Chapter 12 Fate Brought Me To You

The Rightful Heir


In Tokyo, she and Luhan got along well.  He could sometimes be arrogant because he knows he is rich, smart, and very good-looking.  But to Evey, Luhan was kind, patient, and good-natured.  He would massage her feet after a long day at the shop despite his tired eyes from running the high class S Mall in Tokyo as well as finishing up his graduate studies.  The two would have picnics and go to parks together when Luhan had some free time.  She'd visit his work and bring lunch over.  His mall employees would bow to her respectfully and cared for her whenever Luhan was busy in a meeting and couldn't come to see her right away.  Luhan would take her shopping, and even though she could afford most of the things she wanted, he insisted to pay.  

Present Day; Seoul, South Korea

Thoughts of Jongin slowly dissipated.  Luhan filled her mind and thoughts and heart, but that was when she was far away from him and all the reminders of him, she is in Seoul now.  She opened her pocket watch, for the first time since Luhan and her had their first date and he confessed all his feelings for her. In her pocket watch she placed a photo of Jongin, handsome as ever, this was something she kept secret from Luhan and it was her way to cope, a reminder that she could never have him.  She would feel guilty looking at it, but the pull to do so was always there.  

"Honey, ready for dinner?  My parents are waiting downstairs."  Taking one last look at Jongin, she felt a tiny guilty ping, Luhan is so kind and thoughtful yet the moment she stepped in Seoul she could not shake away these feelings for Jongin.  This isn’t fair to him, she reminds herself.  

When she approached the door, Luhan stopped her, kissed her on the forehead and said he wanted to say something before they leave the penthouse.  Curious to what he was going to say, Evey smiled and looked at the beautiful man.  "I know that I am not Jongin," Evey froze, what is this?  "But now that we are in Seoul, it makes me nervous, because he's here and I don't want to lose you to him.  I love you Evey, and I wanted to tell you in a more romantic way, and not in this pathetic, pleading way.  I'm scared, I'm scared that you'll leave me."  

Luhan was always so blunt, but never to be hurtful, he wasn’t scared to tell her exactly how he felt. 

"I know you carry that pocket watch, and I know you catch glimpses of it to look at your mother, Lady K, and Jongin.  And I want you to know that I will wait, I will wait for you to get over him, and I will keep giving you my heart and hope that you take it and hold on to it forever.  And if he fights for you, know that I will fight back.  I've never met anyone like you, and fate brought me to Tokyo, brought me to you, please remember that."  Evey felt her heart beating faster and faster, her breath was short, and her eyes began to tear up.  The confession, no, the proclamation of Luhan's love for her was moving.  Evey responded with a kiss, a long kiss, an acceptance of his will to claim her as his own regardless of who got in the way.  This was the one man who looked at her, really looked at her for who she is.  He looked past rank and status and into her heart, her soul.  Could this be love?  Could she really let go of Jongin?  Perhaps living in the moment, this moment with Luhan, would be enough to break her free from the unrequited love for his cousin.  Luhan wrapped his arms around her tightly.  He did not want the kiss to end.  He poured his heart and soul to this girl and she responded with a kiss.  He vowed to never let her go...

. . . . . . .

They headed for the private party room where Luhan’s parents set up a dinner for his arrival.  Evey was nervous since Luhan has not yet told his parents about her.  Evey was expecting it would be Luhan and his parents and her for dinner, but when they opened the door it was most of Luhan’s close friends and family members.  Alarmed at the crowd she saw, Evey hesitated entering the room, Luhan wrapped his arms around her waist and guided her in.  The claps subsided, the crowd grew silent and Luhan’s mom and twenty other guests were staring at Evey with shock.  One pair of eyes belonged to Jongin himself.  


Luhan broke the silence, "Thank you so much!  I'm glad to be home!" Luhan moved his hands from Evey’s waist to her hands and led her to their seats after a few stops for hugs from his family and friends.  Everyone they passed smiled at Luhan and had a confused look towards Evey.  Luhan ignored it, continued greeting and kept her close to him.  She smiled and bowed despite the weird looks.  Then it was Jongin’s turn.  The look of disbelief was all over his face then turned into sheer arrogance when Luhan wrapped his arms around Evey’s waist and whispered in her ear, "It will be all over soon.  I am sorry for this."

Luhan hugged Jongin and they exchanged a few words.  Jongin’s fiancée asked Evey what she did while in Tokyo and tried to make small talk out of kindness.  Luhan was with his crew, reunited and laughing.  She heard Luhan explain how they met in Shibuya, how he grew to admire Evey and fell for her kind heart.  Jongin had a poker face throughout the conversation.  He didn’t seem to care for their relationship at all and was simply happy his cousin, his best friend was back in Seoul.  Uee asked how she seduced Luhan.  Shocked, Evey replied that she never seduced him.  Uee couldn’t accept that, “there is no way that a girl of your status could capture a guy like Luhan, what’s your secret?"  It was a low blow, but Evey kept her composure and answered, "Always thinking about rank and privilege, you and Jongin are perfect for each other.  Congratulations on your engagement."  “You are invited to our engagement party this weekend.  It will be a fun time.”  Uee bragged.  “Thank you, I’m looking forward to it already,” Evey forced back. 


Evey moved to her seat and greeted Luhan’s parents.  Both were not happy of their son's choice, and it definitely showed in their faces.  Wait till they find out she’s the heir of K Conglomerate...  

While Luhan continued to catch up with his friends, Luhan’s mom asked to speak to Evey privately.  The two walked into the patio and Luhan’s mom went straight to the point.  "You are not right for my son.  We already found a wife for him, I will ask you nicely right now to leave his side by tomorrow morning or else the building for Kiyo's noodle shop will be demolished."  Evey wanted to bow, agree to leave him, and walk away.  But this is the people that she will soon be working with once she takes her place as Co-President of the company, the company in which Luhan’s mom works for. 


She began replaying the images of Jongin and his fiancée, his status as the current VP of K Con, his ability to get whatever he wants whenever he wants.  Why couldn’t Evey be happy with the same thing that he has?  Why couldn’t she allow herself to completely fall for Luhan and break herself away from the one-sided love she has for the arrogant Mr. Kim?  Well, she could, she will, and she became more determined to hold on to Luhan because something hit her smack on the back of her head:  All this time in Japan, the one man who looked past her status and loved her unconditionally was not Jongin, but Luhan.  She noticed Luhan walking towards them, his mom was waiting for a reply from Evey, Evey looked at Luhan, and smiled.  She felt the weight of the world was off her shoulders, with this man by her side, she could make it in the pool of sharks of high rank and status. 

“I’m sorry, but I can’t leave your son.  I need him, I need him here, to calm me.”  Evey placed her palm on her heart.  “And I can’t reach my goal without him.”

“What are you talking about?!  Are you planning to USE my son and his status?!”

“I don’t need his money, I’m not after that.  All I want is his kindness and love, and I will be giving him the same.  I hope that is alright with you.”  Evey bowed a near 90 degrees.  Luhan came up to them with a smile bright as the sun. 

“Why are you two out here?” 

“I was just telling your mom, how much I love you.”

Luhan’s mom was speechless.  She’s seen her son fall in and out of relationships, but thismone was different, she watched the two exchange smiles and endearing looks.  Luhan never looked at his significant others like that before.  His eyes glowed brightly.  She was fixing his collar and bow tie, he kissed her on the forehead before giving her a big hug.  This girl is not right for her son, she would not be defeated by the temporary blindness of love her son has for this noodle shop worker.  She began calculating her next plan.  She slightly bowed her head at the couple and walked inside not at all defeated.

“What were you two talking about?”

“Just, getting to know each other a little bit.”  Evey lied.  Luhan kissed her on the lips softly, and took her hand.  The two walked inside as dinner was about to be served.


Jongin watched Evey, after another whole year, the girl who awakened his heart, was right in front of him, yet they felt like worlds apart.  Evey never made eye contact with him.  She would smile at Luhan and giggle whenever he'd whisper something in her ear.  "Probably some cheesy pick up line," Jongin jealously thought.  “She didn’t even say hi to me after all this time apart.  She didn't even think to greet her former childhood friend?  Former, that's the keyword isn't it?"  She doesn’t belong with the rich and heartless.  Jongin laughed silently at the thought of the name she called him, ‘the living heart donor.’  She has no idea that his cold heart woke the moment she kicked the bag of fruits at the bus stop and chased after that bus.


"Jongin, darling, let's go back upstairs, I'm getting tired."

"You go ahead, I want to stay here for a while longer."  Uee and Jongin live in the penthouse across from Luhan.  He would see Evey everyday.  He was getting anxious.  He wanted to speak to her, find out how and why she is with Luhan, why she left Seoul and forgot about him.  Funny thing is, he never made Evey know that he had these thoughts of her.  She wouldn’t understand why he was behaving like this.  Jongin’s confidence went up and down all night.  Thoughts of how he would rekindle things with Evey were swarming through his head, he was calculating and planning, then realizing that his attempts would be odd in the eyes of the girl who thought that he had no care for her.  He sighed many times and Uee was noticing it all.


Uee watched as her fiancé would catch glimpses of the girl sitting across from him.  He would pretend to look at his phone and then look up again to watch her eat.  "He must feel very thankful for Evey, that's why he's staring, he's waiting for an opportunity to thank her for passing her inherited shares to him, yes, that's why he's staring."  When Evey got up from her seat, Jongin stood up at the same time.  She headed out of the room and Jongin followed her like a magnet.  He told Uee he was going to use the restroom.  "He's just thanking her, that's it."  Uee was trying to calm her jealousy down.  It's not easy engaged to this billionaire.  She continued to eat her meal.


Jongin followed Evey to the elevator, he allowed the doors to close and assumed she was heading to Luhan’s penthouse.  He waited for the next elevator and headed up, he didn't know why he was following her, he didn't even know what he would say to her after all this time, he just needed to be with her, the pull was stronger, much stronger than the the last time he was with her.  His heart was beating fast, anticipating the moment they'd be alone, together.  The last time it was just the two of them his heart beat so fast he couldn't think.  Why do I feel this way when I see this girl?  

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babibaek #1
Chapter 16: I love chapter 14 until 16...kaibaekfeels
Unnie4 #2
Chapter 14: Haha, Baekhyun, "Maybe I am your soulmate." !!
Unnie4 #3
I think Jongin is already developing feelings for Evey!
Chapter 5: can't wait for the next chapter..
update sooon ^^
dimskie #5
Chapter 2: can't wait fir the next chapter..