And another one..

The one to keep

At school *looks around*

"Wow! I guess i'm too early..i'll just roam around"

as i was walking i saw a guy under a tree playing guitar he's so cool playing his guitar at that moment i just want to know him so i came closer to him and i approached him


"Uhhmm Hi! im meimei do you mind if sit here?" i asked

"Hi! yes you can sit there." he replied

*awkward* "So you play guitar? this is a good place to play a guitar." *blushes*

"Ahhm Yes i play guitar, by the way im chun wu." he said

"i really want to play guitar but i dont know how" i said

"well it's not easy but its not that hard, Oh! i'm sorry but i still have gonna leave you now" he said


Meimei's (POV)

meimei you're such a dumb why do you need to approach him are you out of your mind he's busy with his guitar and you just poped out from nowhere ..

why do he have to look so cool playing his guitar?

Oh! im such a fool i forgot i still have a class!



My fault i came in late i slowly opened the back door but unfortunately my seat is infront so i walk and guess what evryone looked at me it made me feel like i did something terrible oh how i wish i was invicible that time, after i took my seat i heard someone silently laughing i slighty turn around and i was shocked it was chun he was laughing at me i dont know but i was really embarrassed that time.

(After Class)

"Excuse me chun may i know why are you laughing earlier?" i asked him

*smiles* "You're so cute when you are embarrassed didnt you know that we still have a class?I was wondering what happened to you." he said

"So you knew me before?i mean you that we're on the same class?" i asked

"Of course i do know you" he laughs

*embarrass* "Well that's not funny" i said

"Hey! meimei come here!" aaron at the door shouting

"Your boyfriend is calling you i'm going now." chun said

"He's not my boyfriend he's my friend." *smirk* i said


"Uhhm aaron so what is it about?" i asked him

"Well i'd like to know more about you. If that's ok with you." he said

"Yes id love to be your friend well as you can see i'm working at your shop and i live alone my parents lives in sydney i choose to stay here for some reasons." i said

Aaron and i talked a lot

"Hi! meimei dont you have a work today?" jiro asked

"Oh! yes i do have work today but its too early so i talked first with aaron." i said to jiro

"Is he your boyfriend?" aaron asked

"Uhmm No! he's my friend i'm so sorry i'll introduce you to each other. Aaron this is my friend jiro and jiro this is aaron" i said

*shake hands* "Hi aaron nice to meet you." jiro said

"its nice to meet you too" aaron said

"Great so let's all be friends."  i smiled


At that moment i felt the coldness of the two i think its because they've just met each other few more minutes


"Sorry but i need to go to work now." i said

"Let me walk you to your work" they both said

"Hey! that's great thanks for the offer." i smiled

"Let's go" i said to them

On the way to shop the three of us talked a lot and the coldness i felt earlier is replaced by laughter and stories aaron jiro and i had a good time talking to each other i think we're more closer than before now im comfortable with these two guys.





Dadong/Jiro ------  For those who dont know wang dong cheng's english name is jiro so i just replaced the chinese with his english name, Dadong is his nickname

Ya lun/Aaron ----- Ya Lun is Aaron's chinese name and his english name is Aaron, his nickname is Abhu



Comments?please keep reading ^__^

and subs would make my day ^__^
much love..♥♥♥

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poor Meimei :( uhhh I wouldn't mind Aaron hugging me ;) hehe <br />
keep up the good work ^-^
hehe no problem since I like your story :D and thanks for the new updates ^-^<br />
I still hope Meimei ends up with Aaron ;) hehe
aoxiaomei #3
@Amaliya thank you so much for reading still :)) im happy you liked the updates ... ♥♥♥
aoxiaomei #4
sorry for the late updates :) i've been busy the past days...
of course I'll keep reading :D hehe nice updates ^-^ can't wait to find out what's going to happen next!
aoxiaomei #6
sorry for the super late update ^__^ hope you'll keep reading ..
yay updates :) aww poor meimei :(
thanks for the updates :D uhh can't wait to find out what's going to happen now :)
aoxiaomei #9
@Amaliya thank you so much for reading ^__^ hhmmm yeah i feel sad for him when im writing this chapter.. weird :)
Poor Jiro... :( looking forward to find out who Meimei ends with :)