Chapter Three

The Strange But Lovely Demon




Ever since I was little, I have always wondered about something.


Why doesn't the witch, who can easily use her magic to transform a shabby girl into something lovely, ever cast a spell on herself?


If only she could use her magic on herself, she could become lovely too.




"Really now, how the heck can she go to school acting as though nothing happened?!" Jiyoung said in an annoyed tone, and with the person she was referring to hearing it, Krystal glanced at her as the whole class waited for their next teacher to come in for class.


"Isn't it weird? IU's been absent ever since everything happened." she continued.


"I want to see IU." one of the girls said.


"I wonder why she isn't coming." another said.


"It's probably because of that." Jiyoung answered, glaring at Krystal, "....probably because she doesn't want to see a certain someone in school."


Krystal just stared at the girls with a dazed expression. "You're wrong there. She isn't coming to school because she doesn't want to see anybody since she's embarrassed of what happened." she then held her head high, "You guys are just as guilty."


The girls could only clench their fists and furrow their eyebrows in anger.


"If you guys really are worried about her, then maybe you should visit her." Krystal continued, "....although I doubt that she'd want to see you guys." she said, slowly nodding her head in an honest manner/


"No, I don't think so." a voice was heard as the door to the classroom was opened, revealing Mr. Choi. He walked inside the room before glancing at Krystal, "You should go bring her back by yourself Ms. Jung. Take responsibility."


Krystal then turned her head to face Mr. Choi. "By myself?"


Mr. Choi scoffed. "Of course! Whose fault do you think it is that Ms. Lee isn't attending? You cornered a weak girl like her." he said, slowly shaking his head as though he were mocking Krystal.


Krystal only tilted her head. "If she doesn't want to come then let her be. It's her choice if she wants to come back, and I actually think that it's for the better because surely, she needs some time to cool down since right now, she isn't really mentally ready for--"


"Ms. Jung!" Mr. Choi shouted, stopping Krystal from speaking, "You really are rotten to the core." he said, pointing at Krystal, "No wonder you were already hated in your first day of school here." he laughed in mockery, "Everyone, listen well!" he then turned to face the whole class, "Following my type of thinking, IU will feel happy and the class will be peaceful!" he excaimed.


He doesn't even realize that he isn't making any sense. thought Krystal, looking at the scene in front of her in pure disbelief, What a real idealist caught up in his own world.




"I-Is the t-tea delicious Krystal?" Jieun asked, stuttering in nervousness.


After lunch time, Mr. Choi had immediately given her the address to Jieun's house and as usual, our young heroine stayed indifferent like a robot. After class, she only bade goodbye to Suzy, whom Krystal knew she could already fully trust as a friend, before going to the location that Mr. Choi had given to her.


When Jieun had opened the door after Krystal's knocking, she was very much surprised but at the same time, nervous. After all, she knew who Jung Krystal was and what she was capable of doing.


"Yeah, it actually is." Krystal replied as she stared at the cup she was holding to drink tea from, "....the cup is the shape of a skull...?" she asked, rather surprised that Jieun would be into this kind of stuff. She then looked at what she was wearing, "....also the logo on your shirt, it's a skull."


"Ahh, maybe I'll buy some apple juice too." Jieun said, remembering that Krystal had told her a while ago that she would have liked some apple juice, however all Jieun had was tea.


"I never really asked you for apple juice." Krystal said, turning her head to look at Jieun, "You asked for my preference and I answered it." she said nonchalantly.


An awkward silence engulfed the room but as usual, only Jieun was able to feel it while the young Jung started to doze off.


"By the way Jieun, is the design on your outfit of your own taste?' Krystal asked, finally breaking the ice, "...the color of every part of your outfit is black, even your hair is black." she paused before continuing " that an expression of your rebellious spirit? Punk-rock? Image of the dark side perhaps?" Krystal asked.


"'s not really like that..." Jieun said, bowing her head down.


"I thought that somehow, it might be a combination of scary and cute but after observing your outfit some more, I realized that it wasn't cute at all." she paused before continuing, "Anyway, those type of clothes don't really suit you, someone who's submissive, accepts everything that's thrown at her and smiles all the time to please people."


Krystal wasn't  by a  bit saying those words with mockery. She was always this kind of person, constantly being misunderstood as a b*tch because of her straightforward and blunt words of whatever she would see in front of her with her incredibly sharp nature.


"S-stop....." Jieun shivered, "....stop saying that I smile!" she suddenly screamed with furrowed eyebrows, glaring at Krystal


Krystal only nodded slowly. "So you can express rage," she said, making Jieun's eyes widen in realizationm "It's because you supress your anger that your actions become make-shifty." she said, as she looked above and sighed, "However....your homely and angry face, isn't really that bad. This is the first time you've actually looked normal to me."


It was then that Jieun's smile started to falter. Obviously, she tried to keep it together, which she slightly managed to do. "Y-Y-You're the one to talk! You're eyes look too big and....and you're gorgeous, I mean gaudy! You're tall so boys don't seem to want to stand near you but you aren't pitiable in the slightest bit!" her voice was getting higher and higher which each phrase, "Jung Krystal needs to suffer, at least a little bit...otherwise....otherwise the world wouldn't be fair!"


At that moment, it was the first time that Lee Jieun had ever seen a saddened expression on Krystal's face.


Bowing her head down, she could only mutter, "I never once thought that this world was fair." she said as she lifted her face to face Jieun, "....but...if you wan't things to change, don't just let it go or wait for someone else to change it for you. Go change it yourself." she said, staring into Jieun's eyes.


Jieun can only look at Krystal with a sympathetic heart. She never would have thought that a confident girl like Krystal would think that way.


Slowly, Jieun had finally begun to understand her.


"Does...does that mean that I have to....have to get angry at everyone and....tell them not to call me 'IU' anymore?" Jieun asked in sincere hop.e


Krystal only smirked. "How should I know?" she teased.


And for the first time, in return, Krystal had finally seen a sincere smile on Lee Jieun's face. "Meanie."




But now, I think I understand.


The beautiful girl whom the witch cast a spell on will turn back into her original shabby self once the spell breaks.


The witch does not use magic on herself.


Because she does not want to experience the feeling of the sadness and emptiness when the spell breaks.


After all, every spell that comes does break only in a matter of time.




Two girls walked in the classroom, together, making most of the students that were already inside gasp in shock. The others turned their heads to witness the scene as they did the same.


There she was, Jung Krystal, with Lee Jieun following closely behind her.


"G-Good morning!" Jieun said, bowing her head.




The world after that wonderful magic spell has to be built on your own.


You only have to rely on your own strength to accomplish something.




Realization then hit Jiyoung. "Morning IU! You know, we were so worried for you because you've been absent for three days. We talked about whether the whole classa should come and visit you but yesterday, the teacher said that Krystal should take responsibility so....we weren't able to show up."


Krystal knew that Jiyoung was going say a nasty lie next.


And she was right.


"Then Krystal started to complain on how bothersome it would be and she suggested that everything would be better if we just didn't visit you. She really acted like it was a hassle."


Suzy's eyes widened in surprise and at the same time, irritation. She knew that Krystal had never done such a thing yesterday. As she was about to speak out however, Krystal quickly grabbed her arm to stop her from doing so.


"Just wait. I want to observe what's going to happen next." Krystal whispered to Suzy, who only nodded her head.


"But she thought that she'd be expelled if she ignored Mr. Choi so she ended up going." Jiyoung continued, raising her hands as if everything that Krystal did was all folly. "Anyway, I'm glad that you're back IU! How's your foot?" she smiled.


Looking down on the floor, Jieun gulped. "I lied about injuring my foot. I....I was the one who shoved Krystal down the stairs." she said, as cold sweat started to form on her, making her jerk uncomfortably.


Krystal glanced at Jieun in concern, noticing her actions.


"What, so that's what happened?!" Jiyoung exclaimed, "It must have been hard on you IU. I completely understand." she said, slowly nodding her head, "You're afraid of Krystal's revenge right? It must have been hard on you." she said, lightly patting Jieun's shoulder, who only shivered, "But, you don't have to worry anymore." Jiyoung continued, turning to look at Krystal, who noticed Jiyoung's eyes at her, "Because Krystal is the kind of who uses her act to trick guys.""


"Wh-What the...?!" Jieun exclaimed.


"Oh, you remember that act she did in front of Kai to get his attention?"


"I remember that. Shamelessly doing such an act!" a girl from behind said.


"Also, on the day Krystal transferred, I think I heard her say that she was going to take advantage of her looks to make the kingkas look at her!" another girl exclaimed.


"Really?! That's scary!" another girl said.


"Oh, by the way IU, didn't you tell us that you had a huge crush on Kris ever since school started?" Jiyoung smiled, looking at Jieun.


Jieun's eyes then widened.


"And Kris is one of those kingkas right? Ahhh, now I see." Jiyoung said, smirking, turning her head to look at Krystal, "The situation is so obvious. Krystal obviously tried to get the attention of Kai so that afterwards, she can get close to Kris. After all, Kai and Kris are very close friends. She did this so that she can use it as revenge on you, IU. Krystal already seemed pretty annoyed by you on her first day. I even saw her flirting with some of the kingkas yesterday." she chuckled, "....face it, IU. Jung Krystal is a demon."


"Hey, from now on, we should call her demon Krystal."


"That's a great idea!"


"Hey, wait a minute--" Suzy was about to continue, but then Krystal grabbed her arm again, signalling her to stop.  Suzy only looked at her in confusion but since she did trust on the fact that Krystal knew what she was dealing with right now, she decided to stay silent.


"IU, you're being an idiot right now too, you know, being tricked by Krystal and coming to school." a girl laughed.


"I bet you were feeling good because she was being a little nice to you." another girl smirked.


Jieun was about to go crazy with everything that was being thrown at her. She didn't know what to believe and at that moment, she didn't really keep track on things anymore. A million thoughts were running in her mind, and she just didn't know what to do. She started to shiver, putting her hands onto her skull as she grabbed inti her hair.


Upon noticing Jieun, Krystal immediately knew what was going to happen next. "That's enough." she said, irritation obviously evident in her tone of voice, "Don't bring down the reason why Lee Jieun came to school with such stupid things." she said as she turned her head to give a nasty glare to the girls in front of her "Wrongly placed jealously is definitely ugly when it goes too far."


The girls' hearts dropped as they started to burn in anger. Jiyoung was the most angry out of them as she approached Krystal and grabbed her shirt. ""Haha, you finally showed your true colors you demon!" she said, turning her head to the unstable Jieun, " heard right IU?! Wrong-placed jealously she says, meaning that there's no way Kris would be interested in a girl like you! You demon Krystal--"


"STOP IT!" Jieun screamed as she finally lifted her head up, making everyone see the tears that were formed in her eyes, "Krystal....K-Krystal is.....truthfully, it is hard to be around her but....but....she's definitely not a demon."


Jiyoung's eyes widened in anger, "What are you--?!"


"WE'RE THE ONES WHO WANT TO TURN JUNG KRYSTAL INTO A DEMON! WE'RE THE ONES WHO TRY PORTRAY HER AS ONE WHEN SHE REALLY ISN'T!" she cried, as she finally got a hold of herself, tears wouldn't stop flowing down from her, "...and for the reason of not getting hurt by reality!"


"Shut the up, IU!" Jiyoung screamed as she grabbed a hold of Krystal's necklace, startling Krystal, "'re now on her side?! Stupid girl!" she continued as she tried to hit Jieun with the necklace she grabbed a hold of but she wasn't able to do so when a hand suddenly stopped her.


Jiyoung looked up only to find Krystal's angry glare. Strongly, her hand was pushed out of the way by Krystal, however, the necklace was rather sharp in the end and because of this, Krystal's hand started to terribly bleed.




I have always wished to be accepted by the people around me and to change myself for that reason but....


I don't care if I'm disliked.


I don't care if I don't have a place where I can belong.


I don't care if people start to reject me tomorrow.


I will even become a demon for someone who is truly trying to protect me.




Finally, the door suddenly opened. "What's with all the commotion?!" Mr. Choi shouted, making all the students look at him in silence. He then turned to look at the necklace that was on the floor that was stained with blood, afterwards looking at Krystal's palm that was covered in blood.


"What the hell?! Explain what's going on right now! It's violence isn't it?!" he said as he turned to glare at Krystal, "This is yours, right Krystal?! I see you wearing this everyday! To think that you'd use something like this as a weapon Ms. Jung, you're a dreadful person!"


Suzy's eyes widened in disbelief looking at Mr. Choi. After looking at Krystal's hand, she knew that she had to do something about it."Songsaeng-nim, I think that it would be proper if I could bring Krystal to the infirmary---"


"Infirmary? Don't be ridiculous Ms. Bae! Rumors about the quarrel will start and it will be blown out of proportion!" the teacher exclaimed, making Suzy's fists clench in anger.


"Oh, it's you IU." Mr. Choi said, turning to look at Jieun "Finally, you're here. How troublesome it was for you to be absent for three days. Don't cause me trouble ever again."


It was then that anger boiled inside of Krystal. "Y-YOU--!!" she charged but Suzy quickly grabbed her arm to prevent her from doing so.


For one, she was astonished. It was the first time she had ever seen Krystal lose her cool. She leaned in close to Krystal's ear and whispered the words "You can't hit him Krystal. No one will listen to your reasoning." she said in full concern, "You'll get judged based on preconceptions and that will be the end of it. Just please Krystal, calm down." she sighed before continuing, "Don't let a worthless idiot like him upset you."


Krystal realized that Suzy was right. Slowly, she started to calm herself down. She then turned to look at the teacher. "Songsaeng-nim, that necklace is very important to me."


It was true. Krystal's older sister, Jessica, had given her a slightly heavy seven-sided star shaped necklace on Krystal's fourteenth birthday. Shortly after that, however, Jessica had disappeared. To Krystal, that necklace was her most important object.


Mr. Choi just laughed in mockery. "No way am I giving this back. I'm having this confiscated, no, I'll have this thrown away." he smirked in victory, " the first place, Ms. Jung shouldn't have even brought such a thing to school!"


Krystal could do nothing but bow her head in sadness.




"Krystal are you....okay?" Jieun asked in sincere concern.


Right now, it was break time and Krystal took this opportunity to go to the park and wipe the blood off of her hand, which she was doing right now. "What about you? Are you okay? Aren't you supposed to be eating with some people right now?"


Jieun only smiled. "Haha....I guess....but I don't really care." she said, turning to look at Krystal's handkerchief she used for wiping, "'s white, frilly, lacey and pretty fancy, your handkerchief." she observed.


Krystal turned to look at Jieun. "What are you trying to say?"


"'s nothing it's just....girly doesn't really suit you Krystal." she paused before continuing, "Something calm and cool suits you better." she said, before glancing at Krystal who twitched her eye in irritation. Upon seeing it, Jieun nervously asked "Y-you're mad?!"


Krystal only sighed. "I guess you're right....the person who I want to be....and the person who I actually am are different." she said calmly, looking at the sky.


Jieun looked at Krystal with hopeful eyes. "Ahhh, then maybe next time, I can coordinate something for you?" she smiled, "Maybe black would look good."


"But black is your preference." Krystal smirked.


"But I'm sure that it would look good on you!"

"No it won't!"


"Yes it will!"












"Ms. Bae, why have you wished to see me?" Mr. Choi asked.


Break time came and Suzy hurriedly went to Mr. Choi's office to speak with him. She was very, very frustrated with all that had just happened a while ago. Seeing the look on Krystal's face when Mr. Choi had taken her necklace, gave her the feeling that the necklace was very very important to her.


"This is actually good timing. You should tell Krystal to--"


"Songsaeng-nim, it seems that you only reprimand girls and weak-looking boys am I right?" she remarked, glaring at Mr. Choi who was by now in a state of anxiety, "Don't you think that's....ugly?" she smiled sarcastically, "And would you mind giving Krystal her necklace back?"


Mr. Choi only gulped, "Wha....what does this have to do with you Ms. Bae? You never used to be like this, staring at me with such a negative look. You were always smiling and you always made everyone get along in class."


Suzy continued to give Mr. Choi a nasty glare. "Songsaeng-nim, aren't you ashamed of yourself?" she said in a louder voice, "....being lazy about everything, selfishly only think about yourself, making everything look like it's Krystal's fault so that things can be easier for you...." she crossed her arms, "Do you honestly think that the students will follow....a filthy person like you?"


Mr. Choi's heart dropped.


"Someday....everyone will realize that you were only turning Krystal into a scapegoat so that arguments wouldn't get more complicated am I right?" Suzy smirked.


"Ms. Bae, since when have you become--"


"Ever since the time Krystal showed me the true meaning of friendship and the reality of life." Suzy replied, perfectly knowing what Mr. Choi was going to say next, "And right now, I bet that Lee Jieun is realizing the same thing this very moment. In fact, I think that she has already realized it."


"Hey everyone, look at how stupid Ms. Bae is being right now!" Mr. Choi suddenly exclaimed, grabbing the attention of all the teachers that were present, "I just confiscated a personal item that disturbed public morals. It belonged to Jung Krystal and now, Ms. Bae is telling me to give it back to her."


Suzy only stared at the smirking Mr. Choi, mortified.


"Public morals?" a teacher asked, " don't mean that thing?"


"What do you mean that thing?!" Suzy cried, "Don't imagine such dirty things!"


"That's shameful Ms. Bae! Even if it's to defend your best friend, lodging a complaint against your own shameful!" a teacher said.


"If you're like that instead of maturing together, then you'll both become failures!" another teacher remarked.


"I'm surprised that Ms. Bae would do such a thing."


"She's always been the sweet and sociable girl with everyone."


"She would always help out with chores while others would avoid it."


"Well, Ms. Bae may have been influenced by Ms. Jung. After all, I have heard rumors about Ms. Jung having such a sly mouth."


"Yeah, I've noticed that Ms. Jung and Ms. Bae have been hanging out a lot together lately."


"Oh, you mean the pretty new girl! She stands out way too much."


"It's such an annoyance having a girl like her forced into this school."


"At this rate, the school's reputation might be damaged because of a girl like her."


"Yeah, someone who is perfectly fine with hurting other people emotionally and physically."


Suzy knew that there was nothing she could do anymore at this moment, but she still wasn't giving up. In a second, Mr. Choi had completely turned the tables. Amidst all of the complaints she was hearing, she quickly walked out of the room in anger.




I was prepared that on the next day, I'd be rejected by everyone.


That even Lee Jieun and Bae Suzy would leave me.




"Krystal, you're finally here!" Jieun sighed in relief as soon as Krystal stepped inside the classroom.


"Krsytal, I am soooo sorry that I wasn't able to get your necklace back yesterday, even if I said that I was going to." Suzy pouted, "...but no matter!" she declared, going back to her smiling face, "I'm not giving up and for sure, there will be a way to get that necklace back to you!"


"Ahh! I'll do everything that I can to help!" Jieun smiled.


Suzy stared at Jieun in confusion but afterwards, she smiled upon realizing that yet another person, besides her, had finally begun to understand Krystal. "Okay then! But I haven't started a plan yet...hmmm..."




But I was wrong.


Very wrong.




"Oh, Krystal, you're wearing a black headband and a black bracelet?" Jieun exclaimed excitingly "Perhaps you took my advice?"


Krystal only smiled. "Yeah."



I'm glad that I had met the two of them.


It was lunchtime and Krystal was walking down the hallways reading a book on her way to meet up with Jieun and Suzy. After noticing something peculiar, she looked down only to find that her shoe laces were untied. Dropping down to tie the laces on her left foot, she noticed a pair of pink heels in stop front of her. Looking up, she saw a girl looking at her in distaste.


"May I help you?" Krystal asked, finally standing up in front of the girl.


With Krystal expecting this, the girl in front of her gave a hostile reply. "So you're the one who seduced Kai the other day?" she asked, eyeing Krystal from head to toe before sipping from her drink.


The girl felt insecure of Krystal’s looks, but she definitely didn’t let that show. Instead, she laughed, mockery evident in the tone of her voice,"Oh my God, just look at yourself! Did you really think that Kai would even take an interest on you?"


"No." Krystal replied, dozing off, making the girl in front of her arch her eyebrow "...and I don't care about you or him." she nonchalantly retorted before passing by the girl. She had better things to do than to listen to some arrogant girl's lectures.


But the girl wasn't contented. "How dare you! Think you can just do that to me and walk away, especially while I'm not even finished with you?!" she spat out, angrily, "...take this you b*tch!" she screamed, taking the iced cappuccino from her hand before throwing towards Krystal.


"Oh, I forgot to tie the other one." Krystal mumbled, bending down as she tied the laces on her right foot.


Krystal wasn't even aware of the sudden gasps that resounded in the hallway when she was too busy tying her shoe. Standing up, she was about to be on her way again when something prevented her way. In front of her, just a few inches away, stood Kai, his hair dripping in what looked like to her was the iced cappuccino. It dripped down to his whole attire, making him look like a mess.


Kai was just frozen at first. After a few seconds, he looked down and examined his outfit. Some of the members from his group followed behind him and slowly retreated, anticipating the reaction from the now most dangerous person in the high school. Every student that was in the scene froze as well, as if time had stopped.


He then shifted onto whatever that was in front of him. As if the girls behind Krystal knew exactly what he was thinking of, they all raised their hands and pointed all the blame to the clueless female in front of him.


He breathed deeply before taking a step closer to Krystal in a cool manner. She tried to step out of his way to go to the park and read her book but then Kai suddenly blocked her way. Looking at him, Krystal honestly wondered what he wanted from her. Suddenly, his appearance gave her an idea.


Oh! she thought in realization.


Taking a facial tissue from her bag, she handed it over to him with honest eyes. Up until now, no noise has been heard from both sides except for the time when Krystal's bag shuffling was heard.


Our young heroine had actually honestly thought that Kai was there staring at her because he was asking for a pack of tissues.


Scoffing as he stared down at the tissue, Kai strongly slapped it out of her hand, causing it to fly off of her grip.


Her eyes followed the direction of the tissue as it landed down on the ground. "What the...." she uttered before turning her head to face him.


And with an evil yet irresistible smirk plastered on his face, he bent his face down until it was only centimeters away from Krystal's face. "How about we play a game, Krystal Jung?"


Krystal was startled and by instinct, she moved her face a little away from his as she furrowed her eyebrows. The young Jung was definitely surprised by his actions but she wasn't fazed by the slightest bit. She just stood there, still, waiting for him to move so that she could go to the park.


As of this moment, our young heroine was now experiencing the very thing that many females would kill for -- Kai's undivided attention.


But unfortunately, Krystal Jung was not even a bit like those women. Nobody would have guessed that at that moment, of all the things to be concerned about, the young Jung was only concerned of four things -- her next class, what today's lunch menu will be, meeting up with Jieun and Suzy in the park, and buying a new pack of facial tissues.


"Sunbae-nim (A/N: Formal name used by Koreans to refer to their senior of any kind, even in high school.), I'm not really that interested in playing a game. Plus, I still have to buy some things for myself and if I don't hurry, I might be late." she said, checking her watch


Yet Kai didn't budge. He gave her an amused smile as he took another step close to her. "Actually, in case you haven't noticed, this game has already begun." he replied in his usual cool tone as he leaned a bit to whisper on her ear, "...might you want to know what game it is that we're playing?"


She remained silent but relaxed, as if she were watching the sky.


"First to say "I give in." loses." he continued and with those words, he sealed the deal with a small kiss on her cheek. Her eyes immediately widened for a few seconds, she her breathing halted. She noticed the envious stares that she was earning from the many fan girls that were around.


Kai, however, continued to kiss her and he was already about to trail down to her neck but then a tug on his sleeve quickly made him stop. Turning himself to the girl he found very interesting, he saw himself meeting her cold eyes. He was actually surprised to see her, finally not being so indifferent.


"Just then, I certainly did not like what you were doing to me." her tone was calm but this time, it had the slight tone of anger in it. Afterwards she gave him a dangerous glare, "So don't you dare ever do it again."


He then straightened himself up and smirked. "Then I guess this game is going to be easy after all." he said, mockingly, expecting some reaction from her.


Surprisingly though,, not a word escaped her lips. Kai figured that Krystal already knew who he was so he decided to a little bit. After all, Krystal was really really hot, not to menton that her beautiful face. Amusement overcame his feelings when she didn't back down.


Turning his back away, he put his pockets in his hands, completely ignoring the girls that were calling out his name.





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Chapter 10: Hi its me again re reading this T^T
who_me #2
Chapter 10: It's 2017 when i decided to reread this (because i loved it so much). Will it be too much to ask for the next chapter? :(
helloyoukrystal #3
Please update the story is so sweet and it's getting so interesting I want to know more about krystal
Chapter 10: please update authornim ~
Citraysm #5
When will u update
anayuliana #6
Chapter 10: Hi. . .:-) New reader here. . . I'm looking for your next chapter. . . .
Please update soon author-nim
deerinheadlights #7
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! Are you still going to update this story because i have been rereading the whole thing and waiting for an update. This story is like one of my favourite kaistal stories ever and let me tell you that impressive kaistal fanfics are hard to come by. I really hope you won't abandon this story and update soon. I'd support you either way so fighting!
Nixieilosh #8
Chapter 7: Is this normal in here that the thing is exactly same as Akuma To Love Song manga?? If not shame on you... reported. -.-
Chapter 10: Been missing this story T^T
jayzie #10
Chapter 10: i love this story <3 but,can't you put more kaistal moment?
and im so curious about the next!!
please update soon author-nim!
i'm waiting ><