Chapter Four

The Strange But Lovely Demon




Lunch time had finally come and much to Krystal's delight, she stepped into the cafeteria only to be greeted with a tight hug coming from the girl seated beside her.


"What's with you Jieun?" Krystal asked in curiosity as she turned to the girl who was hugging her


The girl in front of Krystal then spoke. "She's worried Krystal." Suzy sighed as she put her hand on her forehead "We just can't believe that you did such a thing. Oh my goodness, how are Jieun and I supposed to take care of you know? First, Mr. Choi's out to get you and now, much much worse, Kai is!"  she said with suspicious eyes, pointing to the table where the kingkas were sitting that was just a few yards away from the table the were sitting on


Speaking of those kingkas, Krystal had no idea on why their leader would even bother to play games with her but then again, powerful people tend to torment the weak and she, of all people, knew that perfectly well.


"Yeah Krystal, how are you going to handle this?" Jieun asked, breaking away from her hug with her face filled with concern


Krystal just raised her shoulders. "Nothing really." she said in a bored tone as she continued to sip onto her juice making the two girls look back at her in surprise


"Nothing?!" both of them questioned at the same time as Krystal only looked at them with her innocent eyes before nodding as she continued to sip on her apple juice


"Well....I guess there really isn't anything you can do about it." Jieun sighed as she slowly shook her head in disbelief "....if I were in your position, I would immediately change high schools."


"You know Krystal, they could be plotting something bad against you this very moment! Hey, don't you think that you should take some martial arts classes just in case something happens?" Suzy suggested


Jieun nodded in agreement. "I think that's a good idea."


"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." Krystal assured them "In fact, I'm worried about the two of you. You guys obviously know nothing about defending yourselves and you guys, for sure, would be easily frightened once you guys notice at least a hint of them harassing you." she openly stated "I think it's best if you guys avoid me for now."


Suzy's eyes furrowed. "No way are we going to do that!"


"Suzy's right!" Jieun nodded in agreement "We're friends and we won't leave you just because of those arrogant jerks! If friendship means taking a risk like this then so be it!"


Krystal softly smiled as her heart warmed up seeing Suzy and Jieun say those words. It had been a very very long time since Krystal had felt that she had someone who would support and be with her  even in the toughest times.



School for today has finally ended and Krystal had gone to her locker to leave some of her books back in it. Punching in the number codes, she stopped midway before breathing out and widening her eyes. Only one thought entered her mind.


Someone had opened her locker.


Finished entering the code, she slowly opened her locker expecting to find something in it.


And she was right as her eyes widened in horror only to find a dead cat inside.


However, after a few seconds, she went back to her calm and composed self. Any average girl would have been screaming or fainting at the sight of such a thing but our young heroine only widened her eyes and afterwards, went back to normal. She stared at the cat for a few seconds before looking around to find a pair of gloves in the utility room.


As she came back to her locker wearing a pair of gloves with a black plastic bag that she was carrying, she gently placed the poor cat inside what she was carrying as she looked at it in pity.


After cleaning the mess that was left inside her locker, she grabbed her bag, getting ready to get out of the building.


However, if anyone thought that that disgusting prank was over, then they were certainly wrong.


Suddenly, a sound of baseball hats and metallic sticks on what seemed like were being dragged onto the floor was heard, echoing in the empty hallway.


Stopping in her tracks in the middle of the hallway, Krystal turned her head behind only to find the sound that she was hearing getting louder by the second. Sighing, she turned back as she continued to walk out of the building but this time, in a faster pace. She had a feeling that if she didn't get out of the high school building soon, something bad was definitely going to happen to her.




"So you've found another toy." Kris, one of Kai's closest friends, remarked from behind the bar's counter, mixing alcohol as he eyed his friend with interest "And this time, it's a female." he continued, now smiling playfully


Without receiving a response from Kai, who was only sipping onto his beer, he spoke once again before taking a shot from his alcohol "I heard that not only does she have a good body, but she also has a beautiful face, however she's only simple and her everything else about her is a mystery." he smirked "You weren't able to find any info about her family right? Only her name and age, that's it."


Kai nodded. "It's actually strange. The guys did everything to look for some info about her but there was nothing. Perhaps she lives independently? But if that happens, then there should at least be some records about her parents."


"She sounds interesting. Such a mystery she is." Kris remarked


One minute hasn't even passed yet since their conversation and suddenly, Kai's phone rang. Picking it up lazily, he brought it up to his ear as he started to listen to it.


"Hyung, we expected her to come to us out of her curiosity but she didn't. She only walked away."


Another second has passed by and a black iPhone suddenly smashes onto the ground.




Krystal finally walked in her mansion after a long day at school. She was definitely tired and she really did need some sleep.


"Good evening young lady." the Jung family butler, Dongmin, greeted as he bowed. For half of his lifetime, he has lived with the Jung family, serving the family, with absolute and pure loyalty


Krystal gave a light smile before taking the bag that she was carrying. " it alright if I ask you a question?" Dongmin asked


Krystal nodded. "Of course."


"Miss, why are you wearing an outfit like that?" the butler asked politely


Krystal's head turned to look at her outfit. She was wearing huge sweatpants that made her legs look much bigger than they actually were, along with a hoodie with huge glasses that completely covered her eyes with a black short wig that she was wearing. "Oh....yeah....I knew that you'd ask about it." she nodded slowly before continuing " see, I don't want people to know where I live. It would be a little troublesome if they did know."


"Oh, of course miss! I shall go now and make your dinner." Dongmin said, before bowing his head as he proceeded to the kitchen


Krystal only sighed. Very troublesome actually. I wouldn't want those kingkas to know where I live. she thought as she walked up the stairs of her house, on her way to her room


Once she had arrived in her room, she sat down on her expensive sofa, looking out on the beautiful city view of Seoul. Her thoughts suddenly cut back to the incident a while ago in school.


Krystal sighed as she slowly put the palm of her hand to her cheek. "Until today, no one other than my eonnie has ever kissed me on the cheek." she pouted




"Whoops, stop right there!"


It was already lunchtime and Krystal, Suzy and Jieun were on their way to the cafeteria when suddenly, they were stopped by three female students, they guessed were seniors, and Krystal noticed that they were none other than the iced-cappuccino girls from yesterday's incident.


"For what reason ?" Krystal asked, tilting her head


The girl in the middle crossed her arms."Jung Krystal, you've been banned from getting into this cafeteria."


"Wh-what...?!" Jieun and Suzy gasped at the same time but Krystal remained calm and relaxed "By whose orders?" she asked


"I'm glad you asked." the girl in the middle smirked "This is what you deserve for being such an opportunist who would do anything to seek attention by flirting with Kai. You see, Kai himself declared the ban before first period even started. The declaration soon spread around and here I am, telling you."


Suzy twitched her eye in irritation. "Aish! Why you little--"


But before Suzy was able to do anything, Krystal quickly grabbed her arm. "It's not worth it Suzy." she said


The girl in the middle just smirked. "Awww, Bae Suzy right? And I thought that I was going to give you the title of the most popular girl in school when you turn into a senior next year. You're pretty, smart and everyone gets along with you. Too bad that you've just lost your one chance to be one." she said as she slowly shook her head "I'm rather disappointed in you. You've sunk this low."


If the old Suzy had heard those words from the most popular girl in school, she would have been delighted, squealing in excitement and she would have begged the girl for forgiveness even if she had insulted her like that. She would have done everything just to please the girl in front of her.


But the Suzy right now that is standing beside her dear two friends isn't the old Suzy.


"Sorry but I wouldn't want to be in your flithy group." she said, making Krystal and Jieun chuckle




"Hey Krystal, Suzy, let's get out of here. I wouldn't want to be breathing the same atmostphere as these girls." Jieun scoffed


"You're right." Krystal smiled as the three friends walked away from the girl who boiled in anger




"He did that?!" the two girls gasped in surprise upon hearing Krystal's story about when she was about to go home yesterday. Suzy and Jieun couldn't help but feel afraid for Krystal


"I told you guys, don't worry about it." Krystal said, leaning her back on the tree. The three friends were already in the park, eating their lunch. "And I'm not just saying that to ease you guys, I'm assuring you guys that nothing bad will happen." 


Jieun tilted her head. "How can you be so sure?"


Krystal just smiled. "Because I know so."


Jieun stared at her in confusion but then Suzy just looked at her and said "Don't worry Jieun, Krystal's really like that. Once she says something, she's confident about it."


Jieun only nodded but still, the worry didn't escape her thoughts. "Krystal, are upset that you were banned from entering the cafeteria?"


Krystal shook her head in all honesty. "Nope." she said nonchalantly as she continued to sip onto her apple juice "I'm actually surprised. I didn't know that he had the authority to ban me from going to some public place in the school."


Suzy just sighed. "Krystal, remember what I told you? His gang is powerful, every person in this school is afraid of him and by every, I also mean the teachers and the principal."


"Except for Krystal though so that's almost every person." Jieun giggled as Suzy and Krystal smiled


Their fine conversation was interrupted when suddenly, a group of guys approached them. The girls noticed that their faces didn't really seem to be the friendly ones that would ask for directions, more like they were the evil ones that would start to bully on the weak.


"May we help you guys?" Krystal asked with a blank expression as Suzy and Jieun could only stare at her in shock on how calm she was in this situation


One guy smirked. "Yes, you can actually." he said as he suddenly grabbed Krystal's arm, making her stand up "Our leader wants to see you."


Krystal raised an eyebrow. "So?"


The guy just twitched his eye in annoyance. "So you're coming with us."


What an unfortunate situation the young Jung was in. She wouldn't have had any problem in defending herself from the three guys that were in front of her since she does know how to fight, but seeing Suzy and Jieun there, she knew that there was no way she could defend the two of them while defending herself.


"Alright." Krystal sighed "...but I won't like it if you guys hold me with your hands on my arms. I'll follow you guys if you don't hold me." she said


"B-but Krystal--"


"Don't worry Jieun. I'm perfectly capable of defending myself." Krystal said in a confident tone




Krystal had her arms crossed as she waited in the empty hallway. It had already been over ten minutes since the guys who called, or should I say ordered, Krystal to come with them left her and told her to wait there, which she did. After all, Jung Krystal always keeps her word and in all honesty, she wasn't really scared of their infamous leader.


Nonetheless, she certainly did not like it when those guys forced her to come here.


"I don't even want to go here." she murmured to herself


"And why is that?" a deep voice breathed out at the side of her neck causing goosebumps on her arms.


Turning around to meet the owner of the voice, she turned up to meet his cold gaze. "Why even call me here?" she asked in a polite manner


Kai then pushed Krystal's hair behind her ear, causing her to flinch to the left, away from his touch


He then smirked. "In any way Krystal, I have the upper hand in this game of ours. I'm actually surprised, you didn't give up when I expected you to."


"So?" Krystal paused before continuing "I can see that you're enjoying this Kai, very much actually, enjoying the fact that you can control many things and many people in this school. Well, that's true but just don't get too confident." she paused as she put her index finger on her chin "Are you really that bored? Or lonely perhaps? It must be sad having all the fun all by yourself."


Her innocent tone only angered him but he just kept calm, flashing a small smile. This girl is different, I don't see the slightest hint of fear in her eyes. he thought "You're right, I'm actually happy that I get to play with you whenever I want to." he paused before continuing "....but if you don't really want to play this game anymore, all you have to do is give up and say those three words."


Krystal raised an eyebrow. "How can I give up when I have never even agreed to play this game in the first place?"


He just rolled his eyes. "C'mon, don't tell me that you're already quitting, the game is just starting to get fun." he said, mockery evident in his tone of voice "Besides, the loser of this game earns punishment. I can tell that you dislike me and right here, in front of you, is the opportunity to get back at me since the winner of this game gets to make only one order to the loser."


Krystal carefully thought about his words. If she won, she could perhaps stop the bullying and the fear that was implanted onto this school but then, she would engage in something that she never really planned on doing, after all, her purpose of coming to this school was to find her long lost older sister.


Nonetheless, the postitives greatly outweighed the negatives.


"Okay, fine." she replied "Besides, I don't even have a choice. Both decisions will still have me ending up in a bad situation so I might as well play in your little game to win." she nodded her head in determination


Gotcha. Kai thought


"Good then." he smirked victoriously "You better start thinking of what you want because I've already decided on mine." he said as he leaned close to her ear " bed." he said as he straightened himself up "Just so you'd know what to expect." he smiled before finally walking off to his classroom


Looking at him disappearing into the corner of the building, she began to wonder of the nth time as to why in the world would a guy like him waste his time with a girl like her and to think about his, rather, blunt statement to her earlier, she couldn't believe that he'd even want to do such a thing to her!


Whether it was a sick joke or not, to her, it was a topic that shouldn't have been taken lightly and confusing her even more, the look in his eyes was so serious.


However what was even more strange, to her, was that she couldn't even see through his personality and nature in the slightest bit.




"I have an announcement to make so listen carefully." Mr. Choi said as soon as everyone in the classroom were in their seats "I think that we need to decide on a leader or conductor."


Half of the class wasn't really listening to Mr. Choi as he spoke. Some of them were talking to each other, joking and gossiping while the rest just stayed silent, bored and some were just looking at the view outside the window.


"And I think that leader should be you Ms. Jung." Mr. Choi said, narrowing down his eyes to Krystal "I think that a girl like you can manage to sing, let alone manage a group." he smirked


Clearly that doing this, Mr. Choi was trying to humiliate her and Krystal knew that very well but she still kept calm. "I don't understand." she said, holding her head up high "Why are you making a one-sided decision without even listening to anyone else's opinion?" she asked in all honesty


Mr. Choi glared at Krystal. "Everyone, don't you think that things have become strange recently? Like the class atmostphere?" he asked sarcastically, garnering everyone's attention "....back then, there were so many smiles and I wonder when it started to change into a gloomy-- oh yeah! It all started when Ms. Jung started coming to school." he laughed "....that's why we should make her take responsibility."


"What is he planning?" Jieun whispered to Suzy


Suzy only gulped. "I'm not sure, but it's definitely not something good."



"In order to regain the original friendly class, using the choral class as an opportunity for unity, kindly lead everyone to victory Ms. Jung!" Mr. Choi cheered "And listen well everyone, I don't want any quarrels so listen to whatever Ms. Jung will tell you and obey her instructions." he continued


Krystal slowly nodded her head in understanding. "I see." she said "What you really want is a huge quarrel, something big enough for me to get expelled." she blurted, which made everyone's attention in the classroom go to her "Purposely stirring up everyone's resistance...."


"Wh-what are you talking about Ms. Jung?!"


"So that I won't be able to stay here..." she continued




"A teacher who is not only never complained by students but instead treated with indifference must not be able to stand someone like me, who gets so much attention." she said with a bored expression before finally finishing


Anger boiled inside of Mr. Choi. Everything that Krystal had said, it was true, but of course, Mr. Choi would never let his pride down to believe it.


"Songsaeng-nim, I think I've changed my mind." Krystal said, putting her index finger on her chin "I'll be the leader of the choral contest just as you've wished, in exchange, please don't get involved in way." she said, rather politely "Don't give your opinion on the song or practice schedule. I will give the half-way report directly to the executive committee and to the person in charge of our class instead of to you." she paused before continuing "You're the one who has ordered me to be in charge of this class so....I will have you believe in me."


Mr. Choi bowed his head in anger. " think that'll work? You'll even need my permission to borrow the key to the music room." he chuckled " do you think you guys are going to prac--"


"Hey! Why don't we all use my house as a practicing place!" Suzy quickly suggested, purposely cutting Mr. Choi off "There's a place in my huge garden where we could all sing. I'll also ask my maids and butlers to help you guys with whatever you need so it really isn't a problem." she smiled


"That's actually a good idea, isn't it everyone?!" Jieun said, trying to lighten up the atmostphere


"Yeah, it is come to think of it."


"I want to go."


"Suzy's mansion sounds like a nice place."



"I know that it's lunch time but please, listen for a minute." Krystal, who was on the teacher's table near the blackboard, announced "Right now, Suzy and Jieun are giving out a survey for the choral contest right now and please fill it out. I want to see everyone's ideas and suggestions." she said as she brought a paper out "As a reference, I have compiled the data from last year. I've prepared a few songs that were used so you guys can listen to it during breaks." she continued "Those who don't know many songs can feel free to pick from the list. The explanation for the songs are listen on there too so you can compare and think about them."


"Hmmm...? That's really bothersome." Jiyoung blurted out "Even if you order us for your own convenience, I'm busy today so I can't really fill out the survey." she said as the girls started to laugh "Just decide randomly, I don't really care anyway and I don't know many songs."


Krystal crossed her arms. "You don't really mean that. At the karaoke we went to for my welcome party, weren't you joyfully picking out songs Kang Jiyoung?"


Jiyoung's eyes widened in surprise


"What?! You guys are close?" a guy asked


"O-of course not...!!" Jiyoung exclaimed nervously


"But she mentioned a welcome party." the guy continued


"B-b-but that's because.....ummm....."


"At that time, you didn't sing anything." Krystal continued "I want to hear you sing." she said with a nonchalant tone "Oh, and as for the accompaniment, Suzy has volunteered to play the piano and Jieun has done the same but she will be playing the guitar. Any other questions?" Krystal asked




"That demon, Krystal is so annoying!" Jiyoung screamed as she threw the papers that Krystal had instructed them to read "She always, always ends up getting the good stuff. Looks, grades, she has two pretty friends, even damn boys!"


"I know! I can't believe that Kai did that to her yesterday!" another girl exclaimed


"Jung Krystal, she....she takes other people's things while looking so nonchalant...." Jiyoung shivered "THAT'S WHAT EVIL PEOPLE ARE TRULY LIKE!" she screamed " don't we go somewhere after school? Let's invite everyone who doesn't have club activities. That's right, I have a coupon for karaoke....let's go as soon as the bell rings!"




"As expected, both of you were the only ones who submitted the surveys." Krystal said


Classes have already ended and it was the time for everyone to submit their surveys but as Krystal had expected, no one had submitted them, except for Jieun and Suzy.


"Ugh..." Jieun muttured in an annoyed tone


It was then that Suzy looked to the door and she gasped in surprise when everyone was leaving. "HEY, YOU GUYS, WAIT!!" she said, running after them "Why are you....why are you guys leaving...? Weren't we supposed to discuss the song?" she asked


"Sorry, we had prior plans."


"It's too bothersome."


"It's such short notice and I don't even know that song."


Suzy just snorted "Come on now guys, how can you--"


"Just shut up Suzy." Jiyoung muttured making Suzy's eyes widen in surprise as everyone looked at the two of them "....I'm sick of you, always siding with that damn Jung Krystal."


"Yeah..." another person joined in "'ve changed so much Suzy. You're being so reckless."


"I can't really get along with you."


"You used to be easier to hang out with."


"Not really." Krystal said as she approached the group that was causing the commotion "....Suzy hasn't really changed. Slowly, she's started to show her real self." she said as she turned her eyes to Jiyoung's "You're willing to protect your self-respect so much Kang Jiyoung that you're willing to attack Suzy?" she said as she slowly shook her head "...if you're just going to regret it as soon as you said it, then you shouldn't have said it at all. What an idiot."


Jiyoung was about to slap Krystal but with fast reflexes, Krystal was able to quickly stop her from doing so by grabbing her wrist.


Jiyoung shook her wrist off with tears coming down from her eyes as she ran away with the others following behind her leaving only Krystal, Jieun and Suzy behind.


Krystal just sighed. "I'm sorry."


Suzy turned to look at her. "For what?"


"For making this class plan turn into a complete mess. I was....I was confident that I was able to pull this off but it turns out that....that I overestimated myself too much in that factor." Krystal replied, bowing her head " you...regret?"


Suzy tilted her head. "Regret what?"


"You do realize what position you're going to be in tomorrow right? After what happened today with our classmates."


Suzy only smiled. "Of course not. I don't ever regret being friends with you Krystal, neither do I regret being friends with Jieun." she exclaimed, turning to face Jieun


A few seconds of silence passed by until Jieun finally decided to break the ice. "It's fine. The three of us, we can just do it by ourselves." she smiled as she bowed her head " guys should be careful with your bags and textbooks. Chances are, you'll get graffiti on them. Also, be careful with your shoes. You should set your cellphone to receive messages on specific people because you'll get lots of spam. You shouldn't leave your test papers or homework in school because they'll either be shredded or made into paper airplanes."


Suzy's eyes widened. "Jieun, how do you know all this stuff?"


"Jieun used to hang a lot with Jiyoung so she's probably explaining Jiyoung's tricks on people she doesn't like am I right?"


Jieun nodded. "Exactly."



Suzy walked in the classroom the next day with a calm face as she observed her classmates. As usual, she greeted a good morning but this time, nobody noticed her, some ignored her while some turned to look at her with a glare.


Krystal was right.


"We don't trust you anymore Suzy."


"You only care about appearances."


"You think it's okay if you apologize for now."


"But it's fine anyway, we were only associating with you on the surface too."


"Like you're the number one girl we'd talk to in school, just because you're a little popular around here."


It was then that Suzy bowed her head, trying to supress her tears.


"Suzy, that expression doesn't suit you." Krystal said as she walked inside the classroom after hearing the whole thing "They harassed me, made fun of me and ignored me but to you, they shoved their true feelings." she said as she turned her head to her classmates "To me, it sounds like they don't want it to end with just a surface association like they speak of am I right?"


Suzy lifted her head as she saw that the guys and girls in front of her just looked at each other in guilt.


"I....I guess that we're sorry Suzy...." one of them spoke up


"Yeah....I think we took it too hard on you...."


The room wasn't noisy, yes, but it wasn't silent either. One by one, everyone in the classroom apologized to Suzy, who could only let her tears out.


"Well Krystal..." Jieun, who was beside Krystal this whole time, said "....that wasn't half-bad." she smiled


Krystal only smiled.



At that moment, I might have felt for the first time....


That there was actually a meaning to me being in the classroom.


"Thank you for taking care of me!" a young girl smiled at the nurses I have to hurry or else.....I'll lose my place. she thought


"It's the day she's being released from the hospital and she's wearing her uniform?" a nurse said


"She said that she's going to school right now to deliver her medical certificate." another said


"Wow...I never knew that she loved school." another asked


"You mean you know her?"


"Yeah. Her name's Choi Jinri but she prefers to be called Sulli. She's a student at Gwangju High School."







"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."


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Chapter 10: Hi its me again re reading this T^T
who_me #2
Chapter 10: It's 2017 when i decided to reread this (because i loved it so much). Will it be too much to ask for the next chapter? :(
helloyoukrystal #3
Please update the story is so sweet and it's getting so interesting I want to know more about krystal
Chapter 10: please update authornim ~
Citraysm #5
When will u update
anayuliana #6
Chapter 10: Hi. . .:-) New reader here. . . I'm looking for your next chapter. . . .
Please update soon author-nim
deerinheadlights #7
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! Are you still going to update this story because i have been rereading the whole thing and waiting for an update. This story is like one of my favourite kaistal stories ever and let me tell you that impressive kaistal fanfics are hard to come by. I really hope you won't abandon this story and update soon. I'd support you either way so fighting!
Nixieilosh #8
Chapter 7: Is this normal in here that the thing is exactly same as Akuma To Love Song manga?? If not shame on you... reported. -.-
Chapter 10: Been missing this story T^T
jayzie #10
Chapter 10: i love this story <3 but,can't you put more kaistal moment?
and im so curious about the next!!
please update soon author-nim!
i'm waiting ><