Feel You

Thirst And Love




I spotted Krystal first thing in the morning in our school. I think she knows something about what happened to me yesterday because I clearly remember she was with me in the infirmary. I look at her straight in the eyes so that she will never lie when I asked her.


“You collapsed in our class yesterday because you had a sudden headache then you rested in the infirmary and went home early.” she answered. I furrowed my brows then I look away.


“That’s all? I didn’t say anything to you?” I asked. She shook her head.


“Don’t think too much my Amber. You are just stressing yourself.”she said to me as she link her arm to mine then smiled.




I saw Amber with Krystal. I think my best friend had already softened his heart for her. I got worried of what happened to him yesterday. I went to visit him yesterday but he is still asleep.


“Good morning my beautiful bestfriend.”he greeted me with his dorky smile. I notice Krystal take a glance at me then she looked away, pouting.


“Good morning my handsome bestfriend.”I replied then smile at him then looked at Krystal. “Good morning.” I added


“Morning.”she replied.


 “Are you okay now? I went into your house yesterday but you were still asleep.” I asked Amber.


“Oh, I had just a sudden headache but I’m okay now.”he answered.


I feel his forehead to make sure he doesn’t have a fever or something. Krystal looked at me with furrowed brows. Looking at her, I think she got annoyed of what I did.


“R—Really Suz, I’m fine now.”Amber said, then start to blush.




Amber always blushed everytime Suzy touch him. I even can hear his heart pounding. I let go of him, I can feel that my chest is heavy and I don't feel good. I bid my goodbye to them since I have a different class.I can get off of my mind on how Amber reacted when Suzy touch his forehead. I wonder if he has a the same reaction if I am the one who did it. In our class together, I waited for him to sit on his chair. He always enter the room with her.


"Hi!" I greet him cheerfully with a smile.


"Hey."he answered and smile faintly.


He sit down on his chair and I stare at him. Watching every move he make. I looked at his forehead, I really wanted to feel his forehead to just like what Suzy did this morning. 


"Do you want to say something to me?"he asked me without turning his head.


Then I extend my hand into his forehead. He immediately turn to me, looking surprise of what I did. I wanted to see him blush but all I see is just his face still in normal color.


"Wh--What are you doing?"he said as he looked away. I pulled back my hand.


"I wanted to feel your forehead and make you blush. But it seems only Suzy can do that." I said to him and looked away then pout.


* Lab Dub *


I instantly looked at him when I hear his heart pound.

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I think this is all for now...I will update my other fic tomorrow the ULLT..


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Chapter 46: Nice!!! Thankyou for the story author nim :D
Clatomere001 #2
Chapter 46: Sequel, pls!!
27Shinobi #3
Chapter 46: Good job on this story!
Tikaa_25 #4
Chapter 46: Your talent is no joke author!!! Even most of your story amber as a boy ,i didn't found this weird or else..i enjoy it a lot ..please continue you writing...fighting!!!
Chapter 46: Still funny in 2016. Hope you comeback author
mareza4 #6
Chapter 46: I like the story
I hope you can make the sequel
TwinTurtles #7
Chapter 46: This story is so good! Oh man I loved the ending it was great! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
bep510 #8
Chapter 46: I regret keeping this story stored instead of reading it. I really love your writing author, even if it's genderbender most of the time. :)
dolphindork #9
Chapter 46: Cool story
Good writting skill :D
Chapter 46: omo this story is really jjang!!! Good job author :D