Forced Lunch

Stethoscopes and Heartbeats

Jinyoung was extremely sweet to you the next morning, not that he wasn’t already but he was being extra nice. He even made breakfast which was always your job for a reason. He must’ve found out about your break up.

Taking a bite of his attempt of french toast, you struggled to keep it in your mouth but with Jinyoung waiting for your reaction, you forced it down.

“This tastes..” You started with a smile plastered onto your face.

Before you could even continue, Jinyoung’s chest deflated and he shook his head, taking his apron off and slamming it onto the tile floor.

“Why can’t I cook?!” Jinyoung cried, crumbling to the floor as you wiped away the remnants of the toast from your face. Laughing, you stood up and held your hand out for your brother.

“This is why I cook” You replied, helping him up from the floor.

Jinyoung huffed and nodded, “Guess I should just throw away the lunch that I made you?”

Shaking your head, you shot your brother a soft smile. “Since you made it, I’ll eat it”

A grin broke out onto his face as scrambled to get the packed lunch. You watched him with an amused smile when he returned with a lunch box you remember owning when you were in middle school.

“Thank you oppa” You smiled, leaning over to kiss his cheek before you gathered your things into your backpack.

“Hey, what are you doing after your classes?” Jinyoung asked as he stopped you to put a scarf around your neck.

“Hmm, I only have a few courses today but I’m not doing anything really” you replied, putting your gloves on. He put a beanie over your head without caring whether or not it was on properly.

Jinyoung held up earmuffs which you scoffed at but he shot you a look that made you succumb to his command. You tilted your head forward and let him cover your ears, “I’ll meet you at your university then okay”

“Oh okay then, I’m going now okay?” You called as you made your way towards the door, shouldering your backpack and adjusting the earmuff on your head.

Jinyoung nodded, picking up the apron from the floor. “See you later. Remember to keep warm!”

With a chuckle, you closed the door behind you and ventured out into the cold. Hopefully you won’t bump into Kai at the university.


Business and Economics had finished a little later than expected so you made sure the be the first person out of the classroom, not wanting your brother to be waiting in the cold for you. Tightening the scarf around you and hugging your backpack to your chest, you ran out to the front of the university where Jinyoung usually waited for you.

The cold wind blew against every inch of you, despite your body charging up with energy. Craning your head in search of electric red hair, you walked straight into someone’s chest who was instantly pushed back against the university welcome sign.

“I’m so sorry” You exclaimed in shock, hurrying to the stranger to make sure he was okay.

“Nine years later and you’re still able to make me fall for you” Shinwoo groaned, clutching his chest jokingly.

Blushing, you reached over to help him up “What are you doing here?”

He let you lift him up until he was on his feet before he patted the snow off his hair.

“Jinyoung told me to meet him here today. We were supposed to hang out or something like that. I’m guessing you’re coming?” The tall boy asked before he hid his chin behind his scarf.

“Yeah, Jinyoung oppa was supposed to be here already, I’ll call him” You answered, taking your phone out of your pocket and slipping your arms through your backpack properly.

After less than half a ring, he answered immediately with a wave of apologies.

“I’m so sorry, I’m sooo so sorry. Oppa is sorry, I swear I am! I’m sor-”

“Wait where are you?” You tried to squeeze in between his apologies.

“Ah.. see about that” Jinyoung let out an awkward laugh, “I was on my way to the University right and you know, I was just checking my reflection in the mirror- not my red mirror the black one with the fox on it”

“Carry on” You mumbled, agitated before you heard a laugh from Jinyoung.

“Yeah anyways, I was checking my reflection and I realized just how oily my skin has become. You know how I hate that? And we’re in winter! How could my face be oily in winter? Anyways, I was on my way when there happened to be a launching of Clinique’s Men face care.. and you know how oily my face is..”

“You’re at the launch aren’t you?” A soft laugh escaped your lips, knowing only your brother would leave you for his skincare.

“I am... but I’ll get you something like face wash. Foundation? Oh no no, lipgloss!” Jinyoung offered excitedly.

“I don’t use any of that junk. But it’s fine, have fun”

“I’m sorry, once again and tell Shinwoo I said sorry too” Jinyoung said, teeth clattering against each other from the cold.

“Alright, I’ll tell him. Bye” You spun around to face Shinwoo who was rubbing his hands together, waiting for you.

“He bailed, didn’t he?” He predicted, looking up at you.

“For his skincare” You added with a huff, tucking your phone into the pocket of your coat. “Well.. he said he was sorry”

“Ah it’s fine” Shinwoo smiled, eyes curving along with his lips.

“Oh okay well then.. I guess I’ll be off now”

“Oh no, I mean we’re here together already why not do something?” Shinwoo offered, blowing into his hand to keep them warm “Have you eaten?” He asked, dropping his hands from his mouth.

“Yes” You replied quickly, not really wanting to do anything with Shinwoo. It was still awkward between the two of you. You hadn’t seen him for nine years and even then he was always teasing and bullying you.  Being slightly peeved at your brother, the last thing you wanted to do was be with his best friend. But Shinwoo obviously wouldn’t take no as an answer.

“Well I haven’t eaten so let’s go” He grinned, grabbing your hand and heading off. Shocked by his persistence, you tried to yank your arm away but his grip was firm. Feigning defeat, you let out a sigh and let him drag you to his hearts content.

When he finally decided on a place to eat, he pushed open the door, a bell ringing over head and you were greeted with light chattering and warmth. He lead you to a booth by the window, finally releasing your hand to take off his coat before  he slid behind one side of the table. Taking off your backpack, coat and the multiple winter accessories you had adorned, you sat opposite of him.

“Why do you have so many things?” Shinwoo asked, glancing at the pile beside you.

“Jinyoung oppa believes that winter is winter and you never know when a snowstorm could occur” You replied, smiling slightly at your brother’s awful theory.

“Jinyoung, that goof” Shinwoo laughed before taking a menu and skimming through it. He paused to look up at you, “Order anything. It’s on me”

“I’m not hungry” But your stomach had betrayed you and grumbled, earning you a look from Shinwoo.

“I thought you said you’ve already eaten?” He teased
“Oh.. that’s because..I do have food. Jinyoung oppa packed me lunch this morning” You said matter of factly, reaching to reel the lunch from your backpack.

Shinwoo raised his eyebrows, “But Jinyoung can’t cook”

“Don’t you think I know that” You muttered under your breath as you opened the lid to reveal off looking rice and what seemed to be kimchi. Shinwoo laughed shortly before looking at you seriously, though a smile greeted his face.

“You’re not seriously going to eat that right?”

Shaking your head, you picked up your chopsticks only to have Shinwoo snatch the lunch away from you.

“You are not eating that. I’m not only saying this as your doctor, but as your friend and a past victim of Jinyoung’s cooking. Do. Not. Eat. It”

“...Fine” You sighed, putting down the chopsticks but it do much to the fact that you were still hungry.

“Here, order anything” Shinwoo offered, holding out the menu to you but being stubborn, you pushed it away with a huff.

“Eyy, come on.. you need to eat” He murmured, pushing the menu closer. When you didn’t respond, he exhaled and nodded.

“Fine” He called for the waitress who hurried to him with a smile too flashy to appear innocent.

“Uh can I get two servings of jjajangmyeon and” He paused for a moment to let his eyes scan over the options before successfully finding the one he had decided on earlier. “Tangsuyuk! Two servings of jjajangmyeon and tangsuyuk, please”

“I told you I don’t want to eat”

Shinwoo raised his eyebrow, leaning over the table. “I know. Who said any of those were for you?”

The waitress snickered behind her notepad, leaving you scowling as you crossed your arms, Shinwoo leaning back against the seat pleased.

“That’s all thank you”

The waitress left but not without shooting you a small sneer. You rolled your eyes and looked at Shinwoo.

“You’re really going to eat two servings of noodles and sweet and sour beef?”

Shinwoo laughed, “Of course. I’m a man, men eat many things”

“You’ll get fat” You shot back

“Does it look like I’ll get fat?” He asked, resting his elbows on the table. You cursed his skinny figure and looked away.

“I’ve missed your quick remarks you know?” Shinwoo smiled fondly. It’s not all I’ve missed, he thought wistfully.

“But why are you so cold towards me? Back when you were fourteen, you didn’t think twice before telling me your deepest darkest secrets? Or whether or not you were … menstruating” He laughed lightly as his mind pulled back all the memories from the past.

A blush appeared on your cheeks as you recalled a moment when you told Shinwoo that you had finally gotten it. Jinyoung wouldn’t hear, refusing to know about anything that happens to pubescent girls but Shinwoo was willing to listen, something he commented too quickly on before knowing the outcomes.

I’m not cold

“Yes you are” He retorted. 

“No I’m not” You argued, narrowing your eyes.

“Then why are you glaring at me?” He complained, mimicking you and crossing his arms over his chest.

“You’re misinterpreting this Shinwoo, my eyes are merely curved in such manner that in no way reflects my mood”

Shinwoo scoffed but a smile edged its way onto his face, “Oh so your mood is cold?”

“Well it should be, it’s less than ten degrees outside”

“But we’re inside” Shinwoo pointed out, “And why don’t you call me Shinwoo oppa? I am older than your brother”

“I haven’t called you Shinwoo oppa since I was fourteen”

“Well now is a lovely time to start” He grinned, sitting up happily. You scowled and pursed your lips.

“No thank you”

Shinwoo was about to retort when the waitress returned with his meals and an all too familiar greasy smile. You had to look away to keep the bile from rising in your throat.

“Thank you, I will eat this well” Shinwoo smiled, leaving the waitress swooning before she hugged the tray to her chest and walked away.

“You can look now, she’s gone” He laughed, picking up chopsticks and preparing himself for the taste.

You turned back to him, skeptical. “What?”

Shinwoo paused, stopping himself from consuming the black bean noodles. “You don’t like her do you, the way she smiles. Me neither to be honest. Makes me think twice about eating”

You replied simply with a nod before you turned back towards the window, letting your eyes scan over the snow that covered the streets. Little things rushed through your mind like hot chocolate and Jinyoung’s french toast but most importantly was how Kai was coping. You were pulled out of your train of thought when Shinwoo spoke up.


Turning to him, you stared at him like he was stupid. A laugh escaped his lips as he held the noodles up, sliding the plate across the table.

“You don’t look happy and I’m guessing it’s because of what happened last night. Don’t girls love eating after a breakup? Or tragedy? Come on, eat” He smiled, chopsticks advancing. You turned your head, crossing your arms over your chest.

“I’d hardly call it a tragedy”

Shinwoo scoffed, “Don’t be so stubborn. Here, try some”

"No I don't want to" You argued as Shinwoo pushed the noodles closer towards you.

He paused, eyebrows furrowed, "As your doctor, I recommend that you eat it"

"No" You shot back, looking away from him as the chopsticks advanced. You pushed it away but it had only caused the noodles to come into contact with your lips.


"What?" You questioned with a glare, alarmed by his abrupt outburst.

"It touched your lips, now it's yours" Shinwoo stated with a grin, "So eat it" He chuckled, pushing the jjajangmyeon closer to your mouth.

Sighing, you looked at him for a moment before you dropped your arms and reached out to take the chopsticks from his hands.

“You’re horrible” You mumbled before you let your tastebuds devour the taste, your stomach instantly relieved with the food. Shinwoo chuckled, shovelling his own plate of jjajangmyeon into his mouth.

“And you’re hungry. Thank me later when the sauce isn’t on your face”

Happy happy me! Oh goodness the comments are wonderful. Can I cry? This is a lame update but there is definitely more in store for Shinwoo/You. And Jinyoung the special little snowflake. I know he's not usually like this but come on, I would kill for this Jinyoung hahaha~ Lemme know what you think! Please subscribe and leave comments, they make my day :)

@LovesYoseobYou found it on tumblr?! You're amazing, this is by far my favorite comment ever. I shall frame it on my digital wall and stare at it forever ^.^ Thank you so so much for reading and for the lovely compliment! I hope you continue reading~ 

@pwincesso8: You've been here from the very beginning! Respect <3 hahahaha I gave you Shinwoo moments! Yaaay! Thank you for reading lovely~

@jennifer1801: Will do my love! Thank you for reading and commenting :)

@vip_love: Anything for you! Thank you for reading love! The next update shall be soon because I love CNU ok hahaha~

Thank you to all those who read! Even if you didn't subscribe or comment, I dun' currr! I hope you want to subscribe and comment~ I hope you have a wonderful day!

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jennifer1801 #1
Authornim please update this,...juseyo..
jennifer1801 #2
Chapter 4: Atlast an update!!!!
jennifer1801 #3
Chapter 4: Awww i want a date like cnu and her..kekekeeee
jennifer1801 #4
Chapter 3: Pls update ths authornim please...
Chapter 3: Omg, took me forever to finish reading the latest chapter. Not because it was boring or anything though, I was just busy. I'm really looking forward to their relationship progressing. And LOL at Jinyoung's character. Not much more for me to say, I guess... so bye~
Chapter 3: Woooot~ Yay!!
Thank God Jinyoung is obsessed with taking care of his skin or this moment would never happen! TAHAHAHAHA.
I can't wait for more Shinwoo moments! XDDD

Thanks for updating~ ;)
jennifer1801 #7
Chapter 3: Your a cnu bias too?! Me too!
jennifer1801 #8
Chapter 3: Wahh tnx for the gif and mentioning me was kissing the screen to when cnu was kissing the screen hahhahhaahhaa,,,,and i really like the line of cnu "nine years later and you're still able to make me fall for you"wow the sweetest words ive ever heard...pls update more..i want cnu doctor to fix my heart too!
Chapter 2: So cute! Please update soon. It's so good
jennifer1801 #10
Pls update more please!