Brotherly Sisterly Love?

My Best Friend's Brother

 You woke up and saw Sooyoung still fast asleep with one leg hanging out of her quilt covers. Pig. For a moment you lay in the bed until you heard a creak from the room beside Sooyoung’s. It was Sunggyu’s. You excitedly walked out of the bed and held onto the bedroom door knob. Slowly, you turned the knob and there in front of you was a messy black-haired Sunggyu with eyes that you could barely see. “Annyeong! Had a nice sleep?” He tried to sound happy. You nodded and bowed. “Are you an early riser too?” You nodded again. “You know I’m trying to make conversation with you but if you don’t want to then okay.”

“No, it’s just I’m not really a morning talker. It’s not that I don’t want to talk to you.” He stood there and laughed. “Oh okay.” He walked over to Sooyoung. He’s so dreamy. You smiled at him.

“Good luck waking her up.” Your sarcastic tone got an unpleased Sunggyu face. “I-I mean you know, she’s hard to wake up and stuff and yeah but I didn’t mean it in a bad way or anything… sorry.” Sunggyu laughed.

“I love how you got scared. I tried that on Sooyoung but she just laughed. I don’t know why…and don’t worry, don’t get scared I know she is, I was just joking around with you.” He walked in and gently shook Sooyoung. You sighed and controlled your emotions. For a second you had thought that you had offended him in some way. Your eyes then moved back to Sunggyu who had just got hit with a pillow by Sooyoung who was trying to go back to sleep. “Get up lazy pig!” He was in the middle of flipping the mattress when Sooyoung immediately woke up.

“I’m awake!” She grasped onto the end of the bed to prevent Sunggyu from flipping the mattress with her still in it. “No need for violence sheesh.”

“It’s not violence, it’s a method to get you up before you sleep all day.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the bother-sisterly love those two have. “Also, you have a guest so it would be nice to wake up before her.”

“Tch, she knows I’m a late riser.”

“Hmm yeah a very late riser. I remember once I flipped the actual mattress before you actually woke up.”

“Yeah well I remember the time where you slept the whole day!”

“That was once! And I had a party the night before! Now go eat breakfast, I’m sure____ is hungry.” He turned to you and winked. You heart fluttered instantly. You turned around and squealed the softest squeal, pretended to sneeze and turned back to them.

“Sorry if that seemed rude, I’m sure it would’ve been better than seeing green ooze or better yet, snot on you.” You fake sniffled to make it more realistic.

“Aww are you sick? You poor baby! Come on now, let’s get you some food to make you feel better.” Sooyoung put and arm around ___ and went off.

“If you’re sick there are some medicines in the cabinet Sooyoung’ll show you.”

“I’m sure she’s fine she’s just having some kind of cold or maybe she’s…” You looked at Sooyoung who was giggling to herself. She whispered “love sick.” You whacked Sooyoung and turned to Sunggyu who was too busy fixing the girls’ bed.

“Hey! If he heard that…”

“What it’s not like he knows.”

“He might!”

“Yeah, that’s if you keep looking at him, blushing or even fake atchooing he might.”

“She’s what?” Sunggyu yelled from the bedroom

“Maybe she’s homesick.” Sooyoung nudged you with her elbow which was as sharp as a toothpick.

“Ouch.” You rubbed the skin below your ribcage and whined like a baby. “How’d you know it was fake?”

“Puh-lease, the look on your face, that crimson red on your cheeks and that squeal that came out of your mouth was sooo not noticible.”

“Okay enough Ms Sarcasm.” Sooyoung replayed your  fake sneeze.

“Atchoo!” You cringed and slapped Sooyoung. “Okay enough, what do you want for breakfast?” She laughed and linked arms with ___.

“I’m craving… pancakes!”

“Okay. OPPA! Make us some pancakes please!”

“Neh, just sit in the kitchen and I’ll be right down.”

“Your brother is too nice to you. He’s like your personal servant.”

“And you like that he’s nice. Don’t you?” she smirked and walked off.

Breakfast was deliciously presented and the girls dug in. Sunggyu on the other hand, was too busy cleaning up the mess he made. “Do you need any help?” You offered a hand but Sunggyu resisted.

“No it’s fine. It’s her that’s meant to be helping me.” He looked at Sooyoung.

“What? I’m hungry! Sleeping is tiring, you know.” Both you and Sunggyu shook your heads. “Stop ganging up on me! You two are worse than mum and dad. Go get married and stop bothering me!” You looked at Sooyoung, with eyes ready to pop out and strangle her. “What? I mean you guys think a like duh! I don’t want you two to actually get married that’ll just be wrong.” You looked at her again, this time with a little disappointment. “Well if you want to get married it’s not like I’m stopping you or-”

“That’s enough, you two just go to your rooms or go outside or shopping or whatever! Just try not to disturb me, I’ll be studying.”

“Hm, yeah “studying”.” She rolled her eyes and walked you out of the kitchen.

“I don’t think you should treat your brother like that. I mean, he does so many things for you.”

“Hmm, yeah it’s not that. I love him I mean, he is my brother but just the things he does for me it’s just... uh… doesn’t matter. Let’s go shopping shall we?”

“No tell me. Tell me now.”

“I’m sorry, it’s just a little personal.”

“I’m your best friend! Just tell me.”

“No forget it. Don’t worry, later on you’ll see that Sunggyu and I are much closer than you think. We’re like besties, I promise.” She lifted up her pinky and smiled.

You were silenced by what she said. It made you want an older brother like Sunggyu. That’s when you thought… Maybe I just think of Sunggyu as a brother? A brother I’ve always wanted to have…

Little did you both know, Sunggyu heard it all. Every single word Sooyoung spoke out, he heard it all and his heart couldn’t help but flutter at the words she spoke out. He knew she meant it.

Hey subbies! It's been a while hasn't it? Wow, haha I actually enjoyed writing this chapter.

I feel like I've neglected this story ~ >< sowwy!

Anyway, thanks for subscribing & reading <3 :) ! Feel free to comment, subscribe or anything, I don't mind (:

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So.. Eum... My co-author bailed out on me :'( but the story will still continue!


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author-nim keep writing ne?
I wanna know what happens
ง •̀_•́)ง hwaiting
Chapter 2: Wait what.
Which part did Sunggyu hear Sooyoung say..? The one about how their besties or the lovesick stuff earlier?
is gyu gay? andwae T.T
Yeonsu #4
Chapter 1: is gyu like gay in this story or something o_o...?
Chapter 1: Sunggyu's so nice in this story, omg. LOL.
And how did ____ not see a guy in ages? Doesn't she see guys when she's out shopping? lol
ilovesweetpotatohoya #6
don't... I don't think its going to be as good as yours T~T