I Can Try

The next day passed quickly and school was over.
I was keeping my books in my locker when I felt someone behind me.
I turned,"Ilhoon ah,do you have the materials?"
He sighed and nodded,"Yes I do."
"Then lets go."
I walked with him and he kept glancing at me.
"What's wrong with you?" I asked him straight.
"You keep looking at me."
"No I'm not."
"Yeah whatever."
There was silence for a while.
"Can I ask you something?" Ilhoon looked curious.
"Why don't you smile?"
I stopped walking and stared blankly.
I looked at him and sighed,"I don't usually smile."
"Figured that out,but why?"
I continued walking,"I just don't okay?"
He ran up to me,"Hey don't get so touchy,I'm just asking."
"Okay then,why do you always shout don't touch me?"
This time he froze and stared at me,"I just don't like it when people touch me."
"Oh,like what?Its your complex?"
He frowned and walked away,"Yeah skinship is my complex okay?"
"Geez now you're touchy."
We reached his house and it was relatively big,like mine in some ways.
"Is anyone home?"
"I live alone."
I started feeling weird,no one is home and he brought me here?
"Yah don't act like I'm gonna eat you,just sit on the sofa okay?"
I sighed,"Well I shouldn't worry over a guy like him."
I placed my things down and Ilhoon came back with some water.
I stared at it.
"Aish I didn't drug it okay?"
I stared at him and shrugged,taking a sip of the water.
He cleared his throat,"So how are we gonna start?"
We did some research and collected some information.Hours flew by and it was already almost ten.
I stretched myself and looked at my watch,"Oh my goodness its so late."
"You need to go back?"
"Of course I do,aish I didn't even have dinner."
He smirked,"Come on,we'll have dinner then I'll send you home."
I looked at him quizzically,"You serious?"
"Aish,"he grabbed my books and pushed me to the door.
I wore my shoes and we left for dinner.We ate at a small shop and he paid for me which was,nice?
I don't know,I didn't know he could be like this.
We took a slow walk back to my home and we talked about random things.
"So,did you have a boyfriend before?"
"Hmm,no,not really."
"What does that mean?"
"Just friends."
"Ah,did you like any guy before?"
"Um,not really?"
"Why not?"
"Don't feel like having one?"
"Oh." He gave me a knowing look.
I decided to ask him,"How about you,had a girlfriend?"
He thought about it,"Yeah,one."
"Still together?"
"Not really,no,we broke up a long time ago."
"Okay,not intending to have another one?"
He smirked,"Not right now."
I smiled,"Mm,okay."
He chuckled a bit.
He looked at me,"You smiled,the first time I see you smile."
I covered my mouth and flushed red,"Oh jinjja?"
He nodded,"Its pretty."
I slipped on a puddle of water and Ilhoon caught me.
I stared at him,what the.
"You okay?"
I nodded and he lifted me up.
My mind was a bit off now,was this the same guy I knew the past months?
We reached my home and I thanked him.
"No problem,be careful okay?"
And he walked back home.
I sat on my bed and stared at the ceiling,was that really Ilhoon?
I shook my head,argh my head is hurting.



A/N: Well this is today's second update! Enjoy!

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I do not own anything in this story except for the storyline and please feel free to share this story but no plagerizing! :)


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MitsuKyuYamazaki #1
Chapter 10: Kyaaaa ilhoon XD
Good job <3
Chapter 10: Ilhoon doesn't like skinship right?
Maybe when he has girlfriend someday. He will be the one who love skinship the most.
Haha. He's so cute in here!!! <3
BassLover16 #3
Chapter 10: So adorable! I wish there was more!
Chapter 10: ya~~!!!so cute~!!i luv tis fic=^.^=
Chapter 10: TOOO CUUTTEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I died a little inside from reading this. :3
Chapter 10: I loved it <3 Good job!!
meHEARTu #7
Chapter 10: It's soooooooo cute^^
Chapter 10: Awwww! Too cute!! haha
Ilhoon is sooo sweet *.*
Chapter 10: sweet chapter !!!! aarrghh !!! ilhoon so cute !! ><