Not a normal day

The fight of the angels, demons, assasins

Assasin's POV:  "Everyone gather around."  Jiro's voice echoed around the empty building. Mumurs echoed off the wall and a huge group of people stopped in front of Jiro. "It's time." Jiro said looking down at the people. They all glanced uneasily at each other as if doubting themselves. "But Hiromi can be anywhere." A girl with brown curly hair and blue eyes said clinging to the boy next to her. Jiro narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything to the girl. "That may be true, but we can still find her." Jiro said after the awkward silence. People fidgeted uneasily making the broken grass crack under their feet. "We got to find her, I want my revenge." A boy said stepping out of the crowd the bright moonlight shining through the broken windows and lighting up his red swoopy hair. Jiro held up his hand and silenced the people in the crowd. "You will, but you must bring her to me first." Jiro said flipping his black bangs that fell in his face. "There is no way we can find her. It's been years since we have even seen her." A boy with black hair and red highlights said looking at the ground that had glass and wood on it. Jiro gave a loud sigh. "You will find her, and bring her to me. Then you will get your revenge." Jiro said his green eyes glowing in the moonlight that shined above him in the hole in the roof. "I know I will find her. You guys aren't scared are you?" A boy said with blonde hair that swooped across his face and piercing blue eyes. Anger yells exploded from the crowd. "We aren't afraid, we will bring her back." A boy said angerly from the crowd. Beat gave a half smile and pulled out a silver chain that had two blades on both ends. "I want my revenge. I will kill her with my bare hands if I have to." Beat  mumbled out loud. Jiro stared at all of them. "No one is going to kill her. Just find her and bring her to me." He said turning around for a moment. The assasins ran towards the broken windows their feet echoing off the stone floor. They all leaped out of the window to the forest that strethced endlessly below. "Beat." Jiro said quickly. Beat rested his hands against the old window seal and looked up at him. "Bring her back alive." Jiro said challengingly. Beat snickered and looked at the forest below. "I do things my own way. If I bring her back alive or dead you either take her or leave her." He said before leaping out the window without waiting for his reply. A boy with dark blue hair and brown eyes watched Beat jump out the window in the shadows. "Daeil, go after him and make sure he brings her back alive." Jiro said looking at the boy over his shoulder. Daeil frowned and looked down at the ground and gave a tiny nod and leaped out the window. Hiromi will be mine. I know I will be able to count on Beat, after all, he is the best assasin out of all of them. Get her Beat.

             Hiromi's POV: "No!" I yelled as I lost my balance and dropped my red lollipop. It hit the ground sending the red pieces scattering everywhere. That was my last one. "You made me drop my lollipop." I groaned pouting sadly. Kazuko fixed her purple book bag strap and looked down at my scatter lollipop pieces. "To bad. Come on Hiromi, were going to be late." She said flipping her short bright brown bangs. I looked up at the huge school in front of us. Everyone shouldered past me and walked inside the huge red metal double doors. I huffed and struggled to keep up with her. I looked at the people that ran past me in black and white, I hate our school uniforms. "Fix your uniform." Kazuko said looking at me in the corner of her green eyes. I yanked down my black and white jacket and rolled my eyes. We both stopped in front of our home room. "Nope, it's still boring." I groaned walking in the dull boring class room. It was all gray and their was tan desk lined up horizontally in six rows. "Stop complaining and sit down." Kazuko said jokingly. "But I'm grumpy without my lollipops." I groaned siting in the very back. I squealed as I sat down in the cold metal chair. I jumped up and made the desk scretch loudly. "Did you hear about the new student?" A girl said walking in the class room with a group of girls. The girl fixed her blonde hair until it was perfectly over her shoulder. "New student?" One of the girls asked curiously. When did we get a new student? I looked at Kazuko who was leaning foreword now to. "Yeah." The girl said happily. She sat down with the girls and I sighed. "I wonder if the student is even in our grade." Kazuko said resting her feet in the seat in front of her. "Where is Feel Dog?" I asked openly. He is supposed to be here toay...At least I hope. I sighed in disappointment and layed my head on the cold desk. I'm going to die of boredom. "This is our class room." I jumped up as I heard Feel Dog's voice just outside the class room. Is he talking to a girl? Anger bubbled in me and I stood up and crained to look out the class room door. "What in the world are you doing?" Kazuko asked giving me a tiny smile at me. A moment  later Feel Dog walked in talking to a boy with blonde swoopy hair and blue eyes. I slowly sat down awkwardly. "Sorry guys that I'm late." Feel Dog said standing in front of me and Kazuko. I smiled and tilted my head at the hot boy. "It's fine. Who's your friend?" I asked curiously looking at the boy. He looked down at me so quickly that I thought I was imagining that. "This is Beat, the new student." Feel Dog said putting his arm around Beat's shoulder. "Beat, this is Hiromi and Kazuko." Feel Dog said before sitting by Kazuko who rolled her eyes at me. Beat looked down at me like he hated my guts. Do I know him from somewhere? I smiled awkwardly and his gaze softed as if he was trying to think straight. "Can I sit beside you?" He asked setting his huge hand on the chair. "Y-Yeah." I said trying not to freak out. Beat gave me a half smile and sat beside me. Feel Dog crained his neck around sleepin Kazuko. "Are you flirting with him?" He asked teasingly. I looked out of the coner of my eye and stared at him. He put in his white headphones and I heard the music faintly blaring from it. Beat beckoned for me to lean in towards me. I pressed my hands on the desk to make sure I don't fall on the floor. I could smell the sweet smell of axe and I felt my heart pound. "The teacher looks like a dead animal. I  bet he does his dog." Beat whispered in my ear and I shuddered as his breath tickled my neck. I giggled and nodded in agreement. I looked up and stared into his deep piercingly blue eyes. I screamed as I felt my hand slip from the desk and I saw the floor rush fast towards me. Pain surged through me as I fell with a loud thud on the hard cold floor. "Ow my ." I groaned rubbing my tail bone. Kazuko looked down at me with covered. What? "Hey-" Beat said but I held up my hand. "Thanks for everyones concern, I'm fine." I said with a smile. All my classmates started to laugh loudly. "Nice pocka dot underwear." A boy said in front of me. I felt my face turn beat red and I struggled to stand up. Beat awkwardly looked away from me. "I-I." I said sitting back down in my seat. The teacher fixed his spectacules and cleared his throat. "Stop." He said looking back at me angerly. I looked at my desk in shame. I fail at everything..."It's ok." Beat whispered to me. I blushed at him and smiled. I hope.

                         Kazuko's POV: Why does this guy look so familiar? "It looks like Hiromi likes him already." Feel Dog said resting his feet on the chair in front of him. "Maybe." I said looking in the corner of my eye at them. Hiromi was blushing when ever she glanced at Beat. The name sounds familiar to..I narrowed my eyes in deep thought. "Ok class, partner up." The teacher said turning his back on us and scribbled on the huge chalk board. "Hiromi! Let's pair up." Feel Dog said looking around me to see Hiromi. "Ok." She said standing up and walking to his desk. They are always partners..They leave poor Kazuko out. "Kazuko, want to be my partner?" Beat asked not looking at me. I shrugged and sat in Hiromi's seat and scooted them close together. It made a screeching sound and Hiromi covered her ears. "Hiromi is really pretty." Beat said looking over at Hiromi. I smiled at him and he gasped. "Your actually smiling." He said poking my cheek. I frowned again and sighed. "Your just as bad as them." I said jokingly. He narrowed his eyes at me with his blonde hair in his face. "Here is the paper." The teacher said setting the papers on Beat's desk. "Are you smart?" He asked sketching on his white sheet. "Why?" I asked filling out the first question. "Let me see." Beat said beggingly and he pouted as I rested my hand on it. "Solve it yourself." I said sharply. "I think it's Thomas Jefferson." I heard Hiromi said confusedly. "But this is science." Feel Dog chuckled. "Is this is her boyfriend?" Beat asked seriously. He asked so many questions...I want to slap him with this eraser. "Why do you want to know?" I said raising a eyebrow at him. He seemed to hate her when he first walked in so there must be another reason. "Well they seem so happy together but they could also be very close friends you know?" He said looking at them with jealousy flashing in his blue eyes. I looked at him in interest. "Your pretty smart." I said shaking my head after realizing how girly that must have sounded. "Really?" Beat asked giving me a half smile. I felt my cheeks burn as he looked deep into my eyes while flashing another half smile. "Oh dear lord of gummy worms." I heard Hiromi whisper from behind me. I glanced over and she had her hands on my desk but you could only see her eyes. "You must be the smartest one out of them." He said looking at Feel Dog and Hiromi who was throwing paper balls in the trash can. "You must be the most talkitive one out of your friends." I flashed back and he flinched a little bit. "Rawr." He said looking away. Boys are so stupid. "Hows it going?" Hiromi said leaning over us. "Good." I said before Beat could. I feel like I can't trust this kid.. "Oh, that's good. Good." She said slowly lifting up my hand and jotting down the answers. "Hey, you let her copy but you won't let your own partner do it." Beat said annoyedly. "Get over it." I said before sitting in my seat with a sigh. "Your in a grouchy mood today." Feel Dog said cautiously. I slammed my hands down on my desk. "It's not a mood it's a feeling...I feel so uneasy around him. Like I have to be scared or something." I blurted out quietly. Feel Dog's friendly smile faded and he narrowed his brown eyes at me. "You think so to?" He whispered so faintly that I had to be very quiet to hear him. "Yeah." I said and I was about to open my mouth to ask Feel Dog where Beat came from but the bell rang loudly. "Go Home." The teacher snapped at us. All of the other students stood up and stretched. "I can't wait to get home and eat all of those gummy bears and Jolly ranchers I saved up." Hiromi said giving her brigh smile. "We should all walk home." I said and Beat gave me a shocked look. "Yeah, I trust me I thought  Kazuko was mean at first."  Feel Dog said and I glared at him. "Well see you later." Beat mumbled walking out of the room. Hiromi looked after him in disappointment.  "Beat!" I called out as he reached the lockers across the room. We all jogged towards him. "You should walk with us." I said giving him a smile. Beat stared at me unblinkingly. I gulped and glanced at Hiromi who fidgeted uneasily. "No thanks." Beat said before walking away without waiting for us to reply. He disappeared in the huge swarm of kids. "We'll see him tomorrow." Feel Dog said reassuringly. Was that relief in his voice? Hiromi just sighed and walked towards the huge red doors. "Kazuko, come here." Feel Dog said beckoning me a couple feet away from Hiromi. "What?" I asked slowing my pace and walking beside him. "Are you sure you don't know him from somewhere?" He asked sounding kind of nervous. I shook my head. "No."

                         Beat's POV: I looked over my shoulder where I left them at. I gave a half smile as I saw Hiromi searching in the crowd outside. I am so proud of her...Trusting people so easily. I dodged the people as they passed me. I started walking on the gray sidewalk quickly and looked over my shoulder now and then. Now that I befriended her, she will trust me. I froze as I heard the familiar voices from behind me. I looked over my shoulder and sighed as Hiromi pointed to me. I can't stand her or her stupid friends. "Beat! Slow down." Hiromi said running after me. I turned around and gave her a smile. "Hey." I said friendly. "You want to walk with us?" She said and she pulled her book bag on her shoulder and her cheeks turned bright pink. Is she blushing? I tilted my head and forced a smile. "Sure why not." Even though I don't want to. "Yay Beat's walking with us." Hiromi said struggling to put her arm on my shoulder. I nodded but gave a silent sigh. "So where do you live?" Hiromi asked as we all walked side by side. "In the woods." I said thinking quickly. Hiromi puffed out her lips in interest. "Do you like the school so far?" Kazuko said looking at her heels as she walked. "I guess." I said looking down at the gray side walk again. "I think it's boring." Hiromi said and she sighed. "That's right, I have to go to the gas station. See you guys later." Kazuko said snapping her finger and pointing to the green neon lights across the road. "Well do you want me to walk you home? I'll stay with you to get your stuff." Feel Dog said looking at me and Hiromi. "Sure if that's ok." Kazuko said looking over her shoulder. I shrugged but cheered inside. "I'm fine, hopefully Beat will walk me home." Hiromi said smiling at me. "Yeah let's go before it gets late." I said beckoning her to follow me again. Hiromi waved goodbye to them and skipped to my side again. "Your awfully quiet." Hiromi said fidgeting uneasily. I shrugged and looked over at her. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked swinging my arms by my side as I walked. "Well...Do you have any siblings?" She asked but her voice seemed more unhappier. I looked down in deep thought. "No. What about you?" I asked challengingly. She sighed and her bright smile faded. "No, my mom passed away before I was little, and my dad is dead to but I have a older brother but he doesn't even want anything to do with me." She said and she looked away awkwardly and I stopped as I heard her sniffle. "I'm sorry, it's just that I know I may be stupid and all sometimes but I have amazing friends that are like family. I think you may be part of it now." She said and quickly wiped her tears away from her eyes. I took  a deep breath and looked at the trees passing us by. Jiro told me that she was adopted and that our parents hated each other...and that he killed him. Her mom apparently killed my mom in her sleep. "I-I am sorry. I knows what it's like to be by yourself." I said trying to avoide her eyes. What am I doing?! I shook my head and stared straight ahead. "I'm sorry. I wish I could have met your parents. I want to thank them for giving me another friend." She said smiling up at me. Great...Does she know about me wanting to kill her? Probally... "Where at my house." She said a couple minutes of silence. I jumped and looked up. Her house was white and paint was fading from it and it was surrounded by tall trees on everyside. "Ok, have a good day." I said walking away. "Wait, one more question." Hiromi said standing in spot. I stared back at her waiting for her to ask it. "I-It's nothing that big...Me and Kazuko was talking about it earlier." She said and she avoided my gaze and twirled her black hair. "Well go ahead." I said giving a half smile. That's kind of cute. "W-Well...Do you got a girlfriend?" She blurted out forcing herself to meet my eyes. I gulped nervously and she put her hands up in surrounder. "I-It's not huge...I was just wondering." She said her voice growing quiet. She must be hard to deal with on a date. "No. Why, do you like me?" I said teasingly. She let out a shocked squeal and put her hands up in surrounder. "N-No! Not like that." She said innocently. I chuckled and walked away slowly. I turned sharply and cut around her back yard. Stupid girl..She lead me to her house. I walked deeper and deeper in the woods until the sun barely shined through the leaves. "Beat? There you are." I heard the familiar voice of Daeil in the old tree above me. "Yeah, I'm back. We will wait until night and-" Daeil held up his huge hand and leaped down from the tree. Sticks crunched under his feet and he stood in front of me. "We shouldn't do it." He mumbled. I let my jaw drop in astonishment. He thinks so to..."But we have to or she will die anyway." I blurted out and Daeil narrowed his blue eyes at me. "What?" He asked in surprise. "Just shut up and don't question me." I said clenching my fist in confusion. What should I do...Is this all really lies? Jiro is lying to me...

            Hiromi's POV: It's so pretty outside... I skipped in the woods on the far left and tilted my head back to let the bright moonlight shine on my face. Trees towards over me and bright moonlight spots poured across the earthy ground. I stopped in front of a huge thick oak tree that seemed to reach to the sky. I squinted in the dark and gripped the smooth bark. I always come here to think. I climbed it easily and in no time reached the top branch. I let my feet hang off the side. I looked up at the bright stars that shined brightly above me. "Hey, you like this spot to?" I jumped as I heard Beat's voice from behind me. How does he know about this place? "Yeah, It's very pretty." I said pressing my back against the warm tree. He grunted as he climbed up beside me. "When did you find it?" I asked it curiously. Beat sat on the branch and let his feet hang off to. "Yesterday." He said his voice drifting away as he looked up at the beautiful sky. "Did you know that the north star is your family members shining down on you?" Beat said randomly looking at the star ahead of us. I let my jaw drop. That's a really cool thought..."Wow...I think your right because it never leaves you." I said and I felt the fuzzy tears cloud my eyes. "Your a real cry baby." Beat said quietly and I rubbed my eyes quickly. He's right..I'm pathetic. "Hey, I was kidding." He said after our moment of silence. "Oh, but your right." I said with a loud sigh. I looked at the full moon that seemed so close that you could touch it. "No, everyone needs to cry sometime." Beat said even though he sounded like he didn't mean it. I slumped down and rested my legs on the branch. I froze as something cold and sharp pressed against me. I opened one eye and looked at Beat's jacket pocket. A silver blade was sticking out of it. What is he doing with that? "W-Wow...Why do you have that?" I asked catiously. I scooted away and his friendliness faded away to be replaced by a smirk. "Your slow." He said standing up and balancing perfectly. Is...He going to hurt me? "But...What did I ever do to you?" I asked holding up my hands up in surrounder. He stood there as if the question confused him. "I-If you wanted stuff to me Iv'e ne-" I began but he made  a disguisted face and pressed his huge hand across my mouth. "Never!" He yelled his blue eyes wide. I raised a eyebrow at him. "Then...What?" I said nervously. I didn't do anything except talk to him.. "It's nothing, you didn't do anything. I'm going to go." He said turning away from me. "N-No wait." I said stumbling over my feet to stand up. He looked over his shoulder at me his blue eyes turning silver in the moonlight. "If you were supposed to kill me or something...Where you forced to our something?" I asked more curious then scared. He does seem pretty dangerous though.. "It's none of your buisness." He snapped turning around quickly to face me. I froze as I heard chuckling from close by. "I knew you wouldn't do it." A voice said from the branch above us. I opened my mouth to call out but Beat covered my mouth quickly. "Mika, what are you doing here?" He asked his eyes narrowed and alert. I gulped and hide behind him. "For the girl of course. Remember, the plan?" Mika asked and I clung to Beat's arm as the branch shook as Mika jumped down from the branch above us. "I don't want any part of it anymore." Beat said not even meeting my eyes. "Wait, hold up, what plan?" I said rasing my hand up in front of Beat's face. Mika raised a eyebrow at me. The moonlight finally shined down on his face to reveal his black bangs that swooped in his face and blue eyes. Wow...He's so cute. I felt my cheeks burn and I fidgeted uneasily. "He didn't tell you? My dear girl, were assasins." He said covering his mouth in shock. I let my jaw drop and I looked blankly back at Beat. Assassins? "No wonder your both so hot." I blurted out. Mika gave a half smile and slowly walked towards me. "Well if you come with me, I will give you the time of your life." He said leaning in towards me. I opened my mouth to say something but all that came out was a squeal. Beat shoved me aside and stood up until he was nose to nose with Mika. "No." He growled and he slowly pulled out his weapon and it shined in the bright moonlight. "Come on, don't hog the cutie." He said craining to see me. I gulped. Wow so Beat is a assasin...No wonder why he was so quiet but wanted to know so much about me..Should I even trust him anymore or go with Mika? Great...Two hot guys.."You are no match for me." Mika said holding up a silver gun with a smirk. "Let's see." Beat said still standing in front of me. Oh no...

              Kazuko's POV: "Is she home?" I called out wrapping my arms around myself. It's getting really late out. Feel Dog sighed and knocked for the tenth time. "No." He responded with his head hung. "Maybe she just went for a walk." I said stepping on the white porch steps. Feel Dog shrugged and followed slowly. It creaked under our weight and I prayed that I wouldn't fall through. "What if they went to Beat's house?" Feel Dog asked jumping over the last step and landing perfectly. I tensed but forced a smile. "Don't worry." I  said heading towards the dark looming woods. "I don't see how your not scared. A lot of girls would scream and run if they were walking in the woods. Your not natrual." Feel Dog mumbled following me slowly and ducking under twigs and branches. "Lot's of practice." I said half to myself. When I was in training to be a assasin, you had to adapt to the surroundings. I froze as I heard a faint voice. "Did you hear that?" I said quickly, slapping my hand over his mouth. Feel Dog looked around and shrugged after a moment. "It came from this way." I said motioning him to follow. He groaned and followed quietly. "Well I'm just saying, if your a assain and you don't like sweets, how would you be able to be so happy?" I heard Hiromi's voice further up ahead. Feel Dog went wide eyed and mouthed assasin. I gave a tiny nod and pressed myself behind a tree from where she was. "Nice going Hiromi." Beat grumbled and I peaked around the corner of the tree. He was tied up to a huge tree that towered over him. A boy with black hair glanced over at us from so sharply I flinched. "What are you scared of now? A squirrel?" Feel Dog said raising a eye brow a me. He crained over my shoulder and went wide eyed as the assasin pulled out a silver gun. "He's going to hurt them!" He yelled a little to loudly. The boy spun around quickly and shot the gun in our direction. I tackled Feel Dog on the ground. "Ow..."He groaned rubbing his head. "Come out before I come to you." The boy said and I heard his footsteps get closer. I ducked under the bushes and tried to control my breathing. "Your the once assain person. Take him on." Feel Dog said remembering me trying to explain everything earlier. "But I don't remember anything Iv'e learned." I choked out. "Boo." The boy leaned over us and pointed the gun at us. "Wait!" Feel Dog screamed covering his face. The boy tilted his head at him. "I just have to say how handsome you are." Feel Dog said quickly while peaking through his fingers. "Sure." The boy said and I flinched as I felt the metal touch my face. "Come here cutie." The boy said holding the gun to me as I slowly walked out. Feel Dog turned sharply and punched the boy square in the face. The boys head jerked sightly and his black bangs fell in his face. "You are stupid, gay dude." He growled and the boy said his fist and punched Feel Dog in the stomcach making him fall to his feet. I heard Hiromi scream and look away quickly. "You must have been the traitor."  The boy said narrowing his blue eyes at me. Everyone grew silent and Mika looked around at everyone. "You guys are boring." He said half to his self. I heard the sound of rope ripping and I looked out of the corner of my eye at Beat. He narrowed his eyes and I heard the snap of the rope and he put his hands by his side. Don't  let the boy know he's free. "So do you got a girl friend?" I asked stuttering over my own words. The boy gave me a half smile and shook his head no. Beat sneaked over to Hiromi and untied her quickly and pulled out his weapon and squeezed it in his hand. The boy looked out of the corner of his eye and wipped around so quickly and held the gun up to Hiromi's head. He put his arm around her neck and she looked at me deseparatlely. "One more step and the girl gets it." The boy said and gave a half grin to Hiromi. "Hey watch were you put your hand." Hiromi snapped and the boy awkwardly looked away. "Let her go Mika." Beat said walking up to him. Mika glared at him. "No, she's mine now." Mika said laying his head against hers. Hiromi's pale cheeks turned bright pink. "Can I decide?" She said quietly. Beat clenched his fist. "Do you want to die?" He said but I heard the concern in his voice. "Dont worry, I'll take good care of her." Mika said and turned around. Feel Dog ran up from behind him and kicked Mika in the back of the leg making him fall. Hiromi struggled to regain her balance and cheered when she did. "Run!" I yelled grabbing her hand and running as fast as I could. The forest wizzed past me and I heard everyones heavy breathing. We got to get her as far away from danger as possible.

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