Let it snow...

Let it Snow!

AN: Well, here it is. I'm actually not too satisfied with it, but I hope it's allright xD Merry Christmas everyone (in advance at least xD)


Many times had I managed to confuse people by how I hated winter, but loved snow. They wouldn't understand it at first, since snow was... part of winter. To some people it wasn't even the start of the coldest season until the first snowfall.

Some people, when I told them looked at me with a puzzled expression on their face. 'How can you like snow if you hate winter?" They would ask me.

I would sigh, and tell them that to me, the two weren't the same. "Winter is cold. So cold that my fingers always freeze, even if I’m wearing my favourite pair of gloves. And the ground is icy, so I always slip and fall on my ..."I would say, shivering at the thought of the cold, icy wind caressing my frozen skin.

"But... Snow is cold too." Someone told me this after I had told them about my reason for hating winter. I would nod and smile politely.

"Snow is... different..." I would say, and once again, they would look at me strangely. I think by that time, most people would think that I was insane. Sometimes, I wanted to tell them my reason for loving snow, sometimes I just wanted to turn my back on them and walk off. But most of the times, I would end up sharing at least some part of my story with them.

It was a cold, winter afternoon. I was sitting in an armchair in front of the fireplace, wrapped into a thick blanket as I was drinking a huge mug of hot chocolate. If there was anything I liked in winter, it was that I had a reason to drink the sugary drink.

Suddenly, my phone rang. It was on the small table, that was only a few feet away from me, but the distance seemed so big from my point of view. Every time I would move a bit and some of my skin would be exposed to the cool air of the room, I would shiver. It was really, really cold outside, and even though not only the fireplace, but the central heater was on too, it was really cold inside as well.

Frowning, I leant ahead to try and reach for my phone, accidentally dropping my mug on the carpeted floor. It didn't break, but all of my hot drink had spilt out, making me even more upset.

I pouted like a child as I stood up and picked up my still ringing phone, shivering slightly when the cold air hit my whole body, even though I was wearing a very warm hoodie and my warmest trousers.

"Hello?" I answered the call without even checking the caller's ID, and almost screamed when I heard my boyfriend's voice.

"Hi love..."he said. "Umm, are you doing anything right now?" he asked me hesitantly.

"Well... No, cause it's cold and all I want is a new mug of hot chocolate..."I mumbled, looking at the stain that was left of my drink. "And I need to clean my carpet."I added grumpily.

"Can it wait?" Tao asked me, his voice sounding quite hopeful. "I want to take you out.’ he explained.

"Now?"I asked him. He of all people knew how much I detested winter, so I was a bit surprised that he wanted to take me out. I mean, he should have known that whatever he had planned, I would refuse it.

’’Yeah, it’s snowing and I thought that maybe we could take a walk or something…”he explained.

’Seriously?’ I asked, raising my voice. I couldn’t believe that he thought that I would go outside.

’Yes, it’s so beautiful outside. Come on Seul Mi-ah!’ he said. I sighed. Even just thinking of going out into the snow made me shiver. ’Please…’he added.

’Fine, but you better make this date perfect…’I said, smiling when I heard him let out a victorious ’yes!’.

An hour later, I was sitting in the living room again. I was wearing my thick winter coat, my favorite gloves and my cute, pink hat over my normal attire. Tao had called me that he was almost here, and I had been waiting for him there for over five minutes by then, so I was getting a bit hot, but I refused to go outside without him.

There was a knock on the door and I opened it, smiling when my boyfriend pulled me into a tight hug without even saying anything. I didn’t even have to look at his face to know that he was as handsome as always.

A few minutes later, we were leaving my cosy house. I didn’t want to, but I had promised Tao. ’Are you sure that today is the best day to do this?’I asked him, wincing when a snowflake fell right on my nose.

’Yes, I want to enjoy the snow with you, Seul Mi-ah.’ he said, and I couldn’t help but squeal inwardly. He took my hand and slowly pulled me outside.

We were walking silently hand in hand, admiring the view. As much as I hated winter, I had to admit that the snow was beautiful. Tao suddenly stopped and looked at me. I looked back at him, not really knowing why we had stopped. We hadn’t even walked that much, I could almost see my house from where we were.

’Seul Mi, I have to tell you something…’my boyfriend said suddenly, his eyes very serious. Too serious… I gulped, hoping that he didn’t want to break up with me. As I recalled the events of the past few weeks, we hadn’t really talked or met as much as we used to. And it made me really upset, because I really loved Tao. We had known each other for ever, but we only became a couple a few months ago. And we hadn’t even confessed properly…

’What is it, oppa?’I asked him worriedly when he didn’t say anything for a few more minutes.

’Seul Mi… I,’he started, squeezing my hand a bit tighter. ’I really love you…’he said finally, leaning in to kiss me without leaving me any time to speak. My eyes widened and a tear fall out of my eye as I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck tightly.

’I love you too, oppa…’I whispered when he pulled away. He chuckled and suddenly pulled my hat into my eyes. ’HEY!’ I yelped, pushing it back up. ’That wasn’t nice…’I pouted at him. He laughed and grabbed my hand.

’I’m sorry for not calling you too much this week. I was a bit busy and everything…’he said as we once again started walking around slowly, but this time it seemed like I was much closer to him.

’It’s okay, it’s not like I would have gone outside too much. I was even colder than today…’I mumbled, making him chuckle and pull me even closer.

Some time later, I started to get really cold, even though the beauty of the snow had been distracting me for most of our walk. I whined when the wind picked up and some snow was blown into my face. ‘Do you think we should go back now?’ Tao asked me as he stopped and took off his scarf, only to wrap it around my neck and even my nose.

‘Yeah...’I mumbled.’ But I wanna be with you too...’I added, pouting at the thought of him leaving me.

‘I can stay with you for a few hours...’he said, chuckling when I grinned and started pulling him towards my house. About twenty minutes later, I was once again sitting in front of the fireplace, but this time, Tao was sitting with me, holding me close. This time somehow, I didn’t need a blanket to keep me warm.

‘You know... Snow isn’t even as bad as I thought it is...’I mumbled. He chuckled, kissing my forehead before ruffling my hair gently.

‘I’m glad you think so.’ he said.

‘But I still hate winter!’ I muttered. ‘It’s so cold...’I complained, which only made him laugh again. ‘Why are you laughing?’I asked him with my cutest puppy-pout.

‘You are so weird , Seul Mi-ah...’he said. I huffed and turned away from him, ‘hurt’ that he thought that I was weird. ‘But I love you...’he added before leaning in to kiss me again.

And as I sat in front of the fireplace in my boyfriend’s arms, all I could think was ‘Let it snow...’

Since that day, I had a reason to love snow... And every time the first flake would fall, I would think of Tao, who was now my husband, confessing to me.



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SohAnna #1
Chapter 1: I understand why she hates winter yet loves snow... Its cuz i kinda have the same feeling as her...
Chapter 1: Hahahahaha... this is really good one shot!!! Very cute and sweet!!
Chapter 1: bwhahha that's cute~
i like it.
snow and winter is different.
but still they are both cold. XD
but hehe... now i know why she likes snow~
Chapter 1: ohmygoodness that was so.. *crying* so.. i.. i can't put it into words...
Chapter 1: That was pretty adorable. Just sayin'.