Part 1: First and Last Love

First and Last Love



"Where are you going?" Lily asked me.

I am in the middle of the room, about to go out and head to the library when my best friend, Lily, called me. I raise my Earth Science book, and give her a fleeting look. "Library. Want to come?"

"Ow. No thanks. I'm fine here. Make sure you come back before Mr. Kim arrives okay?" She gives me an assuring smile.

"I will."


The library is just a turn away from our room. Every time I get bored, or wants to be alone, the library has been my wonderful lair, welcoming me with wide arms. I sit on the most distant table in the library, watch as few groups of students talk in low voices, the hum of the copy machine, the sound of pages being turned, and the light soft breeze of air from the open window are some of the quiet things you can hear inside.

Books were uniformly arranged in rows of book cases. You can either use a table or just sit on the carpet if you want to read some books. The library always gives me this same kind of feeling, a feeling of refuge, warm, abiding and accepting, that is why I am always found here.

I open my book and turn to the page where my book mark is located. I start reading, however, after a few minutes, I started yawning. I glanced at the nearby window only to catch sight of the same person I always check at the back of our campus, Do Kyungsoo. He is there, sitting on the carpet, his back leaning on one of the book cases, holding a book but not reading it, his eyes were closed but I am pretty sure he is not sleeping. I watch as the lump on his throat moves slowly, up and down.

I watched as the wind briefly caress his very dark black hair and this time it is still kept neat. I assumed that in just a few hours his hair will be unkempt once again. His fingers were tapping the carpet, while he bobs his head. I narrowed my eyes to check on what is with him only to find out that an ear phone is inserted on his right ear. He is listening to a song. He started humming, and even without uttering some words from the song he is currently listening to, I can say that he has a good voice.

I walked towards him as my eyes continued watching him.

He looks like he is not in the same world as mine right now. Rather, He looks like he is in a completely different place where no worries, hesitations, or doubts are welcomed. Peaceful, calm and tranquil, those are what his relaxed state is giving off. No signs of being troubled that in just a few hours he'll get the beating he has been experiencing for more than a month now. No signs of fear that in just a few hours blood will again be dripping from his face. Like he is already used to getting bullied, and receiving another set of kicks or punches is nothing for him this time.

"Hey," I greeted.

He forced open one of his eyes to take a look at whoever approached him. I gave him a friendly smile.

He turned his gaze away from me, closed the book he is holding, returned it back to the book case and walked away. Of course, I followed him, and tried to stop him.

The librarian hushed me from speaking a word a little loud. And a few eyes came by looking at the scene.

'Sorry.' I mouthed.

I moved my gape back to Kyungsoo, but he is already close to the exit door of the library.

A heavy disappointed sigh went out from my mouth.

I want to be his friend. I want to listen to his voice once again, and probably to see his smile as well. I want to hear him sing, I believe he has a good voice. I want to help him. I know I can help him.


He avoids me. Because he wanted to protect me.

His voice repeated in my ears, "Better stay away from me if you don't want to get involved."


"Anna, I am going home. Do you need a ride?" Lily asked me.

I moved my head sideways. "No. I'm good. Thanks."

"You sure?"

I nodded and give her an assured smile, but she did not move, rather she was just there standing in front of me with questioning eyes. "You're not mad at me are you?"

I snickered. "Why would you think I am mad at you?"

She lightly punches my shoulder. "Because you're not going home with me anymore." She let out her puppy eyes and then pouted.

I gave her a soft smile. "Okay. I will tomorrow."


"100%" I gave her a peck on her cheek and waved goodbye.

Running probably is not a good idea, but I am exactly four minutes late. The principal did not called me to his office nor the guidance counselor wanted to see me right away for me to bustle like this.

I seriously do not know why my feet were so eager to go to the back of our school and check if he's there, which I believe he is at this point in time. My palms were slightly wet, my heartbeat is equally unstable and my breathing were erratic.

I have thought this long enough this afternoon and there is no way of backing out. Deciding to talk to him after long days of just snooping around without doing anything, is probably one of my brain's ludicrous ideas. Getting into trouble after doing such thing is completely not welcomed at this time, because surely what I wanted matters that is to be friends with him and yes, to help him as well.

Kyungsoo needs a friend. And it is about time to give him one. And I wanted it to be me. This sudden urge of becoming at least his acquaintance is not part of my 'staying in school out of trouble' plan, but screw that intent, because I am bargaining myself for this.

I arrived at the place with grave heavy panting. I leaned on the latrine wall, fixed my breathing until I heard loud prattles of boys, some were giving off a snicker, some vent for some curse words simultaneous with the sounds of punches, kicks and hits.

I haven't witnessed any actual bullying in this campus. I make it a point that in that bullying sacred hour I am within my teachers' or library's radar, part of my 'staying in school out of trouble' plan like what I said earlier. However, if I will lean my back, and tack my gaze at where the sounds were coming, I will beyond shadow of doubt will see with my own two eyes how groups of boys screwed up with their victims.

The worst part is... I'll be seeing those melancholic eyes of him once again pleading for some help when help has turned away from him.


The courage I just had earlier melted down in my system because I cannot even lay my eyes on the scene. Instead, I waited for a few minutes, when the bullying group decided to call it a day for them and leave. I made sure I perfectly hid myself away from the sight of eight eyes from four boys I seriously hate and curse the most.

That is the time I started scouting out. 

And that is the first time I actually saw Kyungsoo's body fresh from the bullying and harassing ploy.

My heart broke. I felt bitter for myself for not doing anything. I clenched my fist and heaved a deep angry sigh.

Slowly, I moved closer to him. I can sense the pain he is currently at right now. His body is not moving from the ground and he is emitting a loud heavy excruciating weep as his body flexed in agony. His newly bought bag was nowhere to be found. One of his school shoes is also in no show. Disheveled hair, dust and grime on his uniform, and blood dripping from his face and arms.

Words weren't of any help right now. And it would be stupid of me if I'll ask him if he's okay, because obviously he is not.

Instead, I took out my towel, wet it with water and helped him wash away all the traces from the recent torture he had received.

Do kyungsoo did not cut me off this time. He allowed me to continue what I was doing. His half opened right eye glanced at me as he uttered, 'thanks.'

I displayed a soft smile. But my brows were frowning, and my thoughts were sulky.

I helped him stood up, to sit him on the bench and to continue wiping away the dirt. He laid still without saying something. I know guys hate it when girls see them in their state of weakness and infirmity. But... Guys should also know that they need others some times.

"I'm sorry for what happened." I started. 

"Did they see you?" He asked turning his gaze away from me. 


He moved back his gape to me. "Why do you always come here?" 

"I don't know."

"Of course you know." I met his dejected dark brown eyes. 

He twitched his lips in pain when I rubbed the dirt that was trapped in his wound.

"Because I wanted to know why you'd avoided me earlier in the library."

Liar. I should have said it straight to the point. Tch.

"You have to stay away from me if you don't want to get involved." 


"No buts." 

I frowned.

"Okay. Just tell me why don't you just go and find another school instead of, you know, letting them beat you up to death and experience the same pain over and over again. Previous students who got beaten moved away after like a week and yet you.."

"You talk too much." He cut me off.

I pursed my lips. "I... Just wanted to know why don't you just transfer to another school."

I continue my thing averting my eyes from him.

I wasn't expecting any answer. I doubt if he would still lay down some words this time.

So I begin... "I want to be your...-" 

"Suddenly I just realized this kind of physical pain has been a part of my day to day routing to receive this kind of torture from people I vaguely even know." 

He sighed. 

I remained silent.

"And thinking about it, that physical pain actually did help me forget about the real problems my family is currently facing at the moment. That that physical pain is just nothing as compared to the pain I receive every time I get home."

The anguish from the tone of his voice and the grief from his eyes were just enough for me to feel that the person sitting next to me right now, who's hands I'm holding, is in deep agony not only physically but emotionally and mentally as well.

My body moved involuntarily as both of my hands landed to wrap on his body. 

Kyungsoo's body squirmed at my sudden gesture, but my grasp was too strong not enough for him to pull me away.

"What- what are you d-doing?" He blinked his eyes twice.

I ducked my head on his petite chest trying to hide the tears that are about to pop out from my eyes. "I promise that I will always be here for you no matter what. Just... Just please... Do not push me away. Do not ask me to stay away from you. Because I want to be your friend. Because I know you need a friend and I am very much willing to be one."

"Okay. Okay. Just please..." he rolled his eyes. "stop crying. You're making me anxious, I don't even know you. You don't even know me. And yet, you're already..." he paused to look for a right word. "clingy. Will you please move your hands away?"

Despite the tear-jerking moment we just had, he still managed to be snob and unfriendly like what he used to before.

I moved a few inches away and introduced myself.

"Anna." I extended one of my my arms, wiped the almost out teardrop and smiled widely. 

"Kyungsoo." He replied shaking his hands with mine. 

"I know." I answered cheerfully. I don't know why I am feeling so light right now after he allowed me to be his friend. Something comfortable and the feeling of unexplainable happiness were what my heart is feeling at the moment.

He rolled his eyes, but did not ask why. He stood up slowly, still weeping from the torment he had a few minutes ago. I helped him up. 

"Can you help me find my bag?" He asked. 



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OMG ANOTHER AMAZING story aajjfkfg please update soon C: