Here comes another

The one to keep

After a long talk with dadong we finally reached the shop.
"Here we are this is where i work." i said to dadong

"Wow its a cake shop! i love cakes." smiles

"Really? then i'll buy you something for walking with me." i said

"Hhmm maybe next time i really need to go now somethings came up." dadong said

"Is that so then off you go." i smiled

"Thank you so much." i added

"No its ok i was the one who insist i'm gonna go frst do well at your job" he said and he ran

i entered the shop and saw a guy talking to ms. lun 
"Hi meimei you're already here come i'll introduce you to my son" she said

"We've been dismissed early so i went straight here" i said

As i walk closer to them the guy looked down and before i reach them the guy pulled ms. lun


"That's her! that's her! mom she's the girl i'm talking about" said the guy

"Oh! i see so then let's go and i'll introduce you to her" said ms. lun

*confused* "Excuse me ms. lun?" i said

"I'm so sorry about that meimei" she said

"No its fine" i said *smiles*


(Earlier before meimei arrive at the shop)

aaron came running.
"Mom! mom! where are you?" he said searching all over the place

"Im here what's wrong? you're too loud,why are you such in a hurry?" ms. lun asked
"Mom! i saw her! she's in the same class with me!" aaron said

"What? saw who?" *confused* ms. lun asked

"The girl i want to be with she's pretty and quiet and she's just the one i like to be with!" *excitement* aaron said smiling

"Oh! really? so what's her name? did you talk to her? i want to see her." ms. lun said

*sad* "No i didnt talked to her, and i dont know her name also, some guy approach her before i do." aaron said

"What a slow guy you're just like your father" her mom


meimei arrives


"Ah! meimei i'd like you to meet my son, aaron yan." ms.lun said

"Oh, hi aaron i'm meimei chan its nice to meet you." i smiled

"Uhm.....Im ........ Yes......... I mean its nice to meet you too are you having a good time here?" aaron asked

"Yes ms. lun is very nice to me and this work is not really hard at all. i get used to it already" i said

*confused* "Ms. lun? Oh mom will you please stop using that name?"  He said to her mom

"Im sorry dear, but may i introduce my self again?" she asked me

"I think that's fine" i smiled

"Im Mrs. aileen yan, sorry for using the name ms.lun" she smiled at me

"That's ok now i know" i smiled

"Uhm meimei you know we're on the same class." aaron butted in

"hhmm .. Really? i'm so sorry i didnt notice you i was thinking of something all day" i said to him

"She should be working now." ms.yan singing

"Oh! yes do you have some free time tomorrow? id like to talk to you" aaron said

"hhmm yes i believe we have a free time tomorrow, about what?" I asked

"You'll know it tomorrow." he said before he leaves the shop

"Hhmmm i guess my son has grown up now." ms.yan said

"Well that means?" i asked

"You'll know. Now lets get to work silly girl, i'll leave the store to you i'll be going home now." ms.yan said

*puzzled* "Yes! see you tomorrow ms.yan" i smiled and waved at her.


Meimei's (POV)

That ms.yan is very unpredictable i dont even know what runs into her mind.

And her son aaron, i thik he looks like his father, he has nice smile, cute eyes, small face, and he's tall
staying here in taiwan is getting more interesting. I wonder if i can make some more friends.

I better tell mom about this.






Please keep reading ^__^
Thank you soooo much you guys make my day with your comments and suggestions ^__^ hhhmmm thank you for subscribing also and please .. i need more subscribers ^__^ 

About the characters above:

Mrs. Aileen Yan  -----  Aaron Yan's Mother/Owner of the cake shop

Aaron Yan/Yan Ya Lun -----  Ms.Yan's Son/Classmate of meimei

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poor Meimei :( uhhh I wouldn't mind Aaron hugging me ;) hehe <br />
keep up the good work ^-^
hehe no problem since I like your story :D and thanks for the new updates ^-^<br />
I still hope Meimei ends up with Aaron ;) hehe
aoxiaomei #3
@Amaliya thank you so much for reading still :)) im happy you liked the updates ... ♥♥♥
aoxiaomei #4
sorry for the late updates :) i've been busy the past days...
of course I'll keep reading :D hehe nice updates ^-^ can't wait to find out what's going to happen next!
aoxiaomei #6
sorry for the super late update ^__^ hope you'll keep reading ..
yay updates :) aww poor meimei :(
thanks for the updates :D uhh can't wait to find out what's going to happen now :)
aoxiaomei #9
@Amaliya thank you so much for reading ^__^ hhmmm yeah i feel sad for him when im writing this chapter.. weird :)
Poor Jiro... :( looking forward to find out who Meimei ends with :)