Best Absolute Perfect Warriors

Best Absolute Perfect Warriors


      “Yah!” a man in black, sleeveless shirt with a half-shaved blonde hair, hollered. His deep voice echoed across the hollow, graffiti-covered, practice room. Shivers crawled to the spines of his fellow men. They all looked at him as he watched another member shut the door in front of his face. The whole room went in cold silence. Fear could be seen in the eyes of the witnesses. Fear of not only violence between their comrades, but fear of having more people abandoning the group.


“Aish… Hate this guy…” he murmured.

“Yongguk sshi…” One of his dongsaengs approached him, trying to console him. But he refused to and also bailed.


Everyone fell in surprise. This was the worst fight that those two ever been through. It never went to this where they could already hurt each other. 


“What do you think will happen to those two, hyung?”

“… I don’t know. I-I just hope this won’t get worse.”

“I hope they won’t abandon us like the others did.”




Meanwhile, the member who first bailed, strolled on the river side, far away from their hideout. He’s letting out his temper.


Why doesn’t he accept my suggestions?

Aish… stop, stop thinking of it… You’ll just be stressed Himchan… Just never mind him… He’s a close-minded person. He never understands.


He continued walking, feeling the cool breeze of autumn. Gazing at the clear fresh waters, medium-sized grass brushing his ankles. Just there, relaxing, forgetting for a while what just happened.




He came back late, about midnight. The skies were clearly black, no stars, and no moon. Flicking street lamps were the only lights. He walked right through the darkness-covered street without fear for he have lived there for so long, with his now called family.


He approached the warehouse door and opened it with his spare key. Good thing he carried it with him before he left earlier for he knows, as their leader always have ordered, lock the doors by 9pm for it is the time for rest. He then thought of how a good leader Yongguk was. He led everyone well, he never turned his back to anyone, ever. He knew s.  He set practical practice hours and made sure everyone got their part. But Yongguk has changed so differently now; he became the cold-hearted leader when they lost one time.


Himchan was then distracted from his thoughts as someone opened the door before he could. He then saw a worried face, from a younger brunette fellow in plain shirt and jersey pants.


“Hyung! Where have you been? I thought you also have left the group. I was so afraid that you have abandoned us.”


Himchan just laughed there, in front of him. “Haha, of course I won’t leave you guys. You’re my brothers.” He messed up the brunette’s straight hair.


“Yah, hyung! Hey… I know that, it’s just, your fights with Yongguk-hyung, it has becoming more often and worse. I actually never have seen him all day since he left practice…”


“Well, maybe he fell asleep.” Himchan suggested.


“I just hope so…”


“Wait a minute, Jongup, where will you go at this late of hour?”


“I was supposed to search for you.”


“Aish, you know I always come back whenever I leave right? So go to your room and rest, you still have school tomorrow. And practice at 4pm, got it?”


“Yes, umma~” Jongup teased with a playful, childish voice.


“Haha.” Himchan playfully hit Jongup’s head. “Sleep now.” He pushed his dongsaeng’s back with his left foot.




9:00 am. Wednesday. Himchan slowly opened his eyes, rubbing them. He d his clock and scoped at the time. 9:00 am… He jumped off his bed and pulled his body up.


“I still have work…” He yawned, stretching his arms.


As he fixed his bed, he heard crumbling noises outside his room. He was alerted and quickly checked the incident. He opened his door and saw collapsed boxes with their items scattered on the surface. Aish, who did this? He then noticed the grey, stray kitten, its fur. He picked it up, looking at its eyes.


“You did this, kitty? You shouldn’t be playing here you know? It’s messy and dangerous for a small creature like you. Stay there while I clean up this mess, I’ll give you milk after.” He put it down, far away from the scattered props.


He again heard noises downstairs. He was really angered this time. “Okay now who is this? Hey! Daehyun, you there? Youngjae? Jongup? Guys?” He stood up and grabbed the kitten. He rushed down and saw a slender boy with crates that buried his legs. The lad had blonde, curled locks and mushy, baby face that appears kind of cute for him.


“Who’re you? What are you doing here? What’s your purpose?” He interrogated. The boy was afraid to answer so he refused to.


“I’m not gonna hurt you unless you speak the truth.” But still no answer. “All right, quite stubborn aren’t ‘ya?” He approached the injured boy but the boy tried to escape the crates that handicapped his legs. Himchan sat in front of him and stared him directly to his eyes. “I won’t help you unless you speak your alibi.”


The boy hesitated, being more nervous as now the serious, black-haired guy sitting in front of him, looking at his eyes.

“I… I just used this place as a hiding place…” The sentence confused the older latter.


“…Hiding place?”


“Yeah… I was running from bullies last night, I saw an opened window so I climbed there using the big trash bin outside. I stayed here until midnight, until I unconsciously fell asleep…”


Himchan hesitated to believe. He wasn’t fully contented with the boy’s alibi.


“I’m telling you the truth. I didn’t have any bad intention with this place. Trust me.”


Himchan thought for a minute. Used this place as a hiding place, huh? Seems legit… He doesn’t seem lying at all…

“Okay, kid, just few more questions. Do you know 1530 Crew? Or the Pirata?”


“Uh, yeah! Isn’t 1530 the champion in Seoul Street Dance? And Pirata rocked some dance competitions here, right?” Full enthusiasm was clearly heard in the young boy’s voice. Himchan was silenced for a minute, petting the little kitty in his arms.


“Wait a minute… You… You’re one of those BAP Warriors right?” The lad asked. Himchan was surprised that he got noticed.


“You know BAP Warriors?” he inquired.


“Yeah! Your group was amazing last month in ‘Battle of the Street Rats’! Too bad you only reached the semi-finals. I don’t know why you lost to those crappy ThirteenGs. Their dance are too old-school.”


Himchan couldn’t believe that BAP Warriors was noticed. “Okay… So, umm… do you dance?”


“Well, umm… only as a hobby but I’m not that great.”


“Are you part of any dance group?”


“Nope. None. I’m just watching street dance competitions around Seoul.”


“Ah, I see… So are you sure you’re not part of Pirata or 1530 Crew?” The lad nodded.


“Well, fine…” He put down the kitten and removed the crates and assembled them beside where they were placed before.





Later at 3 o’clock, the leader of BAP Warriors came back. He went upstairs to his room. On the way, he heard loud music coming out of the practice room.


Probably they have started… He then continued towards his room.


He came inside the practice room with a white, shirt and ripped slacks and a nice pair of Nickey Shoes. As he opened the door, he was surprised to see two people practicing, one was Himchan and the other one was a stranger. Himchan was teaching him all the choreography they had for now.


“Yo, what do you think you’re doing?” He inquired.


“Teaching our new member the dance steps.” Himchan answered, continuing to teach the other boy.


“New member? I never asked you to recruit one.”


“But we need members. It’s hard to compete with only the 5 of us, we barely qualify to competitions.”


“But what can this baby do? I don’t trust this face.”


“Ah, I’m Junhong. I could breakdance and skateboard.” The recruit interrupted.


“There are no skateboarding in my group.” Yongguk contradicted.


“Well, I could dance.” Junhong said.


“Show me.” Yongguk demanded, turning on the latest hiphop music in the boombox.


Junhong stood there, a little surprised with the music. He never heard it before. He couldn’t think of any possible moves for it for he only imitates the dances of the indie groups in street competitions.


“You’re wasting my time. Go home, kid.”


“Wait. Umm… ah…” then he slowly moved his hands and made them form figures.


“Is that what you can only do?”


“Be patient, Yongguk.” Himchan said.


“Tsk.” Yongguk got pissed a little.


Junhong was a little stunned by the leader’s sudden order, so he couldn’t do anything else. He knew he could do more but he couldn't that time.  He was mind-blocked.


Yongguk approached him and turned off the music.


“You’re done, leave.” He commanded.


“Yongguk…” Himchan inquired.


“That’s what he can only do. I’ve seen enough. He doesn’t fit this group. He would only make this group worse. Get out.”


“But, wait I can do more!” Junhong begged.


“Then, you should have done it. LEAVE!” He started to louden his voice. Junhong flinched.


“Hey, you two fighting again?” Daehyun came. “Oh, who’s this new face?” He asked as he saw the recruit.


“This is Junhong, our NEW MEMBER.” Himchan persisted.


“I haven’t approved of him!” Yongguk implied.


“Then let the whole group decide if he’s in or not. Most vote wins.” Himchan suggested.


“I don’t-“


“That seems like a great idea!” Yelled, Youngjae.


“I agree!” Jongup raised his hand, both of them appearing in the practice room.


“I think it’s also a great idea, Yongguk hyung. C’mon, let’s give him a chance.” Daehyun uttered.


Yongguk has no other choice than to agree with the group.



After everything was set up, Junhong stood in front of BAP Warriors, nervous with trembling hands behind him. He hadn’t really done anything but he was already sweating. His soon-to-be group mates that he hopes to be was sitting on the floor, little far away from him to give him some space he needed.


“Go on, don’t be afraid of us. Yongguk just seems scary but he’s nice.” Daehyun comforted the trembling boy in front of them as he patted their leader’s head like a good puppy.


“Aish.” Yongguk put away the annoying hand.


“Take a deeeeeep breath.” Jongup advised, demonstrating it in a funny manner. So Junhong did it.


“Dance anything you like, as long you’re comfortable with it.” Youngjae suggested.


Yongguk was annoyed with his group members behavior today, like children who first seen a magic show. All of them were so supportive and excited with the baby face Junhong that he merely trust. s were so happy to see a new face for the group. Yongguk was the only one precautious of him. That he could only be a set up to raise his group’s hopes up and turn them down at the end or probably a spy from his past members like what they have done before.


Junhong picked the song he liked and inserted it into the player. He closed his eyes, condemned himself and took another deep breath. As the beat is sticking within him, he began to move. It all started with fast hands with tremendous, sleek footwork. Then comes flips and stunts that made their hearts beat fast. Everyone in the room were amazed with Junhong’s polished steps and flips. At the end of his number comes with a fast turn, then facing the audience with a strong impact of his fallen hands.


Junhong looked at them and asked of what they think and everybody clapped, smiling. He even made their hard-headed leader amazed as he saw him pleased.


“So what do you think, huh, hyung? Huh, huh, huh?” Daehyun teased, nudging Yongguk like an annoying child.


“Aish. Fine, he’s accepted. But I still don’t trust him. You’re a member from now, Junhong but if you ever let us down or betray this group, you’re dead.” He threatened.


“Ah, yes, sir.” Junhong gulped, wiping his sweat. The whole group, excluding Yongguk celebrated for they have a new company, a new member of the family.





Days passed, the group was already polishing their steps and formation. Only 3 days before the elimination round of Seoul Dance Jam, the ultimate dance competition in Seoul, what many indie dance groups been anticipating for. Everybody then, rested after the practice.


“Good work, Jun. Nice that you have catch up.” Jongup patted Junhong at the back.


“Ah, thank you, hyung.” Junhong thanked. He then saw Yongguk’s cold glare at him. He felt frightening shivers that shook his thin body. The leader still didn't want him around. He knew that. No matter what he do, he still hated him. He tried to impress him for acceptance. He had always extended an hour to master the steps, so that he could be trusted by the leader. But nothing, he still appears like a nobody.



Later, Junhong came back to the practice room and enhanced his solo. He’s very passionate and dedicated to this dance thing ever since he saw BAP perform for the first time with those amazing hands and foot coordination, unbelievable stunts and astonishing flips. It was like a fantasy for him. It was something that made him quit football, the most favorite thing in the world. BAP was his inspiration, to excel, to be better and healthier.

Yongguk returned to the practice room because he left his towel there. As he opened the door, he saw Junhong focused and very passionate with his solo. He was drenched with sweat, his puffy, blonde hair became flat and straight due to too much sweats. He saw the real Junhong.


Something inside Yongguk changed. His insight about Junhong changed into better, rather than a disguised enemy, he began to believe he’s an honest and trustworthy companion. Junhong isn’t the guy he had thought. He began to regret all the bad thoughts and expectations he had about Junhong.


But those aren’t his fault, he have been betrayed bunch of times during his childhood and especially when BAP Warriors just started. Many have used him before, many have lied to him. He’s only compulsive and precautious. He doesn’t want s to suffer what he had suffered in his childhood, what had BAP Warriors suffered before. He’s just trying to protect s and their friendship.  So he’s always strict to new recruits and doesn’t trust strangers easily. He wanted all best for his group. That’s all.


He entered the room, and excused himself.


“Junhong, hey, practice’s over two hours ago, what are you still doing?” Inquired Yongguk.


“Ah, I still need to umm… master my solo.” Junhong explained. It made Yongguk smile because he’s really into it. “Don’t overwork yourself, and drink plenty of water. It’s not good to be dehydrated like now.” He advised then left the room with one last glance of the other member.


Junhong, catching his breath, just nodded. He rewind the music and started over again. He was surprised that the leader became kinder to him.





On the day of the first elimination round, BAP Warriors were in matching black clothing, mixed with metallic hues and accessories. The area was quite small, but filled with audience excited to watch them. Ten groups met there, and a group to group would fight. There would be five eliminations that will happen this evening.


All of the groups before them were amazing with the new moves and different styles. As it was time for their match, their opponent was the first one to show off. Their wild moves liven up the audience, it became difficult for them to match or be better than this group.


 It was a battle of 13 to 6. Great numbers made the opposite group come up with various movements and skills which made them worry.


“Don’t worry guys, we could match this.” Yongguk consoled his group. All of them inhaled deeply and got ready. As their music , they were like robots with fully charged batteries. Their moves were exciting and very entertaining. They got the audience’s impact that made them move to the next round.





They won every elimination with new and improved moves that never bore their audience. The people started to believe BAP Warriors was coming back to its feet. BAP Warriors was being the tremendous group that everybody has anticipated before. They started to bring tension into the stage with every opponent they have faced.


Semi-finals has come near, BAP was warming up for their opponent, Pirata. Pirata consists of 15 members with 6 of them from BAP. The first members who have betrayed the group and started their own.


“Hey there Yongguk, WOW, BAP’s coming back to its feet. I see you have a new member there. Hey, I’m Luke, nice to meet ‘ya.” The Luke guy annoyed.


“Uh, hi.” Junhong greeted.


“So how about your group Luke? It seems that it has also grown.” Himchan inquired. The tension was really warming up between the two.


“It’s doing great actually and we’re going to beat you.” He bragged.


“Let’s see about that.” Yongguk scoffed.


“At least, in this group, the members left won’t ever abandon and betray this to make their own.” Jongup said. Luke just scoffed, annoyed and left them.


“Hohohoooo!!! What’s up, what’s up!!!” The DJ greeted. “The groups are heating up the tension here! HO! So in this round, it’s Pirata versus BAP Warriors!!! It’s a battle between the past and present members!”


“So, this Luke guy is…” Junhong questioned.

“A previous member of BAP. He was the first leader, he co-created this group with Yongguk. He betrayed us a year ago for he took Yongguk as a rival.” Youngjae told Junhong.




“Yes. So that’s why he left us and created his own. He took Yongguk so seriously that made him forgot he's a part of BAP. We were the first members of this group. As Luke left, the other members came with him and built this group which is our opponent now. Pirata was the one who beat us when it comes to the finals…” Youngjae added.


“Oh… I see.”


“All right! Let the battle begin!” The DJ announced.


Then, Pirata took the first move with modern and fresh steps that made the crowd wild. They’re really turning up the competition between them. BAP took over and hit them with their breath-taking moves. Junhong took the spotlight and did some bone-breaking skills that surprised everyone, even his own group.


Pirata then interrupted and made more astonishing moves that made them the crowd-favorite. BAP was losing hope that they could win this. Then, Daehyun noticed someone smoking that triggered the fire alarm. The whole stage was covered with water which made Pirata slip and fell down from their feet. It disappointed everyone. The soaked crowd started to leave.


Junhong seek an opportunity and took over the stage. He took a solo with synchronization with the beats. The water below his feet danced with him. It made the crowd go back and everyone cheered for BAP. Junhong’s group was proud of their maknae and later joined him with his number. Everyone was amazed. The dance was finished and in the judging, BAP won.




Days after, BAP’s in another practice except Junhong.


“I wonder where Junhong is?” Jongup asked, worried.


“Yeah, it has been a week when he hasn’t showed up.” Himchan said.


“Did he also left us?” Daehyun questioned.


“No, he didn’t. Junhong is a better person than that.” Yongguk defended.


“Since when you did you like Junhong?” Asked Himchan.


“When did I say I disliked him? I just said I did’t trust him.”


“So now you trust him?” Youngjae added.


“Uh... Yeah.” Yongguk was embarrassed to admit but it’s true. He really does trust him now, no more doubts for Junhong seems an honest and loyal kid.


“Awh~ Our leader’s worried about him~” Daehyun teased.


“Stop it, it’s not funny.” Yongguk annoyingly said. But the group disagreed and laughed at him.


“Junhong really dwelt a big change here. Himchan and Yongguk never fought since he joined us and we never have lost a single competition this whole year.” Daehyun added and the whole group agreed, even their hard-headed leader.



Then later, the door to the room opened and they all saw Junhong. “Hey, guys!” The maknae greeted.


“Junhong!!! Where have you been!? We have been worried about you!!!” Daehyun yelled, running towards Junhong and wrapped him in his arms.


“Hey, Daehyun-hyung.”


“You’re in big trouble, Junhong.” Yongguk approached Junhong.


“Ah… S-sorry hyung.”


“Why didn’t you appear in our practices?” Jongup inquired. Everybody came to Junhong by the entrance and enclosed him.


“Well, I was coming up with new techniques and music so I wasn’t able to show up.” Junhong excused.

“Well, you should have told us so that we know where you were and we could have helped you!” Daehyun scolded.


“Well, I wanted to surprise you guys, and besides, I have some good news. Look at these.” Junhong handed over some bags and opened them in front of the group. He showed them some recording equipments, CDs, various spray paints and hair dyes.


“Uhh, for what are these hair dyes for?” Yongguk wondered.


“We’re all going to be blonde!” Junhong yelled.


“Wait what??? No way! Why should we be blondes?” Jongup inquired.


“Yeah! It’s not necessary to be!” Daehyun added.


“Well, I think this could bring a great impact and it will show our group’s unity.” Junhong defensed. But the whole group disagreed and had some arguments with their youngest member.


“Wait! Guys! Why won’t we try?” Yongguk suggested.


“It isn’t because you and him are already blondes mean we also have to” Himchan yelled.


“But wait. I think let’s give it a shot. I think it would be a great idea.” Daehyun also then agreed.


“Wait, have you lost your mind?!” Jongup hollered, frustrated.


“Well, it won’t hurt. It’s just one hair dye but Junhong is this safe?” Daehyun questioned, getting one box of hair dye.


“Yeah, that’s what I use.” Junhong smiled.


“But why should we be blondes?” Jongup asked.


“Unity, that’s what Junhong said. And I agree. It will surprise everyone.”  Himchan added.


“Including ourselves.” Jongup told them.


“How about you Youngjae?” He asked his hyung.


“Let’s give it a shot!” Then he also grabbed a box.


“ Have you all lost your mind?!” Jongup hollered to the whole group, confused. Then Himchan gave him a box and went to their room, and colored their hair. Only Yongguk and Junhong was left.


“So how about this… equipment and gadgets?” Yongguk asked.


“For our new music. If we really want to stand out and be unique, why won’t we create our own music then? I could rap and beat-box and I have heard Daehyun hyung’s and Youngjae hyung’s voice, they could be our vocals!” Junhong’s proposal surprised Yongguk, probably this could be a great time for change, so he let Junhong with his idea.


The next day, they announced Junhong’s idea to the whole group and everyone fell in confusion and wonders.


“The first thing, we have to become blondes and now, create our own music? Hey, Junhong, are you all right? Are you sick?” Jongup wondered. That’s what the others thought too but they all thought that it might bring them the championship if so. So they let Junhong lead their performance.


Days of creation followed. Junhong worked with Daehyun and Youngjae for the music and the other three worked with the props. The maknae thought that the music still lack something so he thought of making the other guys sing. It took a while to make them but he managed to do so.

The music was done, and Jongup and Yongguk taught the choreography that fits the music and they happened to enjoy it.




The day of the finals came, their opponent was 1530 Crew with its leader, Shin being the past lead dancer of BAP that rivaled Jongup before. The stage was wider. There were bigger audience than the past rounds.


As they stepped up onto the stage, everyone was surprised with the blonde dudes of BAP Warriors. BAP in faded blonde hair and all-black attire.


“Yoh~ What’s up Warriors… What’s with this gimmick? You think you can beat us with your new hairstyle?” Shin teased.


“At least we didn’t steal anything.” Jongup answered back that angered Shin.


“You won’t get any luck you had with Pirata. You’re going down.” Shin scoffed.


“Let’s see that then.” Jongup replied, smirking. Extreme tension were seen between the groups. The round started and BAP Warriors took the first show down and they surprised again the audience with their new look, music and moves. But 1530 outdid them with their professional flips that liven up the crowd.


BAP took over with kicks and punches but the crowd wasn’t much impressed because 1530 was better. 1530 came on again and drove the crowd wild.


“Your plan backfired, Junhong…” Jongup whispered.


“It’s not yet over, we still have a chance.” Himchan consoled the two.


BAP took over the stage again but they didn’t get the crowd. Everyone was still bored. 1530 was looking at them with eyes that said that they're going to lose this.


“I told you guys, you won’t win against us.” Shin boasted.


“Let’s leave this guys… we won’t win.” Junhong lost hope and ready to leave.


“Wait, it’s not yet over.” Yongguk ceased their maknae. “We still have a chance, let’s do this guys.” And the whole group discussed what they’re going to do next while their opponent was performing.


Yongguk was the first to steal the spotlight and started to rap. It made everyone confused. “This ain’t a sing & dance contest dude!” The crowd howled.


Himchan followed then the rest of BAP. They started to do a harmonized choreography then Junhong entered, with a painful floor dance and slid up that got the crowd. They got synchronized and seized the stage like having gun-moves and powerful stunts. The strong beats of Junhong’s music sunk into everyone. BAP turned the table.


1530 took over but the crowd wasn’t theirs anymore. Everyone was with BAP Warriors.


 After their intense show down, they all gathered at the center, all sweaty and tired. The DJ approached and announce the scores.


“Well, this has been an intense battle!!! But let’s see who will take the grand prize! Drumroll please!” And suspense was all over the room.


“BEST ABSOLUTE PERFECT… WARRIOOOOORRRSSS!!!” Everyone jumped and celebrated. Finally, BAP came back and won what they truly deserve.




 Finally, I'm able to post this! I'm so sorry I'm late! 

      It's really hard for me to do this oneshot for what I came up fits more of a chaptered story. I'm not really great with short stories! I just hope you were entertained, I'll never win this thing anyway...

      For confusions, Junhong is Zelo. I just didn't use his stage name because this is crammed so I wasn't able to include how Junhong became Zelo. Yeah,the story was kind of rushed, but as I proofread it again after few days of submittion, I think the flow was good. I just added more details in some parts to make it better and to lessen questions.

            I lacked inspiration to continue further this, I even watched Step Up movies again and watched some clips of BAP in Youtube but this is what I get for now... I was inspired when I was able to watch them live in KBS, performing 'ONESHOT'. 

            I almost quit this because I couldn't come up with the events that suppose to happen here. I only came up with the beginning and ending. It was really difficult to come up witht he events that show their progresses in the group. I forgot everything I suppose to include here which I think this could have been better but I needed to do school work first so I wasn't able to write them down. 


Oh yeah, when I have submitted  this, there was a typical error that repeated the whole story from the start and deleted the ending. I'm so sorry for that. But as of now that I have proofread this again, (gosh, I had so many errors in grammar!), the story has been fixed and I think somethings here has been better explained. Sorry for the first errors. 

TRIVIA: 1. Have you watched Step Up 3? Because it is where I got some dancing parts here and BAP's history. It  is also where I got the character, 'Luke', but it's not purely him. This is also where I came up with members abandoning BAP Warriors. 

2. If this could be chaptered, my first ever idea was more focused to Zelo's life but some fragments of this were only peeked in the body of this entry. BAP Warriros was an Indie Dance Group that Zelo discovered while running late from football practice. He watched them in a small street show down. It all starts from Zelo running from bullies then he ended up in BAP's hideout. He forced himself to join the group, and BAP became famous and supposedly to be professional idols like the real BAP.  Kind of a fictional story how BAP started. I don't know if I would continue this storyline  with a sequel of their new life as idols. But this really needs a chaptered sotry but I ended up with this one :)

Okay time to end this LONG author's note. (See? Even having a short A/N is difficult for me...)


Any comments? I accept criticisms! Just be honest :)





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Chapter 3: amazing story i could tell you that. its very different form the other which make it interesting . daebak!
Claudine_NG #2
Chapter 3: I just read this fanfic >_< YES, I'd love to read a sequel. I'd surely sub and comment on every chapter. I really hope you'd write a sequel and if it's possible... A full length story as a sequel.
xiseyre #3
Chapter 1: Great Story. Something rather better than any other boring ‘same old love songs‘. Listen to my advice, you should really do a sequel out of this! ^v^
Go Yeoboooooo ~~~~~ you can do it cant wait XD