Chapter 3: Taeyeon and Jessica's life



Taeyeon's Pov
It's been 5 years since I left Korea. 5 years since im in England and 5 years since....since the girls and I seperated to our own way. Its been that long huh.. I remmembered it just like it was yesterday. Their faces when they cried I can still see it clearly and it hurts.. Seohyun or Seobaby as we like to call our precious little maknae, that day she was quite all I could hear from her was just her sobs. The two shikskins Sooyoung and Yoona, they appeared the strongest and the noisiest but they do cry easily and that day they were crying so hard. Hyoyeon and Yuri the prankster, they dont usually cry but that day I could see thay were trying too hold their tears but they failed too. Sunny and Tiffany they were the third and fourth oldest in the group and they always smiled but that day their eyes were in tears and they tried to smile but it end up to be a sad one. Jessica, the second oldest. People call her the 'Ice Princess' but she not cold she's just shy. That day, her face that were looking on me were desperate like she wanted me to do something to stop the other girls from crying she knew she cant help them when she herself is crying and I remmembered what she said to me "its for the best, isnt it Taeyeon?"
I brought myself out of the bad memories because I knew that I was already crying. Its a good thing that Im in my room because I dont want people to ask me why am I crying. I looked at the watch and I quickly brushed off the tears from my eyes and started to get dressed and put some make up on "Its already 7?! Damn it" I cursed. Then I ran all the way to the club. "Taeyeon! Good to see you!" My boss said to me. "Yeah good to see you too" I said. I work at this club called 'The Soul Of The Music' as a singer. I know my parents are rich but I wanted to stay low. I changed into my work clothes and waited untill my boss called me out. "Now ladies and gentelment, Im proud to present the 18 year old girl who would blow you up. TAEYEON!" and I went out and went up to stand on the stage. The crowd clapped then silenced when I got to the middle of the stage. And I started singing 'Hush Hush' and I saw the crowds faces they were shocked and I smiled. After I finished the song I bowed and the crowd went crazy they clapped and whistle for me. 
I got of work around 11 pm and Ive just realized that the day the girls and I were seperated it was the day our anniversarry together. And it was just two weeks from now. Graduation is in about two days so I still got time to pack my things and fly to Korea. I wanted to spend the anniversarry of the day we met and the day we seperated even if I was alone, I dont care I just wanted to be back to Korea and go to college there. I'll convince mom and dad to let me go no problem at all and I'll find a college there and.. and maybe just maybe I could meet them or one of them again. 
I was on my way to me house since I wanted to stay low, I walked back home cause its really near. Then suddently I heard somebody called out my name "Taeyeon!" I looked back and saw Yuri's older brother, Kwon Ji Young or his nick name 'G-Dragon'. Jiyoung live in England for 6 years now. He's 3 years older then us and he works as a rapper and singer and the leader of the famous boy group 'Big Bang'. He's like  abrother to the 8 of us. "Oh, Jiyoung oppa." I called back to him. He went near me, "Sup, Tae. I was walking by and realized I was near your house. And judging from your face, I think you want to share something big. Right?" he said. I softly laugh, I knew he'll pop up, he always knew that when there was something bothering one of us, he'll be there. "Yeah, I do have something. Why dont we go inside my house and talk about" I said. So we went to my house.
"That's a great idea! Going back to Seoul. I know You'll missed it someday. I wish you luck with all my heart and I hope you meet my sister and the rest of the girls there. Im too busy to call her and she never picked up!" Jiyoung said. "Hahaha, yeah Yuri is always like that." I said back. "Kay then. Well, Ill be going back or else Seungri will sneak to a club again" he said while standing up. "Ok then. See you when I see you." I said while I walk him to the door. I went back to my room, changed my clothes and went to bed dreaming of Seoul.
Jessica's Part
Jessica was in the mall with her sister Krystal. They were laughing and having fun. Then they went to a karoake shop. Jessica felt like she was at home again whenever she in the karaoke room because that's where she and her 8 other sisters always spend time together. Being in San fransisco is fun but its just not right. 
Jessica's Pov
"Im back my sweet sweet room!" I screamed when they finally went in the room. "Oh, quite down! I know you're happy. Why wont you show this side of you to people in school instead of being quite all the time?" Krystal ask. Yeah, Im quite in school they even called me 'Ice Princess' because I always change the mood. If only Taeyeon was here. I'll never get tired of that dork. Or maybe Hyoyeon or Yuri they'll prank us all and eventually prank themselves too. Tiffany and Sunny are always chatting so loud and laughing like there no tomorrow. Sooyoung and Yoona will fight over food while Seohyun will ask them to behave. A tear dropped down to my cheecks I miss you guys. 
"Hey sis, you ok?" my sister ask. I snapped out of it and smiled. "Yeah Im fine." I said. Krystal doesnt know what's going on with me and the girls, who would blame her? She was only like 5 that time. Then I feel somethings not right, I asked my sister what dte is it today and I just remmembered it's 2 week till our annyversarry.I want to do something special on that day maybe go to Seoul and live there and try to track the girls again. Then it hit me I can go to Seoul. Im old enough anyway. Maybe ill meet the girls there. Thats it IAM GOING TO KOREA!! 
"Krystal! Im going back to Korea, to live in Seoul again!" I said. "WHAT?! You're leaving? Are you nuts? Your garaduation is like two days and you're moving to Korea?" She yelled. "Look, I can go after that ok? Its my annyversarry with those girls. I didnt do anything these five years on our annyversarry and I dont want it to be the same this year too." I said while crying. "Huh fine. What are you going to do with college then?" "I'll find a college there" I said. In the end she'd agreed to it. Oh this is going to be fun. Then after that me and Krystal sing our voices out. 
When we got back it was already 6pm and I got to go to my job in a Club. I know what you guys are thinking but it's not that kind of club where they crazily dance and get drunk, Its a smooth Jazz Club where people like me thake a break and enjoy the night. Im working there as a singer and I just love my job. I work untill 9 o'clock. I told my boss about my plan on going to Seoul. Then I called my manager, since im also working part-time as a model. 
"Hello? Johnny? Look, im planning to go back to my real country in 2 weeks so i Want you to cancel everything. Beside, this is not going well anyway." I said on the phone. "What? Really Jess? Huh, ok then just becareful over there kay?" He said. I smiled bymyself. "Ok, I got it" I said and ended the call. That night i discussed it with my parents and they said it's my choice and Im old enough. So Korea Get Ready Jessica Jung Is Coming!
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