To our beloved maknae.

The Revánj

Our dearest Sungjonggie ^^,



Please don’t be surprised when you read this. We wouldn’t want you to have a heart attack. Not yet.


How are you feeling? Well, what a stupid question! We bet you had a lot of fun these day, didn’t you? Come on, what could be more entertaining than messing around with your hyungs and making them look like idiots? By the way, Dongwoo says hi!


We honestly hope you made the most out of these days in which we were oblivious of your happiness because, sweetheart, your life will become pure hell from now on. If you thought you were miserable before, wait until Sungyeol gets his hands on you. Oh, and he was the one who you should thank! If it wasn’t for Sungyeol we would have never found your secret diary which you used to plan your Revanj (Seriously now, what’s with the stupid name? French? You don’t even know how it sounds!). You have no idea how much we had to put up with Woohyun the moment he heard how you fooled him. It wasn’t pleasant, you know.


Also, Hoya would like to tell you that he isn’t moving from your room forever and that Dongwoo will be visiting each night. He said he wants to prove to you how manly he really is because you seem to be unaware of that. And neither of us is willing to let you sleep anywhere else. By the way, you could use some earplugs. The next few weeks might get a bit noisier. Yeah, weeks. Abstinence made Sunggyu and Dongwoo even hornier. Just to give you a heads-up.


We still can’t understand why you were so upset about us having a healthy and active ual life (By the way, Sungyeol says he’ll make you pay for calling him a banshee. And we aren’t -stinking monkeys!). As a matter of fact, you aren’t as innocent as you pretend. We know you were ing yesterday at a picture of a topless Taecyeon. Hoya is a light-sleeper, you know. He also happened to have his phone with himself and it takes such good photos! And the angles are perfect! You look good, don’t worry. I’m sure your mom thinks the same. Oh, about that! Sungyeol thought it would be a good idea to send some footage to your parents. He proposed to also print a few posters and spread them around your neighbourhood but we said we might take care of that later. Depends on how well you behave.


We were going to leave it at this for a while, but Dongwoo argued that he too wanted to leave a small gift for you. He even specially prepared your breakfast, just as you like it, and left it for you on the counter. We assume you enjoyed it since there was nothing left in the bowl after we checked it. Also, we hope we left enough toilet paper in the bathroom because neither of us would dare to go inside now.


As for Mr. Fluffy Ears, after we finish writing this note we plan on taking him with us for a while. You know, for future reference, or how you like to call it - ‘blackmailing backup’. Don’t worry, though. Sungyeol said he will take extra care of him.


Lastly, Sunggyu wants to let you know that he wasn’t very fond of you either and that you are really creepy. A purple hamster, Sungjong-ah? Really? You have issues. Also, Myungsoo isn’t planning on accepting your apology anytime soon. Ms Lee’s hurt expression still haunts him. And her palm is still imprinted on his left cheek. Even though she was aware of their relationship, she didn’t have to see them in that state. Now, they’re supposed to sleep in different beds, but it’s not like that will stop them from doing what pisses you off most. They said they are willing to do it right in front of your bedroom door just to hear you scream in pain and agonize. Actually, those were Sungyeol’s words.


Anyways, we hope for your cooperation for the upcoming period of time. If not, we always have Mr Fluffy Ears to help us. Don’t you agree? ^^


                                                                                                                                               With love,

                                                                                                                                        Your adorable hyungs! ^^


P.S. You might want to call your mother.  



AUTHOR'S NOTE: I feel so good for ending this story, altough it's short, but I think I'll miss it. Writing The Revanj was so fun and everytime I sat in front of the computer the words would just type themselves resulting in really funny chapters.  On the other hand, I'm starting a new story ^^ I'm sooo excited I can't wait to post the first chapters. In a few days, next week at the most, I'll be posting the foreword and I'll leave the link here too.

Thank you to all of you guys who supported this story, those of you who read it, subscribed and commented. I love you <3 You are the best, really!! Without your support I wouldn't have had so much fun writing this >:D< Bye Bye~~~ And don't forget about those rainbows, the candy and the unicorns! ^^


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Updating tomorrow!~ guess which pairing will be Sungjong's next target?


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Chapter 5: That's just mean, I understand how Sungjong felt being the only normal straight guy in the house. They should live in separate apartment room or building though. Hearing couple have every night is stressing. But I like how Sungjong played out his the story..
Chapter 4: What? That was the end of it? *sigh and mopes in the corner*
Poor Myungsoo, getting slapped like that. I'm sure it'd have been like, "Young man, why is your d!ck up my son's ?". And LOL at Sungjong wanking it off to a picture of Taecyeon. Poor maknae... You were just and sad, all along. I understand you, but you could have done it instead with Mr. Fluffy Ears. I'm sure it'd feel cottony. ^^ Hahahaha~~

Anyways, I totally loved the fic. I can definitely see Sungjong a some high-class French-revengetress saying Revanj in an all-too weird-scary manner. And boy! Revanj- would be a word i'd never forget from now on.

And btw back to the first Revanj ploy, what if Dongwoo pooped on Hoya while they were doing it. O____O *shiver*
Chapter 3: Damn, i'm sure the last thing your mom wants to see, Sungyeol, is you riding your bestfriend's d!ck and screaming like a banshee. *whistle* Sungjong sure is angry, this takes the cake out of all the other ploys.

I love the mentions of Anipang and the oh! so innocent Thomas the Tank Engine.
Chapter 2: WooGyu the 'leftover couple'-- i laughed at this even though i didn't quite the exact meaning for it.

Oh! and that image of Woohyun peeking through keyholes and while watching Sunggyu undress, is got to be the most vo.yeuristic kink that got me riled up, i'm ashamed to say. hahaha~~

and seriously, the Young and the Restless? looks like someone has been watching too much daytime drama. i'd feel old if i watch that show. but then again, they're the elderly couple so it's only befitting. ^^
Chapter 1: I'm toally in love with all the derogatory name callings, and basically how this fic is written. It's awesome. *eyes bulging wide and neck veins popping to emphasize point*

what got me lol-ing was when they passed Sungjong like some decorative pot of flower, too eager and like a certain tree who also likes trees, surprisingly.
That foreword is EPIC. I love it from head to toe. And it'd be forever imprinted to me that Sungyeol is a squealing banshee while being pounded, and most of all Myungsoo looking like Gollum while caressing the banshee's cute behind and saying "My precious!!!" while his eyes are looking around and mouth quirked in an unsightly grin. *shiver*
luvkpopl #7
Chapter 4: Ahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Nice story author nim~ but Poor sungjong I think u will be living through hell the next few weeks ... :'(
Chapter 4: Okay, first of all, your story had me laughing like an asthmatic hyena the entire time, second, i think my bias list wrecker would be Sungjongie bec.of this story and three,, DID WAS REALLY DAEBAK~!!! keke. this is suuuuper different from all the usual stories i read :3 Mind if i kinda borrow your concept? ~keke ^^
deliciousyou #9
Chapter 4: Hhahaha this story is funny and really interesting X))) Our dearest maknae gets bully from his hyung, and thAnks to Sungyeol everything become worse X))
ligninqueenie #10
Chapter 4: It sounds like Sungjong's revanj made his situation worse. Poor Maknae. I hope Mr. Fluffy Ears is ok.