Meeting The Family

My Best Friend's Brother

~2 Weeks before~

“Sooyoung! Wait up!” You called out to your best friend. “So, you know how school’s finishing in 2 weeks…”  You eyed her, hoping that she would get the hint. “Yes? What abo- Oh… yeah you can sleep over mine but for 2 weeks only, I mean you haven’t been there before so might as well.” Looks like your best friend really is your best friend, she knows you too well. She was right that you hadn’t been over to her house at all through your 3 year friendship. It was just a bunch of meet ups at shopping centres and whatnot. “Yeah, you’re right. I haven’t been so can I go tomorrow? Just to make sure that your family isn’t crazy or you live in a dump.” She twitched her nose and pressed her lips together tightly. “I am just kidding! COME ON BESTIE! I can’t wait to go to your house!” You jumped up and down several times and squealed. “Yeah, yeah. Next time it’s your house! Oh no, actually not tomorrow, My brother has this party thing and well, our whole family is invited. So I’ll just bring a photo of my brother, parents and house to calm your farm. OKAY!?” You froze at the word ‘brother’. She never said anything about a brother, in fact you never knew she had a brother. “Brother? Since when did you have a brother? How come you never told me?”

“Well, I’ve had a brother even before I was born and well I never knew you were interested in such things. It’s just my brother, nothing interesting.” Yeah, she was right. It was just her brother, it’s not like you’ll fall for him or anything...

~Present Day~
This is it. The day you meet Sooyoung’s family. You didn’t know why but you were sweating and your heart was pounding like crazy. You filled your cheeks with air and deflated them quickly. 2 weeks with your best friend’s family, now that you thought about it… 2 weeks is a long time. What if you get kidnapped? Murdered? Or even ? There’s a boy in the house? Many things could happen. “Aish.. What are you thinking girl? PABO! Her family is probably nice kind people. No… What if they’re too nice? That’s a little fishy isn’t it? I don’t want to do this! I’m too young to die!” All these random thoughts sprung in your head. You fidgeted with your fingers which were shaking. “______, what are you doing? Are you nervous? Don’t worry, my family aren’t psychopaths. They won’t hurt you, they’re my parents! They’ll love you. I can’t actually believe you think your best friend’s family are crazy murderers. Gosh girl, have some faith.” Although she said some… encouraging words, they did not help you at all. You got even more nervous and yes, you were the one that wanted to go but she never told you about her brother! A MALE! A GUY! Usually you would be happy seeing a guy but sleeping in the same house as one… NO WAY!

The bus hauled at Sooyoung’s house and the both of you hopped off. Her house was pretty big. It was an orange-bricked double storey with a balcony and a porch. “Oh umma said your parents dropped off your stuff. Come on in!” She opened the door and there you saw the most luxurious house you have ever seen. “Dae-bak!” You thought. You couldn’t get your eyes off the magnificently painted walls, the beautifully decorated interior. It was like a palace. “Yah Sunggyu! They’re here.” You heard footsteps come down from the stairs. Uh-Oh, that must be her brother. You quickly hid behind your best friend and grabbed onto her shoulders tightly and squeezed together. “Dongseng! You’re home, where’s your friend?” You popped up on Sooyoung’s left shoulder to get a view of her brother. He was standing halfway up the stairs. He had a velvet red hair colour that was kind of charming. Oh what were you thinking, kind of!? No, you meant extremely charming. You stood up straight and waved at him. “Annyeong, I’m _____. You must be Sooyoung’s brother.” He nodded and waved to you. “I’m Sunggyu. Nice to meet you, I’ll take your bags, you two should get something to eat. Umma’s in the kitchen so she’ll give you food.” Sooyoung gave both of your bags to Sunggyu. “Yah, why did you give your bag to him, we could’ve done it ourselves! Now he probably thinks I’m stuck up!” You growled at Sooyoung. “Ah no don’t worry about that, oppa does that for me every day.” Your eyes popped out of their sockets. EVERYDAY? Sooyoung must be treated like the queen of England. “Wow, next thing you know you’ll be wearing a ball gown and tiara around the house.” Sooyoung glared into your eyes. You took a step back just to ensure your safety. Sooyoung stepped closer towards you but you were too frightened to move, it was like she hypnotised you with her eyes. She leaned in and grabbed your hand and you heart rate slumped and steadied. She dragged you into the kitchen where you met Sooyoung’s mum. “Annyeong ____-sshi! You are a very pretty girl, just as Sooyoung said.” She widened her eyes and faced Sooyoung. Something’s fishy. “Yeah… that’s what I said.” What did she say about me? You slapped her upper arm and gave her ‘the look’. “What? I did! Sort of.” She sat on the high stool that was under the bench top. She grabbed one out for you as well and patted it as a sign for you to go and sit down. Sooyoung’s mum took out food from the oven. Cookies. Yummy. “Eat a lot! Sunggyu made them.” Sunggyu? I’m eating what Sunggyu made? He is such a nice person, making food for a stranger that happens to be his sister’s best friend.” You smiled and blushed. “Oooh! Someone’s thinking about her boyfriend! Who is it?” You looked at Sooyoung with a disgraceful look. “Boyfriend? I’m single!”

“Who knows!” She cooed. You took a bite of the cookie. It was a soft chocolate cookie and it was delicious. “Mmmmm. This is delicious.”

“Kamsahamnida!” Sunggyu shouted while going into the kitchen. Maybe I said it a bit too loud? Hehe, he’s so cute! “You’re welcome!” You did your best to hide your blushing face as Sooyoung scoffed. “Hurry up and eat.” She scolded you. It was after 4 cookies when you decided to take a break from them. “Fatty, that’s enough. Come on I have to show you my room!” You put the last piece into your mouth and walked up with Sooyoung. “Welcome to my room!” Your hands dropped, eyes widened and your cookie-filled mouth opened wide. The room was massive, it had a double bed, a walk in wardrobe, a tv and it was big enough for at least 3 people to walk side by side. “THIS IS 1 ROOM!?” You managed to mumble out. Sooyoung smiled as she placed a hand on your shoulder. “Noo? It’s a bathroom duh!”

“I hate your sarcasm. So… is Sunggyu’s room next door?” you asked while taking a seat on Sooyoung’s bed. “Mm. Don’t worry he won’t be hearing out talks. He’s as deaf as an old grandpa.”

“YAH! I HEARD YOU!” Sunggyu shouted from the next door. “I thought…-” Sunggyu barged into the room. “Don’t listen to anything she says about me because they are not true. Do you hear me? NOT TRUE.” Sooyoung pushed him back out. “Yeah no. They are true, you are deaf and also blind. Now leave my room bye halpoji! Go to sleep! Love you BYE!” She quickly shut the door and clapped her hands together. “So enough of that ruckus, let’s do our nails?” She quickly set up the nail polish, she started grabbed your left hand. “Hmm, orange? Yeah, and I’ll make it have glitter.”

“Okay! But if you ruin it, you’re dead. So you know your brother Sunggyu.”

“Yes, of course I know him.”

“How old is he? He looks our age.” She laughed. “Why are you asking questions about my brother? Do you have a crush on him? OOOOOOH!” You pouted. “SHHHHHH! He might hear us!” But Sooyoung didn’t listen, she just kept laughing. “Wait, you’re being serious? Do you actually like my brother?” You nodded a slowly. “Only a bit… Don’t tell him!” Her face changed, it wasn’t happy nor sad, it was a mix of confusion and worry. “Heh heh. My brother? Haha. Maybe it’s just a phase, you haven’t seen guys in ages.” Well yeah, I haven’t seen a guy in ages but I’m sure it’s not a phase. “No, when I saw him, my worries went away. I’m sure that I like him… tone it down would you!”

“Yeah yeah, now sit still.”

“Okay… So does he have a girlfriend?” Sooyoung burst into laughter. “Girlfriend? HAHA, he goes to an all boy school.” She was laughing so hard that the nail polish went all over your finger. “Hey, be careful! And how would I know he went to an all boy school?” You made that ‘puppy dog’ face. “Hahahahaha but still a girlfriend? Hahahaha!”

“Well who knows? He could be seeing a girl out of school…”

“Yeah right. He’s – Um never mind yeah he doesn’t have a girlfriend so sure.” Something’s not right, what are you hiding Sooyoung?
Hello readers ^^ It's fudgecaeke22512! (wow.. I just realised I had so many numbers... and e's..) How was the first chappie!? Tell us what you think! ~Thanks

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So.. Eum... My co-author bailed out on me :'( but the story will still continue!


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author-nim keep writing ne?
I wanna know what happens
ง •̀_•́)ง hwaiting
Chapter 2: Wait what.
Which part did Sunggyu hear Sooyoung say..? The one about how their besties or the lovesick stuff earlier?
is gyu gay? andwae T.T
Yeonsu #4
Chapter 1: is gyu like gay in this story or something o_o...?
Chapter 1: Sunggyu's so nice in this story, omg. LOL.
And how did ____ not see a guy in ages? Doesn't she see guys when she's out shopping? lol
ilovesweetpotatohoya #6
don't... I don't think its going to be as good as yours T~T