A Hipsters Problem.

A Hipsters Problem.


Minseok stared at the prickly hairs poking through Jongdae's jawline as he sipped his cup of tea peacefully. He grimaced, as he watched the china of the cup rustle its way through the stubble, just like grass rustled in the wind. It was gross.

He couldn't remember exactly when Jongdae stopped shaving, but he guessed by the big bush of brown hair that it must have been quite some time ago. It was probably around May, he thought, because Jongdae wasn't one to grow hair quickly and his beard was a pretty impressive length. Jongdae took another sip from his mug, and Minseok grimaced again at the contact between hair and cup. How can you enjoy a cup of tea while rubbing it against your face? Minseok had no idea, his cheeks were as shiny and as soft as a baby's bottom, and he planned to keep it that way until his hands stopped working.

Glancing back at Jongdae, Minseok's eyes scanned the man in front of him. Jongdae was neat. He ironed his outfit for that current day every morning; his socks were always in pairs. If one was lonesome away it went, into the bin and another pair was to be bought. He had exactly 14 pairs, all patterned and all costing at least double what they should. His hair was gelled to his forehead, his flicking fringe laid swiftly east, and Jongdae petted it as much as one man shouldn't. All his shirts had collars, and he had an equal amount of patterned jumpers to match them. His flimsy, thin t-shirts were his guilty pleasure, and Minseok didn't mind one bit when he wore those, because he could see right through to that oh so heavenly body of his. Another thing of Jongdae's image Minseok didn't mind was his skinny jeans, which sometimes were female jeans because in Jongdae's word, they're skinnier and they stay on my hips. But they were tight, alright, and Minseok never missed a chance to take a quick peep at Jongdae's package.

Imprinted on his mugs in big bold letters, was a mixture of constellations and currency laid out in white. Starbucks. Jongdae loved Starbucks. A bit more than a man should, Minseok thought. He took trips down to Starbucks every Wednesday and Friday at 5:15pm and came back with the mug every time. There's nothing like a little piece of heaven, he'd say.

Placing one of the many mugs down on the coffee table, he stood up and summoned Minseok over to him.

"Minnie," he cooed, wrapping his arms around Minseoks waist when he was at a comfortable distance. "Can we go to Nando's tonight?" No... Minseok huffed, his distaste of that restaurant was clear to Jongdae, but somehow, Minseok's least favourite restaurant seemed to be Jongdae's favourite. Typical.

"Why can't we go to Frankie's & Bennie's instead, sweetheart, you know I like their margarita..." Minseok buried his head into the crook of Jongdae's neck, he wasn't in the mood to drive Jongdae to a restaurant where Jongdae was going to stuff his face with countless portions of Peri Peri Chicken, and him have to make his stomach full with the side portions of bread sticks and various dipping’s. And not to mention, the restaurant smelt like the inside of a butchers and you got hit in the face with a wave of heat when you stepped through the door from the sweating customers who were eating the extra hot meals. It wasn't really somewhere he wanted to go tonight.

"No! I'm in the mood for some chicken Minnie, and you know that Nando's does my favourite!"

"Why don't you have the chicken pasta at Frankie's & Bennie's?"

"Their chicken is bland, and not to mention the pasta sauce makes my stomach grumble in the wrong ways..."

"Fine!" Minseok gave in. "But you have to do something for me."

"Anything!" Ah, he chuckled, I love taunting this boy with his chicken.

Jongdae tightened his grip on Minseok, and lent down and placed a sweet, long kiss on Minseok's lips. Well, it would've been sweet if Minseok wasn't grimacing the whole time from the contact of Jongdae's beard oh his upper lip and nose. Yep, I’m definitely going to make sure that's the last stubble kiss.

"Shave your beard for me."

Jongdae choked on his spit.

"Shave your beard for me." Minseok repeated, a small, smug grin forming on his lips. Jongdae wasn't expecting that.

"No baby, no! Anything but that! My beard completes me and you know that, it makes me look good!"

"It's either the beard or me, Jongdae. Stubble kisses are not what I have planned for the future."

Jongdae gulped. His beard was his image; he tended to it more than Minseok some mornings. He'd spent hundreds on the best t equipment, but it was the grossest thing in the entire world. It was like a spiky black cloud of fog covering up Jongdae's beautiful smile, and Minseok just wanted his partner fresh faced again.

After a long silence, Jongdae sighed.

"Fine. But I hope you know that I’m going to order the extra hot chicken tonight and breathe on you until you pass out. You aren't getting away with this that easily!"

Good thing Minseok has a nose plug.

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Chapter 1: Aww!!! hipster Dae sounds so dorky :) I love him
Chapter 1: I kinda started spazzing about it right now XD I love it!!! XD
eudaimonia #3
Chapter 1: jongdae with beard. omg. I can't imagine it xDDDDDDD
lolol jongdae omggg you want to make minseok pass out but that won't happen xDD
Chapter 1: First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING THIS FOR ME I'M ABOUT TO SPAZZ ABOUT IT ON TWITTER. Second, oh my god, this was exactly what I wanted! I was giggling the entire time, I swear. Just the mental image of Jongdae slicking his hair back and grooming his beard so thoroughly had me in stitches. kaljhf Thank you so much, really. I love your writing and can't wait to read more from you. <3