My Secret Love

Complicated Love(Friendship)

Jiyoung POV

"Oh my Gosh!! I forgot my Assignment!! T______________T" Victoria Exclaimed

"Forgot to DO your Assignment, Right??" Kipi said

"Errr, Uhmmmmmmmmmm Yes, But, Kipi, Can i copy your Assignment please" Victoria said to Kipi

*Deadly Stares *___________________*

"Okay, But promise me, Next Time you will do it on time, cause i will never ever let you copy my assignment, Understand!!" Kipi warned

"Aye aye!!" Victoria said happily as we walked ahead to our classroom


and.. . . . . . . 


Holy Cow!!! The, The SHINee!!!! @_____________@


"Kyahhhhh!! It's Onew!!" Victoria


"Kyahhhhhhhhhh!! It's Key!! Me


"Kyahhhhhhhhhh!! Whatever!!" Kipi


"Huh??" We both said


"What??" Kipi asked.


"You don't like SHINee??!!" We both asked


"Aha!!" Kipi said happily


"But Why??" Victoria asked


"Cause they are all Waste Of Time" Kipi answer


W-waste Of T-t-time??? 




"And don't assumed from them, cause they will only ignore us" Kipi added



And she walked away . . .


hmmmmmmmmmmm, She's really a Man- Hater!! And Mean!!


Kipi POV

So i left them there, Standing in nowhere...


Hhaha!! Im so mean!! And i love it!!


* Walk *


* Walk *


* Walk *


Then . . . 


* Tugshhhhhhhhhhhhhh *


Someone bumped me!!"




"Oh, Are you Okay!!" 


And i look to that Guy Face..


Hmmmm.. It's Taemin. . .


"Do you think, The word 'Ouch' Means Okay!!" I said sarcasticly


"Oh im so sorry" Taemin said in a concern voice




Victoria and Jiyoung scream..


I know the reason. .


"Hey, Hello!! Don't forget me i'm here, Im hurt, So help me to stand up!! I  only appreciate when the two of you laugh!! But instead, The two of you scream!!" I said


"Oh!! Sorry, Kipi" The Two said


"Uhmmmm, M-m-miss, I'm So sorry!!" Taemin said 


" No need for you Sorry!!" I said


And walk away


Victoria POV

OH EM GEE!! Onew!! Is infront of us!!


*Freeze!!* We both freeze here


"Hey!!" Jonghyun


"Huh??" We both asked in confused


"That girl, Leave you already!!" Jonghyun








*100% Complete*


And i realize that. . . 


We are both look like idiot here, staring at them!


And kipi Left us.. 




Wahhhhhhhhh! So embarrasing!!


"Uhmmm, Im so S-sorry!!"


Then we follow Kipi. . 


"Wait for Us" Jiyoung Shouted


Kipi stoped, and stare at us..


But she give us a Deadly stare. . 


"Sorry!!" We both said 




Then she smiled. .


"How can i refuse that Face!!" Kipi said and laugh


Then we walked to our classroom


"GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!!" Kipi said while hopping


"Wow!! Greetings with matching hop" Jiyoung said


"Haha!! Let her do what she want cause next time she will back to Rehab" I said


"Hmmmm, Vic??" Kipi said and Aegyo


"hahaha" I laughed 


Then suddenly they all laughed. . .


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Yuri Scream


"Minhoooooooooooooooooooooo!!" Tiffany shouted too.


"He's Mine" Yuri complain


"No, He's Mine!!" Tiffany answer


Here they go again!!!


"SHINeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!" Then all the girls screaming, WELL except for Kipi,She just put her head down.


I forgot to say, SHINee is our Classmate!!


Onew POV

"Pshhhhhhhhhhh!! There scream are so unpleasant to ear!!" Minho said irritated.


"Hyung!! They scream cause we are handsome!! You know!!"Jonghyun said and winked.


"I know!! that the girls scream means, They saw a cockroach!! So that means we are cockroach!!" Minho said


We all laughed


"Stop That!!" I said




"So come on, Let's go to our seat!!" I said


Then i saw Taemin, Looking at somewhere..


"Hey Taemin was Wrong!!??" Key asked


"^^, Victoria are also screaming to me, I mean to us" Taemin said


"Oh, Well" Key laughed


"Jiyoung Is so Beautiful when she's laughing!!" I said


"HAHAHAHAHA" They laughed


"What??" I asked


"Our, Hyung is Inlove!!!" They all said. .. 


"Hhahaha!!" We all laughed


Sorry for wrong Grammars, Spelling and Typos!!



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sunoleev #1
Chapter 2: The relationship seems really complicated...I'm really curious about the final couples...
Chapter 1: TaeToria!! <33