at her so gently that I gulped. "My name is Thunder." He said giving her a tiny smile afterwards. "Thanks Thunder. I am-" Hiromi said but Thunder bent down to her and chuckled. "Hiromi, Kazuko, Beat, Feel Dog and Mika." He said looking at all of us turn. Hiromi stared at him wide eyed and opened to say something but nothing came out. That is creepy..."How do you know?" Mika said and he pulled out his silver gun from his coat pocket. Thunder's friendly smile faded and anger burned in his brown eyes. "Try it." Thunder said and he gave him a dirty glare again.  Mika stared at him catiously. "So....Are you a angle or something?" Hiromi said her eyes glowing. Thunder still had his attention locked on Mika. Why does he keep staring at him like that? "Yeah. To be exact, I am your guardian angel." He said smiling. "You really think this guy is telling the truth?" Mika said squeezing his silver gun in his hand. Thunder looked away from Hiromi who was starting to shiver. "And your just a good guy now huh? Go ahead, kill me." Thunder said and he pulled out a black sword that had weir writting on it. It hard curves (waves on the side to), I gulped. Thunder was serious."Ok guys, don't." I said staring at them uneasily.  Mika is really weak. We all stood there awkwardly and Mika sighed. "Ok look I'm sorry." Mika said looking down at his bloody leg. Thunder gave a tony nod and sat down. "So do you know where Momo is?" Hiromi asked laying her hands on Thunder's arm. He jumped and gave her a uneasy look. So this guy is supposed to help us find a girl named Momo.... "Yes but it would be a while before we find her." He said laying down his weapon. "Wow..." Kazuko said looking down at it. "I haven't seen these in a long time." She said looking at it longingly.  Mika  sat on a tree stump futher away and gave Thunder a dirty glare. "Hey, are you ok?" I asked sitting beside him. Mika sighed and locked his hands together. "This guy thinks he can show up and boss us around." He growled and his blue eyes turned bright red. "Don't worry, we still need you more then ever and Hiromi would be crushed if you left." I said resting my hands on his shoulder.  He looked up quickly. "Who said I'm leaving? I'm not letting a rat with wings frive me away." He said angerly. Thunder was laying on the grass next to the water and he stared up at the stars. At least he will help us, he isn't a bad guy.

            Hiromi's POV: "Thanks for saving us." I said looking at my drenched clothes. Thunder smiled at me and flipped his black bangs out of his pale face. "No problem." He said fidgeting with his jacket. I felt someone looking at me and I looked over to were Mika and Beat were. "There angry that I'm sitting with you." Thunder said looking deep into my eyes. "Your fine..." I said gulping nervously as I felt my cheeks burn. "Maybe I should apologize." He said pulling out a black gun that shined in the moonlight. "No violence." I said lowering the gun from his hand. "Hey, move over." Mika's voice made me jump and I looked up at him. Thunder stared at me and gave a tiny nod. "See you later, Hiromi." Thunder said standing up and wiping his jacket off. I watched him go and Mika layed beside me. "What's wrong?" I asked curiously. Mika seemed pretty mad that Thunder was even here with us. "Does he have to stay here?" Mika asked suddenly breaking the silence. "Yes." I said a little shocked. Mika stared at me his blue eyes burning into mine. "I just don't trust him." He said his voice barely even a whisper. What do I tell him to comfort him?! "Look, if you trust him then fine. I..Just don't like him." Mika continued not meeting my eyes. "You dropped this." Thunder mumbled leaning over Mika. He handed him his gun. Mika grabbed it hesitantly and just nodded his thanks. "I bet you would like him if you gave him a chance we were talking-" Mika lifted up his hands to silence me. "Look, let's get something straight. He's a angel, I'm a demon. Of course were not going to get along." He said and his gaze softened. I shuddered at thinking of knowing he's a demon. "My first kiss was a demon." I blurted out. I squealed and covered my mouth quickly. Everyone stopped talking to each other and stared at me. "You and Mika kissed?" Beat said his mouth hanging open in amazement. Mika clenched his fist and sat up. "We didn't kiss." Mika said quickly. Thunder just gave a half smile and shook his head. "Wow Hiromi, your kissing demons?" Thunder said teasingly. I felt my cheeks turn red hot at picturing me kissing Mika...His soft lips.. "N-No! I guess when he gave me mouth to mouth." I said avoiding Mika's killer glare. "Exactly. I would never kiss her." Mika said but he looked down in deep thought. I crossed my arms and gave him a irratated glare. "Is there something unkissable about me?" I snapped leaning in towards him. Mika went wide eyed and backed away. Kazuko bent down to me after lighting the pile of wood. "No sweet heart, Mika would much rather kiss Thunder or Beat." She said avoiding their glares. Thunder's smile faded and he just blinked. "No, sorry. I am as straight as ever."  Beat said pulling out a blue lollipop. "Hey! Give me that!" I yelled leaping up and reaching out for it. Beat sat up and shook his head. "She wants your lollipop." Thunder said jokingly. Mika and Feel Dog burst out laughing. "Come on just a ." I said sitting right in front of him blocking his view of anything else. "No. Go aggervate Thunder." He said annoyedly. I grunted and pinned him down against the cold ground. "Give me the lollipop." I said pulling on the stick of it. He clamped his teeth down on it and shook his head. I looked deep in his blue eyes and I felt my cheks turn red again. "Have you realized she always blushes around me and Beat?" Mika said pressing his self against a tree. "Yeah, she is sitting on top of me now. I like to take it slow." Beat said sitting up his face inches from mine. I screamed and struggled to run away. I tripped over my feet and landed on the hard ground the wind knocked out of me. "I hate my life." I groaned. I froze as someone helped me up. I shakily stood up and I sighed as I felt the persons soft hands. "Are you ok?" Thunder said and I gulped as I realizied he helped me up. I stared blankly in his eyes. "Yeah.." I said and Kazuko cleared . Thunder smiled and let me go. Wow they must be witches or something also.. Because I'm under a spell. "Come here." Kazuko said pulling me away from them. We walked deeper away in the woods. "What?" I said shuddering as darkness surrounded us. "Why do you keep flirting with them?" Kazuko said her green eyes filled with irratation. I crossed my cold arms. "I'm not flirting with them." I said defensively.  She snorted. "Sure, why did you sit on top of Beat then?" She said and a tiny smile spread across her lips. "It's not like that! I wanted his lollipop." I said pouting. Kazuko covered and tried not to laugh. "Really?" She said her voice cracking with laughter. "Ewww!" I screamed and ran back towards them. erts!

                Kazuko's POV: I love picking on her. "Kazuko nice one!" Thunder yelled back towards me. I giggled and walked back towards them. "It's going to rain." I said suddenly. Thunder nodded in agreement. He froze and looked around in alarm. What is he afraid of? "Thunder, what's wrong?" Mika asked struggling to stand up. Hiromi looked up from ripping up her shirt and wrapping it around Mika's leg. "I think someone is here." He said quietly. He automatically stood in front of Hiromi. I heard twigs snap and I looked to my right where the darkness surrounded the trees. A boy with black flippy hair and two people stood beside him. "Mika, Beat. It's surprising to see you here." The boy said his eyes glowing with anger. "We don't want to hurt anyone anymore. Your a liar!" Beat yelled pulling out his blades. Mika stood on his other side just the same expression as Beat. The boy looked behind Thunder and let his jaw drop. "Hiromi..." He said walking closer to her. Thunder tensed up and stood in front of him. "A angle.... A demon, two assasins and a mortal." He snickered looking at all of us. "You can't have her." I said trying not to let my fear show. The boy turned and faced me quickly. "Kazuko....My old favorite assasain." He said smiling warmly at me. The assasains beside him squeezed the torches in their hands as I looked at them. "Fine, I see you won't give her to me. Time for plan b." He said and he looked over his shoudler at the boys who stared blankly ahead. "Give me the prisoners." He said so softly I gulped. A boy with bright blue hair fell beside the boy. He looked up pleadingly at Beat. "Help me Beat!" He yelled. Blood trickled down his face and the silver cuffs dug into his wrist. Beat looked down at the boy in dismay. "Daeil...I'm so sorry." He said his voice cracking with emotion. "Let Daeil go." Mika said standing beside Daeil. Mika slashed out his gun and aimed right for the dazed boys who stepped foreword. He pulled the trigger and white light glowed brightly at us for a minute. The dazed feel to the ground, red sticky blood pouring from them. Hiromi let out a quiet scream. Thunder narrowed his eyes at the boy and he locked gazes with him. "I haven't forgot about you." He said but at the same time Mika broke the cuffs to Daeil. The boy yelled in fury and pulled out a gun. Hiromi shoved the boy to the woods. "Run Daeil!" Beat yelled running after him. I turned around quickly and I heard Daeil's heavy breathing. I heard the boys booming voice from behind us. "Bubby!" Somone screamed. Thunder stopped dead and turned around. "Thunder come on!" I yelled as I passed him. Beat shoved Daeil ahead and he kept running until his bright blue hair disappeared in the dark. "What's wrong? Want to see your little sister?" The boy snickered and the bright fire of the torch got closer and closer until he stood in front of  us. Hiromi pushed her way past everyone until she was standng between us. A little girl with black striahgt hair and she was wearing a snow white dress fell on her knees in front of Thunder. "Bubby...Help me." She said sobbing. Thunder went wide eyed and he opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. "It's ok Claire." He said knealing down to her and her head. Claire looked up at us and sniffled her green eyes all red and puffy. "Let her go Jiro." Thunder said his voice cracking with emotion. Jiro gave a half smile and his green eyes turned a bright green in the light. "Give me Hiromi." He repeated cooly. Claire stared at Hiromi. "No, I'd rather die then have bubby's friend be killed." Claire said and clear tears streamed down her cheeks. Jiro snorted and yanked on her cuffs. She let out a angonizing scream. Thunder stepped foreword but Jiro held a gun to Claire's head. "One more step and she's dead." He growled. Thunder had tears forming in his eyes. "It's going to be ok." Hiromi said gently to Claire. She knealt down to her and gave her a huge hug. "I promise," Hiromi whispered. Jiro sneered and squeezed the gun trigger and it let out a sickening bang. Claire went limp and she blood tripped out of . "No!" Hiromi screamed. Poor Claire. Thunder screamed with anger and his eyes glowed bright green. He pulled out his huge sword and leaped on Jiro. Hiromi screamed and Jiro fired the gun into the trees making me cover my ears. Thunder is going to get his self killed! Jiro stumbled and he fell backwards and they both fell down the hill. Hiromi stopped at the edge of the hill. "We got to help him." She said. She looked at were the dead dazed boys were. "Take their guns, we have to revenge Claire."

              Mika's POV: Where did they go? "Keep hiding here."  Beat whispered to Daeil. Daeil gave a tiny nod even though he was shaking with fear. "Where did that girl go?" I said looking around in the dark. I stopped as I heard a loud bang of a gun shot. "This way!" Feel Dog said jogging in the direction it came from. I felt my heart pound with fear. What if he just killed Hiromi and Kazuko? No they don't deserve to die! I shook my head and continued to run. "Stop." Feel Dog said holding out his arm in front of me. A hill formed in front of us and there was a clear opening at the foot off the hill. I froze as I heard Thunder's and Jiro's voice. "We got to hurry." Beat said standing beside me. We slide down the hill and the wind felt good in my hair. "Wow.. .Wow." Beat repeated as he ran down the hill uncontrolingly. We stopped at the bottom of the hill and I slapped my huge hand over Feel Dog's mouth as he was about to call out their names. We made our way carefully and Beat squeezed his chain to his weapon so tight his knuckles turned red. "Mika! Help me!" I jumped as I heard Hiromi from behind me. She was tied up to a tree and the old branches hung close to the ground. "Untie her." I said to Feel Dog. He looked around cautiously and made his way carefully to her. I heard the rattle of the cuffs. "What do you think your doing here?" Jiro said from behind me. I turned around quickly and punched him hard in the jaw. His head jerked to the side and he stared at me through his black bangs. "Leave him alone!" Hiromi screamed and she  ran full speed towards him and leaped on his back and slapped him. Thunder? Where is that kid.... "Mika?" A weak voice called out. I looked around and there was a tiny cave on the left covered by grass and trees sheltered them on everyside. I walked in the tiny cave and the fighting outside seemed to die away to be replaced by water dripping off the roof of the cave. My shoes echoed around the walls and I squinted in the dark. I got to find him...Thunder was just trying to help us. "Get him!" A boy said and I heard the screaming over people getting closer and closer. I squeezed my silver gun and I held it up and squeezued it and the people screamed in pain and I heard their bodies hit the ground hard. I continued to walk towards where Thunder was. "Thunder?" I called my voice bouncing off the stone walls. "Mika? Over here." He responded and I heard the clatter of chains as they hit the stone walls.  I quickened my pace and I could see the outline of him. A wet warm liquid drizzled on my and I looked up and Thunder was chained on  a wooden cross against the wall.  "I'll get you out of here." I said reaching up and tried to feel the chains. The water on the cold walls made me shudder and I heard more footsteps enter the cave. I held up my gun and held the chains in the other hand. "Stay still." I said softly before firing the gun. It made the cave light up for a minute. A moment later Thunder landed heavily in front of me. "Are you ok?" I said reaching my hands out to where he fell. "Yeah, let's go before more assassains come." He said his voice cracking with pain. We both made our way quickly out of the cave and I could make out the sun set out of the huge tree leaves that seemed to stretch towards the sky forever. "Mika! Thunder!" Kazuko said shielding Hiromi by pushing her behind her. Hiromi made a sad face and shot a boy with a bald head as he leaped towards her. "We got to go." Thunder said looking around for everyone. Silence fell across everyone and the clearing was filled with dead bodies and people everywhere. "We lost Jiro, but  he seemed to be heading out of the woods." Hiromi said quietly. "Are you ok?" Thunder asked walking towards her leaving blood staining the grass. Hiromi went wide eyed and let out a tiny gasp. "What happened to you?" She asked looking him up and down. "They wipped and beated me. That's not important though, were is the others?" He asked his eyes filled with worry. "I think they are back by the lake." Kazuko said letting him lean against her. "I'm glad your ok,  that was pretty brave that you would take him on." I said giving her a tiny smile. She looked at her shirt and jeans that was covered in blood and sighed. "I hope no one else is hurt." She said pushing her way through the branches and twigs. Beat and Daeil where sitting side by side and looking at the lake that was bright red and a tint of orange. "Are you ok?" Beat asked. I twirled my gun in my hand and grinned. "Nothing can kill us." I said but winced at my old injury in my leg. "Thunder is really hurt though." Hiromi bit her lip. 

         Hiromi's POV: Thunder wiped the blood that trickled in his mouth. "I'm fine. I'll heal over night." He said setting his bloody hand on my shoulder.  Am I really the cause of everyone dying? I looked at the green grass and I saw out of the corner of my eye that Thunder was crying. I looked at him quickly and he turned his head. "Are you ok?" I said letting my arm go around his shoulder. "Yeah, perfect." He said and he glanced at me his tears washing some of the blood off his face. "I'm sorry about Claire." I said feeling sick to my stomach. She was just a little girl... "Yeah. She didn't deserve to die." He said his black bangs falling in his face. "I will revenge her, even if it kills me." He said gripping his sword that had blood on it. Poor Thunder. I felt tears form in my eyes and he looked at me quickly. "What wrong with you?" He asked his eyes growing wide with shock. "No one deserves that. Espacially you." I said laying my head against his arm. He gave me a huge hug and I smiled at him. "I want to help you revenge her death." I said feeling my own anger at rembering how they killed her. I felt his wet tears stick on my arm. "Need help with anything? Like your gashes or anything?" Kazuko said standing in front of us. I let Thunder go and wiped my wet face. "I'm fine, I'm just tired." I said and Thunder stared at Kazuko and smiled. "Yeah, but I think if I go for a swim or something then it will help with the cuts and stuff then you can wrap it up." He said staring at the lake that shimmered in the sunlight. "Ok, don't be to long." She said walking away and she beckoned for Mika to come over to her. "Me and Mika are getting along better." Thunder said giving a nod greeting. Mika waved and followed Kazuko. "You guys better get along or I will have to go all ninja style on you." I said doing a karate chop. Thunder laughed and shook his head at me. As long as they smile and are happy, I am happy. "You want to swim with me?" Thunder asked standing in front of the waves that lapped over his feet. "I don't know how to swim."  I said nervously and I shuddered at remembering how I drowned and almost died. "It's ok, I'm going to help you." He said walking out deeper. I gulped and followed nervously. The waves surrounded my feet and I shuddered. "Not so far out." I squeaked. Thunder stopped until it was up to his waist. I felt my teeth chatter as the water went higer and higher. "Aww....Your going swimming without me?" Beat asked sadly. "Well come on." Thunder said with a smile. Beat splashed noisely towards us until he reached us. "I-I can't touch." I stuttered flapping my arms everywhere. "Come on it's ok. If you get to scared, call me or Beat or swim to us." Thunder said swimming backwards. "Ok here-" I screamed as someone tugged on my leg making me go underwater. I shot up and flipped my black hair out of my face. Mika was beside me laughing his head off. "Sorry." He apologized as I splashed him like crazy. "Ok, I'm coming to you Thunder." I said kicking my arm and legs. I screamed as I felt myself sinking until my head disappeared underwater. I heard the muffled voices above the water and someone grabbed me and pulled me above the water. "Keep kicking but don't tire yourself out so quickly." Thunder said and he pulled me against him. I let my jaw drop and I felt my cheeks turn bright red. "Concentrate." He said as I kept looking back at him. "Now kick off." He said. I flopped on my stomach and kicked hard as I could. "Ahh!" Thunder screamed in pain and fell down in the water. "Keep swimming." Mika said his arms wide open. Tiredness surged through me but I finally reached his arms. I stared deep into his blue eyes and felt my cheeks burn. "Come on, it's getting late." Kazuko called out on the shore a couple minutes later. We all groaned and walked out of the water. "That was fun, but very funny when Hiromi kicked Thunder in the-" Beat started but Kazuko held up her hand. "Don't finish that sentence." She said before sitting down beside the fire. I sat down to and spit some more of the water out of my mouth. "Good  job." Thunder said with a smile. "Well we need to get some sleep guys." I said with a yawn. Everyone nodded in agreement and layed on the soft ground. "Goodnight guys." Thunder said laying beside me. "Goodnight." Everyone said back. I guess it's a good thing that this happened. I bet if there wasn't so much death or sadness, we would all really enjoy this. As long as we got each other, we will be ok.



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