
On The Edge


Three days passed by, and, before I knew it, school was starting up again.
Okay, lets just say, the first day back to school was HELL. With all the stuff that went on during break, going back to school was the least of my worries. But, like any other school day, it was gloomy. People avoided me as always, I heard more rumors about me as always, I caught lots of glares as always, and class was the most dull thing on earth, AS ALWAYS. At school, it hadn't changed at all, to my relief. And, with all the good luck thrown my way recently, it made me suspicious what kind of humor the world had in store for me next, since whenever something good happens, something really bad comes after.
Little did I know the world had incredibly sick humor.
"I guess it's ramen for dinner tonight." I mumbled to myself as I walked along, "But at least it's better than nothing."
I had just gotten off a late shift at the restaurant, and was walking home alone.
Streetlights only slightly illuminated the otherwise dark sidewalk, few and far between, casting an eerie glow in the alleyways.
It didn't help that while I was working, I heard some of the other waitresses gossiping about recent news. They kept talking about how, recently, these big-time criminals were chased into South Korea, and they were spotted around here. I get it might be a serious matter, but I don't like feeling more paranoid than I already was.
"I think they do that just to tease me." I muttered, and turned into an alleyway. I guess I wasn't paying attention, because I bumped into someone.
"Ah! Jwesongheyo!" I said, stepping back and bowing. I hurriedly went around the person and continued on my way, but, soon enough, I ran into two more guys.
Blinking stupidly, I apologized and turned around, only to find the first man I had bumped into standing about two yards behind me. I stared at him, dumbfounded, before starting to walk past him.
But, as I walked past, he grabbed my arm, effectively stopping me. Confused, I looked behind me at the man who stopped me.
"You're the that pick pocketed the diamond!" He exclaimed, and suddenly realization hit me. He was one of the guys being chased by the cops. A criminal.
"Rather harsh language, wouldn't you say?" I asked, looking at the two guys behind me. From the looks of it, they were with the guy grabbing my arm. .
 "All right, lets talk this out like calm adults, and I'm sure we can reach an understanding." I said, struggling to keep a calm voice. Well, it looks like they had other plans.
I turned back to the guy grabbing my arm only to see a gun.
Fear. The single emotion enveloped me as I stared into the barrel of the gun that was pointed directly at me.
"A gun." I said blankly. I stared for a moment more, my eyes widening by the second. I never took my eyes off the gun as I straightened myself up. I took the moment after to look into the face of the man who held the gun. He smirked slightly at me, a cruel humor coming into his dark eyes.
I now noticed how lucky I had actually been. When either Sharle or I lost a job, or I got suspended from school, we'd both feel as if reality was harsh, when really, we had no idea how cruel it really was. I recognized this now, that my luck had run out for sure this time.
I was involved in something that was going to get me killed.
"Where is the diamond?" The man asked in a slightly bored voice, letting go of my arm but keeping the gun aimed at my head. I swallowed thickly.
They might be the criminals everyone's been talking about, too, I thought, and that suddenly made talking seem impossible, for nothing would come out of my choked up throat.
"Why the hell would I tell you dirtbags?" Oops. My bad mouth couldn't stop. Wait, why am I acting so calm about this? HE'S GONNA FLIPPING SHOOT ME!! OH MY GOD I HAVE TO RUN! That's what my mind said anyway.
I slapped the barrel of the gun away from my face just as the guy almost shot me, and I barely avoided it.
"You !" The guy growled.
"Just saying, if you shoot me, the information of the location of the diamond dies along with me. Only I know where I hid it, so if you want the diamond, you can't kill me." I said frantically, panicking. I had no flipping idea what to do. If I gave them the diamond, they'd let me go, right? Okay, I'm not that stupid. They'd shoot me. So if I hang onto it, I'm safe. That seemed like the best option.
Thing was, the diamond was in my school bag, which I held tightly in my hands.
Using my school bag to hide my hand and the diamond, I shoved the diamond up my shirt, making sure no one saw. I crossed my arms over my chest to help hold the diamond in place.
"Give us the diamond." The man demanded. Behind me, his friends snickered at his frustration. I stubbornly puffed up my cheeks.
"Give it!"
"Give it!"
"I ALREADY SAID NO DO I HAVE TO SPELL MY DAMN REFUSAL OUT TO YOU?" I said harshly. I knew I was being unreasonably obstinate, and even though in this situation that was probably going to get me killed, I was not capable of holding my temper.
"P.O! Just take her to the bosses!" One of the guys behind me shouted at the man, P.O.
"Yeah! I bet they could get something out of her!" The other of the two said.
I didn't like the sound of this.
"Are handcuffs really necessary?" I muttered to myself, jingling my silver handcuffs.
I had been kidnapped and brought to this room. The walls were dark and graffiti-covered, and there were two tall shelves stacked with lots of pill bottles, expensive-looking jewelry, and other criminal-like objects. There was a table not to far from me, and if I stretched my leg out all the way, I could touch one of the table's legs. I was handcuffed to a pole behind me, my hands bound behind my back. I had my work uniform on, a black button-up shirt with black pants, my work apron stored in my school bag which rested next to me.
I was alone, left with nothing to do. So, since my school bag was next to me, I used my leg to pull it over to me before grabbing it in my teeth and placing it on my lap.
With a lot of biting, pulling, and time, I eventually got my math textbook open on my lap. I used my nose to flip through it to tomorrow's lesson, because, from what I could tell, I wasn't going to school tomorrow.
That's when I heard footsteps coming into the room. Trying to seem oblivious, I kept on reviewing the problems, until all the footsteps stilled. I glanced up from my text book cautiously, only to find seven pairs of eyes staring down at me.
Startled, I looked up from my text book to see seven guys standing in front of me. The three original guys along with four others.
"Oh crap, there's more of them." I mumbled absently, using my nose to close the book and push it off my lap.
"What are you doing?" One voice asked. Not bothering to look up, I answered.
"I'm reviewing tomorrow's lesson, since I'm probably going to miss school. I don't want to get behind." I said as if it were obvious. Sighing, I looked at the guys.
All of them were attractive, each one more than the last. But they were more attractive in the y, dangerous bad guy way than the innocent, caring good guy way. When I realized what I was doing, I smacked the back of my head on the pole I was handcuffed to. WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT HOW HOT THEY ARE AT A TIME LIKE THIS?! I scolded myself. I shook my head, cursing.
"Okay, lets make this quick." I said, looking at all of them, "I won't give you the diamond, I refuse to tell you were it is. Shoot me, but I'm not going to give it to you, and there's nothing you can do to convince me to tell you where I hid it." I finished bluntly.
"See, Zico, U-Kwon? She's crazy! I almost shot her, and she still refuses to give up the diamond!" The man, P.O, said, referring to the two hottest guys of the group. I rolled my eyes.
"People call me insane, but I don't believe that I am. I just lack that little warning voice in my head called "Common sense"." I said cheerfully, making all the guys look at me like I was stupid.
"Where's the diamond?" One of the hottest guys, I guessed to be Zico, said, crouching in front of me. I tilted my head to the side, wearing my most innocent face.
"I don't give a damn about the you bastards steal, so get the hell away from me." I said, smiling. The other one of the hottest guys, which I guessed as U-Kwon, just rolled his eyes and pulled out a gun.
"Can't I just shoot this already?" He asked impatiently, aiming the gun at me. Zico clucked his tongue.
"Calm down, we already worked too hard to let this diamond go. Besides, she's kinda cute." Zico said, using a finger to lift up my chin. I blushed, then mentally smacked myself for doing so by a compliment from a criminal.
U-Kwon sighed, putting down his gun and starting to take off his sweater. While he was doing it, his shirt was pulled with the sweater, revealing his toned six-pack.
Unable to avert my eyes, I stared, an even deeper blush rising to my cheeks. A distant part of me had always assumed criminals were fit, with all their running from the cops and stuff, but this was a surprise.
"So.... Gorgeous...." I absently said in amazement.
I gasped when he put down his sweater and crouched in front of me, next to Zico, his face inches from mine.
"Gorgeous?" U-Kwon smirked slightly. I blushed and shook my head hard in denial.
"No! I said..... Gruesome! Yeah!" I stuttered, and U-Kwon pulled away.
"See?" He said, looking at me, "She's innocent."
"Yeah, but the innocent ones are the best." Zico grinned, standing up. His statement made me even more red, if possible. U-Kwon shrugged.
"True." He said, then smirked wider at me. I tucked my legs to my chest tightly, unconsciously holding my legs together, hiding my face in my knees.
"You guys might be attractive, but seduction isn't going to get you the diamond. I can promise you that." I said, attempting to fade the redness that covered my face.
"Who knows, it could work. And besides, innocent girls have the cutest reactions." U-Kwon said, a smirk in his voice. My face, which previously had been cooling down, heated up again.
I was in for a chaotic stay.
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We are going to update two chapters as soon as we edit and everything! Enjoy ;)


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Chapter 5: Wow! This is really good so far! The wording and complexity of the plot so far is amazing! I love how she was just randomly thrown into this mess.... Can't wait to see what the party is going to be like! Update soon, ne? :)
PoisonApple911 #2
Chapter 4: I seriously didn't expect EXO making an appearance. I like the plot! And her messing with Block B was so funny! I think I can be friends with Lilo and Jaylee if they're good at annoying people XD and your good grammar and spelling skills make it enjoyable to read! Update, okay?~