Perfect Days Chapter Six: "The Wedding"

Perfect Days


Hello my dear and loyal subscribers~
I feel terrible! I know it has been almost two weeks since my last update and I'm so sorry! My computer's hard drive died and it's not ready yet.
I stole my bestfriend's laptop for a while just to update for you guys~ LOL!
Here's almost 3:00AM so please forgive me if there's some kind of grammar mistake or something..I haven't slept since 20 hours ago..yeah..
I hope you enjoy this chapter and thank you so much for your support! I love you all!
I want to give the official welcome to my friend, the awesome writer sugarlessgirl, the one who has me suffering so much with 2Min~ LOL! Welcome to EXOtic's, my are officially addicted to EXO! LOL!♥
Thank you to my new subscribers~
Don't forget to leave a comment...
Lots of love!♥




It's finally the day. The most perfect day between all of Kyungsoo's perfect days. Bells,  rings, smiles and tears of joy, friends and family, sweet words full of love, promises. These two people in love finally are uniting their lives in marriage.. 
Distance wasn't an obstacle, not even the time. After all, when you really love the right person, there is no time or distance, nothing in the world will be able to break that feeling.
"Kyungsoo~ this is really happening!" Baekhyun hugged his best friend. "Woah~ you look amazing!"
"Thank you Baekkie~" Kyungsoo was almost crying of happiness.
"OMG! No! Don't you even think about crying right now! If you cry I'll cry and I'll ruin my perfect eyeliner! You better keep that smile" Baekhyun was almost crying too, but he decided to hold back his tears, for the good of his make up.
"This is it. It's time~" Kyungsoo took a deep breath and linked his arms with his parents'. 
He started to walk in direction of the source of his happiness, named Joonmyeon. A soft and sweet song was playing, the place was decorated exactly as Kyungsoo wanted, golden chairs with a simply tie tied on the back and soft white cushions to make them comfy, white flowers all over the place, the tables were also covered with whites tablecloths, a red carpet signaling the way to his fiancé. The sun was shining brighter than ever before. The place was definitely Kyungsoo's best selection: a beatiful garden on the outskirts of Seoul. When he was standing on the start of the red carpet, all what he could see was Joonmyeon standing there, with his angelic smile, waiting for him with a gaze full of pure, genuine love.
When Kyungsoo was close enough, Joonmyeon stood in front of him and bowed to Kyungsoo's parents, thanking them for giving him the most precious treasure they had. He offered his arm for Kyungsoo to take it and he gladly did it. Kyungsoo smiled and as if it was magic he could feel all his fears going away. He realized how much both of them have been waiting for this. After his and Joonmyeon's moms walked in front and bowed to all the guests, they started to walk. Meanwhile so many precious moments started to come to their minds. Moments shared with the love of each others' life.
All of their friends and their families were there, witnessing this act of compromise and loyalty. This promise of a very happy ever after. This bright beginning of a new life together, as strong as the promise before Joonmyeon had to leave. As warm and bright as the sun itself.
They reached the front and bowed to each other. Cho Kyuhyun, their close friend, was in charge of the ceremony.
"We are here, this beautiful day, to witness this living proof of sincere love. We are here for our friends, our family, this two young persons deeply in love, willing to share their lifes with each other. We are here to celebrate and wish them all the happiness they deserve"
Soon, was time for them to say their votes. Joonmyeon started.
"Do Kyungsoo, here, in front of our parents, our families and our friends, from the bottom of my heart I thank you for making me the luckiest person in this world. Kyungsoo, my love, the reason why I smile, do you accept me to love you, protect you and support you, in health and disease, any time, anywhere as long as our existance allows us?" Joonmyeon accompanied his words with a warm smile. Kyungsoo's eyes were full of tears of joy. He smiled and nodded.
"Yes, I do. Of course I do!" And now, was his turn.
"Kim Joonmyeon, you are the most wonderful person in this world. Just like an angel, a guardian, always protecting me. Making me feel better when I'm down, always supporting me. The source of my happiness, my true love; do you accept me to love you, respect you and support you,  in health and disease, any time, anywhere as long as our existance allows us?" Joonmyeon smiled and wiped away Kyungsoo's tears.
"Of course I do, honey" They smiled.
"Now, it's time for the rings"
They put on each other's rings and now their vows were complete.
"Thanks to the authority granted me, standing before you are Kim Kyungsoo and Kim Joonmyeon as a marriage. Now, you can kiss"
Joonmyeon took Kyungsoo's face between his hands, Kyungsoo positioned himself closer to his now husband. They shared a sweet kiss, their first kiss as a married couple. They broke the kiss and pressed their foreheads together while the guests were clapping to the newborn marriage. Joonmyeon kissed Kyungsoo's forehead before give him one last peck on his lips. They turned to face their guests and bowed to them. They were thankful with each other's parents for accept them as part of their families.
They linked arms and made their way together, smiling and waving. While they were walking, red rose petals began to fall as if it was a soft rain; Kyungsoo really thought in everything.
After the ceremony, it was time to pictures. They shared their happiness with all people present and after a very enjoyable and memorable night, soon was time for them to leave to pick their luggages and change to a more comfortable outfit to take their plane to their mysterious honeymoon, mysterious only for Kyungsoo because Joonmyeon chose the place but he didn't tell him, he wants it to be a surprise.
They were in the car, heading to the airport. Kyungsoo's head resting on Joonmyeon's chest.
"Babe, if you are tired you can sleep now and I will wake you up when we get to the airport" Joonmyeon told to his 'wifey'. Kyungsoo fell asleep under Joonmyeon's caressing.
Soon, they were arriving to the airport, Kyungsoo still asleep and Joonmyeon doesn't has such a hard heart to wake up his lover seeing him sleeping so paceful like that. He decide to carry him bridal style.
"So...we meet again..." Chen approached to Xiumin with a flirty smile " look beautiful and there's no sign of dark bags under your eyes. I'm happy to see you again Minnie"
"And you look handsome Chen..nice to see you, too" Xiumin answered back smiling. The feelings between them were obvious, but they were not going to force it.
Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kai, Lay, Sehun, Luhan, Kris and Tao were seated together.
"Baby panda if you are tired we can go home now and take a relaxing bath together..*kiss*...what...*kiss* *kiss*...think?" Kris was almost wispering in Tao's ear. Tao smiled, nodded and kissed Kris.
"Then..let's go home"
They said goodbye and headed to their home.
Kyungsoo woke up and the first thing he saw was Joonmyeon reading a book.
He stayed there, watching his husband so concentrated, with that little frown which makes him look 'irresistibly cute' as Kyungsoo always think. Joonmyeon turned his gaze and smiled when he saw a wide awake Kyungsoo.
"Babe, I thought you were asleep" Joonmyeon kissed Kyungsoo's hand.
"I was. You said you would wake me when we got to the airport."
"I couldn't. You looked so peaceful, sleeping like a baby" Kyungsoo blushed listening to Joonmyeon's words.
"Thank you~ Did I sleep a lot?"
"Not too much. We will arrive in almost 30 minutes"
"So..would you tell me where are we going?"
"Not yet babe, wait a little bit and you'll find out. All I can say is that it's a very special and intimate place, I hope you like it"
"Sounds great to me~" they shared a few kisses.
Sounds great because for Kyungsoo, it doesn’t matter where or when, being with his forever only-one is the perfect place at the perfect time. 


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[Perfect Days] There you have it guys~ chapter two is now posted! Don't forget to comment♥!


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WeAre1InAMillion #1
Chapter 3: It was so sweet... To be a CEO's fiance
WeAre1InAMillion #2
Chapter 1: Ohh shocks
Chapter 12: okay i just finished reading all of the chapters i missed ;AAA;
anyways, i love how you included myungjong :3 sungjong's friendship with baek. eep all of my otps. though some pairings' part felt incomplete, that's ok. i'd love some sequels though. i was smiling the whole time :3
kyungsoo's mood swings were cute ;v;
Chapter 12: seeing the sub title 'love rain', i'm kinda.... MWOYA IGE??
guess some-bad-thing will happen, kk~~
then i start reading the chap, keep bitting my pinkie's nail (its my habit if i'm getting nervous,kk~~)
and i mumble myself "if Gabz made this Kyungie die, i'll, i WILL ... ummm... just KILL ME then..." TT_TT *crying nuts
but youre so lovely, thankz for made them a happy family
*crying happy (;_;)
(not important how Kyungie get up for his uncouncious,kk~~^^)
today, you made my day, hehe...
Chapter 11: still weird for me reading that Kyungie got pregnant, kkk~~
but he is so cute, pregnant mom always behaving like that >,<
Chapter 7: awwwwww getting moooore axcited with the next chap >,<
i'm just as blank as new word doc whenever u mention some place
like this new macedonia, oh my poor brain T_T
i'm geographic-blind-person, so i start googling
and WOW just WOW... (i can't express my feels here, hehe ~~^^)
Chapter 6: carrying Kyung bridal style at the crowded airport??? ;A;
i keep smiling ear to ear reading this chap
now my mouth is hurt ;A;
Chapter 5: Hottie n y?!?!? argrgrgrgrgh *died
y panda n y dragon?!?!!? *died again >,<
Chen shoot strike at the 1st meet, WOW >,<

'the story reflected the author'
so i wonder if youre a typical cheesy romantic person Gabz,kk~~
Chapter 4: yaaayy to me the next chap is the exciting chap, hehe...
and Chen is Junmyun bro? kk~~^^
Chapter 3: cheese averywhere, KyungMyeon sre the cheesiest cheesy
aaahh what am i talkin about?? ._.