Part 2: First and Last Love

First and Last Love


It has been three days since Kyungsoo agreed to be my friend, consequentially it has also been three days of not seeing him in any part of the school.

Of course I check him always at the back of the school but still he is nowehere to be found. I tried asking the registrar's office for any students who dropped recently but according to them there is no record for it as of yesterday. I also tried asking for his contact number and even his home address but the secretary said it is part of a student's confidential record so there is no way of giving it to anyone, especially in Do Kyungsoo's case, where he personally requested tht his basic informatinos will not be given to any of the students in the campus.

I frowned as I embraced the thought about Do Kyungsoo's mysterious existence.

I slowly drag my feet through the canteen. Lily's walking by my side but she is too busy frolicking at her newly bought iPad.

"Oh gosh. Aaaaargh!- I died." She cracked as she hits his head lightly. I faced her with dead tired eyes making a complete stop.

"Whaaaaat?!" She asked with one of her brows arching.

I made a very deep sigh. "Nothing. I'm ... I'm just thinking about something." I gaped back at the direction of the canteen only tos ee a familair but slightly vague peculiarity of a familiar person.

Lily turned off her iPad and held it by her right arm.

"I have something to tell you." She started. And carried on without delay.

We continued walking, though my ears were completely alloted for my best friend, my mind cannot seem to take in whatever she is saying because I am too focused on the person taht is about to come across with us.

The person I have been waiting for three consecutive days. He's back, at last. I seriously do not know why I missed him so bad. Okay missing him probably is not yet the right thing for me to feel but I really missed him.

He looks oh so fresh. He even had his ahir but a bit showing more of the details of his face. His round dark brown eyes made obvious by his refined brows, the prominence of his admirable jaw line, the softness of his face without any trace of blemish and his sober heart-shaped lips were surely some of hisblessed facets.

My feet slacked, my eyes drift though his direction. He just walk past us without even meeting my eyes leaving a hard pang on my heart, like I am a complete anonymous stranger for him. I clenched my fist, the rhythm of my breathing gradually became broiling. Why does he have to act like he doesn't know me after cutting a deal about becoming my friend? ...

And ... Why do I even bother wasting my time and getting my heart stabbed to the person who doesn't obviously want to be my friend?

I shake my head to erase the thought. If he doesn't want me, to be his friend I mean, then it is not my loss. My breathing came back to normal. Last one deeps igh and I am back to being free from my previous stupid and ridiculous attempts.

I didn't notice Lily has taken a complete halt. She was standing a few meters behind me. I turned around to see both of her hands on her waist, her brows meeting, his lips pursing.

I let out a soft snicker, ran back to her, and sling my arm to hers. "Sorry," I mouthed. She is not looking at me. "Sorry" I repeated. "What were you saying again?"

She did not reply rather she is biting the inner side of his cheeks with disappointed eyes. "Come on Lily. I'm just thinking about something deeply awhile ago. But now, my ears and mind are compeletely yours. I am sorry okay? Come on. Alright! It's my treat as a way of apologizing for not paying attention to my best friend." I dragged her to the canteen. "peace?"

She is still frowning.

"peace?" I repeated emphasizing the 'eeeeeeeesssss' to her face before giving off my puppy cute eyes.

"Stop it you look stupid. Okay. your treat and you are forgiven. I will repeat again." She sighed. "But please listen okay?"

I nodded. "Promise."

She picked her order, I paid, we sat on one of the empty tables and she started once again.

Friday in school ended smoothly and lightly. Quizzes were postponed and were rescheduled next week, the terror professor I really hate was absent, I got an A mark for my earth science report, our investigatory project proposal was approved and… there is no need for me to feel sorry for him as he weeps in pain and agony at the back of our campus.

I don’t want this lucky weekday-ender of mine to get ruined. And to avoid it, I must put into trash whatever thoughts about he-I-Don’t-Want-To-Name. (You know him!)

Lily and I are going home together just like the old days. I am waiting for her at the lobby, waiting for her to finish her meeting with the other volleyball players. She is currently applying for a spot and today was scheduled for their orientation.

To kill sometime, I talk to whoever I know who’s also waiting at the lobby, occasionally, random topics with the school’s guard, and then back to whoever I know is also in the lobby. Until, all of them were gone, except for the guard of course, who is now busy writing something on his logbook, busy to be disturbed. I checked on my watch. Exactly five minutes before one hour of waiting. I searched for my phone inside my bag, I didn’t notice it vibrated.

Two text messages.

From: Lily

The coach and the rest of the senior players decided to start the try out this afternoon. And I am lucky (unlucky?) to be part of the first batch. If you want you can go ahead. I am at the lockers, changing… TT__TT Wish me luck, I wasn’t able to prepare. TT___TT And, sorry to keep you waiting. I’ll make it up to you next week. ^^

Sent: eighteen minutes ago.

I hit the reply button and wished her best of luck.

From: unknown number


I scrunched up my brows as I open the message.

                Where are you?

I scantily moved my head back, surprised with the content of the message. I am having second thoughts whether to make a reply or just obey what our parents thought us that is: "Don't talk to strangers.' which basically includes, replying to an unknown number.

However, a part of me was so eager to hit the reply button and ask who the person is, because I don't know, there is a part of me telling that the owner of the number is him (you know who I am talking about!) but there is also another part of me reminding about how he acted early this lunch. I mved my weight from one side to another, dithering at what is the best move to make. The guard dig me with his probing 'what is her problem' eyes and in return I give him a fidgety smile before going back to facing the message from my phone.

From my phone...which vibrated one again making my body squirm.

From: unknown number

               You mad at me are you?




                That is why you didn’t come.

That's it! I hit the reply button, quickly typed in a question which I obviously know the answer and crossed my fingers that he will reply. (where did he get my number anyway?) I don't know how to describe what I am feeling right now but seriously there is something moving inside my stomach.

I satrted counting in my mind. One... Two... Three... Four... Five...

And my phone vibrated again.

From: unknown number

              I bet you know the answer. :)


My eyes automatically dilated at the alst letter from the message. As mucha s I wanted to mask the feeling I am having right now, but the thing that is moving inside my stomach is seriously making a continuous crazy backflips without stop.

I was still trying to keep myself calm veiled from the eyes of the guard who is again looking at me with stupor.

"You." He started.

"I'm sorry?"

"Who are you waiting for? Why don't you go home?"

"I am waiting for my.." Lily's message flashed in my mind. I am no longer waiting for someone. "Oh yes! I better go home. Bye."

I rushed out of the lobby.

Instead of replying, I decided to save his number with a name: K.


it vibrated again.

From: K

              Going home?

With his message I look around me thinking he is within range.

To: K

             Where are you?

It took me a little courage to ask him that, because in all honesty I awnted to ask him some questions and to see his face once again and to hear him speak again and...

From: K

            Same place. You?

I turn around, hurried back to the lobby. "forgot something." I quickly say to the guard. And ran towards the back of the campus, panting. And yes, he is right there sitting, with the back of his enck resting on the superior end of the backrest's bench, face covered with his white towel, his abg on his side, and his right hand holding a phone. I gasped for some air before finally moving closer to him. He probably have noticed someone for him to sit straight and face me with a lopsided smile.

I don't have anything to say at the moment, he didn't say anything either, instead he moved a little, placed his bag on his lap, to give room for me to sit.


I turned to him. "You obviously avoided me earlier."

" don't have any intentions of coming here today." he answered.

 I was surprised. Of course that would be my initial response after ignoring me this lunch.

He looked at me with intense gaze. "Okay. I'm sorry." He murmured. I didn't know I said it out loud.

"It's because I thought you regretted what you said last time."

"I haven't broken any promises...yet." He leaned forward resting his elbows on the edge of his lap, clasped both if his hands tigether as he looks down. His cold words turns me on really.

"Where have you been?"

"Somewhere." He answered. He stretched his body leaning on the bench's back rest, spreading both of his arms extending at my back. I slightly move forward, uneasy with his movements.

"Which obviously I am not allowed to know, right?"

Our eyes met. He nodded with sober eyes.

"where you the one texting me awhile ago?"

"No. It's my twin brother."

"You have a twin brother???" I ducked closer to him waiting for an answer only to get a big loud guffaw from him. I punched him on his shoulder when I get what his laugh means.

I joined him laughing. His face has not contracted any marks of clenched fists, no traces of dried blood, bruises nor wounds. His uniform has kept clean and away with the earth's scab. The sling of his bag is still free from harm. And he is laughing so damn hard.

"What happened?" I asked with my subtle attempt to change the subject and save me from being the subject of his guffawing.

"What do you mean what happened?" He now removed his hands from his aching tummy brought about by constinuous laughing and fixed himself. "You're okay. I mean...look at you," I rolled my eyes. "Did they already stay away from you?"

He paused. "Probably." His shoulders moved quickly up and down simultaneous with his one word answer. He is now back from being the cold, snob transfer student.

Silence roamed once again. I noticed him check his watch. "I think we should go." He stood up placed his abg on his shoulder. I followed him.

The guard paid no attention at us as we walk past him. No words were uttered during that long walk towards the bus station. I examined him with my two probing eyes until he gets conscious and asks me why I am looking at him. I gave him a teasing smile.

"Don't give me that look. Honestly, it looks horrible." He said, his eyes concentrated on checking money on his wallet. I instantly changed my facial expression into a scowl. He took a glimpse from me. "There you go. That looks good." And I am telliong you his face really looks serious like he surely meant what he just said. Sigh!

I can now see the bus heading its direction on this bus stop. I took one last gaze on Kyungsoo. "So, I'll see you nextweek?" Asking this question, will at least give me that tiny hope that next week I will see him again for sure.

The bus made a complete stop in front of us, the doors opened, but still he hasn't answered me yet. I pouted and just made my first step in. He raised his head, and asked me, "You doing something tonight?" I moved my head sideways. "Why?" I asked.

Before I was able to completely get in he pulled me back and simultaneously the bus' door closed and started moving. Everything happened so fast, before I realized that the bus has already left me. "What was that?" I bellowed as I checked on my watch. "Do you know what you just did?"

"I pulled you back. Why?" His eyes uncertain with my raging cry. I followed the direction of the bus until it vanished from my sight. And moved back to Kyungsoo greeting him with my glaring eyes.

"I seriously like that look."

I did not remove my glarte, like my eyes are about to pop out of my face. "It is not funny."

"I am serious."

"same here." I answered crossing both of my arms infront of my chest. "Why did you pull me out from the bus? My mom's going to kill me if I get home last. She knows my dismissal time. She'll get hysterical and, ugh, you don't know what hell you just palced me into."

"Why? Is there something wrong not catching the first bus to your home?"

"Well yes, there is a big problem because the next bus will arrive after two hours."

He scrunched his eyebrows together and tipped his head to the side. "Then ask your bestfriend if she could help you."

I looked at him with utter distress.

"Do you know how long that time is? You are so unbelievable." I said taking out my phone and started ringing Lily's number.

"Lily I badly need your help. Can you please tell my mom I'll be home late?"I said pursing my lips. Oh and by the way, are you already home?"

"Yes. Why what happened to you? You are still in school?"

"Unfortunately," I turned to look at Kyungsoo who is giving me a teasing smile. "Yes. The bus has left me. Please tell her I'll be home soon. And don't forget tot ell her I am with you, even though i am not. Please?"

"Tell me what happened first. So where are you now? Who are you with?" Her voice sounded like my mom as she throws me questions after questions.

"I'll tell you on Monday. Hello?" I heard my phone turned off.

Today was supposed to be my lucky day right? Ugh.

"So?" Kyungsoo asked.

I shook my head. "I have to come up with a lie beacuse of you." I raised my head. "I even have to drag my bestfriend for this." I turned to him to punch his shoulder. "How dare you!"

"You punch like one of those who bully me." He answered rubbing the area where I just punched him. I moved back when he said those words. "Sorry."

I don't want to be associated with the bullying group. There is no way my name will be compared to them.

"Are your eady? Let's go!"

I rolled my eyes on him. "I am staying ehre."

"You are not telling me you'll going to wait here for two hours?"

"Yes." I said with cinviction not meeting his eyes as well.

"You're kidding me right?"


"okay then." He returned to his seat. "I'll wait here as well." This time he was the one examining me, and made me seriously agitated.

It is already past six. The sky has turned red as the sun finishes off his setting. The head lights of the moving cars were now , and the breeze of the wind started to get cold. Street lamps were now the source of light in every streets.

I rubbed both of my palms to create some heat. Thirty minutes had passed since I called Lily, one and a half hour more to go. I took a glimpse of Kyungsoo who has become silent, busy with his business on his phone.

"How about your parents? Aren't they worried about you going home late?" I asked flexing my foor forward and backward.

"They're ona  trip. Both of them. You're still mad?"

"Who told you I am mad?"

"I am sorry. I just don't like to go home yet. Anyway it is Friday, so I thought maybe we could... You know, you could accompany me to buy a gift that is why I asked.."

"You should have told me earlier." I cut him off. "Gift for whom?"

"For a girl. Maybe you could help me."

"well then let's go. I still have an hour and a half, anyways." I stood up.

"But you said..."

"Do you want me to help you or not?" I arched my brow.

"Okay." He gave me his heart-shaped smile like a kid who has been granted with his wish.

God, he looks cute...


[A/N:] So what do you think about this guys???

^______^ I hope I gave justice to this. bla~bla~ bla~

Till my next update. :))

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OMG ANOTHER AMAZING story aajjfkfg please update soon C: