red like roses


its been a month since alex and arvin had spoke. no matter how much she wanted to speak to him, he disappears.while walking towards the library, she saw him. 

"arvin!!" she called out.

arvin turned and saw her but didnt pay any if he didnt see her and just continued on his way.witnessing this made her heart ache.'why is he avoiding me?' she asked herself, going inside the library.3 hours had pass, alex felt her eyes getting heavier and drifted to a slumber.arvin soon went in and found her asleep.he bit his lower lip."i'm sorry,alex,all i can do now is to stay away from you to keep you safe" he whispered to her ear.alex woke up from that and saw him leaving."arvin?"she mumbled.

alex arrived home, all gloomy. " oh hello, dear, you're home early." Her mom said. There was another presence in the room other than her mother's. "What are you doing here?" Alex asked, wearing a confused look. "I guess this was a bad time to come here." It was Karl. Alex was horrified. She slammed the door of her room.  " Alex, Karl's only here to get you to Korea for a better check's only for 3 years." Her mom said. " MOM!!!!!  This isn't what I wanted! I want to graduate college with my friends, not without them" she said.

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