Mission 2: "Down to the oldies" Signed: Special agent, Smile Boy

The Revánj

As all of you might know, a couple of days ago I finally got the chance to squish the living hell out of YaDong couple. Well, better said, out of Dongwoo, but Hoya didn't look any better than him. By the time 'Dinowoo' (Oh, the horror!) finally came unstuck from the toilet seat (This happened at about 5:30 A.M.), Hoya's eyeballs were popped out and he was sitting in front of the door, with one hand hanging from the door knob, looking like a lemur about to give up the ghost.

The funniest moment, though, was when Dongwoo opened the door. You should have seen his face when he came across Hoya's ghostly figure, staring at him with lifeless eyes. His lips parted in a high-pitched scream (Seriously, it was like someone just kicked him in the balls. If he wouldn't have made it as an idol, he could've become a successful soprano.) and he slammed the door in Hoya's face so hard, I thought the house was about to fall apart. How do I know all of this? As I mentioned before, I couldn't sleep all night and, at some point, I got out of the bedroom to get myself a glass of milk. But I found it more interesting to just watch Hoya struggle to stay awake. Apparently, all the other members were already asleep. As they reasoned the day after, they were too tired and slept like babies, so they didn't hear a thing. Of course you were tired, you -stinking monkeys!

Anyways, none of them seem to know the  source of Dongwoo's sudden outburst (or, better said, explosion. From what I heard, it was like a volcano suddenly erupted inside our bathroom!). Neither of them suspects me as the mastermind behind it. This enables me to follow my plan accordingly and carry on with my next mission: WooGyu, the 'leftover' couple.

I can't tell you how hard it was to find a good plan this time. I needed something to screw up both of them and the two are as different as fire and ice. They just don't mix! I've spent the last two days squeezing good ideas out of my brain and perfecting my plan. 

I've always known Sunggyu as someone who didn't like to expose himself. He always had this feeling that some evil presence is watching him whenever he changes his clothes or takes a bath. I always told him that was Woohyun, spying on him through the keyhole and jerking himself off. So because of his anxiousness I guess he'll be the one to suffer after this, even though my grudge is mainly against Woohyun. But, as always, what hurts Sunggyu hurts Woohyun too, so, in the end, my Revánj shall be complete. And, this time, it will be for everyone to see!

I woke up overly-excited this morning, ready to get down to work (All of them hot blooded penguins gave me strange looks as if I was some sort of an alien. They didn't look that good either with their morning faces - they could've been easily mistaken as Sadako cosplays.), only to have the manager break it down for me. An event suddenly popped out of nowhere in our schedule and we were supposed to attend it in about an hour. I became desperate. I had no idea for how long we'll be out and I couldn't afford any delays in my Revánj. Oh, God, how I hate it when like this happens! I'll have manager-hyung pay for this!

Fortunately, the sudden event only lasted for a couple of hours and soon enough we were on our way back to the apartment. In the car, Myungsoo was busy teaching Sungyeol the know-how's of his recently purchased game (When he's not ing the banshee, his eyes are permanently stuck on that weird device of his like honey on bees. Sometimes he also eats.), YaDong were surfing the Internet, reading fan fiction like the weirdos they are and WooGyu were sitting right next to me, nauseating me with their mushiness. Sometimes I think they're doing it on purpose, that pair of hot blooded grandpas!

As soon as we arrived, I was the first to put the foot out of the car. I sprinted to the front door, grabbed the device from my room and safely (but strategically) planted it inside the WooGyu nest. Pfiu! I thought I wouldn't have enough time but, apparently, the others had to wait for Dongwoo, the king of clumsiness, to gather his useless belongings scattered inside the van because he was too busy giggling with Hoya whenever they came across a scene to notice his things fall out from his widely-opened bag. I wonder for what purpose has God created him? Maybe he misplaced his soul in a human body. He would've done better as a monkey.

All in all, here I am, laying on my bed with the earphones blasting Orange Caramel's 'Lipstick'. No, I'm not listening to music just to cover some strange noises. I just want to learn their choreography. Surprisingly enough, though, Dongwoo remembered he has his own bed in his own room and decided to spend his night there. When I asked Hoya how so, he mumbled something about Dongwoo becoming abstinent "because he thinks God is punishing him for his sins". I wonder how long will this last?

When I left the living room, Woohyun and Sunggyu were cuddling in front of the TV, watching 'The Young and the Restless'. These people live a useless life. Anyways, it's been two hours since then and I believe they're already in their room. To make sure, I think I'll have to spy on them a little. 

I carefully open the door and, with no one in sight, I step inside the living room. If you're wondering about Hoya, I'm not even the least bit worried - he's too busy being ually frustrated to even notice me. I step closer to their bedroom door and raise my antennas to intercept any kind of strange noise. But everything's so quiet, my ears hurt! They couldn't be possibly sleeping, could they? 'The Young and the Restless' always makes Woohyun (God knows how!). That's the main reason they're watching it every single day! That, and because Sunggyu happens to enjoy soap opera.

I peep through the keyhole inside the dark room. When my eyes finally adjust to the darkness, I notice a figure laying on the bed, its head going up and down in rhythmic movements. Oh, it's just Sunggyu giving Woohyun a . ..... Wait! YUCK!!! OH, GOD!! GROSS!! My eyes are burning! My eyes are burning! NOOOOOO!!

There you have it, I'm officially scarred for life!

Suddenly, there's a voice and footsteps approaching. I become dizzy and my vision gets blurred as I crawl my way back to my room. I close the door and climb back on my bed, covering myself with the blanket. That was the worst decision I've ever made in my 19 years of living! Now, I have another terrifying memory, a fresh scar that will haunt me forever! 

The whole thing reminded me of the first time I found them in a compromising situation. That day, I came back home from a gathering with my friends only to see them laying half-way right in front of me, with Woohyun spreading his saliva all over Sunggyu's body. That same moment I became blind. That devil (Mr. Nam, that is) even saw me standing there but didn't bother to pay attention to my terrified figure. I could've sworn he even smirked at me, with his lips against Sunggyu's chest. I spent the rest of that day at the amusement park, stuffing my stomach with cotton candy and crying my eyes out on a bench, surrounded by squirrels. Up till that day, Sunggyu was my favorite hyung.

I spend the night trembling under the cover and hugging my pink panda bear, my only friend and confident. I used to have a purple hamster back in the days which I named Gyu as a sign of my affection towards Sunggyu-hyung, but I stopped caring for it since that fateful day. I now use it to relieve my stress.

I fall asleep thinking about the Revánj.

7:00 A.M. I wake up feeling tired and crawl into the kitchen to serve my daily ratio of magic. The rest of them are still asleep, snoring like gorillas. The floating little balls of colorful joy suddenly remember me about Sungyeol and my mission and I abandon my breakfast to retrieve the tool of my Revánj. I succeed without disturbing the two hibernating bears. With quick moves I connect it to the TV and after plugging the earphones in my ears (I think I had enough of this already) I press play and escape to my bedroom. Luckily, Hoya is out to jog, having woken up early (We all know the reason for that.) 

I can only imagine the ruckus going on right now in the living room with Woohyun and Sunggyu spazzing out like lunatics! And I'm liking what I see in my imaginary bubble! Hihihi! I bet everybody's having a blast watching the elderly e.

When I finally join them, I find Woohyun leading a thorough investigation regarding the case of WooGyu vs. The camera to discover the perpetrator and Sunggyu crying in his room (The closed door and the isolated walls weren't enough to keep his loud sobs away from my ears). I guess I made the leader into a prude for the next few weeks. And guess who'll be joining Hoya on the ually frustrated train and not getting laid for what will seem to him like centuries? That's right. Mr. Nam and his glorious Jr.

I approach Woohyun, bitting off a devilish smile, and I see him holding the camera in question in his hand whilst interrogating the rest of the members. 

"O! Hyung, isn't that manager-hyung's camera?" 

Oh, I'm so evil! Mwahahaha!




AUTHOR'S NOTE: I think I've made a martyr out of Dongwoo in this story! So many awful things keep happening to him and Sungjong keeps throwing hateful remarks at him (Well, he actually acts the same way towards all of them but I think he overdid it a bit with Dongwoo). But he's so cute and naive and bubbly and lovable and Dongwoo-ish! I hope that none of you thinks I have something against Dongwoo. He's actually my bias in Infinite! 

You know what to do! Comment, subscribe or leave me a message on my wall. Till next time, rainbows and candy and unicorns! Byes! ^^ Whoosh~~


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Updating tomorrow!~ guess which pairing will be Sungjong's next target?


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Chapter 5: That's just mean, I understand how Sungjong felt being the only normal straight guy in the house. They should live in separate apartment room or building though. Hearing couple have every night is stressing. But I like how Sungjong played out his role..love the story..
Chapter 4: What? That was the end of it? *sigh and mopes in the corner*
Poor Myungsoo, getting slapped like that. I'm sure it'd have been like, "Young man, why is your d!ck up my son's ?". And LOL at Sungjong wanking it off to a picture of Taecyeon. Poor maknae... You were just and sad, all along. I understand you, but you could have done it instead with Mr. Fluffy Ears. I'm sure it'd feel cottony. ^^ Hahahaha~~

Anyways, I totally loved the fic. I can definitely see Sungjong a some high-class French-revengetress saying Revanj in an all-too weird-scary manner. And boy! Revanj- would be a word i'd never forget from now on.

And btw back to the first Revanj ploy, what if Dongwoo pooped on Hoya while they were doing it. O____O *shiver*
Chapter 3: Damn, i'm sure the last thing your mom wants to see, Sungyeol, is you riding your bestfriend's d!ck and screaming like a banshee. *whistle* Sungjong sure is angry, this takes the cake out of all the other ploys.

I love the mentions of Anipang and the oh! so innocent Thomas the Tank Engine.
Chapter 2: WooGyu the 'leftover couple'-- i laughed at this even though i didn't quite the exact meaning for it.

Oh! and that image of Woohyun peeking through keyholes and while watching Sunggyu undress, is got to be the most vo.yeuristic kink that got me riled up, i'm ashamed to say. hahaha~~

and seriously, the Young and the Restless? looks like someone has been watching too much daytime drama. i'd feel old if i watch that show. but then again, they're the elderly couple so it's only befitting. ^^
Chapter 1: I'm toally in love with all the derogatory name callings, and basically how this fic is written. It's awesome. *eyes bulging wide and neck veins popping to emphasize point*

what got me lol-ing was when they passed Sungjong like some decorative pot of flower, too eager and like a certain tree who also likes trees, surprisingly.
That foreword is EPIC. I love it from head to toe. And it'd be forever imprinted to me that Sungyeol is a squealing banshee while being pounded, and most of all Myungsoo looking like Gollum while caressing the banshee's cute behind and saying "My precious!!!" while his eyes are looking around and mouth quirked in an unsightly grin. *shiver*
luvkpopl #7
Chapter 4: Ahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Nice story author nim~ but Poor sungjong I think u will be living through hell the next few weeks ... :'(
Chapter 4: Okay, first of all, your story had me laughing like an asthmatic hyena the entire time, second, i think my bias list wrecker would be Sungjongie bec.of this story and three,, DID WAS REALLY DAEBAK~!!! keke. this is suuuuper different from all the usual stories i read :3 Mind if i kinda borrow your concept? ~keke ^^
deliciousyou #9
Chapter 4: Hhahaha this story is funny and really interesting X))) Our dearest maknae gets bully from his hyung, and thAnks to Sungyeol everything become worse X))
ligninqueenie #10
Chapter 4: It sounds like Sungjong's revanj made his situation worse. Poor Maknae. I hope Mr. Fluffy Ears is ok.