The Truth Comes Out

On The Edge

We arrived at SM Entertainment, and I could sense Baekhyun and Chanyeol were a bit nervous as we entered the big, sophisticated-looking building.
"Wow, this thing is HUGE!" I gaped at the size as we walked in the building. Baekhyun nodded.
"Don't get lost." He said, looking over at me knowingly. I blushed, grumbling in embarrassment as we continued on down the fancy hallway of SM.
"Geez, it's not my fault that I have a KINDA hard time with directions...." I muttered, stalking along beside Baekhyun.
"Kinda? You're freaking clueless." Jaylee rolled her eyes, "You can barely even find your way to school. You at geography."
"At least I get perfect grades in all the other subjects." I scoffed, "You spend too much time socializing."
"You have no social life, Lilo," Jaylee pointed out, "Never had a boyfriend..... I can't really say anything about kissing or OTHER things, though...." She looked pointedly at the guys, who reddened and avoided our gazes.
"I'm pretty sure my ity along with my first kiss are still intact. I'm not that careless." I huffed, "I'm not that impulsive."
"You're the most impulsive person I've met, so I wouldn't be surprised if you've gone past your comfort zones, you weak alcoholic." Jaylee said as we approached a corner.
Just then, two guys emerged from around the corner, not noticing us at first. In shock, I recognized them as SHINee's Jonghyun and Minho. Well, this was SM after all. Who knows who I could run into here?
From the corner of my eye, I saw Baekhyun and Chanyeol freeze, staring at the two SHINee members in alarm.
I turned my back on the approaching Jonghyun and Minho to face Baekhyun and Chanyeol, opening my mouth to speak.
I squeaked when I felt two arms slide around my waist from behind, and saw Minho walk up to wrap an arm around Jaylee's waist, leaving me to guess that Jonghyun was behind me. Our eyes widened, extremely confused.
"Thanks for last night." Minho winked at Jaylee, who nodded eagerly, probably not even knowing what he was saying.
"Yeah, of course!" She said, but then her face went blank, "Wait.....What?" She glanced at me, and I was obviously starting to hyperventilate.
"Last night was really fun! See you later, okay?" Jonghyun pecked my cheek as he let me go and dragged Minho away. Jaylee and I stood silently, still dumbstruck to what just happened. Finally, when the wheels in our heads tarted turning, it didn't take long to figure out what Minho and Jonghyun meant by their words.
That's when I really started to hyperventilate. Jaylee rushed over to me, shaking me slightly, but it only made me feel faint.
My knees wobbled, but Jaylee quickly supported me before directing her gaze to Chanyeol and Baekhyun, who had just been struck speechless.
"I think we deserve an explanation." Jaylee said, staring the two EXO-K members down. They were slightly intimidated by Jaylee's glare, but remained unreasonably obstinate. Which made her being out the big guns.
"Lilo, you know what to do." Jaylee pushed me forward, and I tripped, falling on my knees dramatically. That's when I started to cry.
When I was little, I was a giant cry baby. I would cry just to get what I wanted, and I did that. A lot. It had become harder for me to cry, but with a few things that had happened lately, forcing out tears wasn't so hard.
It certainly surprised Chanyeol and Baekhyun.
"I'm not innocent anymore!" My voice came out in a childish whine as tears rolled down my cheeks. "Why won't you tell us what happened? Why?"
"We'll tell you what happened," Chanyeol said frantically in attempt to make me stop crying. I bounced up to my feet, grinning and wiping my tears away.
"Yeah!" Jaylee and I fistbumped, and Baekhyun gave Chanyeol a look.
And so, checking to make sure the hallway is empty, both guys turned to us and explained. Through the explanation, our jaws dropped as the memories rushed back to us. They explained up until I fainted, but had yet to say how they got us to their dorm.
"We took you to the dorm and that's what happened." Chanyeol finished, with Baekhyun and him blushing madly and trying to hide their faces. I gaped.
"I-I KISSED JONGHYUN?!" I nearly screamed, but Jaylee covered my mouth.
"Indoor voice." She said blankly, still too shocked to react.
"Hey, Lilo," Chanyeol said, gaining my attention. He pointed at Baekhyun. "You kissed him too." My eyes widened even bigger at the reminder, and I faced Baekhyun before doing a 90 degree bow.
"I'm sorry! I was drunk, and not thinking right, and.... I'm sorry!" I apologized, but Baekhyun made me stand straight.
"It's fine." He said, "It was an accident." For a moment, I thought I saw a small flash of disappointment, but I shooed that idea away, focusing on what happened.
That's when the memories of the event rushed back to me. I guess Jaylee got the same thing, because we both have each other a surprised look.
"No way." We said.


I had woken up in a taxi, lying down across the seats with my head on someone's lap. I wearily gazed up only to see Baekhyun, who was spacing out, staring through the window.
"Baekhyun?" I asked sleepily, making him jump slightly and look at me in surprise.
"You can go back to sleep." Baekhyun said, gently tucking my hair out of my face. "Your aparment was locked, and we don't know where Jaylee lives, so you guys can stay in the room I share with Chanyeol."
"Okay Jagiya~" I said sweetly, "I'll dream of you~" I sat up and kissed Baekhyun briefly before laying back down to cuddle in his lap. Baekhyun's face lit up a cherry red, and the taxi driver snorted.
"She's not your girlfriend, eh?" He said, rolling his eyes. "Geez, youngsters are so promiscuous these days..."

It didn't take much longer for us to reach the dorm. We arrived first, and Baekhyun lifted me out of the taxi and brought me into the house. Yes, I was fairly heavy, but that's because I had a more muscular build than a lot of Koreans do, since I'm white.
But Baekhyun didn't really notice as he brought me up the stairs and into the room he shared with Chanyeol.
He lifted me up to place me on the top bunk, his bed. He climbed the ladder and lifted my legs before snatching the blankets out from under me then using them to tuck me in.
I had slightly woken up, this time slightly sobered. I looked at Baekhyun through my long eyelashes, so he couldn't tell I could see him.
He leaned over and touched his lips to my forehead softly, pulling away and smiling.
"Dream of me." He said glancing at me one more time before climbing down the latter and walking out of the room.
I fell back asleep, still wondering the reason behind his last words.

~End of Flashback~

*Jaylee's POV*


I had fallen asleep while Chanyeol and I waited for a taxi, cause Baekhyun and Lilo had already left.
I woke up in the taxi, seated beside Chanyeol with my head rested on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around me protectively.
"What the hell..." I muttered, making Chanyeol jump, caught off guard by my wake.
"Baekhyun called and said Lilo's apartment in locked." Chanyeol informed me. "So you'll have to stay over in our dorm." I nodded, then paused.
I was a heavier drinker than Lilo, so I wasn't completely drunk, but I still wasn't sober enough not to say stupid things.
"I bet they're gonna get all lovey-dovey tonight, if you know what I mean." I giggled, and Chanyeol looked at me.
"Just go back to sleep." He said.
"I need a goodnight kiss~" I drawled, "From my y Mr.Unicorn." Chanyeol couldn't tell if he should be embarrassed or just confused by that remark. None the less, I gave him a peck on the lips before snuggling up to him, falling asleep instantly.
I stayed asleep while the taxi stopped and Chanyeol carried me into the dorm, where he placed me on his bed and pulled the blankets over me.
He smiled warmly as he left the room, the darkness flooding in, lolling Lilo, who was on the top bunk, into a deep slumber, snoring slightly.
I had woken up somewhere around midnight, with my head spinning. I got up and stripped off my dress, throwing it under the bed before climbing up to check on Lilo.
She was twisted in an uncomfortable position, with the dress limiting the rising of her chest, making her have a hard time finding a good sleeping position.
So, being the considerate friend I was, I took off Lilo's dress for her, leaving her in shorts and a tank top. I fixed her body so she was laying on her side, hugging an extra pillow. She did have a habit of sleep hugging, so that pillow was fine.
I climbed down, threw the dress under the bed, and tucked myself back in bed, falling asleep easily now that the annoying dress was out of the way.

~End of Flashback~

*Lilo's POV*

Holy . Holy . I had my first kiss. OH MY GOD. I kissed Baekhyun TWICE! Oh god. I'm screwed.
"MY PRECIOUS DONGSAENG'S INNOCENCE WAS TAINTED! FINALLY!" Jaylee cheered once she had absorbed everything.
"I was INTOXICATED! That doesn't count." I said, and Jaylee rolled her eyes.
"Puh-lease. Is that going to be your excuse when you have your first night with a guy?" Jaylee asked, wiggling her eyebrows. I gasped.
"I know, I know." She said, rolling her eyes and linking arms with me. "Kaja!"

An evil plan formed in Jaylee's head when she realized what was coming soon. She grinned to herself, making me look at her weird.
I was in for a hell of a night.

I had just gotten off my shift at the restaurant, and found Jaylee waiting outside for me with two boxes in her hands.
"What're those?" I asked, walking out of the employees entrance. Jaylee grinned at me.
"Put this on. I'm gonna take you out clubbing!" She said cheerfully, and my eyes widened.
"CLUBBING?!" I exclaimed, but Jaylee shushed me.
"Yeah. You know my friend Blaine? He got the managers job at a club near your place, and he made up some fake I.D's for us. I have the password to the V.I.P's section. My treat." Jaylee said, shoving the dress at me. "Now, lets go back in and change."
I gulped as Jaylee dragged me back in to change.
This can't be good.

The club was all I expected it to be. A bar, dance floor, jamming music, hot guys, and probably the most abundant, scantily clothed girls, with Jaylee and I being no exception.
I wore a black, tight open-backed dress with a plunging neckline and a skirt so short that if I bent over, my underwear would be easily visible. Good thing Jaylee had also given me some spandex to wear underneath. My hair was curled (thanks to Jaylee's curling iron she brought) and I had so much makeup on that I felt like a clown.  But since I was already kind of tall, Jaylee had gotten me some smaller heels, but they were still gigantic.
"Looks fun, right?" Jaylee said, linking our arms so we wouldn't get separated.
She wore a black miniskirt and a fancy yet somewhat see through red top, and I could easily spot her black lacy bra underneath it. Instead of being frightened for myself, I was scared for her.
"This is probably anything but fun." I mumbled, but my voice was lost in the loud music. We finally reached the bar, where we took two empty seats by loads of other girls, who were wearing even less than Jaylee and I.
I was repulsed at how they could throw away their pride as women wear that little just to attract men. It disgusted me to the point where I wanted to throw the people who make these clothes in a pit of fiery doom. Corny, I know, but that's what I seriously wanted to do.
I didn't notice Jaylee order drinks until she nudged me. I snapped out of my trance and glanced at the towering glass right in front of me.
I sniffed, not even having to get closer to smell the alcohol in the drink. Jaylee easily started gulping hers down, so I cautiously approached the drink.
I knew that if I drank this, I would do something I would regret in the morning. But for some reason, I wanted to try the drink.
So, I rode on my impulses and took the drink, taking a deep breath before taking a few big gulps of the drink.
"Wow, look at you go," Jaylee said as I put the half-empty glass back on the bar. I hiccuped, and made a face before finishing off the drink.
Jaylee had finished hers, so she paid and dragged me over to the other side of the room. That's when the alcohol started to kick in.
We reached a big, red velvety door, and Jaylee knocked on it.
"If you encounter a tiger, what do you do?" A voice drifted out from behind the door.
"You shoot that motherer in the eye and sell it later." I said as if it were obvious. Jaylee looked at me in surprise as the door opened.
"How did you know the V.I.P password?" She asked, and I shrugged, giggling stupidly.
"Took a guess." I said, making Jaylee laugh.
"You're drunk all right." She patted my back as we got into the private lounge.
It was very cool. Even I had to admit, I wanted this room. The color scheme was white, blue and green, but it looked really futuristic, and so it appealed to me greatly.
I gaped at the room, smiling widely.
"So, this is your friend?" I heard a voice. I turned to see a tall, slightly tan Korean guy. He had dyed his hair a reddish brown color, and he looked extremely handsome, especially in the dim light.
"Yep, that's her." Jaylee said, walking up and giving the guy a hug. "It's so nice to see you again, Blaine~"
"You look even ier than the last time I saw you." He complemented, hugging her back.
"Tch." I glared at Blaine, like I would glare at any guy who hugged Jaylee while she was wearing THAT.
"Jaylee, lets to drink some more~" I said, cheerfully dragging Jaylee away from Blaine and toward the private bar.
"Are you sure you can take more? You look pretty wasted already." Jaylee pointed out, but I shook my head vigorously. It it was to protect Jaylee, I would gladly drink more.
Suddenly my mind became much clearer. It was either my determination or the fact I just didn't want Jaylee to get near that Blaine guy again.
The bartender, who was actually also extremely good looking, gave us a bottle of the stuff I pointed to. Jaylee slipped him the money for the bottle. I got the most alcoholic drinks I could find, and I took Jaylee's glass and poured it in until the glass was filled up to the brim with vodka. It was a nice-sized glass, too.
I poured myself some, but not as much. Jaylee raised an eyebrow but I ignored it, holding up my glass.
"Cheers." I said, and Jaylee clinked her glass against mine, careful not to spill anything.
I took tiny sips as I watched Jaylee gulp down the whole thing. It wasn't hard to see she was already drunk by now. I had just given her a giant glass of vodka, after all.
"OH! Jaylee, are you alright?" I asked in fake shock, and looked at Blaine as Jaylee slumped down in her seat. "I think we need to get going. I don't think Jaylee can handle any more." I got up, helping Jaylee up. But, before I could drag her out of the club, she grabbed my glass and handed it to me.
"I'm not leeeeeaving until you finish your drink too." Jaylee said, "That was expensive." I took the glass, and Jaylee stood up on her own, staring me down. I gulped it down quickly, making a bad face before Jaylee took the empty glass and set it down on the bar.
The world spun, and the next thing I knew, Jaylee was carrying me on her back. Oh. I guess she wasn't as drunk as I thought she was.
"We'll be going." Jaylee nodded to Blaine, blowing him a kiss.
"I'll talk to you later, babe." He said, watching Jaylee drag me out the back door.
"Great. Just great, I wanted to find some guys to hook up with." She muttered, "but you look like you're gonna throw up any second, so I guess we're.... done...." Jaylee's voice slurred, and I could tell the real effects were kicking in as she let me off her back. We helped each other along, but I eventually had to be dragged by the stumbling Jaylee.
Even though we were drunk, we still cared about each other.
"Hey, look at that." I heard a guys voice. I cracked an eye open to see two older guys walking toward us on the sidewalk. The street was empty, making this a scene that could possibly get us taken.
"Would you ladies like to come with us?" One guy asked, blocking our way. I sneered.
"Ajusshi, you're ugly." I said bluntly, to the guy's offense. Hey, it's not my fault drunks tend to be more truthful.
"Why you," he was about to hit me when the other guy stopped him. The other guy, who was extremely tall.
"Hey, they're not so bad on the eyes." The second guys said, "Lets have some fun with them."
"Hey..." Jaylee trailed off as the guy grabbed her arm.
"JAYLEE, I THINK THESE AJUSSHIS ARE TRYING TO PICK US UP!" I yelled when I processed what was going on. A few seconds of silence greeted my realization before Jaylee absorbed what I said.
"REALLY?" She exclaimed in genuine shock. She tried to pull herself away from the guy who got her, but to no avail. One of the guys got a hold on my hand, and I was about to yell, when another voice interrupted.
"What are you doing?" The voice asked fiercely. I saw one of the guys being thrown back, and Jaylee was released. She fell to her knees, rubbing her soar arm.
"These girls are ours." Yet another voice said as the other guy was thrown back. Both guys scrambled away without a second thought, leaving us behind with our saviors.
I fell back on my knees, looking up into the face of the guy who was trying to help me up. But when he tried, my knees collapsed again, so he just shrugged and lifted me up.
"Mr. Unicorn?" I asked, dazed. I heard Jaylee gasp.
"YOU HAVE A MR. UNICORN NOW?!" She burst out, and I smiled at the guy who's arms I was in I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself up to give him a kiss on the lips.
"Thanks for... Saving.... Me..." I said, pulling back from the confused guy. And so, I out, leaving myself on the care of these two strangers.
Little did I know, these guys weren't strangers at all.


Who do you think those "mysterious" men who saved Jaylee and Lilo? 

Things are starting to heat up ;) Now what will happen to the inseparable duo?  

Leave comments below! <3

P.S We are really sorry we haven't been updating faster. Really busy lately! We love you guys ^    ^

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We are going to update two chapters as soon as we edit and everything! Enjoy ;)


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Chapter 5: Wow! This is really good so far! The wording and complexity of the plot so far is amazing! I love how she was just randomly thrown into this mess.... Can't wait to see what the party is going to be like! Update soon, ne? :)
PoisonApple911 #2
Chapter 4: I seriously didn't expect EXO making an appearance. I like the plot! And her messing with Block B was so funny! I think I can be friends with Lilo and Jaylee if they're good at annoying people XD and your good grammar and spelling skills make it enjoyable to read! Update, okay?~